def table(ctx, device, json): """ Show Interfaces """ vmanage_device = Device(ctx.auth, # Check to see if we were passed in a device IP address or a device name try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(device) system_ip = ip except ValueError: device_dict = vmanage_device.get_device_status(device, key='host-name') if 'system-ip' in device_dict: system_ip = device_dict['system-ip'] else: system_ip = None if not json: click.echo( "VPNID PREFIX NEXT HOP PROTOCOL ") click.echo( "----------------------------------------------------------------") routes = vmanage_device.get_device_data('ip/routetable', system_ip) for rte in routes: if json: pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) pp.pprint(rte) else: if 'nexthop-addr' not in rte: rte['nexthop-addr'] = '' click.echo( f"{rte['vpn-id']:5} {rte['prefix']:<20} {rte['nexthop-addr']:<20} {rte['protocol']:8}" )
def list_interface(ctx, device, json): """ Show Interfaces """ vmanage_device = Device(ctx.auth, if device: # Check to see if we were passed in a device IP address or a device name try: ipaddress.ip_address(device) system_ip = device except ValueError: device_dict = vmanage_device.get_device_status(device, key='host-name') if 'system-ip' in device_dict: system_ip = device_dict['system-ip'] device_list = [system_ip] if not json: click.echo( "IFNAME VPNID IP ADDR MAC ADDR OPER STATE DESC" ) click.echo( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) for dev in device_list: interfaces = vmanage_device.get_device_data('interface', dev) for iface in interfaces: if json: pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) pp.pprint(iface) else: if 'hwaddr' not in iface: iface['hwaddr'] = '' if 'desc' not in iface: iface['desc'] = '' if 'ip-address' not in iface: iface['ip-address'] = '' click.echo( f"{iface['ifname']:17} {iface['vpn-id']:6} {iface['ip-address']:16} {iface['hwaddr']:25} {iface['if-oper-status']:17} {iface['desc']:17}" )