def main(args): # resolve path to world map definition if not world_map_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'world_map.txt') else: world_map_path = print("Reading world from %s" % world_map_path) if not os.path.exists(world_map_path): raise IOError( "World map definition not found at its expected path: %s" % world_map_path) world = World(world_map_path) visualizer = Visualizer(world) # Value Iteration value_iteration = ValueIteration(world, one_step_cost_v1, discount_factor=args.gamma, eps=10e-10) value_iteration.execute() optimal_policy = value_iteration.extract_policy() fig_vi = plt.figure() visualizer.draw(fig_vi, optimal_policy, value_iteration.value_fn, "Value Iteration (gamma = %.2f)" % args.gamma) # Policy Iteration policy_iteration = PolicyIteration(world, one_step_cost_v1, discount_factor=args.gamma) value_fn = policy_iteration.execute() fig_pi = plt.figure() visualizer.draw(fig_pi, policy_iteration.policy, value_fn, "Policy Iteration (gamma = %.2f)" % args.gamma)
source = map_instance.get_intersection(source_index) print "Selected Source:", str(source) dest_index = raw_input( "\nEnter the index of the destination intersection. (Hit enter to choose the default value)" ) if not dest_index: dest_index = 76344 dest = map_instance.get_intersection(dest_index) print "Destination:", str(dest) algo_choice = raw_input( "\nPlease choose the algorithm to run. \n1. A-Star Algorithm \n2. Dijkstra's Algorithm\n(Hit enter to choose the default algorithm)\n" ) if (algo_choice == 1): Algo = DijkstraShortestPathFinder else: Algo = AStarShortestPathFinder print "Selected Algorithm:", Algo print "\nExecuting.." result = Algo(map_instance).get_shortest_path(source, dest) print "Done. Printing the shortest path" for i in result[1]: print i v = Visualizer() v.draw(map_instance, result[1])
def run_test(arguments): # Reset Tensorflow graph tf.reset_default_graph() # Instantiate publisher and subscriber for Gazebo Interface.init() traj = Trajectory(Interface) visualizer = Visualizer(0.046 * 50) refresh_rate = 1 / 20. # Initialize policy network policy_net = nn.NeuralNet(shape=Config.POLICY_SHAPE) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: if isinstance(arguments.test, str): saver.restore(sess, arguments.test) for _ in range(1): # Generate random start position for the Quadcopter traj.set_pose(Trajectory.random_pose()) refresh_time = 0 TARGETS = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 5], [5, 5, 5], [5, -5, 5], [-5, -5, 5], [-5, 5, 5], [5, 5, 5], [0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0]] c = 0 positions = [] for i in range(2500): if i % 250 == 0: TARGET = TARGETS[c] c += 1 print("TARGET: ", TARGET) # Get state information from drone subscriber state = traj.get_state() orientation = state[0:9] position = state[9:12] angular = state[12:15] linear = state[15:18] positions.append(position) # Calculate rotation matrix from quaternion orientation = Quaternion( matrix=np.reshape(orientation, (3, 3))) state = { 'position': position, 'rotation_matrix': orientation.rotation_matrix } if refresh_time - refresh_rate < time(): visualizer.update(state, 0) visualizer.draw(positions) visualizer.draw_target(TARGETS) refresh_time = time() orientation = np.ndarray.flatten(orientation.rotation_matrix) # Calculate relative distance to target position #position = np.subtract(position, TARGET) position = np.subtract(position, [-0.29748929, -0.66516153, -0.43737027]) position = np.subtract(position, TARGET) # Concatenate all to generate an input state vector for the networks state = np.concatenate( (orientation, position, angular, linear)) # Predict action with policy network action = Utils.forward(sess, policy_net, [state])[0] action = Config.ACTION_SCALE * action # Feed action vector to the drone traj.step(action) input('Press Enter to exit')
flights_len += len(flights[ky]) print("---------------------------------------------") print("Some Statistics:") print("---------------------------------------------") print("Total airports in the dataset:", len(airports)) print("Total flight segments in the dataset:", flights_len) print("Total customers in the dataset:", len(customers)) print("Total trips in the dataset:", len(trips)) print("---------------------------------------------\n") all_flights = [seg for tp in trips for seg in tp.get_flight_segments()] all_customers = [customers[cid] for cid in customers] V = Visualizer() V.draw(all_flights) while not V.has_quit(): flights = V.handle_window_events(all_customers, all_flights) all_flights = [] for flt in flights: all_flights.append(flt) V.draw(all_flights) import python_ta python_ta.check_all( config={