예제 #1
class DBShortMessage(item.Item):
    I represent a contact on the DB
    #  (id integer, category integer, number text, date text, smstext text)
    typeName = 'DBShortMessage'
    schemaVersion = 1

    date = attributes.timestamp(allowNone=False)
    number = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    text = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    where = attributes.integer(allowNone=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        args = (self.number, self.text, self.date)
        return '<DBShortMessage number="%s" text="%s" date="%s">' % args

    def __eq__(self, m):
        if isinstance(m, DBShortMessage):
            return (self.number == m.number and self.text == m.text
                    and self.date == m.date)
        return False

    def __ne__(self, m):
        return not (self.number == m.number and self.text == m.text
                    and self.date == m.date)

    def get_index(self):
        return self.storeID

    def get_number(self):
        return self.number

    def get_text(self):
        return self.text
예제 #2
class LoginMethod(Item):
    typeName = 'login_method'
    schemaVersion = 2

    localpart = text(doc="""
    A local-part of my user's identifier.
    """, indexed=True, allowNone=False)

    domain = text(doc="""
    The domain part of my user's identifier. [XXX See TODO below]
    May be None (generally for "system" users).
    """, indexed=True)

    internal = boolean(doc="""
    Flag indicating whether this is a method maintained by this server, or if
    it represents an external contact mechanism (such as a third-party email
    """, allowNone=False)

    protocol = text(indexed=True, allowNone=False)
    account = reference(doc="""
    A reference to the LoginAccount for which this is a login method.
    """, allowNone=False)

    verified = boolean(indexed=True, allowNone=False)
예제 #3
class DBShortMessage(item.Item):
    I represent a contact on the DB
    #  (id integer, category integer, number text, date text, smstext text)
    typeName = 'DBShortMessage'
    schemaVersion = 1

    date = attributes.timestamp(allowNone=False)
    number = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    text = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    where = attributes.integer(allowNone=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        args = (self.number, self.text, self.date)
        return '<DBShortMessage number="%s" text="%s" date="%s">' % args

    def __eq__(self, m):
        if isinstance(m, DBShortMessage):
            return (self.number == m.number and self.text == m.text
                    and self.date == m.date)
        return False

    def __ne__(self, m):
        return not (self.number == m.number and self.text == m.text
                    and self.date == m.date)

    def get_index(self):
        return self.storeID

    def get_number(self):
        return self.number

    def get_text(self):
        return self.text

    def to_csv(self):
        """Returns a list with the date, number and text formatted for csv"""
        tzinfo = osobj.get_tzinfo()

        date = '"' + time.strftime(
            self.date.asDatetime(tzinfo=tzinfo).timetuple()) + '"'
        number = '"' + self.number + '"'
        text = '"' + self.text + '"'
        return [date, number, text]
예제 #4
class DBContact(item.Item):
    I represent a contact on the DB
    # (id integer, category integer, name text, number text)
    typeName = 'DBContact'
    schemaVersion = 1

    name = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    number = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    writable = True

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<DBContact name="%s" number="%s">' % (self.name, self.number)

    def __eq__(self, c):
        return self.name == c.name and self.number == c.number

    def __ne__(self, c):
        return not (self.name == c.name and self.number == c.number)

    def get_index(self):
        return self.storeID

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def get_number(self):
        return self.number

    def is_writable(self):
        return self.writable

    def external_editor(self):
        return None

    def image_16x16(self):
        return join(consts.IMAGES_DIR, 'computer.png')

    def to_csv(self):
        """Returns a list with the name and number formatted for csv"""
        name = '"' + self.name + '"'
        number = '"' + self.number + '"'
        return [name, number]
예제 #5
class _PowerupConnector(Item):
    I am a connector between the store and a powerup.
    typeName = 'axiom_powerup_connector'

    powerup = reference()
    item = reference()
    interface = text()
    priority = integer()
예제 #6
class DBContact(item.Item):
    I represent a contact on the DB
    # (id integer, category integer, group text, name text, number text)
    typeName = 'DBContact'
    schemaVersion = 1

    group = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    name = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    number = attributes.text(allowNone=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<DBContact group="%s" name="%s" number="%s">' % (
            self.group, self.name, self.number)

    def __eq__(self, c):
        return self.name == c.name and self.number == c.number

    def __ne__(self, c):
        return not self.__eq__(c)

    def get_index(self):
        return self.storeID

    def get_group(self):
        return self.group

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def get_number(self):
        return self.number

    def to_csv(self):
        """Returns a list with the name and number formatted for csv"""
        group = '"' + self.group + '"'
        name = '"' + self.name + '"'
        number = '"' + self.number + '"'
        return [group, name, number]
예제 #7
class DBNetworkOperator(item.Item):
    netid = attributes.textlist(allowNone=False)
    country = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    name = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    smsc = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    apn = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    username = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    password = attributes.text(allowNone=False)
    dns1 = attributes.text(allowNone=True)
    dns2 = attributes.text(allowNone=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s netid=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.netid)

    def get_full_name(self):
        return self.name + ' ' + self.country
예제 #8
class _TagName(Item):
    Helper class to make Catalog.tagNames very fast.  One of these is created
    for each distinct tag name that is created.  _TagName Items are never
    deleted from the database.
    typeName = 'tagname'

    name = text(doc="""
    The short string which uniquely represents this tag.

    catalog = reference(doc="""
    The L{Catalog} item in which this tag exists.
예제 #9
class Tag(Item):
    typeName = 'tag'
    schemaVersion = 1

    name = text(doc="""
    The short string which is being applied as a tag to an Item.

    created = timestamp(doc="""
    When this tag was applied to the Item to which it applies.

    object = reference(doc="""
    The Item to which this tag applies.

    catalog = reference(doc="""
    The L{Catalog} item in which this tag was created.

    tagger = reference(doc="""
    An optional reference to the Item which is responsible for this tag's
예제 #10
class LoginAccount(Item):
    I am an entry in a LoginBase.

    @ivar avatars: An Item which is adaptable to various cred client
    interfaces.  Plural because it represents a collection of potentially
    disparate implementors, such as an IResource for web access and an IContact
    for SIP access.

    @ivar disabled: This account has been disabled.  It is still
    database-resident but the user should not be allowed to log in.

    typeName = 'login'
    schemaVersion = 2

    password = text()
    avatars = reference()       # reference to a thing which can be adapted to
                                # implementations for application-level
                                # protocols.  In general this is a reference to
                                # a SubStore because this is optimized for
                                # applications where per-user data is a
                                # substantial portion of the cost.
    disabled = integer()

    def __conform__(self, interface):
        For convenience, forward adaptation to my 'avatars' attribute.
        ifa = interface(self.avatars, None)
        return ifa

    def migrateDown(self):
        Assuming that self.avatars is a SubStore which should contain *only*
        the LoginAccount for the user I represent, remove all LoginAccounts and
        LoginMethods from that store and copy all methods from the site store
        down into it.
        ss = self.avatars.open()
        def _():
            oldAccounts = ss.query(LoginAccount)
            oldMethods = ss.query(LoginMethod)
            for x in list(oldAccounts) + list(oldMethods):
            self.cloneInto(ss, ss)
            sched = IScheduler(ss, None)
            if sched is not None:

    def migrateUp(self):
        Copy this LoginAccount and all associated LoginMethods from my store
        (which is assumed to be a SubStore, most likely a user store) into the
        site store which contains it.
        siteStore = self.store.parent
        def _():
            # No convenience method for the following because needing to do it is
            # *rare*.  It *should* be ugly; 99% of the time if you need to do this
            # you're making a mistake. -glyph
            siteStoreSubRef = siteStore.getItemByID(self.store.idInParent)
            self.cloneInto(siteStore, siteStoreSubRef)
            sched = IScheduler(self.store, None)
            if sched is not None:

    def cloneInto(self, newStore, avatars):
        Create a copy of this LoginAccount and all associated LoginMethods in a different Store.

        Return the copied LoginAccount.
        la = LoginAccount(store=newStore,
        for siteMethod in self.store.query(LoginMethod,
                                           LoginMethod.account == self):
            lm = LoginMethod(store=newStore,
        return la

    def deleteLoginMethods(self):
        self.store.query(LoginMethod, LoginMethod.account == self).deleteFromStore()

    def addLoginMethod(self, localpart, domain, protocol=ANY_PROTOCOL, verified=False, internal=False):
        Add a login method to this account, propogating up or down as necessary
        to site store or user store to maintain consistency.
        # Out takes you west or something
        if self.store.parent is None:
            # West takes you in
            otherStore = self.avatars.open()
            peer = otherStore.findUnique(LoginAccount)
            # In takes you east
            otherStore = self.store.parent
            subStoreItem = self.store.parent.getItemByID(self.store.idInParent)
            peer = otherStore.findUnique(LoginAccount,
                                         LoginAccount.avatars == subStoreItem)

        # Up and down take you home
        for store, account in [(otherStore, peer), (self.store, self)]: