예제 #1
 def _get_horizontal_interval(self, settings=None):
     """Used internally by get() to cache and retrieve results from the
     interval.IntervalIndexer. Since there are many possible settings for intervals, no matter
     what the user asks for intervals are calculated as compound, directed, and diatonic with
     quality. The results with these settings are stored and if the user asked for different
     settings, they are recalculated from these 'complete' cached results. This reindexing is
     done with the interval.IntervalReindexer. Those details are the same as for the
     _get_vertical_interval() method, but this method has an added check to see if the user asked
     for horiz_attach_later == False. In this case the index of each part's horizontal intervals
     is shifted forward one element and 0.0 is assigned as the first element."""
     # No matter what settings the user specifies, calculate the intervals in the most complete way.
     if 'horizontal_interval' not in self._analyses:
             'horizontal_interval'] = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(
     # If the user's settings were different, reindex the stored intervals.
     if settings is not None and not (
             'directed' in settings and settings['directed'] == True
             and 'quality' in settings and settings['quality'] in
         (True, 'diatonic with quality') and 'simple or compound'
             in settings and settings['simple or compound'] == 'compound'):
         post = interval.IntervalReindexer(
             self._analyses['horizontal_interval'], settings).run()
         # Switch to 'attach before' if necessary.
         if 'horiz_attach_later' not in settings or not settings[
             post = _attach_before(post)
         return post
     return self._analyses['horizontal_interval']
예제 #2
def all_melodies(file):
    file = music21.converter.parse(file)
    notes = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(file).run()
    h_ints = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(notes).run()

    voices = ['0', '1', '2', '3']
    settings = {'n': 4, 'vertical': voices}
    ngrams = new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer([h_ints], settings).run()

    combined = pandas.concat([notes, ngrams], axis=1)

    voices_list = []
    for voice in voices:
        voice_dict = {}
        for melody in ngrams['new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer'][voice].dropna(
            condition = combined.loc[:, 'new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer'][
                voice] == melody
            location = combined.loc[:, 'noterest.NoteRestIndexer'][voice]
            if melody not in voice_dict:
                voice_dict[melody] = location[condition].tolist()

    melo_dict = {}
    for dictionary in voices_list:
        for entry in dictionary:
            if entry in melo_dict:
                melo_dict[entry] = dictionary[entry]

    return melo_dict
예제 #3
def from_melody(file, melody):
    file = music21.converter.parse(file)

    notes = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(file).run()
    h_ints = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(notes).run()

    voices = ['0', '1', '2', '3']
    settings = {'n': 4, 'vertical': voices}
    ngrams = new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer([h_ints], settings).run()

    combined = pandas.concat([notes, ngrams], axis=1)

    all_voices = []
    for voice in voices:
        condition = combined.loc[:,
                                 'new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer'][voice] == melody
        location = combined.loc[:, 'noterest.NoteRestIndexer'][voice]
    return all_voices
예제 #4
def find_permutations(file, motif):

    file = music21.converter.parse(file)
    notes = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(file).run()
    h_ints = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(notes).run()

    voices = ['0', '1', '2', '3']
    settings = {'n': 4, 'vertical': voices}

    ngrams = new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer([h_ints], settings).run()

    perms1 = _permute(motif)
    perms = []
    for motif in perms1:
        perms.append(' '.join(motif))
    perms = list(set(perms))

    for motif in perms:
        condition = ngrams['new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer'] == motif
def main():
    piece_path = "/home/amor/Code/vizitka/vis/tests/corpus/Kyrie.krn"
    # piece_path = "/home/amor/Code/vizitka/vis/tests/corpus/bach.xml"
    # piece_path = "/home/amor/Code/vizitka/vis/tests/corpus/bwv603.xml"
    # piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vizitka/vis/tests/corpus/Reimenschnieder/1-026900B_.xml'
    #piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vizitka/vis/tests/corpus/Jos2308.mei'
    # piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vizitka/vis/tests/corpus/Sanctus.krn'
    ind_piece = IndexedPiece(piece_path)
    test_piece = ind_piece._import_score()
    test_parts = test_piece.parts

    # bwv603 = converter.parse(os.path.join(VIS_PATH, 'tests', 'corpus/bwv603.xml'))
    # test_part = [bwv603.parts[0], bwv603.parts[1], bwv603.parts[2], bwv603.parts[3]]

    setts = {'quality': True, 'simple or compound': 'simple'}
    horiz_setts = {'quality': False, 'simple or compound': 'compound'}

    t0 = time.time()
    actual = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(test_parts).run()

    # filter_setts = {'quarterLength': 2.0, 'method':None}
    # filtered_results = offset.FilterByOffsetIndexer(actual, filter_setts).run()
    # pdb.set_trace()
    dur_ind = meter.DurationIndexer(test_parts).run()
    bs_ind = meter.NoteBeatStrengthIndexer(test_parts).run()
    horiz = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(actual, horiz_setts).run()
    # ind_piece._analyses['noterest'] = actual
    # h_df = ind_piece._get_h_ints(settings=horiz_setts)
    vert_ints = interval.IntervalIndexer(actual, setts).run()
    dissonances = dissonance.DissonanceIndexer(
        [bs_ind, dur_ind, horiz, vert_ints]).run()

    t1 = time.time()
    print('Time taken to run all indexers: ')
    print(t1 - t0)

예제 #6
    'terminator': ['Rest'],
    'open-ended': False,
    'brackets': False
w = 6  # w is for window
ends = []

for number, piece_path in enumerate(pieces):
    ind_piece = IndexedPiece(piece_path)
    piece = ind_piece._import_score()
    parts = piece.parts
    nr = noterest.NoteRestIndexer(parts).run()
    dr = meter.DurationIndexer(parts).run()
    ms = meter.MeasureIndexer(parts).run()
    bs = meter.NoteBeatStrengthIndexer(parts).run()
    hz = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(nr, h_setts).run()
    hz2 = interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer(nr, h_setts2).run()
    vt = interval.IntervalIndexer(nr, v_setts).run()
    # ng = new_ngram.NewNGramIndexer((vt, hz2), n_setts).run()
    ds = dissonance.DissonanceIndexer([bs, dr, hz, vt]).run()
    av = active_voices.ActiveVoicesIndexer(nr).run()
    av_sa = active_voices.ActiveVoicesIndexer(nr, {'show_all': True}).run()

    voice_dr_means = []
    # Attack-density analysis each voice. The whole-piece analysis is probably what matters most though.
    for x in range(len(nr.columns)):
        mask = nr.iloc[:, x].dropna()
        # The durations of just the notes
        ndr = dr.iloc[:, x].dropna()[mask != 'Rest']
        mean_roll = ndr.rolling(window=w).mean()