예제 #1
    def load_projectfile(cls, path, create=True, data=None):
        """Given a path, load or create the necessary lockfile.

        :param str path: Path to the project root or lockfile
        :param bool create: Whether to create the lockfile if not found, defaults to True
        :raises OSError: Thrown if the project root directory doesn't exist
        :raises FileNotFoundError: Thrown if the lockfile doesn't exist and ``create=False``
        :return: A project file instance for the supplied project
        :rtype: :class:`~requirementslib.models.project.ProjectFile`

        if not path:
            path = os.curdir
        path = Path(path).absolute()
        project_path = path if path.is_dir() else path.parent
        lockfile_path = path if path.is_file() else project_path / "Pipfile.lock"
        if not project_path.exists():
            raise OSError("Project does not exist: %s" % project_path.as_posix())
        elif not lockfile_path.exists() and not create:
            raise FileNotFoundError("Lockfile does not exist: %s" % lockfile_path.as_posix())
        projectfile = cls.read_projectfile(lockfile_path.as_posix())
        if not lockfile_path.exists():
            if not data:
                path_str = lockfile_path.as_posix()
                if path_str[-5:] == ".lock":
                    pipfile = Path(path_str[:-5])
                    pipfile = project_path.joinpath("Pipfile")
                lf = cls.lockfile_from_pipfile(pipfile)
                lf = plette.lockfiles.Lockfile(data)
            projectfile.model = lf
        return projectfile
예제 #2
    def load_projectfile(cls, path, create=False):
        # type: (Text, bool) -> ProjectFile
        Given a path, load or create the necessary pipfile.

        :param Text path: Path to the project root or pipfile
        :param bool create: Whether to create the pipfile if not found, defaults to True
        :raises OSError: Thrown if the project root directory doesn't exist
        :raises FileNotFoundError: Thrown if the pipfile doesn't exist and ``create=False``
        :return: A project file instance for the supplied project
        :rtype: :class:`~requirementslib.models.project.ProjectFile`
        if not path:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Must pass a path to classmethod 'Pipfile.load'")
        if not isinstance(path, Path):
            path = Path(path).absolute()
        pipfile_path = path if path.is_file() else path.joinpath("Pipfile")
        project_path = pipfile_path.parent
        if not project_path.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError("%s is not a valid project path!" % path)
        elif not pipfile_path.exists() or not pipfile_path.is_file():
            if not create:
                raise RequirementError("%s is not a valid Pipfile" %
        return cls.read_projectfile(pipfile_path.as_posix())
예제 #3
def is_installable_file(path):
    """Determine if a path can potentially be installed"""
    from packaging import specifiers

    if hasattr(path, "keys") and any(
            key for key in path.keys() if key in ["file", "path"]):
        path = urlparse(path["file"]).path if "file" in path else path["path"]
    if not isinstance(path, six.string_types) or path == "*":
        return False

    # If the string starts with a valid specifier operator, test if it is a valid
    # specifier set before making a path object (to avoid breaking windows)
    if any(path.startswith(spec) for spec in "!=<>~"):
        # If this is not a valid specifier, just move on and try it as a path
        except specifiers.InvalidSpecifier:
            return False

    parsed = urlparse(path)
    if parsed.scheme == "file":
        path = parsed.path

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(path)):
        return False

    lookup_path = Path(path)
    absolute_path = "{0}".format(lookup_path.absolute())
    if lookup_path.is_dir() and is_installable_dir(absolute_path):
        return True

    elif lookup_path.is_file() and pip_shims.shims.is_archive_file(
        return True

    return False