def _sign_agent_package(agent_package, **kwargs): '''Sign an agent package''' if not os.path.exists(agent_package): raise AgentPackageError('Invalid package {}'.format(agent_package)) cert_type = _cert_type_from_kwargs(**kwargs) files = _files_from_kwargs(**kwargs) certs_dir = kwargs.get('certs_dir', None) certsobj = None if certs_dir is not None: certsobj = certs.Certs(certs_dir) if cert_type == 'admin': if files: raise AgentPackageError("admin's aren't allowed to add files.") verified = auth.sign_as_admin(agent_package, 'admin', certsobj = certsobj) elif cert_type == 'creator': verified = auth.sign_as_creator(agent_package, 'creator', files, certsobj = certsobj) elif cert_type == 'initiator': verified = auth.sign_as_initiator(agent_package, 'initiator', files, certsobj = certsobj) elif cert_type == 'platform': verified = auth.sign_as_platform(agent_package, 'platform', files) else: raise AgentPackageError('Unknown packaging options') if verified: print('{} signed as {}'.format(agent_package, cert_type)) else: print('Verification of signing failed!')
def install_agent(self, agent_wheel, vip_identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, add_auth=True): while True: agent_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if agent_uuid in self.agents: continue agent_path = os.path.join(self.install_dir, agent_uuid) try: os.mkdir(agent_path) break except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise try: if auth is not None and self.env.verify_agents: unpacker = auth.VolttronPackageWheelFile(agent_wheel, certsobj=certs.Certs()) unpacker.unpack(dest=agent_path) else: unpack(agent_wheel, dest=agent_path) final_identity = self._setup_agent_vip_id(agent_uuid, vip_identity=vip_identity) if publickey is not None and secretkey is not None: keystore = self.get_agent_keystore(agent_uuid) keystore.public = publickey keystore.secret = secretkey if add_auth: self._authorize_agent_keys(agent_uuid, final_identity) except Exception: shutil.rmtree(agent_path) raise return agent_uuid
def setUp(self): self.fixtureDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixtures") # now change to the newly created tmpdir self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.delete_temp = True os.chdir(self.tmpdir) # only do the certs stuf if the restricted are available. if certs: self.certificate_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'certs') self.certs_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'certs/certs') self.private_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'certs/private') os.makedirs(self.certs_dir) os.makedirs(self.private_dir) self.admin_cert_name = 'admin' self.creator_cert_name = 'creator' self.initiator_cert_name = 'initiator' admin = {'C': 'US', 'CN': self.admin_cert_name} creator = {'C': 'US', 'CN': self.creator_cert_name} initiator = {'C': 'US', 'CN': self.initiator_cert_name} self.certsobj = certs.Certs(self.certificate_dir) self.certsobj.create_root_ca() self.certsobj.create_ca_signed_cert(self.admin_cert_name, **admin) self.certsobj.create_ca_signed_cert(self.creator_cert_name, **creator) self.certsobj.create_ca_signed_cert(self.initiator_cert_name, **initiator) os.mkdir('packagetest') with open(os.path.join('packagetest', ''), 'w') as file: pass with open(os.path.join('packagetest', ''), 'w') as file: file.write(''' import sys if __name__ == '__main__': sys.stdout.write('Hello World!\n') ''') with open(os.path.join(''), 'w') as file: file.write(''' from setuptools import setup setup( name = 'packagetest', version = '0.1', packages = ['packagetest'], zip_safe = False, ) ''') p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '', 'bdist_wheel']) p.wait() self.wheel = os.path.join('dist', 'packagetest-0.1-py2-none-any.whl')
def _create_ca(certs_dir=DEFAULT_CERTS_DIR): '''Creates a root ca cert using the Certs class''' crts = certs.Certs(certs_dir) if crts.ca_exists(): msg = '''Creating a new root ca will overwrite the current ca and invalidate any signed certs. Are you sure you want to do this? type 'yes' to continue: ''' continue_yes = raw_input(msg) if continue_yes.upper() != 'YES': return data = _create_cert_ui(certs.DEFAULT_ROOT_CA_CN) crts.create_root_ca(**data)
def _create_cert(name=None, certs_dir=DEFAULT_CERTS_DIR, **kwargs): '''Create a cert using options specified on the command line''' crts = certs.Certs(certs_dir) if not crts.ca_exists(): sys.stderr.write('Root CA ot must be created before certificates\n') sys.exit(0) cert_type = _cert_type_from_kwargs(**kwargs) if name == None: name = cert_type cert_data = _create_cert_ui(cert_type) else: cert_data = _create_cert_ui('{} ({})'.format(cert_type, name)) crts.create_ca_signed_cert(name, **cert_data)
def __init__(self, volttron_home=None): # os.chdir(rel_path) self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.wheelhouse = '/'.join((self.tmpdir, 'wheelhouse')) os.makedirs(self.wheelhouse) if volttron_home is not None: mergetree(volttron_home, self.tmpdir) self.env = os.environ.copy() self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.tmpdir print(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']) if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: certsdir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']), 'certificates') print("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir)
def install_agent(self, agent_wheel): while True: agent_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if agent_uuid in self.agents: continue agent_path = os.path.join(self.install_dir, agent_uuid) try: os.mkdir(agent_path) break except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise try: if auth is not None and self.env.verify_agents: unpacker = auth.VolttronPackageWheelFile(agent_wheel, certsobj=certs.Certs()) unpacker.unpack(dest=agent_path) else: unpack(agent_wheel, dest=agent_path) except Exception: shutil.rmtree(agent_path) raise return agent_uuid
def startup_platform(self, platform_config, use_twistd = False, mode=UNRESTRICTED): """Start volttron in VOLTTRON_HOME. platform_config is a json file like """ try: print("PLATFORM CONFIG: ", platform_config) config = json.loads(open(platform_config, 'r').read()) except Exception as e: config = None sys.stderr.write (str(e)) assert config != None, 'Invalid configuration file passed {}'.format( platform_config) # self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() config['tmpdir'] = self.tmpdir pconfig = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, TMP_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FILENAME) self.mode = mode assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: '+str(mode) opts = None if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: config['mobility'] = False config['resource-monitor'] = False config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) opts = type('Options', (), {'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.tmpdir})() elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']), 'certificates') print ("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) opts = type('Options', (), {'resource-monitor':False, 'verify_agents': True, 'volttron_home': self.tmpdir})() else: raise PlatformWrapperError("Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) self.test_aip = aip.AIPplatform(opts) self.test_aip.setup() lfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "volttron.log") print("VOLTTRON_ROOT: ", VOLTTRON_ROOT) pparams = [VSTART, "-c", pconfig, "-vv", "-l", lfile] print("PARAMS: ", pparams) self.p_process = subprocess.Popen(pparams, env=self.env) #Setup connector path = '{}/run/control'.format(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']) time.sleep(5) tries = 0 max_tries = 5 while(not os.path.exists(path) and tries < max_tries): time.sleep(5) tries += 1 self.conn= server.ControlConnector(path) # if self.mode == RESTRICTED: # self.use_twistd = use_twistd #TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self.t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5)
def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, bind_web_address=None, volttron_central_address=None, volttron_central_serverkey=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address if self.bind_web_address: self.discovery_address = "{}/discovery/".format( self.bind_web_address) # Only available if vc is installed! self.jsonrpc_endpoint = "{}/jsonrpc".format(self.bind_web_address) enable_logging = self.env.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) if not debug_mode: debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG', False) self.skip_cleanup = self.env.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit("In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format( enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: ' + str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = { 'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'volttron_central_address': volttron_central_address, 'volttron_central_serverkey': volttron_central_serverkey, 'platform_name': None, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG } pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} # Add platform's public key to known hosts file publickey = self.keystore.public known_hosts_file = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'known_hosts') known_hosts = KnownHostsStore(known_hosts_file) known_hosts.add(self.opts['vip_local_address'], publickey) known_hosts.add(self.opts['vip_address'], publickey) # Set up the configuration file based upon the passed parameters. parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if volttron_central_address: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-address', volttron_central_address) if volttron_central_serverkey: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-serverkey', volttron_central_serverkey) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: # TODO Restricted code should set with volttron as contianer # if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: # config['mobility'] = False # config['resource-monitor'] = False # config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'certificates') print("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) else: raise PlatformWrapperError( "Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] print('process environment: {}'.format(self.env)) print('popen params: {}'.format(cmd)) self.p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self.p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self.p_process.poll() is None self.serverkey = self.keystore.public assert self.serverkey agent = self.build_agent() has_control = False times = 0 while not has_control and times < 10: times += 1 try: has_control = except gevent.Timeout: pass if not has_control: self.shutdown_platform() raise "Couldn't connect to core platform!" if bind_web_address: times = 0 has_discovery = False while times < 10: times += 1 try: resp = requests.get(self.discovery_address) if resp.ok: has_discovery = True break except Exception as e: gevent.sleep(0.1) self.logit("Connection error found {}".format(e)) if not has_discovery: raise "Couldn't connect to discovery platform." self.use_twistd = use_twistd # TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self.t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5)
def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, encrypt=False, bind_web_address=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address enable_logging = os.environ.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) self.skip_cleanup = os.environ.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit("In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format( enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: ' + str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' if not encrypt: # Remove connection encryption with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'curve.key'), 'w'): pass self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = { 'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'developer_mode': not encrypt, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG } pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: config['mobility'] = False config['resource-monitor'] = False config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']), 'certificates') print("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) opts = type( 'Options', (), { 'resource-monitor': False, 'verify_agents': True, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home })() else: raise PlatformWrapperError( "Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'], 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] if self.opts['developer_mode']: cmd.append('--developer-mode') self._p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self._p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self._p_process.poll() is None # # make sure we don't return too quickly. gevent.sleep(0.2) #os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.opts['volttron_home'] #self._p_process = Process(target=start_volttron_process, args=(self.opts,)) #self._p_process.daemon = True #self._p_process.start() gevent.sleep(0.2) self.use_twistd = use_twistd #TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self._t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5)