예제 #1
 def __init__(self, osmFile):
     self.G = read_osm(osmFile)
     self.v = Vissim()
     self.roadTypes = [
         'motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary',
         'traffic_signals', 'bus_stop'
     self.refLat, self.refLng = self.getRefLatLng()
     self.refX, self.refY = self.latLngToMeters(self.refLat, self.refLng)
     self.intersections = self.createIntersectionDict()
     self.ways = self.createWaysDict()
     self.xy = self.createXYDict()
     self.v.createReference(self.refX, self.refY)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, osmFile):
     self.G = read_osm(osmFile)
     self.v = Vissim()
     self.roadTypes = ['motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'secondary',
                       'tertiary', 'traffic_signals', 'bus_stop']
     self.refLat, self.refLng = self.getRefLatLng()
     self.refX, self.refY = self.latLngToMeters(self.refLat, self.refLng)
     self.intersections = self.createIntersectionDict()
     self.ways = self.createWaysDict()
     self.xy = self.createXYDict()
     self.v.createReference(self.refX, self.refY)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, osmFile):

        self.includeBusStops = '--include-bus-stops' in sys.argv  #RV
        self.G, self.osm = read_osm(osmFile)
        c = 0
        for n in self.osm.nodes:
            if (type(self.osm.nodes[n]) is BusStopNode):
                c += 1
        print "Number of bs nodes is %d" % (c)
        self.v = Vissim()
        self.roadTypes = [
            'motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary',
            'traffic_signals', 'bus_stop'
        self.refLat, self.refLng = self.getRefLatLng()
        self.refX, self.refY = self.latLngToMeters(self.refLat, self.refLng)
        self.intersections = self.createIntersectionDict()
        self.ways = self.createWaysDict()
        if ("--loadXYDict" not in sys.argv):
            self.xy = self.createXYDict()
            fh = open('xydict.pickle', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self.xy, open('xydict.pickle', 'wb'))
            self.xy = pickle.load(open('xydict.pickle', 'r'))

        if (self.includeBusStops == True):

        self.v.createReference(self.refX, self.refY)
예제 #4
class OSM(Vissim):
    def __init__(self, osmFile):
        self.G = read_osm(osmFile)
        self.v = Vissim()
        self.roadTypes = ['motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'secondary',
                          'tertiary', 'traffic_signals', 'bus_stop']
        self.refLat, self.refLng = self.getRefLatLng()
        self.refX, self.refY = self.latLngToMeters(self.refLat, self.refLng)
        self.intersections = self.createIntersectionDict()
        self.ways = self.createWaysDict()
        self.xy = self.createXYDict()
        self.v.createReference(self.refX, self.refY)

    # Create reference point
    def getRefLatLng(self):
        """ Get reference lat/lng for xy conversion.
            Input: Graph
            Output: lat, long tuple
        latlng = self.G.node.itervalues().next()
        return latlng['lat'], latlng['lon']

    # Boolean helper functions
    def isOneway(self, attr):
        """ Determine if link is oneway based on OSM attributes.
            Input: OSM attribute
            Output: boolean
        yes = ['yes', 'true', '1', '-1']
        no = ['no', 'false', '0']
        if attr.get('oneway') in yes:
            return True
        elif attr.get('oneway') in no:
            return False
        elif attr.get('highway') == 'motorway':
            return True
        elif attr.get('junction') == 'roundabout':
            return True
            return False

    def isNewWay(self, fromN, toN, prevAttr):
        """ Determine if the current edge is a new way
            Input: edge nodes, current attribute
            Output: boolean
        if prevAttr is None:
            return False
        newID = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]['id']
        oldID = prevAttr.get('id')
        if newID == oldID:
            return False
            return True

    def isIntersection(self, n):
        """ If node has more than two connecting nodes, it's an intersection.
        if len(set(self.G.successors(n) + self.G.predecessors(n))) > 2:
            return True
            return False

    def isExterior(self, n):
        """ If a node has only one successor node and no predecessors, then
            it's at the exterior of the model and pointing in the correct
        if len(self.G.successors(n)) == 1 and len(self.G.predecessors(n)) == 0:
            # These are one-way start points, or bi-directional end points
            return True
            return False

    # Get start nodes and lane info for creating intersection and ways dicts
    def getExteriorNodes(self):
        """ Get a list of nodes that are on the exterior.
        nodes = []
        for n in self.G.nodes():
            if self.isExterior(n):
        return nodes

    def getStartNodes(self):
        """ Get a list of nodes that do not overlap when traversed.
        edgeNodes = self.getExteriorNodes()
        for node in edgeNodes:
            for prev, n in nx.edge_dfs(self.G, source=node):
                if n in edgeNodes:
        return edgeNodes

    # Intersection dict
    def compassBearing(self, pointA, pointB):
        """ Calculates the bearing between two points. Source:
            Output: The bearing in degrees
        if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
            raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")
        lat1 = math.radians(pointA[0])
        lat2 = math.radians(pointB[0])
        diffLong = math.radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])
        x = math.sin(diffLong) * math.cos(lat2)
        y = (math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) - (math.sin(lat1) *
             math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(diffLong)))
        initial = math.atan2(x, y)
        # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
        # from -180 to + 180 which is not what we want for a compass bearing
        # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
        initial = math.degrees(initial)
        compass = round((initial + 360) % 360, 1)
        return compass

    def getIntersection(self, node):
        """ Get direction, bearing and lane information for all intersection
            edges. Bearing is calculated from the common intersection node.
            Input: intersection node
            Output: dictionary of intersection attributes
        intersection = {}
        nodePoint = (self.G.node[node]['lat'], self.G.node[node]['lon'])
        for n in self.G.successors(node):
            attr = self.G.edge[node][n]
            if attr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            nPoint = (self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon'])
            intersection[n] = {'beginning': True, 'lanes':
                               attr.get('lanes', 1), 'bearing':
                               self.compassBearing(nodePoint, nPoint),
                               'oneway': self.isOneway(attr), 'forward':
                               attr.get('lanes:forward', 1), 'backward':
                               attr.get('lanes:backward', 1)}
        for n in self.G.predecessors(node):
            attr = self.G.edge[n][node]
            if attr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            nPoint = (self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon'])
            intersection[n] = {'beginning': False, 'lanes':
                               attr.get('lanes', 1), 'bearing':
                               self.compassBearing(nodePoint, nPoint),
                               'oneway': self.isOneway(attr), 'forward':
                               attr.get('lanes:forward', 1), 'backward':
                               attr.get('lanes:backward', 1)}
        return intersection

    def createIntersectionDict(self):
        """ Use depth-first search to map intersection nodes and lane widths.
            Input: graph, startNode
            Output: dictionary mapping of intersection nodes
        intersections = {}
        for fromN, toN in nx.edge_dfs(self.G):
            if self.isIntersection(toN):
                intersections[toN] = self.getIntersection(toN)
        return intersections

    # Ways dict
    def getTurnLanes(self, attr, direction='forward'):
        """ Parse turn lane info.
            Input: link attribute
            Output: turn lane instructions
        attr = attr['attr']
        if self.isOneway(attr):
            if 'turn:lanes' in attr:
                turns = attr['turn:lanes'].split('|')
            elif 'lanes' in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes'])
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
                turns = ['through']
            if 'turn:lanes:' + direction in attr:
                turns = attr['turn:lanes:' + direction].split('|')
            elif 'lanes:' + direction in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes:' + direction])
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
            elif 'lanes' in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes']) / 2
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
                turns = ['through']
        turns = ['through' if i == '' or i.lower() == 'none' else i for i in
        return [i.split(';') for i in turns]

    def getLanes(self, attr):
        """ Determine number of lanes based on OSM attributes.
            Input: OSM attribute
            Output: tuple with number of lanes (forward, backward),
                    False if no lane numbers specified
        if self.isOneway(attr['attr']):
            return len(self.getTurnLanes(attr)), 0
            forward = len(self.getTurnLanes(attr))
            backward = len(self.getTurnLanes(attr, direction='backward'))
            return forward, backward

    def calcLaneAlignment(self, waysDict):
        """ For a list of ways between two intersections, calculate the
            correct lane transitions as offsets from the centerline.
            Input: dict of ways
            Output: modified dict with offsets
        aFwdAttr = waysDict['forward'].values()[0]
        aBkdAttr = waysDict['backward'].values()[0]
        aFwdLanes, aBkdLanes = self.getLanes(aFwdAttr)
        bFwdAttr = waysDict['forward'].values()[-1]
        bBkdAttr = waysDict['backward'].values()[-1]
        bFwdLanes, bBkdLanes = self.getLanes(bFwdAttr)
        aLanes, bLanes = aFwdLanes + aBkdLanes, bFwdLanes + bBkdLanes
        aDiff, bDiff = aFwdLanes - aBkdLanes, bFwdLanes - bBkdLanes
        # Calculate the offsets for the (A/B) ways: those that connect to an
        # intersection
        if aLanes == bLanes:
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = aBkdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = bFwdLanes / 2.0 - (bDiff / 2.0)
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
        elif aLanes > bLanes:
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = aBkdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdTurns = self.getTurnLanes(aBkdAttr, direction='backward')
            lefts = sum([1 if i == ['left'] else 0 for i in aBkdTurns])
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0) + lefts / 2.0
        elif aLanes < bLanes:
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = bFwdLanes / 2.0 - (bDiff / 2.0)
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdTurns = self.getTurnLanes(bFwdAttr)
            lefts = sum([1 if i == ['left'] else 0 for i in bFwdTurns])
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0) + lefts / 2.0
        # Calculate the offsets for the intermediate ways: those that don't
        # connect to an intersection.
        if len(waysDict['forward']) > 2:
            fwdOffset = bBkdAttr['offset']
            bkdOffset = aFwdAttr['offset']
            fwdAttrs = waysDict['forward'].values()[1:-1]
            bkdAttrs = waysDict['backward'].values()[1:-1]
            for attr in fwdAttrs:
                attr['offset'] = fwdOffset
            for attr in bkdAttrs:
                attr['offset'] = bkdOffset
        fwd = {k + '-F': v for k, v in waysDict['forward'].items()}
        bkd = {k + '-B': v for k, v in waysDict['backward'].items()}
        return dict(fwd, **bkd)

    def getWay(self, ways):
        """ Get way attributes and points.
            Input: coordinate list and attribute dictionary
            Output: way dictionary
        waysDict = OrderedDict()
        if ways == [[]]:
            return waysDict
        for way in ways:
            way = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys([n for n in way]))
            fromN = way[0]
            toN = way[1]
            attr = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]
            fwdLanes, bkdLanes = self.getLanes({'attr': attr})
            if self.isOneway(attr):
                if not waysDict.get('oneway'):
                    waysDict['oneway'] = OrderedDict()
                wayID = attr['id']
                waysDict['oneway'][wayID] = {'forward': True, 'nodes': way,
                                             'attr': attr, 'offset': 0,
                                             'laneNumber': fwdLanes}
                wayID = attr['id']
                if (not waysDict.get('forward') and
                        not waysDict.get('backward')):
                    waysDict['forward'] = OrderedDict()
                    waysDict['backward'] = OrderedDict()
                waysDict['forward'][wayID] = {'forward': True, 'nodes': way,
                                              'attr': attr, 'laneNumber':
                waysDict['backward'][wayID] = {'forward': False, 'nodes':
                                               list(reversed(way)), 'attr':
                                               attr, 'laneNumber': bkdLanes}
        if waysDict.get('forward') and waysDict.get('oneway'):
            fwdBkd = self.calcLaneAlignment(waysDict)
            return dict(fwdBkd, **waysDict['oneway'])
        elif waysDict.get('forward'):
            return self.calcLaneAlignment(waysDict)
        elif waysDict.get('oneway'):
            return waysDict['oneway']

    def createWaysDict(self):
        """ Begin with startNode and traverse the graph, collecting the nodes
            of each way. When a new way is encountered, start a new list of
            nodes. When a new intersection is encountered, pass the list of
            ways to the getWay function for processing.
            Input: graph, startNode
            Output: dictionary used for creating VISSIM links
        waysDict = {}
        ways = []
        nodes = []
        prevAttr = None
        currAttr = None
        for fromN, toN in nx.edge_dfs(self.G):
            currAttr = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]
            if currAttr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            if self.isIntersection(fromN):
                ways = []
                nodes = []
            elif self.isNewWay(fromN, toN, prevAttr):
                nodes = []
            prevAttr = currAttr
            if self.isExterior(toN):
        return waysDict

    # XY dict - translate nodes from ways dict to X,Y points including lane
    # offsets

    def getWayByNode(self, fromN, toN):
        if (fromN, toN) in self.G.edges():
            # Forward way
            wayID = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]['id']
            if wayID in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID
            elif wayID + '-F' in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID + '-F'
                raise KeyError
        elif (toN, fromN) in self.G.edges():
            # Backward way
            wayID = self.G.edge[toN][fromN]['id'] + '-B'
            if wayID in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID
                raise KeyError
            raise KeyError

    def calcTurn(self, startBearing, endBearing):
        thruMin, thruMax = 135, -135
        leftMin, leftMax = -135, -45
        rightMin, rightMax = 45, 135
        left, right, through = None, None, None
        diff = ((((startBearing-endBearing) % 360)+540) % 360) - 180
        if diff >= thruMin or diff <= thruMax:
            return 'through'
        elif diff > leftMin and diff < leftMax:
            return 'left'
        elif diff > rightMin and diff < rightMax:
            return 'right'
            return None

    def calcTurns(self, intN, fromN):
        """ For a given approach to an intersection, find the wayIDs
            which represent left, through and right turns. In the case where
            a way ends mid-block, then specify the next way to connect to.
            Input: intersection node, from node
            Output: Dict of wayIDs and turn movements
        turns = {'left': [], 'right': [], 'through': []}
        if intN in self.intersections:
            intersection = self.intersections[intN]
            startBearing = intersection[fromN]['bearing']
            for n, attr in intersection.items():
                endBearing = attr['bearing']
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
                    turn = self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing)
            if (fromN in self.G.successors(intN) and
                    len(self.G.predecessors(intN)) == 1):
                n = self.G.predecessors(intN)[0]
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
            elif (fromN in self.G.predecessors(intN) and
                    len(self.G.successors(intN)) == 1):
                n = self.G.successors(intN)[0]
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
        return turns

    def calcCrossSection(self, intN, fromN, bearing, clockwise=True):
        """ Calculate the parallel offsets for two-way and one-way links
            adjacent to the subject approach link in order to offsets to
            offset the subject link's endpoints.
            Input: intersection attribute, bearing, direction of cross street.
            Output: Adjusted endpoint offset distance
        attr = self.intersections[intN][fromN]
        if attr['oneway']:
            return round(abs(int(attr['lanes']) *
                             math.sin(math.radians(bearing))) / 2.0, 1)
            if clockwise:
                if attr['beginning']:
                    # way is pointing away from the intersection
                    lane = 'backward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
                    # way is pointing toward the intersection
                    lane = 'forward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, fromN)
                if attr['beginning']:
                    lane = 'forward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, fromN)
                    lane = 'backward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
            offset = float(self.ways[wayID]['offset'])
            offset += int(attr[lane]) / 2.0
            return round(abs(offset * math.sin(math.radians(bearing))), 1)

    def getCrossStreets(self, intN, fromN):
        """ Get cross street lane width information.
            Input: node pairs approaching intersection
            Output: cross section information
        intersection = self.intersections[intN]
        startBearing = intersection[fromN]['bearing']
        minBearing, maxBearing = None, None
        left, right = None, None
        for n, attr in intersection.items():
            endBearing = attr['bearing']
            diff = ((((startBearing-endBearing) % 360)+540) % 360) - 180
            if self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing) == 'left':
                left = n
                maxBearing = diff
            elif self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing) == 'right':
                right = n
                minBearing = diff
        if left:
            leftLane = self.calcCrossSection(intN, left, maxBearing,
            leftLane = 0
        if right:
            rightLane = self.calcCrossSection(intN, right, minBearing)
            rightLane = 0
        return max([leftLane, rightLane])

    def latLngToMeters(self, lat, lng):
        """ Convert lat/lng to meters from 0,0 point on WGS84 map.
            Input: WGS84 lat/lng
            Output: x,y in meters
        assert abs(lng) <= 180, '%s exceeds longitudinal domain' % (lng)
        extent = 20015085  # height/width in meters of the VISSIM map
        x = lng * extent / 180.0
        y = (math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi / 360.0)) /
             (math.pi / 180.0))
        y = y * extent / 180.0
        return x, y

    def getLatLng(self, n):
        """ Return lat/lng tuple for a given node.
        return self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon']

    def nodeToScaledMeters(self, n):
        """ Apply Mercator scaling factor based on latitude to xy points.
            Input: node
            Output: correctly scaled xy
        lat, lng = self.getLatLng(n)
        x, y = self.latLngToMeters(lat, lng)
        scale = 1 / math.cos(math.radians(self.refLat))
        scaleX = (x - self.refX) / scale
        scaleY = (y - self.refY) / scale
        return (scaleX, scaleY, '0')

    def nodesToXY(self, attr):
        """ Process links dictionary to calculate proper XY coordinates.
            Input: links dictionary
            Output: updated links dictionary with xy dictionary
        width = self.v.defaultWidth
        nodes = attr['nodes']
        point3D = attr['point3D'] = [self.nodeToScaledMeters(n) for n in nodes]
        # Parallel
        if not self.isOneway(attr):
            dist = attr['offset'] * width
            point3D = geo.offsetParallel(point3D, dist)
        # Endpoints / Turns
        if nodes[0] in self.intersections:
            dist = self.getCrossStreets(nodes[0], nodes[1]) * width
            point3D[0] = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, dist)
        if nodes[-1] in self.intersections:
            dist = self.getCrossStreets(nodes[-1], nodes[-2]) * width
            point3D[-1] = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, dist, beginning=False)
        # Turn dictionary only for ways pointing toward the intersection
        attr['turns'] = self.calcTurns(nodes[-1], nodes[-2])
        attr['point3D'] = [stringify(i) for i in point3D]
        return attr

    def createXYDict(self):
        """ Create a dictionary for each way calculating node locations in
            XY space, compass bearing and intersection offsets.
        xy = {}
        for k, attr in self.ways.items():
            xy[k] = self.nodesToXY(attr)
        return xy

    # Create VISSM objects from OSM
    def importLinks(self):
        """ Create links based on xy dictionary, using attributes and
            centerlines as a guide.
            Input: xy dictionary
            Output: modifies vissim object in place
        for wayID, attr in self.xy.items():
            point3D = attr['point3D']
            lanes = int(attr['laneNumber']) * [self.v.defaultWidth]
            self.v.Links.createLink(**{'point3D': point3D, 'lane': lanes,
                                       'name': wayID})

    def hasTurn(self, turnLanes, turn):
        """ Check if a turning movement exists at an approach.
            Input: turnLanes, turn
            Output: bool
        for lane in turnLanes:
            if turn in lane:
                return True
        return False

    def processTurns(self, fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, turn):
        turns = sum([1 if turn in lane else 0 for lane in turnLanes])
        fromLane = min([i+1 if turn in v else '' for i, v in
        for wayID in turnTo[turn]:
            toLink = self.v.Links._getAttributes('name', wayID)['no']
            lanes = len(self.v.Links.getLanes(toLink))
            if lanes < turns:
                turns = lanes
            toLane = lanes - turns + 1
            self.v.Links.createConnector(fromLink, fromLane, toLink, toLane,

    def importConnectors(self):
        """ Create connectors based on xy dictionary.
            Input: xy dictionary
            Output: modifies vissim object in place
        for wayID, attr in self.xy.items():
            if 'turns' in attr:
                if wayID[-1] == 'B':
                    direction = 'backward'
                    direction = 'forward'
                fromLink = self.v.Links._getAttributes('name', wayID)['no']
                turnTo = attr['turns']
                turnLanes = self.getTurnLanes(attr, direction=direction)
                if len(turnTo['left']) > 0 and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'left'):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'left')
                if (len(turnTo['through']) > 0 and
                        self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'through')):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'through')
                if (len(turnTo['right']) > 0 and
                        self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'right')):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'right')
예제 #5
class OSM(Vissim):
    def __init__(self, osmFile):

        self.includeBusStops = '--include-bus-stops' in sys.argv  #RV
        self.G, self.osm = read_osm(osmFile)
        c = 0
        for n in self.osm.nodes:
            if (type(self.osm.nodes[n]) is BusStopNode):
                c += 1
        print "Number of bs nodes is %d" % (c)
        self.v = Vissim()
        self.roadTypes = [
            'motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary',
            'traffic_signals', 'bus_stop'
        self.refLat, self.refLng = self.getRefLatLng()
        self.refX, self.refY = self.latLngToMeters(self.refLat, self.refLng)
        self.intersections = self.createIntersectionDict()
        self.ways = self.createWaysDict()
        if ("--loadXYDict" not in sys.argv):
            self.xy = self.createXYDict()
            fh = open('xydict.pickle', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self.xy, open('xydict.pickle', 'wb'))
            self.xy = pickle.load(open('xydict.pickle', 'r'))

        if (self.includeBusStops == True):

        self.v.createReference(self.refX, self.refY)
        plt.ylim(-1.0, 1.0);
        x = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
        plt.plot(x, 2*np.sin(x*5));

    # Create reference point
    def getRefLatLng(self):
        """ Get reference lat/lng for xy conversion.
            Input: Graph
            Output: lat, long tuple
        latlng = self.G.node.itervalues().next()
        return latlng['lat'], latlng['lon']

    # Boolean helper functions
    def isOneway(self, attr):
        """ Determine if link is oneway based on OSM attributes.
            Input: OSM attribute
            Output: boolean
        yes = ['yes', 'true', '1', '-1']
        no = ['no', 'false', '0']
        if attr.get('oneway') in yes:
            return True
        elif attr.get('oneway') in no:
            return False
        elif attr.get('highway') == 'motorway':
            return True
        elif attr.get('junction') == 'roundabout':
            return True
            return False

    def isNewWay(self, fromN, toN, prevAttr):
        """ Determine if the current edge is a new way
            Input: edge nodes, current attribute
            Output: boolean
        if prevAttr is None:
            return False
        newID = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]['id']
        oldID = prevAttr.get('id')
        if newID == oldID:
            return False
            return True

    def isIntersection(self, n):
        """ If node has more than two connecting nodes, it's an intersection.
        if len(set(self.G.successors(n) + self.G.predecessors(n))) > 2:
            return True
            return False

    def isExterior(self, n):
        """ If a node has only one successor node and no predecessors, then
            it's at the exterior of the model and pointing in the correct
        if len(self.G.successors(n)) == 1 and len(self.G.predecessors(n)) == 0:
            # These are one-way start points, or bi-directional end points
            return True
            return False

    # Get start nodes and lane info for creating intersection and ways dicts
    def getExteriorNodes(self):
        """ Get a list of nodes that are on the exterior.
        nodes = []
        for n in self.G.nodes():
            if self.isExterior(n):
        return nodes

    def getStartNodes(self):
        """ Get a list of nodes that do not overlap when traversed.
        edgeNodes = self.getExteriorNodes()
        for node in edgeNodes:
            for prev, n in nx.edge_dfs(self.G, source=node):
                if n in edgeNodes:
        return edgeNodes

    # Intersection dict
    def compassBearing(self, pointA, pointB):
        """ Calculates the bearing between two points. Source:
            Output: The bearing in degrees
        if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
            raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")
        lat1 = math.radians(pointA[0])
        lat2 = math.radians(pointB[0])
        diffLong = math.radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])
        x = math.sin(diffLong) * math.cos(lat2)
        y = (math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) -
             (math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(diffLong)))
        initial = math.atan2(x, y)
        # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
        # from -180 to + 180 which is not what we want for a compass bearing
        # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
        initial = math.degrees(initial)
        compass = round((initial + 360) % 360, 1)
        return compass

    def getIntersection(self, node):
        """ Get direction, bearing and lane information for all intersection
            edges. Bearing is calculated from the common intersection node.
            Input: intersection node
            Output: dictionary of intersection attributes
        intersection = {}
        nodePoint = (self.G.node[node]['lat'], self.G.node[node]['lon'])
        for n in self.G.successors(node):
            attr = self.G.edge[node][n]
            if attr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            nPoint = (self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon'])
            intersection[n] = {
                'beginning': True,
                'lanes': attr.get('lanes', 1),
                'bearing': self.compassBearing(nodePoint, nPoint),
                'oneway': self.isOneway(attr),
                'forward': attr.get('lanes:forward', 1),
                'backward': attr.get('lanes:backward', 1)
        for n in self.G.predecessors(node):
            attr = self.G.edge[n][node]
            if attr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            nPoint = (self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon'])
            intersection[n] = {
                'beginning': False,
                'lanes': attr.get('lanes', 1),
                'bearing': self.compassBearing(nodePoint, nPoint),
                'oneway': self.isOneway(attr),
                'forward': attr.get('lanes:forward', 1),
                'backward': attr.get('lanes:backward', 1)
        return intersection

    def createIntersectionDict(self):
        """ Use depth-first search to map intersection nodes and lane widths.
            Input: graph, startNode
            Output: dictionary mapping of intersection nodes
        intersections = {}
        for fromN, toN in nx.edge_dfs(self.G):
            if self.isIntersection(toN):
                print 'Processing intersection %d' % (int(toN))
                intersections[toN] = self.getIntersection(toN)
        return intersections

    # Ways dict
    def getTurnLanes(self, attr, direction='forward'):
        """ Parse turn lane info.
            Input: link attribute
            Output: turn lane instructions
        attr = attr['attr']
        if self.isOneway(attr):
            if 'turn:lanes' in attr:
                turns = attr['turn:lanes'].split('|')
            elif 'lanes' in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes'])
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
                turns = ['through']
            if 'turn:lanes:' + direction in attr:
                turns = attr['turn:lanes:' + direction].split('|')
            elif 'lanes:' + direction in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes:' + direction])
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
            elif 'lanes' in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes']) / 2
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
                turns = ['through']
        turns = [
            'through' if i == '' or i.lower() == 'none' else i for i in turns
        return [i.split(';') for i in turns]

    def getLanes(self, attr):
        """ Determine number of lanes based on OSM attributes.
            Input: OSM attribute
            Output: tuple with number of lanes (forward, backward),
                    False if no lane numbers specified
        if self.isOneway(attr['attr']):
            return len(self.getTurnLanes(attr)), 0
            forward = len(self.getTurnLanes(attr))
            backward = len(self.getTurnLanes(attr, direction='backward'))
            return forward, backward

    def calcLaneAlignment(self, waysDict):
        """ For a list of ways between two intersections, calculate the
            correct lane transitions as offsets from the centerline.
            Input: dict of ways
            Output: modified dict with offsets
        aFwdAttr = waysDict['forward'].values()[0]
        aBkdAttr = waysDict['backward'].values()[0]
        aFwdLanes, aBkdLanes = self.getLanes(aFwdAttr)
        bFwdAttr = waysDict['forward'].values()[-1]
        bBkdAttr = waysDict['backward'].values()[-1]
        bFwdLanes, bBkdLanes = self.getLanes(bFwdAttr)
        aLanes, bLanes = aFwdLanes + aBkdLanes, bFwdLanes + bBkdLanes
        aDiff, bDiff = aFwdLanes - aBkdLanes, bFwdLanes - bBkdLanes
        # Calculate the offsets for the (A/B) ways: those that connect to an
        # intersection
        if aLanes == bLanes:
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = aBkdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = bFwdLanes / 2.0 - (bDiff / 2.0)
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
        elif aLanes > bLanes:
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = aBkdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdTurns = self.getTurnLanes(aBkdAttr, direction='backward')
            lefts = sum([1 if i == ['left'] else 0 for i in aBkdTurns])
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0) + lefts / 2.0
        elif aLanes < bLanes:
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = bFwdLanes / 2.0 - (bDiff / 2.0)
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdTurns = self.getTurnLanes(bFwdAttr)
            lefts = sum([1 if i == ['left'] else 0 for i in bFwdTurns])
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0) + lefts / 2.0
        # Calculate the offsets for the intermediate ways: those that don't
        # connect to an intersection.
        if len(waysDict['forward']) > 2:
            fwdOffset = bBkdAttr['offset']
            bkdOffset = aFwdAttr['offset']
            fwdAttrs = waysDict['forward'].values()[1:-1]
            bkdAttrs = waysDict['backward'].values()[1:-1]
            for attr in fwdAttrs:
                attr['offset'] = fwdOffset
            for attr in bkdAttrs:
                attr['offset'] = bkdOffset
        fwd = {k + '-F': v for k, v in waysDict['forward'].items()}
        bkd = {k + '-B': v for k, v in waysDict['backward'].items()}
        return dict(fwd, **bkd)

    def getWay(self, ways):
        """ Get way attributes and points.
            Input: coordinate list and attribute dictionary
            Output: way dictionary
        waysDict = OrderedDict()
        if ways == [[]]:
            return waysDict
        for way in ways:
            way = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys([n for n in way]))
            fromN = way[0]
            toN = way[1]
            attr = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]
            fwdLanes, bkdLanes = self.getLanes({'attr': attr})
            if self.isOneway(attr):
                if not waysDict.get('oneway'):
                    waysDict['oneway'] = OrderedDict()
                wayID = attr['id']
                waysDict['oneway'][wayID] = {
                    'forward': True,
                    'nodes': way,
                    'attr': attr,
                    'offset': 0,
                    'laneNumber': fwdLanes
                wayID = attr['id']
                if (not waysDict.get('forward')
                        and not waysDict.get('backward')):
                    waysDict['forward'] = OrderedDict()
                    waysDict['backward'] = OrderedDict()
                waysDict['forward'][wayID] = {
                    'forward': True,
                    'nodes': way,
                    'attr': attr,
                    'laneNumber': fwdLanes
                waysDict['backward'][wayID] = {
                    'forward': False,
                    'nodes': list(reversed(way)),
                    'attr': attr,
                    'laneNumber': bkdLanes
        if waysDict.get('forward') and waysDict.get('oneway'):
            fwdBkd = self.calcLaneAlignment(waysDict)
            return dict(fwdBkd, **waysDict['oneway'])
        elif waysDict.get('forward'):
            return self.calcLaneAlignment(waysDict)
        elif waysDict.get('oneway'):
            return waysDict['oneway']

    def createWaysDict(self):
        """ Begin with startNode and traverse the graph, collecting the nodes
            of each way. When a new way is encountered, start a new list of
            nodes. When a new intersection is encountered, pass the list of
            ways to the getWay function for processing.
            Input: graph, startNode
            Output: dictionary used for creating VISSIM links
        waysDict = {}
        ways = []
        nodes = []
        prevAttr = None
        currAttr = None

        for fromN, toN in nx.edge_dfs(self.G):
            currAttr = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]
            print 'createWaysDict : fromN %s toN %s ' % (fromN, toN)
            #print currAttr['highway']
            if currAttr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            if self.isIntersection(fromN):
                #                print ways
                ways = []
                nodes = []
            elif self.isNewWay(fromN, toN, prevAttr):
                nodes = []
            prevAttr = currAttr
            if self.isExterior(toN):
        return waysDict

    # XY dict - translate nodes from ways dict to X,Y points including lane
    # offsets

    def getWayByNode(self, fromN, toN):
        if (fromN, toN) in self.G.edges():
            # Forward way
            wayID = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]['id']
            if wayID in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID
            elif wayID + '-F' in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID + '-F'
                raise KeyError
        elif (toN, fromN) in self.G.edges():
            # Backward way
            wayID = self.G.edge[toN][fromN]['id'] + '-B'
            if wayID in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID
                raise KeyError
            raise KeyError

	RV Encodes the link id for vissim based on wayID used in this script
	Input : wayID e.g typical syntax : '175878996-2' 
	Output : link ID in vissim syntax  e.g.  u'17587899602'

    def wayIDToVissimLinkNumber(self, wayID):
        tmp = wayID
        tmp2 = tmp.replace('-', '0', 1)
        tmp3 = tmp2.split('-')
        return (tmp3[0])

	RV Encodes wayID used in this script from the vissim link id
	Input : link ID in vissim syntax  e.g.  u'17587899602'
	Output : wayID e.g typical syntax : e.g typical syntax : '175878996-2' 

    def vissimLinkNumberToWayID(self, vlinkID):

	RV Returns all the way ids with the specified name

    def getWayByName(self, name):
        wByN = []
        for w in self.ways:
            #print self.ways[w]['attr']['name']
                if (self.ways[w]['attr']['name'] == name):
                #print 'Warning : way %s has no name' %(w)
        return wByN

	RV Gets the way nearest to the given lat,lon

    def getNearestLinks(self, btNum, wayList, latlon):
        p1 = latlon
        BusStopPoint3D = self.latLngToScaledMeters(p1[0], p1[1])
        p2 = latlon
        offset = 0.0
        nw = wayList[0]
        validLinksDict = {}
        curr = []
        validLinksDict[btNum] = curr
        for w in wayList:
            print 'processing way %s with %d nodes ' % (
                w, len(self.ways[w]['nodes']))
            linkAttr = {}
            linkAttr['wayID'] = w
            OriginOfWayPoint3D = self.ways[w]['point3D'][0]
            EndOfWayPoint3D = self.ways[w]['point3D'][-1]
            linkAttr['linkLength'] = geo.getDistance(OriginOfWayPoint3D,
            # len should be at least 2
            tmpSegList = []
            for i in range(len(self.ways[w]['nodes']) - 1):
                node1Point3D = self.ways[w]['point3D'][i]
                node2Point3D = self.ways[w]['point3D'][i + 1]
                nwl = geo.getDistance(node1Point3D, node2Point3D)
                #print 'processing segment of way %s with len  %f ' %(w, nwl)

                BSPointOnWay = geo.getNearestPointOnSegment(
                    BusStopPoint3D, (node1Point3D, node2Point3D))
                if (BSPointOnWay == None):
                    #print '+++ Nearest point not on segment ; Skipping way %s' %(w)
                # else valid perp to Bus stop found on segment
                newpd = geo.getDistance(BusStopPoint3D, BSPointOnWay)
                linkAttr['PerpDistance'] = newpd
                linkAttr['BusStopPoint'] = BSPointOnWay
                linkAttr['DistanceToOrigin'] = geo.getDistance(
                    BusStopPoint3D, OriginOfWayPoint3D)
                linkAttr['DistanceToEnd'] = geo.getDistance(
                    BusStopPoint3D, EndOfWayPoint3D)
                linkAttr['Offset'] = geo.getDistance(BSPointOnWay,
            if (len(tmpSegList) == 0):

            vls = sorted(tmpSegList, key=lambda k: k['PerpDistance'])
            curr = validLinksDict[btNum]
                validLinksDict[btNum] = curr
                print '*** Failed to add item to valid links Dictionary'
        return validLinksDict

	RV Gets the nearest link 
	todo : add checks - link segment which can fit the bus stop in it

    def selectNearest(self, validLinks):
        #print 'Processing %d links ' %(len(validLinks))
        if (len(validLinks) <= 0):
            print 'Empty list of links'
            return None
        vls = sorted(validLinks, key=lambda k: k['PerpDistance'])
        # add check here - perpDistance should not be more than 10m >

        linkAttr = vls[0]
        newd1 = linkAttr['DistanceToOrigin']
        if ((newd1 + 20.0) > linkAttr['linkLength']
            ):  # since cannot accomodate start of busstop ?
            print '+++Warning : may need to skip  link %s ; since too short?' % (
        return linkAttr


    def calcTurn(self, startBearing, endBearing):
        thruMin, thruMax = 135, -135
        leftMin, leftMax = -135, -45
        rightMin, rightMax = 45, 135
        left, right, through = None, None, None
        diff = ((((startBearing - endBearing) % 360) + 540) % 360) - 180
        if diff >= thruMin or diff <= thruMax:
            return 'through'
        elif diff > leftMin and diff < leftMax:
            return 'left'
        elif diff > rightMin and diff < rightMax:
            return 'right'
            return None

    def calcTurns(self, intN, fromN):
        """ For a given approach to an intersection, find the wayIDs
            which represent left, through and right turns. In the case where
            a way ends mid-block, then specify the next way to connect to.
            Input: intersection node, from node
            Output: Dict of wayIDs and turn movements
        turns = {'left': [], 'right': [], 'through': []}
            way1 = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
            way1Attr = self.ways[way1]
            way1TurnLanes = self.getTurnLanes(way1Attr)
            way1Turns = {}
        if intN in self.intersections:
            intersection = self.intersections[intN]
            startBearing = intersection[fromN]['bearing']
            for n, attr in intersection.items():
                endBearing = attr['bearing']
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
                    wayIDAttr = self.ways[wayID]
                    wayIDTurnLanes = self.getTurnLanes(wayIDAttr)

                    turn = self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing)
                    # handle case where wayID is a little piece of the same
                    # way as way1 but should have been ideally fused into one
                    # way
                    # if wayID is having a right turn, add that id also.
                    # if wayID is having a left turn, add that id also.
                    if (turn == 'through'):
                        if self.hasTurn(wayIDTurnLanes,
                                        'right') and self.hasTurn(
                                            way1TurnLanes, 'right'):
                        if self.hasTurn(wayIDTurnLanes,
                                        'left') and self.hasTurn(
                                            way1TurnLanes, 'left'):

            if (fromN in self.G.successors(intN)
                    and len(self.G.predecessors(intN)) == 1):
                n = self.G.predecessors(intN)[0]
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
            elif (fromN in self.G.predecessors(intN)
                  and len(self.G.successors(intN)) == 1):
                n = self.G.successors(intN)[0]
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
        return turns

    def calcCrossSection(self, intN, fromN, bearing, clockwise=True):
        """ Calculate the parallel offsets for two-way and one-way links
            adjacent to the subject approach link in order to offsets to
            offset the subject link's endpoints.
            Input: intersection attribute, bearing, direction of cross street.
            Output: Adjusted endpoint offset distance
        attr = self.intersections[intN][fromN]
        if attr['oneway']:
            return round(
                abs(int(attr['lanes']) * math.sin(math.radians(bearing))) /
                2.0, 1)
            if clockwise:
                if attr['beginning']:
                    # way is pointing away from the intersection
                    lane = 'backward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
                    # way is pointing toward the intersection
                    lane = 'forward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, fromN)
                if attr['beginning']:
                    lane = 'forward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, fromN)
                    lane = 'backward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
            offset = float(self.ways[wayID]['offset'])
            offset += int(attr[lane]) / 2.0
            return round(abs(offset * math.sin(math.radians(bearing))), 1)

    def getCrossStreets(self, intN, fromN):
        """ Get cross street lane width information.
            Input: node pairs approaching intersection
            Output: cross section information
        intersection = self.intersections[intN]
        startBearing = intersection[fromN]['bearing']
        minBearing, maxBearing = None, None
        left, right = None, None
        for n, attr in intersection.items():
            endBearing = attr['bearing']
            diff = ((((startBearing - endBearing) % 360) + 540) % 360) - 180
            if self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing) == 'left':
                left = n
                maxBearing = diff
            elif self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing) == 'right':
                right = n
                minBearing = diff
        if left:
            leftLane = self.calcCrossSection(intN,
            leftLane = 0
        if right:
            rightLane = self.calcCrossSection(intN, right, minBearing)
            rightLane = 0
        return max([leftLane, rightLane])

    def latLngToMeters(self, lat, lng):
        """ Convert lat/lng to meters from 0,0 point on WGS84 map.
            Input: WGS84 lat/lng
            Output: x,y in meters
        assert abs(lng) <= 180, '%s exceeds longitudinal domain' % (lng)
        extent = 20015085  # height/width in meters of the VISSIM map
        x = lng * extent / 180.0
        y = (math.log(math.tan(
            (90 + lat) * math.pi / 360.0)) / (math.pi / 180.0))
        y = y * extent / 180.0
        return x, y

    def latLngToScaledMeters(self, lat, lng):
        x, y = self.latLngToMeters(lat, lng)
        scale = 1 / math.cos(math.radians(self.refLat))
        scaleX = (x - self.refX) / scale
        scaleY = (y - self.refY) / scale
        return (scaleX, scaleY, 0)

    def getLatLng(self, n):
        """ Return lat/lng tuple for a given node.
        return self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon']

    def nodeToScaledMeters(self, n):
        """ Apply Mercator scaling factor based on latitude to xy points.
            Input: node
            Output: correctly scaled xy
        lat, lng = self.getLatLng(n)
        x, y = self.latLngToMeters(lat, lng)
        scale = 1 / math.cos(math.radians(self.refLat))
        scaleX = (x - self.refX) / scale
        scaleY = (y - self.refY) / scale
        return (scaleX, scaleY, 0)

    def nodesToXY(self, attr):
        """ Process links dictionary to calculate proper XY coordinates.
            Input: links dictionary
            Output: updated links dictionary with xy dictionary
        width = self.v.defaultWidth
        nodes = attr['nodes']
        #print "#######", nodes
        point3D = attr['point3D'] = [self.nodeToScaledMeters(n) for n in nodes]
        #print point3D

        # Parallel
        if not self.isOneway(attr):
            dist = attr['offset'] * width
            #print "###", point3D
            #print nodes
            #tt = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, 1.0)
            #print tt
            #print "@@@", point3D
            '''tt = [[468.514244231,48.6922583583,0],
            point3D = geo.offsetParallel(point3D, dist)
            #point3D = geo.offsetParallel(point3D, dist)
        # Endpoints / Turns
        if nodes[0] in self.intersections:
            dist = self.getCrossStreets(nodes[0], nodes[1]) * width
            point3D[0] = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, dist)
        if nodes[-1] in self.intersections:
            dist = self.getCrossStreets(nodes[-1], nodes[-2]) * width
            point3D[-1] = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, dist, beginning=False)
        # Turn dictionary only for ways pointing toward the intersection
        attr['turns'] = self.calcTurns(nodes[-1], nodes[-2])
        attr['point3D'] = [stringify(i) for i in point3D]
        return attr

    def createXYDict(self):
        """ Create a dictionary for each way calculating node locations in
            XY space, compass bearing and intersection offsets.
        xy = {}
        for k, attr in self.ways.items():
            #print self.ways
            #RV extract the relevant parts of the way id without the -B/-F encoding
            tmp = k
            if (k.endswith('-B') or k.endswith('-F')):
                tmp3 = tmp.split('-')
                tmp = tmp3[0] + '-' + tmp3[1]
            print 'XY>>  Way being processed %s ' % (tmp)
            xy[tmp] = self.nodesToXY(attr)
        return xy

    # Create VISSM objects from OSM
    def importLinks(self):
        """ Create links based on xy dictionary, using attributes and
            centerlines as a guide.
            Input: xy dictionary
            Output: modifies vissim object in place
        for wayID, attr in self.xy.items():
            point3D = attr['point3D']
            lanes = int(attr['laneNumber']) * [self.v.defaultWidth]
            tmp = self.wayIDToVissimLinkNumber(wayID)
                    'point3D': point3D,
                    'lane': lanes,
                    'no': tmp
                print 'Could not create link for %s' % (tmp)


    def hasTurn(self, turnLanes, turn):
        """ Check if a turning movement exists at an approach.
            Input: turnLanes, turn
            Output: bool
        for lane in turnLanes:
            if turn in lane:
                return True
        return False

    def processTurns(self, fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, turn):
        turns = sum([1 if turn in lane else 0 for lane in turnLanes])
        fromLane = min([
            i + 1 if turn in v else ''
            for i, v in enumerate(reversed(turnLanes))
        for wayID in turnTo[turn]:
            tmp = self.wayIDToVissimLinkNumber(wayID)
            print 'Processing wayid old %s new %s' % (wayID, tmp)
                attr = self.v.Links._getAttributes('no', tmp)
                toLink = self.v.Links._getAttributes('no', tmp)['no']
                lanes = len(self.v.Links.getLanes(toLink))
                print ' Attribute/lanes not found for way %s' % (tmp)
            if lanes < turns:
                turns = lanes
            toLane = lanes - turns + 1
                self.v.Links.createConnector(fromLink, fromLane, toLink,
                                             toLane, turns)
                print ' creat connector failed '

    def importConnectors(self):
        """ Create connectors based on xy dictionary.
            Input: xy dictionary
            Output: modifies vissim object in place
        for wayID, attr in self.xy.items():
            if 'turns' in attr:
                if wayID[-1] == 'B':
                    direction = 'backward'
                    direction = 'forward'
                tmp = self.wayIDToVissimLinkNumber(wayID)
                print 'Processing wayid %s' % (tmp)
                    fromLink = self.v.Links._getAttributes('no', tmp)['no']
                    print 'Discarding wayID %s' % (tmp)
                turnTo = attr['turns']
                turnLanes = self.getTurnLanes(attr, direction=direction)
                if len(turnTo['left']) > 0 and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'left'):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'left')
                if (len(turnTo['through']) > 0
                        and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'through')):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'through')
                if (len(turnTo['right']) > 0
                        and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'right')):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'right')

    def processBusStops(self):
        ptStops = []
        for n in self.osm.nodes:
            if (type(self.osm.nodes[n]) is BusStopNode):
                    locName = self.osm.nodes[n].tags['location']
                    locName = ''
                    btNum = int(self.osm.nodes[n].tags['asset_ref'])
                    # skip bus stop without a bt number
                print 'NonWayNode found of type %s <%d> is at location %s' % (
                    self.osm.nodes[n].typeTag, btNum, locName)
                wayList = []
                lat = self.osm.nodes[n].lat
                lon = self.osm.nodes[n].lon
                wayList = self.getWayByName(locName)
                if (len(wayList) != 0):
                    nearestLinks = self.getNearestLinks(
                        btNum, wayList,
                        (self.osm.nodes[n].lat, self.osm.nodes[n].lon))
                    if (len(nearestLinks[btNum]) == 0):
                    nearestWay = self.selectNearest(nearestLinks[btNum])
                    if (nearestWay == None):
                        print 'No links for bus stop %d ' % (btNum)
                    print 'Nearest Way is %s <len %f> at distance %f m from BusStop' % (
                        nearestWay['wayID'], nearestWay['linkLength'],
                    #print 'Offset of bus-stop to start of link is %f meters' %(nearestWay['DistanceToOrigin'])
                    pts = self.InitPTStop(btNum, nearestWay)
                    print 'No ways with name %s ' % (locName)

        print 'Processed Bus stops -- count = %d' % (len(ptStops))
        for i in range(len(ptStops)):
            print ptStops[i]

        #RV --2018--Jan--


    def InitPTStop(self, btNum, wayInfo):

        ptStopRecord = {}
        ptStopRecord['no'] = btNum
        if (wayInfo['linkLength'] < 20):
            print ' Bus stop on v. short way'
            ptStopRecord['length'] = wayInfo['linkLength']
        offset = wayInfo['DistanceToOrigin']
        if ((offset + 20) >= wayInfo['linkLength']):
            print ' Adjusting offset for Bus stop '
            offset = offset - 20.0
            if (offset < 0.0):  #RV No negative offsets
                offset = 0.0
        ptStopRecord['pos'] = offset
        #RV : fix the lane number
        lanes = int(self.ways[wayInfo['wayID']]['laneNumber'])
        tmp = self.wayIDToVissimLinkNumber(wayInfo['wayID'])
        ptStopRecord['lane'] = tmp + ' ' + str(lanes)
        return ptStopRecord
예제 #6
class OSM(Vissim):
    def __init__(self, osmFile):
        self.G = read_osm(osmFile)
        self.v = Vissim()
        self.roadTypes = [
            'motorway', 'motorway_link', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary',
            'traffic_signals', 'bus_stop'
        self.refLat, self.refLng = self.getRefLatLng()
        self.refX, self.refY = self.latLngToMeters(self.refLat, self.refLng)
        self.intersections = self.createIntersectionDict()
        self.ways = self.createWaysDict()
        self.xy = self.createXYDict()
        self.v.createReference(self.refX, self.refY)

    # Create reference point
    def getRefLatLng(self):
        """ Get reference lat/lng for xy conversion.
            Input: Graph
            Output: lat, long tuple
        latlng = self.G.node.itervalues().next()
        return latlng['lat'], latlng['lon']

    # Boolean helper functions
    def isOneway(self, attr):
        """ Determine if link is oneway based on OSM attributes.
            Input: OSM attribute
            Output: boolean
        yes = ['yes', 'true', '1', '-1']
        no = ['no', 'false', '0']
        if attr.get('oneway') in yes:
            return True
        elif attr.get('oneway') in no:
            return False
        elif attr.get('highway') == 'motorway':
            return True
        elif attr.get('junction') == 'roundabout':
            return True
            return False

    def isNewWay(self, fromN, toN, prevAttr):
        """ Determine if the current edge is a new way
            Input: edge nodes, current attribute
            Output: boolean
        if prevAttr is None:
            return False
        newID = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]['id']
        oldID = prevAttr.get('id')
        if newID == oldID:
            return False
            return True

    def isIntersection(self, n):
        """ If node has more than two connecting nodes, it's an intersection.
        if len(set(self.G.successors(n) + self.G.predecessors(n))) > 2:
            return True
            return False

    def isExterior(self, n):
        """ If a node has only one successor node and no predecessors, then
            it's at the exterior of the model and pointing in the correct
        if len(self.G.successors(n)) == 1 and len(self.G.predecessors(n)) == 0:
            # These are one-way start points, or bi-directional end points
            return True
            return False

    # Get start nodes and lane info for creating intersection and ways dicts
    def getExteriorNodes(self):
        """ Get a list of nodes that are on the exterior.
        nodes = []
        for n in self.G.nodes():
            if self.isExterior(n):
        return nodes

    def getStartNodes(self):
        """ Get a list of nodes that do not overlap when traversed.
        edgeNodes = self.getExteriorNodes()
        for node in edgeNodes:
            for prev, n in nx.edge_dfs(self.G, source=node):
                if n in edgeNodes:
        return edgeNodes

    # Intersection dict
    def compassBearing(self, pointA, pointB):
        """ Calculates the bearing between two points. Source:
            Output: The bearing in degrees
        if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
            raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")
        lat1 = math.radians(pointA[0])
        lat2 = math.radians(pointB[0])
        diffLong = math.radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])
        x = math.sin(diffLong) * math.cos(lat2)
        y = (math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) -
             (math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(diffLong)))
        initial = math.atan2(x, y)
        # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
        # from -180 to + 180 which is not what we want for a compass bearing
        # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
        initial = math.degrees(initial)
        compass = round((initial + 360) % 360, 1)
        return compass

    def getIntersection(self, node):
        """ Get direction, bearing and lane information for all intersection
            edges. Bearing is calculated from the common intersection node.
            Input: intersection node
            Output: dictionary of intersection attributes
        intersection = {}
        nodePoint = (self.G.node[node]['lat'], self.G.node[node]['lon'])
        for n in self.G.successors(node):
            attr = self.G.edge[node][n]
            if attr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            nPoint = (self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon'])
            intersection[n] = {
                'beginning': True,
                'lanes': attr.get('lanes', 1),
                'bearing': self.compassBearing(nodePoint, nPoint),
                'oneway': self.isOneway(attr),
                'forward': attr.get('lanes:forward', 1),
                'backward': attr.get('lanes:backward', 1)
        for n in self.G.predecessors(node):
            attr = self.G.edge[n][node]
            if attr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            nPoint = (self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon'])
            intersection[n] = {
                'beginning': False,
                'lanes': attr.get('lanes', 1),
                'bearing': self.compassBearing(nodePoint, nPoint),
                'oneway': self.isOneway(attr),
                'forward': attr.get('lanes:forward', 1),
                'backward': attr.get('lanes:backward', 1)
        return intersection

    def createIntersectionDict(self):
        """ Use depth-first search to map intersection nodes and lane widths.
            Input: graph, startNode
            Output: dictionary mapping of intersection nodes
        intersections = {}
        for fromN, toN in nx.edge_dfs(self.G):
            if self.isIntersection(toN):
                intersections[toN] = self.getIntersection(toN)
        return intersections

    # Ways dict
    def getTurnLanes(self, attr, direction='forward'):
        """ Parse turn lane info.
            Input: link attribute
            Output: turn lane instructions
        attr = attr['attr']
        if self.isOneway(attr):
            if 'turn:lanes' in attr:
                turns = attr['turn:lanes'].split('|')
            elif 'lanes' in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes'])
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
                turns = ['through']
            if 'turn:lanes:' + direction in attr:
                turns = attr['turn:lanes:' + direction].split('|')
            elif 'lanes:' + direction in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes:' + direction])
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
            elif 'lanes' in attr:
                lanes = int(attr['lanes']) / 2
                turns = ['through'] * lanes
                turns = ['through']
        turns = [
            'through' if i == '' or i.lower() == 'none' else i for i in turns
        return [i.split(';') for i in turns]

    def getLanes(self, attr):
        """ Determine number of lanes based on OSM attributes.
            Input: OSM attribute
            Output: tuple with number of lanes (forward, backward),
                    False if no lane numbers specified
        if self.isOneway(attr['attr']):
            return len(self.getTurnLanes(attr)), 0
            forward = len(self.getTurnLanes(attr))
            backward = len(self.getTurnLanes(attr, direction='backward'))
            return forward, backward

    def calcLaneAlignment(self, waysDict):
        """ For a list of ways between two intersections, calculate the
            correct lane transitions as offsets from the centerline.
            Input: dict of ways
            Output: modified dict with offsets
        aFwdAttr = waysDict['forward'].values()[0]
        aBkdAttr = waysDict['backward'].values()[0]
        aFwdLanes, aBkdLanes = self.getLanes(aFwdAttr)
        bFwdAttr = waysDict['forward'].values()[-1]
        bBkdAttr = waysDict['backward'].values()[-1]
        bFwdLanes, bBkdLanes = self.getLanes(bFwdAttr)
        aLanes, bLanes = aFwdLanes + aBkdLanes, bFwdLanes + bBkdLanes
        aDiff, bDiff = aFwdLanes - aBkdLanes, bFwdLanes - bBkdLanes
        # Calculate the offsets for the (A/B) ways: those that connect to an
        # intersection
        if aLanes == bLanes:
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = aBkdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = bFwdLanes / 2.0 - (bDiff / 2.0)
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
        elif aLanes > bLanes:
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = aBkdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 - (aDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdTurns = self.getTurnLanes(aBkdAttr, direction='backward')
            lefts = sum([1 if i == ['left'] else 0 for i in aBkdTurns])
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0) + lefts / 2.0
        elif aLanes < bLanes:
            bFwdAttr['offset'] = bFwdLanes / 2.0 - (bDiff / 2.0)
            bBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
            aBkdAttr['offset'] = bBkdLanes / 2.0 + (bDiff / 2.0)
            bFwdTurns = self.getTurnLanes(bFwdAttr)
            lefts = sum([1 if i == ['left'] else 0 for i in bFwdTurns])
            aFwdAttr['offset'] = aFwdLanes / 2.0 + (aDiff / 2.0) + lefts / 2.0
        # Calculate the offsets for the intermediate ways: those that don't
        # connect to an intersection.
        if len(waysDict['forward']) > 2:
            fwdOffset = bBkdAttr['offset']
            bkdOffset = aFwdAttr['offset']
            fwdAttrs = waysDict['forward'].values()[1:-1]
            bkdAttrs = waysDict['backward'].values()[1:-1]
            for attr in fwdAttrs:
                attr['offset'] = fwdOffset
            for attr in bkdAttrs:
                attr['offset'] = bkdOffset
        fwd = {k + '-F': v for k, v in waysDict['forward'].items()}
        bkd = {k + '-B': v for k, v in waysDict['backward'].items()}
        return dict(fwd, **bkd)

    def getWay(self, ways):
        """ Get way attributes and points.
            Input: coordinate list and attribute dictionary
            Output: way dictionary
        waysDict = OrderedDict()
        if ways == [[]]:
            return waysDict
        for way in ways:
            way = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys([n for n in way]))
            fromN = way[0]
            toN = way[1]
            attr = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]
            fwdLanes, bkdLanes = self.getLanes({'attr': attr})
            if self.isOneway(attr):
                if not waysDict.get('oneway'):
                    waysDict['oneway'] = OrderedDict()
                wayID = attr['id']
                waysDict['oneway'][wayID] = {
                    'forward': True,
                    'nodes': way,
                    'attr': attr,
                    'offset': 0,
                    'laneNumber': fwdLanes
                wayID = attr['id']
                if (not waysDict.get('forward')
                        and not waysDict.get('backward')):
                    waysDict['forward'] = OrderedDict()
                    waysDict['backward'] = OrderedDict()
                waysDict['forward'][wayID] = {
                    'forward': True,
                    'nodes': way,
                    'attr': attr,
                    'laneNumber': fwdLanes
                waysDict['backward'][wayID] = {
                    'forward': False,
                    'nodes': list(reversed(way)),
                    'attr': attr,
                    'laneNumber': bkdLanes
        if waysDict.get('forward') and waysDict.get('oneway'):
            fwdBkd = self.calcLaneAlignment(waysDict)
            return dict(fwdBkd, **waysDict['oneway'])
        elif waysDict.get('forward'):
            return self.calcLaneAlignment(waysDict)
        elif waysDict.get('oneway'):
            return waysDict['oneway']

    def createWaysDict(self):
        """ Begin with startNode and traverse the graph, collecting the nodes
            of each way. When a new way is encountered, start a new list of
            nodes. When a new intersection is encountered, pass the list of
            ways to the getWay function for processing.
            Input: graph, startNode
            Output: dictionary used for creating VISSIM links
        waysDict = {}
        ways = []
        nodes = []
        prevAttr = None
        currAttr = None
        for fromN, toN in nx.edge_dfs(self.G):
            currAttr = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]
            if currAttr['highway'] not in self.roadTypes:
            if self.isIntersection(fromN):
                ways = []
                nodes = []
            elif self.isNewWay(fromN, toN, prevAttr):
                nodes = []
            prevAttr = currAttr
            if self.isExterior(toN):
        return waysDict

    # XY dict - translate nodes from ways dict to X,Y points including lane
    # offsets

    def getWayByNode(self, fromN, toN):
        if (fromN, toN) in self.G.edges():
            # Forward way
            wayID = self.G.edge[fromN][toN]['id']
            if wayID in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID
            elif wayID + '-F' in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID + '-F'
                raise KeyError
        elif (toN, fromN) in self.G.edges():
            # Backward way
            wayID = self.G.edge[toN][fromN]['id'] + '-B'
            if wayID in self.ways.keys():
                return wayID
                raise KeyError
            raise KeyError

    def calcTurn(self, startBearing, endBearing):
        thruMin, thruMax = 135, -135
        leftMin, leftMax = -135, -45
        rightMin, rightMax = 45, 135
        left, right, through = None, None, None
        diff = ((((startBearing - endBearing) % 360) + 540) % 360) - 180
        if diff >= thruMin or diff <= thruMax:
            return 'through'
        elif diff > leftMin and diff < leftMax:
            return 'left'
        elif diff > rightMin and diff < rightMax:
            return 'right'
            return None

    def calcTurns(self, intN, fromN):
        """ For a given approach to an intersection, find the wayIDs
            which represent left, through and right turns. In the case where
            a way ends mid-block, then specify the next way to connect to.
            Input: intersection node, from node
            Output: Dict of wayIDs and turn movements
        turns = {'left': [], 'right': [], 'through': []}
        if intN in self.intersections:
            intersection = self.intersections[intN]
            startBearing = intersection[fromN]['bearing']
            for n, attr in intersection.items():
                endBearing = attr['bearing']
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
                    turn = self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing)
            if (fromN in self.G.successors(intN)
                    and len(self.G.predecessors(intN)) == 1):
                n = self.G.predecessors(intN)[0]
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
            elif (fromN in self.G.predecessors(intN)
                  and len(self.G.successors(intN)) == 1):
                n = self.G.successors(intN)[0]
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, n)
        return turns

    def calcCrossSection(self, intN, fromN, bearing, clockwise=True):
        """ Calculate the parallel offsets for two-way and one-way links
            adjacent to the subject approach link in order to offsets to
            offset the subject link's endpoints.
            Input: intersection attribute, bearing, direction of cross street.
            Output: Adjusted endpoint offset distance
        attr = self.intersections[intN][fromN]
        if attr['oneway']:
            return round(
                abs(int(attr['lanes']) * math.sin(math.radians(bearing))) /
                2.0, 1)
            if clockwise:
                if attr['beginning']:
                    # way is pointing away from the intersection
                    lane = 'backward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
                    # way is pointing toward the intersection
                    lane = 'forward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, fromN)
                if attr['beginning']:
                    lane = 'forward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(intN, fromN)
                    lane = 'backward'
                    wayID = self.getWayByNode(fromN, intN)
            offset = float(self.ways[wayID]['offset'])
            offset += int(attr[lane]) / 2.0
            return round(abs(offset * math.sin(math.radians(bearing))), 1)

    def getCrossStreets(self, intN, fromN):
        """ Get cross street lane width information.
            Input: node pairs approaching intersection
            Output: cross section information
        intersection = self.intersections[intN]
        startBearing = intersection[fromN]['bearing']
        minBearing, maxBearing = None, None
        left, right = None, None
        for n, attr in intersection.items():
            endBearing = attr['bearing']
            diff = ((((startBearing - endBearing) % 360) + 540) % 360) - 180
            if self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing) == 'left':
                left = n
                maxBearing = diff
            elif self.calcTurn(startBearing, endBearing) == 'right':
                right = n
                minBearing = diff
        if left:
            leftLane = self.calcCrossSection(intN,
            leftLane = 0
        if right:
            rightLane = self.calcCrossSection(intN, right, minBearing)
            rightLane = 0
        return max([leftLane, rightLane])

    def latLngToMeters(self, lat, lng):
        """ Convert lat/lng to meters from 0,0 point on WGS84 map.
            Input: WGS84 lat/lng
            Output: x,y in meters
        assert abs(lng) <= 180, '%s exceeds longitudinal domain' % (lng)
        extent = 20015085  # height/width in meters of the VISSIM map
        x = lng * extent / 180.0
        y = (math.log(math.tan(
            (90 + lat) * math.pi / 360.0)) / (math.pi / 180.0))
        y = y * extent / 180.0
        return x, y

    def getLatLng(self, n):
        """ Return lat/lng tuple for a given node.
        return self.G.node[n]['lat'], self.G.node[n]['lon']

    def nodeToScaledMeters(self, n):
        """ Apply Mercator scaling factor based on latitude to xy points.
            Input: node
            Output: correctly scaled xy
        lat, lng = self.getLatLng(n)
        x, y = self.latLngToMeters(lat, lng)
        scale = 1 / math.cos(math.radians(self.refLat))
        scaleX = (x - self.refX) / scale
        scaleY = (y - self.refY) / scale
        return (scaleX, scaleY, '0')

    def nodesToXY(self, attr):
        """ Process links dictionary to calculate proper XY coordinates.
            Input: links dictionary
            Output: updated links dictionary with xy dictionary
        width = self.v.defaultWidth
        nodes = attr['nodes']
        point3D = attr['point3D'] = [self.nodeToScaledMeters(n) for n in nodes]
        # Parallel
        if not self.isOneway(attr):
            dist = attr['offset'] * width
            point3D = geo.offsetParallel(point3D, dist)
        # Endpoints / Turns
        if nodes[0] in self.intersections:
            dist = self.getCrossStreets(nodes[0], nodes[1]) * width
            point3D[0] = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, dist)
        if nodes[-1] in self.intersections:
            dist = self.getCrossStreets(nodes[-1], nodes[-2]) * width
            point3D[-1] = geo.offsetEndpoint(point3D, dist, beginning=False)
        # Turn dictionary only for ways pointing toward the intersection
        attr['turns'] = self.calcTurns(nodes[-1], nodes[-2])
        attr['point3D'] = [stringify(i) for i in point3D]
        return attr

    def createXYDict(self):
        """ Create a dictionary for each way calculating node locations in
            XY space, compass bearing and intersection offsets.
        xy = {}
        for k, attr in self.ways.items():
            xy[k] = self.nodesToXY(attr)
        return xy

    # Create VISSM objects from OSM
    def importLinks(self):
        """ Create links based on xy dictionary, using attributes and
            centerlines as a guide.
            Input: xy dictionary
            Output: modifies vissim object in place
        for wayID, attr in self.xy.items():
            point3D = attr['point3D']
            lanes = int(attr['laneNumber']) * [self.v.defaultWidth]
                'point3D': point3D,
                'lane': lanes,
                'name': wayID

    def hasTurn(self, turnLanes, turn):
        """ Check if a turning movement exists at an approach.
            Input: turnLanes, turn
            Output: bool
        for lane in turnLanes:
            if turn in lane:
                return True
        return False

    def processTurns(self, fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, turn):
        turns = sum([1 if turn in lane else 0 for lane in turnLanes])
        fromLane = min([
            i + 1 if turn in v else ''
            for i, v in enumerate(reversed(turnLanes))
        for wayID in turnTo[turn]:
            toLink = self.v.Links._getAttributes('name', wayID)['no']
            lanes = len(self.v.Links.getLanes(toLink))
            if lanes < turns:
                turns = lanes
            toLane = lanes - turns + 1
            self.v.Links.createConnector(fromLink, fromLane, toLink, toLane,

    def importConnectors(self):
        """ Create connectors based on xy dictionary.
            Input: xy dictionary
            Output: modifies vissim object in place
        for wayID, attr in self.xy.items():
            if 'turns' in attr:
                if wayID[-1] == 'B':
                    direction = 'backward'
                    direction = 'forward'
                fromLink = self.v.Links._getAttributes('name', wayID)['no']
                turnTo = attr['turns']
                turnLanes = self.getTurnLanes(attr, direction=direction)
                if len(turnTo['left']) > 0 and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'left'):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'left')
                if (len(turnTo['through']) > 0
                        and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'through')):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'through')
                if (len(turnTo['right']) > 0
                        and self.hasTurn(turnLanes, 'right')):
                    self.processTurns(fromLink, turnTo, turnLanes, 'right')