def inertial_asteroid_landing_cpp_save(time, state, filename, mayavi_objects, output_path, move_cam=False, mesh_weight=False, magnification=1): """Animation for the landing portion """ mesh, com, time_text, weight_text = mayavi_objects fig = mlab.gcf() camera = ms = mesh.mlab_source ts = com.mlab_source with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hf: v = hf['landing/vertices'][()] f = hf['landing/faces'][()] Ra_group = hf['landing/Ra'] keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(Ra_group.keys()))) ii = 0 for (t, pos, Rb2i, key) in zip(time, state[:, 0:3], state[:, 6:15], keys): mesh.scene.disable_render = True Ra = Ra_group[key][()] Rb2i = Rb2i.reshape((3, 3)) new_vertices = new_faces = f time_text.trait_set(text="t: {:8.1f}".format(t)) # option to change color of mesh_weight ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces) ts.set(x=pos[0], y=pos[1], z=pos[2]) if move_cam: pos_sph = wavefront.cartesian2spherical(pos) graphics.mayavi_view(fig, azimuth=np.rad2deg(pos_sph[2]), elevation=90 - np.rad2deg(pos_sph[1]), distance=pos_sph[0] + 0.5, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) filename = os.path.join(output_path, str(ii).zfill(7) + '.jpg') mesh.scene.disable_render = False graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=magnification) ii += 1
def exploration_generate_plots(data_path, img_path='/tmp/diss_explore', magnification=4, step=1, show=True): """Given a HDF5 file generated by explore (C++) this will generate some plots """ if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path) with h5py.File(data_path, 'r') as hf: rv = hf['reconstructed_vertex'] rw = hf['reconstructed_weight'] # get all the keys v_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rv.keys()))) w_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rw.keys()))) v_initial = hf['initial_vertex'][()] f_initial = hf['initial_faces'][()] w_initial = np.squeeze(hf['initial_weight'][()]) # determine the maximum extents of the mesh and add some margin scale = 1.25 max_x = scale*np.max(v_initial[:, 0]) min_x = scale*np.min(v_initial[:, 0]) max_y = scale*np.max(v_initial[:, 1]) min_y = scale*np.min(v_initial[:, 1]) max_z = scale*np.max(v_initial[:, 2]) min_z = scale*np.min(v_initial[:, 2]) """Partial images during the reconstruction""" mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=(not show)) mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial) ms = mesh.mlab_source graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) partial_index = np.array([0, v_keys.shape[0]*1/4, v_keys.shape[0]*1/2, v_keys.shape[0]*3/4, v_keys.shape[0]*4/4-1], for img_index, vk in enumerate(partial_index): filename = os.path.join(img_path, 'partial_' + str(vk) + '.jpg') v = rv[str(vk)][()] # generate an image and save it ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:,2], triangles=f_initial) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=magnification) """Plot the truth asteroid""" v_true = hf['truth_vertex'][()] f_true = hf['truth_faces'][()] ms.reset(x=v_true[:, 0], y=v_true[:, 1], z=v_true[:,2], triangles=f_true) graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) graphics.mlab.savefig(os.path.join(img_path, 'truth.jpg' ), magnification=magnification)
def castalia_raycasting_plot(img_path): """Generate an image of the raycaster in work """ if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path) output_filename = os.path.join(img_path, 'castalia_raycasting_plot.jpg') input_filename = './data/shape_model/CASTALIA/castalia.obj' polydata = wavefront.read_obj_to_polydata(input_filename) # initialize the raycaster caster_obb = raycaster.RayCaster(polydata, flag='obb') caster_bsp = raycaster.RayCaster(polydata, flag='bsp') sensor = raycaster.Lidar(view_axis=np.array([1, 0, 0]), num_step=3) # need to translate the sensor and give it a pointing direction pos = np.array([2, 0, 0]) dist = 2 # distance for each raycast R = attitude.rot3(np.pi) # find the inersections # targets = pos + sensor.rotate_fov(R) * dist targets = sensor.define_targets(pos, R, dist) intersections_obb = caster_obb.castarray(pos, targets) intersections_bsp = caster_bsp.castarray(pos, targets) # plot fig = graphics.mayavi_figure() graphics.mayavi_addPoly(fig, polydata) graphics.mayavi_addPoint(fig, pos, radius=0.05) # draw lines from pos to all targets for pt in targets: graphics.mayavi_addLine(fig, pos, pt, color=(1, 0, 0)) for ints in intersections_bsp: graphics.mayavi_addPoint(fig, ints, radius=0.05, color=(1, 1, 0)) graphics.mayavi_axes(fig=fig, extent=[-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=fig) # savefig graphics.mayavi_savefig(fig=fig, filename=output_filename, magnification=4)
def asteroid_plots(asteroid_name, asteroid_path, output_directory): """This will generate 4 images for each asteroid. A view along each axis followed by a orthographic view """ # load the asteroid v, f = wavefront.read_obj(asteroid_path) # create the image mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True) graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v, f) filename = os.path.join(output_directory, asteroid_name + '_isometric.jpg') graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, filename, magnification=4) graphics.mayavi_view(mfig, azimuth=0, elevation=0) filename = os.path.join(output_directory, asteroid_name + '_x.jpg') graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, filename, magnification=4) graphics.mayavi_view(mfig, azimuth=90, elevation=0) filename = os.path.join(output_directory, asteroid_name + '_y.jpg') graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, filename, magnification=4) graphics.mayavi_view(mfig, azimuth=0, elevation=90) filename = os.path.join(output_directory, asteroid_name + '_z.jpg') graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, filename, magnification=4)
def asteroid_generate_plots(data_path, img_path='/tmp/diss_reconstruct', magnification=1, step=10): """Given a HDF5 file this will read the data and create a bunch of plots/images """ # check and create output directory if not existed if not os.path.exists(img_path): os.makedirs(img_path) with h5py.File(data_path, 'r') as hf: rv = hf['reconstructed_vertex'] rw = hf['reconstructed_weight'] # get all the keys for the groups v_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rv.keys()))) w_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rw.keys()))) v_initial = hf['initial_vertex'][()] f_initial = hf['initial_faces'][()] w_initial = hf['initial_weight'][()] """Partial images during the reconstruction""" mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True) mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial) ms = mesh.mlab_source graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) partial_index = np.array([ 0, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 2, v_keys.shape[0] * 3 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 4 / 4 - 1 ], for img_index, vk in enumerate(partial_index): filename = os.path.join(img_path, 'partial_' + str(vk) + '.jpg') v = rv[str(vk)][()] # generate an image and save it ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:, 2], triangles=f_initial) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4) """Partial images using a colormap for the data""" mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True) mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial, color=None, colormap='viridis', scalars=w_initial) ms = mesh.mlab_source graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) partial_index = np.array([ 0, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 2, v_keys.shape[0] * 3 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 4 / 4 - 1 ], for img_index, vk in enumerate(partial_index): filename = os.path.join(img_path, 'partial_weights_' + str(vk) + '.jpg') v = rv[str(vk)][()] w = rw[str(vk)][()] # generate an image and save it ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:, 2], triangles=f_initial, scalars=w) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4) """Generate the completed shape at a variety of different angles""" # change the mesh to the finished mesh ms.reset(x=rv[v_keys[-1]][()][:, 0], y=rv[v_keys[-1]][()][:, 1], z=rv[v_keys[-1]][()][:, 2], triangles=f_initial) elevation = np.array([30, -30]) azimuth = np.array([0, 45, 135, 215, 315]) for az, el in itertools.product(azimuth, elevation): filename = os.path.join( img_path, 'final_az=' + str(az) + '_el=' + str(el) + '.jpg') graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig, azimuth=az, elevation=el) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4) """Create a bunch of images for animation""" animation_path = os.path.join(img_path, 'animation') if not os.path.exists(animation_path): os.makedirs(animation_path) ms.reset(x=v_initial[:, 0], y=v_initial[:, 1], z=v_initial[:, 2], triangles=f_initial, scalars=w_initial) graphics.mayavi_view(mfig) for ii, vk in enumerate(v_keys[::step]): filename = os.path.join(animation_path, str(ii).zfill(7) + '.jpg') v = rv[vk][()] w = rw[str(vk)][()] ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:, 2], triangles=f_initial, scalars=w) graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, filename, magnification=magnification) return 0
def inertial_asteroid_refinement_cpp_save(time, state, inertial_intersections, hdf5_file, mayavi_objects, move_cam=False, mesh_weight=False, output_path="/tmp/refinement", magnification=1): """Save the refinment process to a bunch of images""" mesh, com, pc_points, time_text, weight_text = mayavi_objects f = mlab.gcf() camera = # get all the keys for the reconstructed vertices and faces # animate the rotation fo the asteroid ms = mesh.mlab_source ts = com.mlab_source # ast_xs = ast_axes[0].mlab_source # ast_ys = ast_axes[1].mlab_source # ast_zs = ast_axes[2].mlab_source # dum_xs = dum_axes[0].mlab_source # dum_ys = dum_axes[1].mlab_source # dum_zs = dum_axes[2].mlab_source pc_sources = pc_points.mlab_source with h5py.File(hdf5_file, 'r') as hf: # oriignal vertices est_initial_vertices = hf[ 'simulation_parameters/estimate_asteroid/initial_vertices'][()] num_vert = est_initial_vertices.shape[0] rv_group = hf['refinement/reconstructed_vertex'] rf_group = hf['refinement/reconstructed_face'] rw_group = hf['refinement/reconstructed_weight'] Ra_group = hf['refinement/Ra'] rv_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rv_group.keys()))) ii = 0 for (t, pos, Rb2i, ints, key) in zip(time, state[:, 0:3], state[:, 6:15], inertial_intersections, rv_keys): # rotate teh asteroid # Ra = ast.rot_ast2int(t) mesh.scene.disable_render = True Ra = Ra_group[key][()] Rb2i = Rb2i.reshape((3, 3)) # parse out the vertices x, y, z # rotate the asteroid new_vertices =[key][()].T).T new_faces = rf_group[key][()] new_weight = np.squeeze(rw_group[key][()]) # store value for number of vertices # add current time time_text.trait_set(text="t: {:8.1f}".format(t)) weight_text.trait_set(text="w: {:8.1f}".format(np.sum(new_weight))) # update asteroid if mesh_weight: # check if size is different than the last mesh if num_vert != new_vertices.shape[0]: ms.reset(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces, scalars=new_weight) num_vert = new_vertices.shape[0] else: ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces, scalars=new_weight) else: if num_vert != new_vertices.shape[0]: ms.reset(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces) else: ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces) # update the satellite ts.set(x=pos[0], y=pos[1], z=pos[2]) # update the camera view to be right behind the satellite if move_cam: pos_sph = wavefront.cartesian2spherical(pos) graphics.mayavi_view(f, azimuth=np.rad2deg(pos_sph[2]), elevation=90 - np.rad2deg(pos_sph[1]), distance=pos_sph[0] + 0.5, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) pc_sources.set(x=ints[:, 0], y=ints[:, 1], z=ints[:, 2]) mesh.scene.disable_render = False filename = os.path.join(output_path, str(ii).zfill(7) + '.jpg') graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=magnification) ii += 1
def inertial_asteroid_trajectory_cpp(time, state, inertial_intersections, hdf5_file, mayavi_objects, move_cam=False, mesh_weight=False): """Animate the rotation of an asteroid and the motion of SC This assumes an asteroid object from C++ and using the exploration sim """ # pdb.set_trace() # mesh, ast_axes, com, dum_axes, pc_lines = mayavi_objects mesh, com, pc_points, time_text, weight_text = mayavi_objects f = mlab.gcf() camera = # get all the keys for the reconstructed vertices and faces # animate the rotation fo the asteroid ms = mesh.mlab_source ts = com.mlab_source # ast_xs = ast_axes[0].mlab_source # ast_ys = ast_axes[1].mlab_source # ast_zs = ast_axes[2].mlab_source # dum_xs = dum_axes[0].mlab_source # dum_ys = dum_axes[1].mlab_source # dum_zs = dum_axes[2].mlab_source pc_sources = pc_points.mlab_source with h5py.File(hdf5_file, 'r') as hf: # oriignal vertices est_initial_vertices = hf[ 'simulation_parameters/estimate_asteroid/initial_vertices'][()] num_vert = est_initial_vertices.shape[0] rv_group = hf['reconstructed_vertex'] rf_group = hf['reconstructed_face'] rw_group = hf['reconstructed_weight'] Ra_group = hf['Ra'] rv_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rv_group.keys()))) for (t, pos, Rb2i, ints, key) in zip(time, state[:, 0:3], state[:, 6:15], inertial_intersections, rv_keys): # rotate teh asteroid # Ra = ast.rot_ast2int(t) mesh.scene.disable_render = True Ra = Ra_group[key][()] Rb2i = Rb2i.reshape((3, 3)) # parse out the vertices x, y, z # rotate the asteroid new_vertices =[key][()].T).T new_faces = rf_group[key][()] new_weight = np.squeeze(rw_group[key][()]) # store value for number of vertices # add current time time_text.trait_set(text="t: {:8.1f}".format(t)) weight_text.trait_set(text="w: {:8.1f}".format(np.sum(new_weight))) # update asteroid if mesh_weight: # check if size is different than the last mesh if num_vert != new_vertices.shape[0]: ms.reset(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces, scalars=new_weight) num_vert = new_vertices.shape[0] else: ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces, scalars=new_weight) else: if num_vert != new_vertices.shape[0]: ms.reset(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces) else: ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0], y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:, 2], triangles=new_faces) # update the satellite ts.set(x=pos[0], y=pos[1], z=pos[2]) # update the camera view to be right behind the satellite if move_cam: pos_sph = wavefront.cartesian2spherical(pos) graphics.mayavi_view(f, azimuth=np.rad2deg(pos_sph[2]), elevation=90 - np.rad2deg(pos_sph[1]), distance=pos_sph[0] + 0.5, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) # update the asteroid axes # ast_xs.set(x=[0, Ra[0,0]], y=[0, Ra[1,0]], z=[0, Ra[2,0]]) # ast_ys.set(x=[0, Ra[0,1]], y=[0, Ra[1,1]], z=[0, Ra[2,1]]) # ast_zs.set(x=[0, Ra[0,2]], y=[0, Ra[1,2]], z=[0, Ra[2,2]]) # dum_xs.set(x=[pos[0], pos[0]+Rb2i[0,0]], y=[pos[1], pos[1]+Rb2i[1,0]], # z=[pos[2], pos[2]+Rb2i[2,0]]) # dum_ys.set(x=[pos[0], pos[0]+Rb2i[0,1]], y=[pos[1], pos[1]+Rb2i[1,1]], # z=[pos[2], pos[2]+Rb2i[2,1]]) # dum_zs.set(x=[pos[0], pos[0]+Rb2i[0,2]], y=[pos[1], pos[1]+Rb2i[1,2]], # z=[pos[2], pos[2]+Rb2i[2,2]]) pc_sources.set(x=ints[:, 0], y=ints[:, 1], z=ints[:, 2]) # for pcs, inter in zip(pc_sources, ints): # check if intersection is empty # if inter.size > 2: # pcs.set(x=inter[0], y=inter[1], z=inter[2]) # else: # pcs.set(x=0, y=0, z=0) # pcs.set(x=1, y=1, z=1) mesh.scene.disable_render = False yield
def read_mesh_reconstruct(filename, output_path='/tmp/reconstruct_images'): """Use H5PY to read the data back and plot """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Starting the image generation') # check if location exists if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path)'Opening {}'.format(filename)) with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hf: rv = hf['reconstructed_vertex'] rf = hf['reconstructed_face'] rw = hf['reconstructed_weight'] # get all the keys for the groups v_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rv.keys()))) f_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rf.keys()))) w_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rw.keys()))) v_initial = hf['initial_vertex'][()] f_initial = hf['initial_faces'][()] w_initial = hf['initial_weight'][()] """Partial images during the reconstruction"""'Starting on partial reconstruction images') mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True) mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial) ms = mesh.mlab_source graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) partial_index = np.array([ 0, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 2, v_keys.shape[0] * 3 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 4 / 4 - 1 ], for img_index, vk in enumerate(partial_index): filename = os.path.join(output_path, 'partial_' + str(vk) + '.jpg') v = rv[str(vk)][()] # generate an image and save it ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:, 2], triangles=f_initial) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4) """Partial images using a colormap for the data"""'Now using a colormap for the uncertainty') mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=True) mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial, color=None, colormap='viridis', scalars=w_initial) ms = mesh.mlab_source graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) partial_index = np.array([ 0, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 1 / 2, v_keys.shape[0] * 3 / 4, v_keys.shape[0] * 4 / 4 - 1 ], for img_index, vk in enumerate(partial_index): filename = os.path.join(output_path, 'partial_weights_' + str(vk) + '.jpg') v = rv[str(vk)][()] w = rw[str(vk)][()] # generate an image and save it ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:, 2], triangles=f_initial, scalars=w) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4) """Generate the completed shape at a variety of different angles"""'Now generating some views of the final shape') # change the mesh to the finished mesh ms.reset(x=rv[v_keys[-1]][()][:, 0], y=rv[v_keys[-1]][()][:, 1], z=rv[v_keys[-1]][()][:, 2], triangles=f_initial) elevation = np.array([30, -30]) azimuth = np.array([0, 45, 135, 215, 315]) for az, el in itertools.product(azimuth, elevation): filename = os.path.join( output_path, 'final_az=' + str(az) + '_el=' + str(el) + '.jpg') graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig, azimuth=az, elevation=el) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=4) """Create a bunch of images for animation"""'Now making images for a movie') animation_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'animation') if not os.path.exists(animation_path): os.makedirs(animation_path) ms.reset(x=v_initial[:, 0], y=v_initial[:, 1], z=v_initial[:, 2], triangles=f_initial) for ii, vk in enumerate(v_keys): filename = os.path.join(animation_path, str(ii).zfill(7) + '.jpg') v = rv[vk][()] ms.reset(x=v[:, 0], y=v[:, 1], z=v[:, 2], triangles=f_initial) graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, filename, magnification=4)'Finished') return mfig
def save_animation(filename, output_path, mesh_weight=False, magnification=4): output_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'animation') if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hf: rv = hf['reconstructed_vertex'] rw = hf['reconstructed_weight'] # get all the keys v_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rv.keys()))) w_keys = np.array(utilities.sorted_nicely(list(rw.keys()))) v_initial = hf['initial_vertex'][()] f_initial = hf['initial_faces'][()] w_initial = np.squeeze(hf['initial_weight'][()]) # think about a black background as well mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(bg=(0, 0, 0), size=(800,600), offscreen=True) if mesh_weight: mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial, scalars=w_initial, color=None, colormap='viridis') else: mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, v_initial, f_initial) # xaxis = graphics.mayavi_addLine(mfig, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([2, 0, 0]), color=(1, 0, 0)) # yaxis = graphics.mayavi_addLine(mfig, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 2, 0]), color=(0, 1, 0)) # zaxis = graphics.mayavi_addLine(mfig, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 2]), color=(0, 0, 1)) # ast_axes = (xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) print("Images will be saved to {}".format(output_path)) ms = mesh.mlab_source # determine the maximum extents of the mesh and add some margin scale = 1.25 max_x = scale*np.max(v_initial[:, 0]) min_x = scale*np.min(v_initial[:, 0]) max_y = scale*np.max(v_initial[:, 1]) min_y = scale*np.min(v_initial[:, 1]) max_z = scale*np.max(v_initial[:, 2]) min_z = scale*np.min(v_initial[:, 2]) graphics.mayavi_axes(mfig, [min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x], line_width=5, color=(1, 0, 0)) graphics.mayavi_view(fig=mfig) # loop over keys and save images for img_index, vk in enumerate(v_keys): filename = os.path.join(output_path, str(vk).zfill(7) + '.jpg') new_vertices = rv[str(vk)][()] new_faces = f_initial new_weight = rw[str(vk)][()] # generate an image and save it if mesh_weight: ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0],y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:,2], triangles=new_faces, scalars=new_weight) else: ms.set(x=new_vertices[:, 0],y=new_vertices[:, 1], z=new_vertices[:,2], triangles=new_faces) graphics.mlab.savefig(filename, magnification=magnification) # now call ffmpeg fps = 60 name_str = "reconstruction_" +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") + ".mp4" name = os.path.join(output_path, name_str) ffmpeg_fname = os.path.join(output_path, '%07d.jpg') cmd = "ffmpeg -framerate {} -i {} -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf 'scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2' {}".format(fps, ffmpeg_fname, name) print(cmd) subprocess.check_output(['bash', '-c', cmd]) # remove folder now for file in os.listdir(output_path): file_path = os.path.join(output_path, file) if file_path.endswith('.jpg'): os.remove(file_path)
import numpy as np import os import h5py import argparse from point_cloud import wavefront from visualization import graphics import utilities view = (0, 25, 3.32, np.array([-0.04, -0.015, -0.029])) # load the bumpy castalia vb_true, fb_true = wavefront.read_obj( './data/shape_model/CASTALIA/castalia_bump_2.obj') mfig = graphics.mayavi_figure(offscreen=False) mesh = graphics.mayavi_addMesh(mfig, vb_true, fb_true) graphics.mayavi_view(mfig, *view) graphics.mayavi_savefig(mfig, '/tmp/castalia_bump_true.jpg', magnification=4) # load the refinement final version with h5py.File('./data/exploration/refine/20180619_castalia_refinement.hdf5', 'r') as hf: # oriignal vertices est_initial_vertices = hf[ 'simulation_parameters/estimate_asteroid/initial_vertices'][()] num_vert = est_initial_vertices.shape[0] rv_group = hf['refinement/reconstructed_vertex'] rf_group = hf['refinement/reconstructed_face'] rw_group = hf['refinement/reconstructed_weight'] Ra_group = hf['refinement/Ra']