예제 #1
def get_flagella_initial_state(ports={}):
    flagella_data = FlagellaChromosome()
    chromosome_config = flagella_data.chromosome_config

    molecules = {}
    for nucleotide in nucleotides.values():
        molecules[nucleotide] = 5000000
    for amino_acid in amino_acids.values():
        molecules[amino_acid] = 1000000

    return {
        ports.get('molecules', 'molecules'): molecules,
        ports.get('transcripts', 'transcripts'):
        {gene: 0
         for gene in chromosome_config['genes'].keys()},
        ports.get('proteins', 'proteins'): {
            'CpxR': 10,
            'CRP': 10,
            'Fnr': 10,
            'endoRNAse': 1,
            'flagella': 8,
            UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY: 200,  # e. coli has ~ 20000 ribosomes
            UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY: 200
예제 #2
def run_flagella_compartment(

    # get flagella data
    flagella_data = FlagellaChromosome()

    # run simulation
    settings = {
        # a cell cycle of 2520 sec is expected to express 8 flagella.
        # 2 flagella expected in approximately 630 seconds.
        'total_time': 2520,
        'emit_step': COMPARTMENT_TIMESTEP,
        'verbose': True,
        'initial_state': initial_state}
    timeseries = simulate_compartment_in_experiment(compartment, settings)

    # save reference timeseries
    save_timeseries(timeseries, out_dir)

    plot_config = {
        'name': 'flagella_expression',
        'ports': {
            'transcripts': 'transcripts',
            'proteins': 'proteins',
            'molecules': 'molecules'}}


    # just-in-time figure
    plot_config2 = plot_config.copy()
        'name': 'flagella',
        'plot_ports': {
            'transcripts': list(flagella_data.chromosome_config['genes'].keys()),
            'proteins': flagella_data.complexation_monomer_ids + flagella_data.complexation_complex_ids,
            'molecules': list(nucleotides.values()) + list(amino_acids.values())}})


    # make a basic sim output
    plot_settings = {
        'max_rows': 30,
        'remove_zeros': True,
        'skip_ports': ['chromosome', 'ribosomes']}
def test_gene_expression(total_time=10):
    # load the compartment
    compartment_config = {
        'external_path': ('external', ),
        'global_path': ('global', ),
        'agents_path': (
        'transcription': {
            'sequence': toy_chromosome_config['sequence'],
            'templates': toy_chromosome_config['promoters'],
            'genes': toy_chromosome_config['genes'],
            'transcription_factors': ['tfA', 'tfB'],
            'elongation_rate': 10.0
        # 'complexation': {
        #     'monomer_ids': [],
        #     'complex_ids': [],
        #     'stoichiometry': {}}
    compartment = GeneExpression(compartment_config)

    molecules = {nt: 1000 for nt in nucleotides.values()}
    molecules.update({aa: 1000 for aa in amino_acids.values()})

    proteins = {
        polymerase: 100
        for polymerase in [UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY, UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY]

    proteins.update({factor: 1 for factor in ['tfA', 'tfB']})

    # simulate
    settings = {
        'timestep': 1,
        'total_time': total_time,
        'initial_state': {
            'proteins': proteins,
            'molecules': molecules
    return simulate_compartment_in_experiment(compartment, settings)
def plot_gene_expression_output(timeseries, config, out_dir='out'):

    name = config.get('name', 'gene_expression')
    ports = config.get('ports', {})
    molecules = timeseries[ports['molecules']]
    transcripts = timeseries[ports['transcripts']]
    proteins = timeseries[ports['proteins']]
    time = timeseries['time']

    # make figure and plot
    n_cols = 1
    n_rows = 5
    plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * 6, n_rows * 1.5))

    # define subplots
    ax1 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 1)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 2)
    ax3 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 3)
    ax4 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 4)
    ax5 = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, 5)

    amino_acid_ids = list(amino_acids.values())
    nucleotide_ids = list(nucleotides.values())

    # plot polymerases
    for poly_id in polymerase_ids:
        ax1.plot(time, proteins[poly_id], label=poly_id)
    ax1.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

    # plot nucleotides
    for nuc_id in nucleotide_ids:
        ax2.plot(time, molecules[nuc_id], label=nuc_id)
    ax2.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

    # plot molecules
    for aa_id in amino_acid_ids:
        ax3.plot(time, molecules[aa_id], label=aa_id)
    ax3.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(2.0, 0.5))
    ax3.title.set_text('amino acids')

    # plot transcripts
    for transcript_id, series in transcripts.items():
        ax4.plot(time, series, label=transcript_id)
    ax4.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

    # plot proteins
    for protein_id in sorted(proteins.keys()):
        if protein_id != UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY:
            ax5.plot(time, proteins[protein_id], label=protein_id)
    ax5.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.5))

    # adjust axes
    for axis in [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5]:

    ax5.set_xlabel('time (s)', fontsize=12)

    # save figure
    fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, name)
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5)
    plt.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight')
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, initial_parameters=None):
        '''A stochastic translation model

        .. WARNING::
            Vivarium's knowledge base uses the gene name to name the
            protein. This means that for a gene acrA that codes for
            protein ArcA, you must refer to the gene, transcript, and
            protein each as acrA.

        .. DANGER::
            This documentation will need to be updated to reflect the
            changes in `#185


        * **ribosomes**: Expects the ``ribosomes`` variable, whose
          value is a list of the configurations of the ribosomes
          currently active.
        * **molecules**: Expects variables for each of the RNA
        * **transcripts**: Expects variables for each transcript to
          translate. Translation will read transcripts from this port.
        * **proteins**: Expects variables for each protein product. The
          produced proteins will be added to this port as counts.
        * **concentrations**: Expects variables for each key in
          ``concentration_keys``. This will be used by a :term:`deriver`
          to convert counts to concentrations.

            initial_parameters: A dictionary of configuration options.
                Accepts the following keys:

                * **sequences** (:py:class:`dict`): Maps from operon
                  name to the RNA sequence of the operon, as a
                * **templates** (:py:class:`dict`): Maps from the name
                  of an transcript to a :term:`template specification`.
                  The template specification may be generated by
                  like so:

                  >>> from vivarium.library.polymerize import (
                  ...     generate_template)
                  >>> from vivarium.library.pretty import format_dict
                  >>> terminator_index = 5
                  >>> template = generate_template(
                  ...     'oA', terminator_index, ['product1'])
                  >>> print(format_dict(template))
                      "direction": 1,
                      "id": "oA",
                      "position": 0,
                      "sites": [],
                      "terminators": [
                              "position": 5,
                              "products": [
                              "strength": 1.0

                * **transcript_affinities** (:py:class:`dict`): A map
                  from the name of a transcript to the binding affinity
                  (a :py:class:`float`) of the ribosome for the
                * **elongation_rate** (:py:class:`float`): The
                  elongation rate of the ribosome.

                  .. todo:: Units of elongation rate

                * **polymerase_occlusion** (:py:class:`int`): The number
                  of base pairs behind the polymerase where another
                  polymerase is occluded and so cannot bind.
                * **symbol_to_monomer** (:py:class:`dict`): Maps from
                  the symbols used to represent monomers in the RNA
                  sequence to the name of the free monomer. This should
                  generally be
                * **monomer_ids** (:py:class:`list`): A list of the
                  names of the free monomers consumed by translation.
                  This can generally be computed as:

                  >>> import pprint
                  >>> from vivarium.data.amino_acids import amino_acids
                  >>> monomer_ids = amino_acids.values()
                  >>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
                  >>> pp.pprint(list(monomer_ids))

                  Note that we only included the `list()` transformation
                  to make the output prettier. The `dict_values` object
                  returned by `.values()` is sufficiently list-like for
                  use here. Also note that :py:mod:`pprint` just makes
                  the output prettier.
                * **concentration_keys** (:py:class:`list`): A list of
                  variables you want to be able to access as
                  concentrations from the *concentrations* port. The
                  actual conversion is handled by a deriver.

        Example configuring the process (uses

        >>> from vivarium.library.pretty import format_dict
        >>> from vivarium.data.amino_acids import amino_acids
        >>> from vivarium.library.polymerize import generate_template
        >>> random.seed(0)  # Needed because process is stochastic
        >>> np.random.seed(0)
        >>> configurations = {
        ...     'sequences': {
        ...         ('oA', 'eA'): 'AWDPT',
        ...         ('oAZ', 'eZ'): 'YVEGELENGGMFISC',
        ...     },
        ...     'templates': {
        ...         ('oA', 'eA'): generate_template(('oA', 'eA'), 5, ['eA']),
        ...         ('oAZ', 'eZ'): generate_template(('oAZ', 'eZ'), 15, ['eA', 'eZ']),
        ...     },
        ...     'transcript_affinities': {
        ...         ('oA', 'eA'): 1.0,
        ...         ('oAZ', 'eZ'): 1.0,
        ...     },
        ...     'elongation_rate': 10.0,
        ...     'polymerase_occlusion': 10,
        ...     'symbol_to_monomer': amino_acids,
        ...     'monomer_ids': amino_acids.values(),
        ...     'concentration_keys': []
        ... }
        >>> # make the translation process, and initialize the states
        >>> translation = Translation(configurations)  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        >>> states = {
        ...     'ribosomes': {},
        ...     'molecules': {},
        ...     'proteins': {UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY: 2},
        ...     'transcripts': {
        ...         'oA': 10,
        ...         'oAZ': 10,
        ...     }
        ... }
        >>> states['molecules'].update(
        ...     {
        ...         molecule_id: 100
        ...         for molecule_id in translation.monomer_ids
        ...     }
        ... )
        >>> update = translation.next_update(1, states)
        >>> print(update['ribosomes'])
        {1: <class 'vivarium.processes.translation.Ribosome'>: {'id': 1, 'state': 'occluding', 'position': 9, 'template': ('oAZ', 'eZ'), 'template_index': 0, 'terminator': 0}, 2: <class 'vivarium.processes.translation.Ribosome'>: {'id': 2, 'state': 'occluding', 'position': 9, 'template': ('oAZ', 'eZ'), 'template_index': 0, 'terminator': 0}, '_delete': []}

        if not initial_parameters:
            initial_parameters = {}

        self.monomer_symbols = list(amino_acids.keys())
        self.monomer_ids = list(amino_acids.values())

        self.default_parameters = copy.deepcopy(self.defaults)

        templates = self.or_default(initial_parameters, 'templates')

        self.default_parameters['protein_ids'] = all_products(
            {key: Template(config)
             for key, config in templates.items()})

        self.default_parameters['transcript_order'] = list(
        self.default_parameters['molecule_ids'] = self.monomer_ids

        self.parameters = copy.deepcopy(self.default_parameters)

        self.sequences = self.parameters['sequences']
        self.templates = self.parameters['templates']

        self.transcript_affinities = self.parameters['transcript_affinities']
        self.operons = gather_genes(self.transcript_affinities)
        self.operon_order = list(self.operons.keys())
        self.transcript_order = self.parameters['transcript_order']
        self.transcript_count = len(self.transcript_order)

        self.monomer_ids = self.parameters['monomer_ids']
        self.molecule_ids = self.parameters['molecule_ids']
        self.protein_ids = self.parameters['protein_ids']
        self.symbol_to_monomer = self.parameters['symbol_to_monomer']
        self.elongation = 0
        self.elongation_rate = self.parameters['elongation_rate']
        self.polymerase_occlusion = self.parameters['polymerase_occlusion']
        self.concentration_keys = self.parameters['concentration_keys']

        self.affinity_vector = np.array([
            for transcript_key in self.transcript_order

        self.stoichiometry = build_stoichiometry(self.transcript_count)

        self.initiation = StochasticSystem(self.stoichiometry)

        self.ribosome_id = 0

        self.protein_keys = self.concentration_keys + self.protein_ids
        self.all_protein_keys = self.protein_keys + [UNBOUND_RIBOSOME_KEY]

        self.mass_deriver_key = self.or_default(initial_parameters,
        self.concentrations_deriver_key = self.or_default(
            initial_parameters, 'concentrations_deriver_key')

        log.info('translation parameters: {}'.format(self.parameters))

        super(Translation, self).__init__(self.parameters)