def _mine_stories(self, stories, systemname, **kw): # Keep track of all errors errors = "" # Keeps track of all succesfully created User Stories objects us_instances = [] failed_stories = [] # Parse every user story (remove punctuation and mine) for us_id, s in enumerate(stories, start=1): try: user_story = self.parse(s, us_id, systemname, StoryMiner()) user_story = Counter.count(user_story) us_instances.append(user_story) except ValueError as err: failed_stories.append([us_id, s, err.args]) errors += "\n[User Story {} ERROR] {}! (\"{}\")".format( us_id, err.args[0], " ".join(str.split(s))) # Print errors (if found) if errors: Printer._print_head("PARSING ERRORS") print(errors) return us_instances, failed_stories
def _get_gen(self, us_instances, m, systemname, print_ont, **kw): patterns = Constructor(self.nlp, us_instances, m) out = patterns.make(systemname, self.threshold, # Print out the ontology in the terminal, if argument '-o'/'--print_ont' is chosen if print_ont: Printer._print_head("MANCHESTER OWL") print(out[0]) return out
def _get_stats(self, us_instances, m, **kw): statsarr = None if self.stats: statsarr = Statistics.to_stats_array(us_instances) Printer._print_head("USER STORY STATISTICS") Printer.print_stats(statsarr[0], True) #Printer.print_stats(statsarr[1], True) Printer._print_subhead("Term - by - User Story Matrix ( Terms w/ total weight 0 hidden )") hide_zero = m[(m['sum'] > 0)] print(hide_zero) return statsarr
def run(self, filename, systemname, print_us = False, print_ont = False, stories = None, write_local = True): """Single run of Visual Narrator Args: filename (str): File name to read systemname (str): Name of System (for output and in model) print_us (bool): print data per user story in the console print_ont (bool): print ontology in the console stories (list): preprocessed stories (from filename) Returns: dict: dictionary with US objects, Ontology + Prolog + JSON objects, matrix """ if stories is None: stories = Reader.parse(filename) # Mine stories us_instances, failed_stories = self._mine_stories(stories, systemname, log_time=self.time) # Generate the term-by-user story matrix (m), and additional data in two other matrices m, count_matrix = self._get_matrix(us_instances, log_time=self.time) # Print details per user story, if argument '-u'/'--print_us' is chosen if print_us: print("Details:\n") for us in us_instances: Printer.print_us_data(us) # Generate the outputs output_ontology, output_prolog, onto_per_role = \ self._get_gen(us_instances, m, systemname, print_ont, log_time=self.time) # Gather statistics and print the results statsarr = self._get_stats(us_instances, m, log_time=self.time) # Print the used ontology generation settings Printer.print_gen_settings(self.matrix, self.base, self.threshold) # Print details of the generation fail = len(failed_stories) success = len(us_instances) time_nlp = self.time['INITIALIZE_NLP'] time_mine = self.time['_MINE_STORIES'] time_matr = self.time['_GET_MATRIX'] time_gen = self.time['_GET_GEN'] time_stats = self.time['_GET_STATS'] Printer.print_details(fail, success, time_nlp, time_mine, time_matr, time_gen, time_stats) self.time['INITIALIZE_NLP'] = 0 output_json = json.dumps([us.toJSON() for us in us_instances], indent=4) files = [] if write_local: w = Writer files, reports_folder = self.write_files(w, systemname, str(output_ontology), str(output_prolog), output_json, statsarr, m, onto_per_role) report_dict = { "stories": us_instances, "failed_stories": failed_stories, "systemname": systemname, "us_success": success, "us_fail": fail, "times": [["Initializing Natural Language Processor (<em>spaCy</em> v" + pkg_resources.get_distribution("spacy").version + ")" , time_nlp], ["Mining User Stories", time_mine], ["Creating Factor Matrix", time_matr], ["Generating Manchester Ontology / Prolog", time_gen], ["Gathering statistics", time_stats]], "dir": sys.path[0], "inputfile": filename, "inputfile_lines": len(stories), "outputfiles": files, "threshold": self.threshold, "base": self.base, "matrix": self.matrix, "weights": m['sum'].copy().reset_index().sort_values(['sum'], ascending=False).values.tolist(), "counts": count_matrix.reset_index().values.tolist(), "classes": output_ontology.classes, "relationships": output_ontology.relationships, "types": list(count_matrix.columns.values), "ontology": multiline(str(output_ontology)), "print_prolog": self.prolog, "prolog": multiline(str(output_prolog)), "write_local": write_local } # Finally, generate a report output_report = self.generate_report(report_dict) # Write output files if write_local: report = w.make_file(reports_folder, str(systemname) + "_REPORT", "html", output_report) files.append(["Report", report]) # Print the location and name of all output files for file in files: if str(file[1]) != "": print(f"{file[0]} file succesfully created at: \"{file[1]}\"") # Return objects so that they can be used as input for other tools return {'us_instances': us_instances, 'output_ontobj': str(output_ontology), 'output_prologobj': str(output_prolog), 'output_json': output_json, 'matrix': m, 'report': output_report}