예제 #1
    def save_fields(cls, fname, flds, **kwargs):
        assert len(flds) > 0
        fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname))

        if isinstance(flds, list):
            if isinstance(flds[0], (list, tuple)):
                flds = OrderedDict(flds)
                flds = OrderedDict([(fld.name, fld) for fld in flds])

        fld_dict = {}

        # setup crds
        # FIXME: all coordinates are saved as non-uniform, the proper
        #        way to do this is to have let coordinate format its own
        #        hdf5 / xdmf / numpy binary output
        fld0 = next(iter(flds.values()))
        clist = fld0.crds.get_clist(full_arrays=True)
        axis_names = []
        for axis_name, crdarr in clist:
            fld_dict[axis_name] = crdarr
        fld_dict[cls._KEY_CRDS] = np.array(axis_names)

        # setup fields
        # dict comprehension invalid in Python 2.6
        # fld_names = {key.lower(): [] for key in cls._KEY_FLDS.keys()}
        fld_names = {}
        for key in cls._KEY_FLDS.keys():
            fld_names[key.lower()] = []

        for name, fld in flds.items():
            fld_dict[name] = fld.data

        for center, names_lst in fld_names.items():
            fld_dict[cls._KEY_FLDS[center.lower()]] = np.array(names_lst)

        if fname.endswith(".npz"):
            fname = fname[:-4]
        np.savez(fname, **fld_dict)
예제 #2
    def save_fields(cls, fname, flds, complevel=0, compression='gzip',
                    compression_opts=None, **kwargs):
        """ save some fields using the format given by the class """
        # FIXME: this is only good for writing cartesian rectilnear flds
        # FIXME: axes are renamed if flds[0] is 1D or 2D
        assert len(flds) > 0
        fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname))

        if complevel and compression == 'gzip' and compression_opts is None:
            compression_opts = complevel
        # TODO: what if compression != 'gzip'
        do_compression = compression_opts is not None

        if isinstance(flds, list):
            if isinstance(flds[0], (list, tuple)):
                flds = OrderedDict(flds)
                flds = OrderedDict([(fld.name, fld) for fld in flds])

        # FIXME: all coordinates are saved as non-uniform, the proper
        #        way to do this is to have let coordinate format its own
        #        hdf5 / xdmf / numpy binary output
        fld0 = next(iter(flds.values()))
        clist = fld0.crds.get_clist(full_arrays=True)
        crd_arrs = [np.array([0.0])] * 3
        crd_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
        for i, c in enumerate(clist):
            crd_arrs[i] = c[1]
        crd_shape = [len(arr) for arr in crd_arrs]
        time = fld0.time

        # write arrays to the hdf5 file
        with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as f:
            for axis_name, arr in zip(crd_names, crd_arrs):
                loc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + axis_name
                if do_compression:
                    f.create_dataset(loc, data=arr, compression=compression,
                    f[loc] = arr

            for name, fld in flds.items():
                loc = cls._FLD_GROUPS[fld.center.lower()] + '/' + name
                # xdmf files use kji ordering
                if do_compression:
                    f.create_dataset(loc, data=fld.data.T, compression=compression,
                    f[loc] = fld.data.T

            # big bad openggcm time_str hack to put basetime into hdf5 file
            for fld in flds.values():
                    tfmt = "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S.%f"
                    sec_td = viscid.as_timedelta64(fld.time, 's')
                    dtime = viscid.as_datetime(fld.basetime + sec_td).strftime(tfmt)
                    epoch = viscid.readers.openggcm.GGCM_EPOCH
                    ts = viscid.as_timedelta(fld.basetime - epoch).total_seconds()
                    ts += fld.time
                    timestr = "time= {0} {1:.16e} {2} 300c".format(fld.time, ts, dtime)
                    f['openggcm'].attrs['time_str'] = np.string_(timestr)
                except viscid.NoBasetimeError:

        # now write an xdmf file
        xdmf_fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".xdmf"
        relh5fname = "./" + os.path.basename(fname)
        with open(xdmf_fname, 'w') as f:
            xloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[0]
            yloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[1]
            zloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[2]
            dim_str = " ".join([str(l) for l in crd_shape][::-1])
            s = cls._XDMF_TEMPLATE_RECTILINEAR_GRID_BEGIN.format(
                grid_name="vgrid", crd_dims=dim_str, h5fname=relh5fname,
                xdim=crd_shape[0], ydim=crd_shape[1], zdim=crd_shape[2],
                xloc=xloc, yloc=yloc, zloc=zloc)

            for fld in flds.values():
                _crd_system = viscid.as_crd_system(fld, None)
                if _crd_system:

            for name, fld in flds.items():
                fld = fld.as_flat().T
                dt = fld.dtype.name.rstrip("0123456789").title()
                precision = fld.dtype.itemsize
                fld_dim_str = " ".join([str(l) for l in fld.shape])
                loc = cls._FLD_GROUPS[fld.center.lower()] + '/' + name
                s = cls._XDMF_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE.format(
                    fld_type=fld.fldtype, center=fld.center.title(),
                    dtype=dt, precision=precision, fld_dims=fld_dim_str,
                    h5fname=relh5fname, fld_loc=loc)

예제 #3
class Bucket(object):
    """ This is basically a glorified dict

    It's a convenient dict-like object if you want lots of
    keys for a given value.

        You can add non-hashable items, but this is poorly tested.
        When adding / removing non-hashable items (items, not handles)
        the comparison is done using the object's id. This is
        fundamentally different than using an object's __hash__, but
        it should be fairly transparent.
    _ordered = False

    _ref_count = None  # keys are hashable items, values are # of times item was added
    _hash_lookup = None  # keys are hashable items, values are actual items
    _handles = None  # keys are hashable items, values are list of handles
    _items = None  # keys are handles, values are actual items

    # if index handle, set_item adds this number as a handle and increments it
    # this is useful for hiding loads that are not user initiated, such as
    # an xdmf file loading an h5 file under the covers
    _int_counter = None

    def __init__(self, ordered=False):
        self._ordered = ordered

        self._int_counter = 0

    def _set_empty_dicts(self):
        if self._ordered:
            self._ref_count = OrderedDict()
            self._hash_lookup = OrderedDict()
            self._handles = OrderedDict()
            self._items = OrderedDict()
            self._ref_count = {}
            self._hash_lookup = {}
            self._handles = {}
            self._items = {}

    def _make_hashable(item):
            return item
        except TypeError:
            return "<{0} @ {1}>".format(type(item), hex(id(item)))

    def items(self):
        for hashable_item, item in self._hash_lookup.items():
            yield self._handles[hashable_item], item

    def keys(self):
        return self._handles.values()

    def values(self):
        return self._hash_lookup.values()

    def set_item(self, handles, item, index_handle=True, _add_ref=False):
        """ if index_handle is true then the index of item will be included as
            a handle making the bucket indexable like a list """
        # found = False
        if handles is None:
            handles = []
        if not isinstance(handles, list):
            raise TypeError("handle must by of list type")

        # make sure we have a hashable "item" for doing reverse
        # lookups of handles using an item
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
        if hashable_item not in self._hash_lookup:
            if index_handle:
                handles += [self._int_counter]
                self._int_counter += 1

        handles_added = []
        for h in handles:
            # check if we're stealing a handle from another item
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("A bucket says handle '{0}' is not hashable, "
                             "ignoring it".format(h))

            if (h in self._items) and (item is self._items[h]):
            elif h in self._items:
                logger.error("The handle '{0}' is being hijacked! Memory leak "
                             "could ensue.".format(h))
                # romove handle from old item, since this check is here,
                # there sholdn't be 2 items with the same handle in the
                # items dict
                old_item = self._items[h]
                old_hashable_item = self._make_hashable(old_item)
                if len(self._handles[old_hashable_item]) == 0:
            self._items[h] = item

            self._handles[hashable_item] += handles_added
            if _add_ref:
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] += 1
        except KeyError:
            if len(handles_added) == 0:
                logger.error("No valid handles given, item '{0}' not added to "

                self._handles[hashable_item] = handles_added
                self._hash_lookup[hashable_item] = item
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] = 1

        return None

    def _remove_item(self, item):
        """remove item no matter what

        You may want to use remove_
        , raises ValueError if item is not found """
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
        handles = self._handles[hashable_item]
        for h in handles:
            del self._items[h]
        del self._hash_lookup[hashable_item]
        del self._handles[hashable_item]
        del self._ref_count[hashable_item]

    def _remove_item_by_handle(self, handle):

    def remove_item(self, item):

    def remove_item_by_handle(self, handle):
        """ remove item by handle, raises KeyError if handle is not found """

    def remove_reference(self, item, _ref_count=1):
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
            self._ref_count[hashable_item] -= _ref_count
        except KeyError:
            item = self[item]
            hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
            if _ref_count:
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] -= _ref_count
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] = 0

        # FIXME: unload_all_files breaks this assert check... probably a bug
        # assert self._ref_count[hashable_item] >= 0, \
        #     "problem with bucket ref counting {0}".format(hashable_item)
        if self._ref_count[hashable_item] <= 0:

    def remove_all_items(self):
        """ unload all items """

    def items_as_list(self):
        return list(self._hash_lookup.values())

    def get_primary_handles(self):
        """Return a list of the first handles for all items"""
        return [handles[0] for handles in self._handles.values()]

    def handle_string(self, prefix=""):
        """ return string representation of handles and items """
        # this is inefficient, but probably doesn't matter
        s = ""
        for item, handles in self._handles.items():
            hands = [repr(h) for h in handles]
            s += "{0}handles: {1}\n".format(prefix, ", ".join(hands))
            s += "{0}  item: {1}\n".format(prefix, str(item))
        return s

    def print_tree(self, prefix=""):
        print(self.handle_string(prefix=prefix), end='')

    def __getitem__(self, handle):
        return self._items[handle]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
            key = list(key)
        elif key is not None:
            key = [key]
        self.set_item(key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, handle):
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            # maybe we are asking to remove an item explicitly

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.values().__iter__()

    def contains_item(self, item):
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
        return hashable_item in self._handles

    def contains_handle(self, handle):
            return handle in self._items
        except TypeError:
            return False

    def __contains__(self, handle):
        return self.contains_handle(handle) or self.contains_item(handle)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._hash_lookup)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.handle_string()
예제 #4
class Bucket(object):
    """ This is basically a glorified dict

    It's a convenient dict-like object if you want lots of
    keys for a given value.

        You can add non-hashable items, but this is poorly tested.
        When adding / removing non-hashable items (items, not handles)
        the comparison is done using the object's id. This is
        fundamentally different than using an object's __hash__, but
        it should be fairly transparent.
    _ordered = False

    _ref_count = None  # keys are hashable items, values are # of times item was added
    _hash_lookup = None  # keys are hashable items, values are actual items
    _handles = None  # keys are hashable items, values are list of handles
    _items = None  # keys are handles, values are actual items

    # if index handle, set_item adds this number as a handle and increments it
    # this is useful for hiding loads that are not user initiated, such as
    # an xdmf file loading an h5 file under the covers
    _int_counter = None

    def __init__(self, ordered=False):
        self._ordered = ordered

        self._int_counter = 0

    def _set_empty_dicts(self):
        if self._ordered:
            self._ref_count = OrderedDict()
            self._hash_lookup = OrderedDict()
            self._handles = OrderedDict()
            self._items = OrderedDict()
            self._ref_count = {}
            self._hash_lookup = {}
            self._handles = {}
            self._items = {}

    def _make_hashable(item):
            return item
        except TypeError:
            return "<{0} @ {1}>".format(type(item), hex(id(item)))

    def items(self):
        for hashable_item, item in self._hash_lookup.items():
            yield self._handles[hashable_item], item

    def keys(self):
        return self._handles.values()

    def values(self):
        return self._hash_lookup.values()

    def set_item(self, handles, item, index_handle=True, _add_ref=False):
        """ if index_handle is true then the index of item will be included as
            a handle making the bucket indexable like a list """
        # found = False
        if handles is None:
            handles = []
        if not isinstance(handles, list):
            raise TypeError("handle must by of list type")

        # make sure we have a hashable "item" for doing reverse
        # lookups of handles using an item
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
        if hashable_item not in self._hash_lookup:
            if index_handle:
                handles += [self._int_counter]
                self._int_counter += 1

        handles_added = []
        for h in handles:
            # check if we're stealing a handle from another item
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("A bucket says handle '{0}' is not hashable, "
                             "ignoring it".format(h))

            if (h in self._items) and (item is self._items[h]):
            elif h in self._items:
                logger.error("The handle '{0}' is being hijacked! Memory leak "
                             "could ensue.".format(h))
                # romove handle from old item, since this check is here,
                # there sholdn't be 2 items with the same handle in the
                # items dict
                old_item = self._items[h]
                old_hashable_item = self._make_hashable(old_item)
                if len(self._handles[old_hashable_item]) == 0:
            self._items[h] = item

            self._handles[hashable_item] += handles_added
            if _add_ref:
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] += 1
        except KeyError:
            if len(handles_added) == 0:
                logger.error("No valid handles given, item '{0}' not added to "

                self._handles[hashable_item] = handles_added
                self._hash_lookup[hashable_item] = item
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] = 1

        return None

    def _remove_item(self, item):
        """remove item no matter what

        You may want to use remove_
        , raises ValueError if item is not found """
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
        handles = self._handles[hashable_item]
        for h in handles:
            del self._items[h]
        del self._hash_lookup[hashable_item]
        del self._handles[hashable_item]
        del self._ref_count[hashable_item]

    def _remove_item_by_handle(self, handle):

    def remove_item(self, item):

    def remove_item_by_handle(self, handle):
        """ remove item by handle, raises KeyError if handle is not found """

    def remove_reference(self, item, _ref_count=1):
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
            self._ref_count[hashable_item] -= _ref_count
        except KeyError:
            item = self[item]
            hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
            if _ref_count:
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] -= _ref_count
                self._ref_count[hashable_item] = 0

        # FIXME: unload_all_files breaks this assert check... probably a bug
        # assert self._ref_count[hashable_item] >= 0, \
        #     "problem with bucket ref counting {0}".format(hashable_item)
        if self._ref_count[hashable_item] <= 0:

    def remove_all_items(self):
        """ unload all items """

    def items_as_list(self):
        return list(self._hash_lookup.values())

    def get_primary_handles(self):
        """Return a list of the first handles for all items"""
        return [handles[0] for handles in self._handles.values()]

    def handle_string(self, prefix=""):
        """ return string representation of handles and items """
        # this is inefficient, but probably doesn't matter
        s = ""
        for item, handles in self._handles.items():
            hands = [repr(h) for h in handles]
            s += "{0}handles: {1}\n".format(prefix, ", ".join(hands))
            s += "{0}  item: {1}\n".format(prefix, str(item))
        return s

    def print_tree(self, prefix=""):
        print(self.handle_string(prefix=prefix), end='')

    def __getitem__(self, handle):
        return self._items[handle]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
            key = list(key)
        elif key is not None:
            key = [key]
        self.set_item(key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, handle):
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            # maybe we are asking to remove an item explicitly

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.values().__iter__()

    def contains_item(self, item):
        hashable_item = self._make_hashable(item)
        return hashable_item in self._handles

    def contains_handle(self, handle):
            return handle in self._items
        except TypeError:
            return False

    def __contains__(self, handle):
        return self.contains_handle(handle) or self.contains_item(handle)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._hash_lookup)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.handle_string()
예제 #5
    def load_files(self, fnames, index_handle=True, file_type=None,
                   _add_ref=False, **kwargs):
        """Load files, and add them to the bucket

        Initialize obj before it's put into the list, whatever is returned
        is what gets stored, returning None means object init failed, do
        not add to the _objs list

            fnames: a list of file names (can cantain glob patterns)
            index_handle: ??
            file_type: a class that is a subclass of VFile, if given,
                use this file type, don't use the autodetect mechanism
            kwargs: passed to file constructor

            A list of VFile instances. The length may not be the same
            as the length of fnames, and the order may not be the same
            in order to accomidate globs and file grouping.
        orig_fnames = fnames

        if not isinstance(fnames, (list, tuple)):
            fnames = [fnames]
        file_lst = []

        # glob and convert to absolute paths
        globbed_fnames = []
        for fname in fnames:
            slglob = slice_globbed_filenames(fname)
            if isinstance(slglob, string_types):
                slglob = [slglob]
            globbed_fnames += slglob
            # print(">>", fname)
            # print("==", globbed_fnames)
            # expanded_fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname))
            # absfname = os.path.abspath(expanded_fname)
            # if '*' in absfname or '?' in absfname:
            #     globbed_fnames += glob(absfname)
            # else:
            #     globbed_fnames += [absfname]
            # Is it necessary to recall abspath here? We did it before
            # the glob to make sure it didn't start with a '.' since that
            # tells glob not to fill wildcards
        fnames = globbed_fnames

        # detect file types
        types_detected = OrderedDict()
        for i, fname in enumerate(fnames):
            _ftype = None
            if file_type is None:
                _ftype = VFile.detect_type(fname)
                _ftype = file_type
            if not _ftype:
                raise RuntimeError("Can't determine type "
                                   "for {0}".format(fname))
            value = (fname, i)
            except KeyError:
                types_detected[_ftype] = [value]

        # see if the file's already been loaded, or load it, and add it
        # to the bucket and all that good stuff
        file_lst = []
        for ftype, vals in types_detected.items():
            names = [v[0] for v in vals]
            # group all file names of a given type
            groups = ftype.group_fnames(names)

            # iterate all the groups and add them
            for group in groups:
                f = None

                handle_name = ftype.collective_name(group)

                    f = self[handle_name]
                except KeyError:
                        f = ftype(group, parent_bucket=self, **kwargs)
                        f.handle_name = handle_name
                    except IOError as e:
                        s = " IOError on file: {0}\n".format(handle_name)
                        s += "              File Type: {0}\n".format(handle_name)
                        s += "              {0}".format(str(e))
                    except ValueError as e:
                        # ... why am i explicitly catching ValueErrors?
                        # i'm probably breaking something by re-raising
                        # this exception, but i didn't document what :(
                        s = " ValueError on file load: {0}\n".format(handle_name)
                        s += "              File Type: {0}\n".format(handle_name)
                        s += "              {0}".format(str(e))
                        # re-raise the last expection

                self.set_item([handle_name], f, index_handle=index_handle,

        if len(file_lst) == 0:
            logger.warn("No files loaded for '{0}', is the path "
        return file_lst
예제 #6
    def save_fields(cls, fname, flds, **kwargs):
        """ save some fields using the format given by the class """
        # FIXME: this is only good for writing cartesian rectilnear flds
        # FIXME: axes are renamed if flds[0] is 1D or 2D
        assert len(flds) > 0
        fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname))

        if isinstance(flds, list):
            if isinstance(flds[0], (list, tuple)):
                flds = OrderedDict(flds)
                flds = OrderedDict([(fld.name, fld) for fld in flds])

        # FIXME: all coordinates are saved as non-uniform, the proper
        #        way to do this is to have let coordinate format its own
        #        hdf5 / xdmf / numpy binary output
        fld0 = next(iter(flds.values()))
        clist = fld0.crds.get_clist(full_arrays=True)
        crd_arrs = [np.array([0.0])] * 3
        crd_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
        for i, c in enumerate(clist):
            crd_arrs[i] = c[1]
        crd_shape = [len(arr) for arr in crd_arrs]
        time = fld0.time

        # write arrays to the hdf5 file
        with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as f:
            for axis_name, arr in zip(crd_names, crd_arrs):
                loc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + axis_name
                f[loc] = arr

            for name, fld in flds.items():
                loc = cls._FLD_GROUPS[fld.center.lower()] + '/' + name
                # xdmf files use kji ordering
                f[loc] = fld.data.T

            # big bad openggcm time_str hack to put basetime into hdf5 file
            for fld in flds.values():
                    tfmt = "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S.%f"
                    sec_td = viscid.as_timedelta64(fld.time, 's')
                    dtime = viscid.as_datetime(fld.basetime + sec_td).strftime(tfmt)
                    epoch = viscid.readers.openggcm.GGCM_EPOCH
                    ts = viscid.as_timedelta(fld.basetime - epoch).total_seconds()
                    ts += fld.time
                    timestr = "time= {0} {1:.16e} {2} 300c".format(fld.time, ts, dtime)
                    f['openggcm'].attrs['time_str'] = np.string_(timestr)
                except viscid.NoBasetimeError:

        # now write an xdmf file
        xdmf_fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".xdmf"
        relh5fname = "./" + os.path.basename(fname)
        with open(xdmf_fname, 'w') as f:
            xloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[0]
            yloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[1]
            zloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[2]
            dim_str = " ".join([str(l) for l in crd_shape][::-1])
            s = cls._XDMF_TEMPLATE_RECTILINEAR_GRID_BEGIN.format(
                grid_name="vgrid", crd_dims=dim_str, h5fname=relh5fname,
                xdim=crd_shape[0], ydim=crd_shape[1], zdim=crd_shape[2],
                xloc=xloc, yloc=yloc, zloc=zloc)

            for fld in flds.values():
                _crd_system = viscid.as_crd_system(fld, None)
                if _crd_system:

            for name, fld in flds.items():
                fld = fld.as_flat().T
                dt = fld.dtype.name.rstrip("0123456789").title()
                precision = fld.dtype.itemsize
                fld_dim_str = " ".join([str(l) for l in fld.shape])
                loc = cls._FLD_GROUPS[fld.center.lower()] + '/' + name
                s = cls._XDMF_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE.format(
                    fld_type=fld.fldtype, center=fld.center.title(),
                    dtype=dt, precision=precision, fld_dims=fld_dim_str,
                    h5fname=relh5fname, fld_loc=loc)

예제 #7
    def load_files(self,
        """Load files, and add them to the bucket

        Initialize obj before it's put into the list, whatever is returned
        is what gets stored, returning None means object init failed, do
        not add to the _objs list

            fnames: a list of file names (can cantain glob patterns)
            index_handle: ??
            file_type: a class that is a subclass of VFile, if given,
                use this file type, don't use the autodetect mechanism
            kwargs: passed to file constructor

            A list of VFile instances. The length may not be the same
            as the length of fnames, and the order may not be the same
            in order to accomidate globs and file grouping.
        orig_fnames = fnames

        if not isinstance(fnames, (list, tuple)):
            fnames = [fnames]
        file_lst = []

        # glob and convert to absolute paths
        globbed_fnames = []
        for fname in fnames:
            slglob = slice_globbed_filenames(fname)
            if isinstance(slglob, string_types):
                slglob = [slglob]
            globbed_fnames += slglob
            # print(">>", fname)
            # print("==", globbed_fnames)
            # expanded_fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname))
            # absfname = os.path.abspath(expanded_fname)
            # if '*' in absfname or '?' in absfname:
            #     globbed_fnames += glob(absfname)
            # else:
            #     globbed_fnames += [absfname]
            # Is it necessary to recall abspath here? We did it before
            # the glob to make sure it didn't start with a '.' since that
            # tells glob not to fill wildcards
        fnames = globbed_fnames

        # detect file types
        types_detected = OrderedDict()
        for i, fname in enumerate(fnames):
            _ftype = None
            if file_type is None:
                _ftype = VFile.detect_type(fname, prefer=prefer)
            elif isinstance(file_type, string_types):
                _ftype = VFile.resolve_type(file_type)
                _ftype = file_type
            if not _ftype:
                raise RuntimeError("Can't determine type "
                                   "for {0}".format(fname))
            value = (fname, i)
            except KeyError:
                types_detected[_ftype] = [value]

        # see if the file's already been loaded, or load it, and add it
        # to the bucket and all that good stuff
        file_lst = []
        for ftype, vals in types_detected.items():
            names = [v[0] for v in vals]
            # group all file names of a given type
            groups = ftype.group_fnames(names)

            # iterate all the groups and add them
            for group in groups:
                f = None

                handle_name = ftype.collective_name(group)

                    f = self[handle_name]
                    if force_reload:
                except KeyError:
                        f = ftype(group, parent_bucket=self, **kwargs)
                        f.handle_name = handle_name
                    except IOError as e:
                        s = " IOError on file: {0}\n".format(handle_name)
                        s += "              File Type: {0}\n".format(
                        s += "              {0}".format(str(e))
                    except ValueError as e:
                        # ... why am i explicitly catching ValueErrors?
                        # i'm probably breaking something by re-raising
                        # this exception, but i didn't document what :(
                        s = " ValueError on file load: {0}\n".format(
                        s += "              File Type: {0}\n".format(
                        s += "              {0}".format(str(e))
                        # re-raise the last expection


        if len(file_lst) == 0:
            logger.warning("No files loaded for '{0}', is the path "
        return file_lst