def run(envmass, mass): """Run vplanet and collect the output.""" write_in(envmass, mass) output = / "", clobber=True, quiet=True, units=False) envmassfinal = np.zeros(len(output.bodies) - 1) for i, body in enumerate(output.bodies[1:]): envmassfinal[i] = body.EnvelopeMass[-1] return (envmass - envmassfinal) / envmass
def seasonal_maps(time, show=True): """ Creates plots of insolation, temperature, and ice balance over the course of an orbit (4 orbits for temp) Parameters ---------- time : float The time of the data you want to plot (see SeasonalClimateFiles directory) Keyword Arguments ----------------- show : bool Show plot in Python (default = True) """ check = 0 for f in glob.glob(str(path / "SeasonalClimateFiles" / "*.DailyInsol.*")): f1 = f.split(".") if len(f1) == 4: timestamp = f1[3] elif len(f1) == 5: timestamp = f1[3] + "." + f1[4] time0 = np.float(timestamp) if time0 == time: # get system and planet names sysname = f1[0] plname = f1[1] insolf = ( path / "SeasonalClimateFiles" / f"{sysname}.{plname}.DailyInsol.{timestamp}" ) tempf = ( path / "SeasonalClimateFiles" / f"{sysname}.{plname}.SeasonalTemp.{timestamp}" ) icef = ( path / "SeasonalClimateFiles" / f"{sysname}.{plname}.SeasonalIceBalance.{timestamp}" ) planckbf = ( path / "SeasonalClimateFiles" / f"{sysname}.{plname}.SeasonalFOut.{timestamp}" ) check = 1 if check == 0: raise StandardError("Climate data not found for time %f" % time) insol = np.loadtxt(insolf, unpack=True) temp = np.loadtxt(tempf, unpack=True) ice = np.loadtxt(icef, unpack=True) fluxo = np.loadtxt(planckbf, unpack=True) output = / "") ctmp = 0 for p in range(len(output.bodies)): if output.bodies[p].name == plname: body = output.bodies[p] ctmp = 1 else: if p == len(output.bodies) - 1 and ctmp == 0: raise Exception("Planet %s not found." % plname) lats = np.unique(body.Latitude) try: obl = body.Obliquity[np.where(body.Time == time)[0]] except: obl = getattr(output.log.initial, plname).Obliquity if obl.unit == "rad": obl *= 180 / np.pi try: ecc = body.Eccentricity[np.where(body.Time == time)[0]] except: ecc = getattr(output.log.initial, plname).Eccentricity try: longp = (body.LongP + body.PrecA)[np.where(body.Time == time)[0]] except: try: longp = getattr(output.log.initial, plname).LongP except: try: longp = ( getattr(output.log.initial, plname).LongA + getattr(out.log.initial, plname).ArgP ) if longp.unit == "rad": longp *= 180 / np.pi longp = longp % 360 except: longp = 0 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 5)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.2) ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) c1 = plt.contourf(np.arange(np.shape(insol)[1]), lats, insol, cmap="plasma") plt.ylim(lats[0], lats[-1]) plt.ylabel("Latitude ($^{\circ}$)") plt.yticks([-60, -30, 0, 30, 60], ["60S", "30S", "0", "30N", "60N"]) clb = plt.colorbar(c1, ax=ax) clb.set_label(r"Insolation (W/m$^2$)", fontsize=12) scale = 4 * np.shape(insol)[1] / np.shape(temp)[1] ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) c2 = plt.contourf(np.arange(np.shape(temp)[1]) * scale, lats, temp, cmap="plasma") plt.ylim(lats[0], lats[-1]) plt.xlim(0, np.shape(temp)[1] * scale / 4.0) plt.yticks([-60, -30, 0, 30, 60], ["60S", "30S", "0", "30N", "60N"]) clb = plt.colorbar(c2, ax=ax) clb.set_label(r"Surface Temp ($^{\circ}$C)", fontsize=12) scale = np.shape(insol)[1] / np.shape(ice)[1] ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) c3 = plt.contourf( np.arange(np.shape(ice)[1]) * scale, lats, ice * 1e3, cmap="Blues_r" ) plt.ylim(lats[0], lats[-1]) plt.ylabel("Latitude ($^{\circ}$)") plt.yticks([-60, -30, 0, 30, 60], ["60S", "30S", "0", "30N", "60N"]) plt.xlabel("Day of Year") clb = plt.colorbar(c3, ax=ax) clb.set_label(r"Ice Mass Balance (10$^{-3}$ kg/m$^2$/s)", fontsize=12) scale = 4 * np.shape(insol)[1] / np.shape(temp)[1] ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) c2 = plt.contourf(np.arange(np.shape(fluxo)[1]) * scale, lats, fluxo, cmap="plasma") plt.ylim(lats[0], lats[-1]) plt.xlim(0, np.shape(temp)[1] * scale / 4.0) plt.yticks([-60, -30, 0, 30, 60], ["60S", "30S", "0", "30N", "60N"]) plt.xlabel("Day of Year") clb = plt.colorbar(c2, ax=ax) clb.set_label(r"OLR (W/m$^{2}$)", fontsize=12) # Save ext = get_args().ext fig.savefig(path / f"EarthClimateSeasons.{ext}", dpi=300) if show: else: plt.close()
def comp2huybers(plname, xrange=False, show=True): """ Creates plots of insolation, temperature, albedo, ice mass, and bed rock height over the length of the simulation Parameters ---------- plname : string The name of the planet with .Climate data Keyword Arguments ----------------- xrange : float tuple, list, or numpy array Range of x-values (time) to restrict plot (default = False (no restriction)) orbit : bool Plot orbital data (obliquity, eccentricity, COPP) (default = False) show : bool Show plot in Python (default = True) """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, top=0.9, hspace=0.2) # Run vplanet out = / "") ctmp = 0 for p in range(len(out.bodies)): if out.bodies[p].name == plname: body = out.bodies[p] ctmp = 1 else: if p == len(out.bodies) - 1 and ctmp == 0: raise Exception("Planet %s not found." % plname) try: ecc = body.Eccentricity except: ecc = np.zeros_like(body.Time) + getattr(out.log.initial, plname).Eccentricity try: inc = body.Inc except: inc = np.zeros_like(body.Time) try: obl = body.Obliquity except: obltmp = getattr(out.log.initial, plname).Obliquity if obltmp.unit == "rad": obltmp *= 180 / np.pi obl = np.zeros_like(body.Time) + obltmp plname_lower = plname.lower() f = open(path / f"{plname_lower}.in", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() pco2 = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].split() != []: if lines[i].split()[0] == "dRotPeriod": P = -1 * np.float(lines[i].split()[1]) if lines[i].split()[0] == "dSemi": semi = np.float(lines[i].split()[1]) if semi < 0: semi *= -1 if lines[i].split()[0] == "dpCO2": pco2 = np.float(lines[i].split()[1]) try: longp = (body.ArgP + body.LongA + body.PrecA + 180) except: longp = body.PrecA esinv = ecc * np.sin(longp) lats = np.unique(body.Latitude) nlats = len(lats) ntimes = len(body.Time) # plot temperature temp = np.reshape(body.TempLandLat, (ntimes, nlats)) ax1 = plt.subplot(7, 1, 5) c = plt.contourf( body.Time / 1e6, lats[lats > 58 * u.deg], temp.T[lats > 58 * u.deg], 20 ) plt.ylabel("Latitude") plt.ylim(60, 83) plt.yticks([60, 70, 80]) if xrange == False: left = 0 else: left = xrange[0] if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) plt.xticks(visible=False) clb = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca(), ticks=[-17, -15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -5],) clb.set_label("Surface Temp.\n($^{\circ}$C)", fontsize=12) # plot ice height ice = np.reshape(body.IceHeight + body.BedrockH, (ntimes, nlats)) ax3 = plt.subplot(7, 1, 4) c = plt.contourf( body.Time / 1e6, lats[lats > 58 * u.deg], ice.T[lats > 58 * u.deg, :], 20 ) plt.ylabel("Latitude") plt.ylim(60, 83) plt.yticks([60, 70, 80]) if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) plt.xticks(visible=False) clb = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca()) clb.set_label("Ice sheet\nheight (m)", fontsize=12) ax4 = plt.subplot(7, 1, 6) acc = np.reshape(body.IceAccum, (ntimes, nlats)) c = plt.contourf( body.Time / 1e6, lats[lats > 58 * u.deg], acc.T[lats > 58 * u.deg], 20 ) plt.ylabel("Latitude") plt.ylim(60, 83) plt.yticks([60, 70, 80]) plt.xticks(visible=False) if xrange == False: left = 0 else: left = xrange[0] if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) clb = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca(),) tloc = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5) clb.locator = tloc clb.update_ticks() clb.set_label("Ice Accum.\n(m year$^{-1}$)", fontsize=12) ax5 = plt.subplot(7, 1, 7) abl = np.reshape(body.IceAblate, (ntimes, nlats)) c = plt.contourf( body.Time / 1e6, lats[lats > 58 * u.deg], -abl.T[lats > 58 * u.deg], 20 ) plt.ylabel("Latitude") plt.ylim(60, 83) plt.yticks([60, 70, 80]) plt.xlabel("Time (Myr)") if xrange == False: left = 0 else: left = xrange[0] if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) clb = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca(),) clb.set_label("Ice Ablation\n(m year$^{-1}$)", fontsize=12) plt.subplot(7, 1, 1) plt.plot( body.Time / 1e6, obl, linestyle="solid", marker="None", color=vplot.colors.dark_blue, linewidth=2, ) plt.ylabel("Obliquity") plt.xticks(visible=False) if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) # Hack to make axis align with the others c = plt.contourf([np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], alpha=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca()) plt.subplot(7, 1, 2) plt.plot( body.Time / 1e6, ecc, linestyle="solid", marker="None", color=vplot.colors.purple, linewidth=2, ) plt.ylabel("Eccenticity") plt.xticks(visible=False) if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) # Hack to make axis align with the others c = plt.contourf([np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], alpha=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca()) plt.subplot(7, 1, 3) plt.plot( body.Time / 1e6, esinv, linestyle="solid", marker="None",, linewidth=2, ) plt.ylabel("CPP") plt.xticks(visible=False) if xrange: plt.xlim(xrange) # Hack to make axis align with the others c = plt.contourf([np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], alpha=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(c, ax=plt.gca()) # Save ext = get_args().ext plt.savefig(path / f"EarthClimateMilankovitch.{ext}") if show: else: plt.close()
r"CTL, Static $r_g$", ] colors = [, vplot.colors.purple,, vplot.colors.pale_blue, ] # Loop over directories to run simulations dataDirs = ["CPL_RG", "CPL_RG_OFF", "CTL_RG", "CTL_RG_OFF"] for ii, dataDir in tqdm(enumerate(dataDirs), total=len(dataDirs)): # Run vplanet output = / dataDir / "", units=False, quiet=True) # Extract data time = output.secondary.Time a_crit = output.secondary.CriticalSemiMajorAxis orbP = output.secondary.OrbPeriod ecc = output.secondary.Eccentricity # Top: Critical semi-major axis axes[0].plot(time, a_crit, lw=4, label=labels[ii], color=colors[ii]) # Format axes[0].set_ylabel("Critical Semi-Major Axis [au]", fontsize=20) axes[0].set_ylim(ymin=0.145, ymax=0.36) axes[0].set_yticks([0.05 * i + 0.15 for i in range(5)]) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.2f"))
planet.x1, planet.x2, planet.x3, planet.v1, planet.v2, planet.v3, ) = np.loadtxt(FileName, skiprows=17, unpack=True) planet.MeanA[planet.MeanA < 0] += 360 planet.LongP[planet.LongP < 0] += 360 planet.LongA[planet.LongA < 0] += 360 planet.a = planet.a return planet # Run vplanet SS = / "", units=False, quiet=True) # Get hnbody results hnEarth = ReadHNBody(path / "earth.dat") hnEarth.Mass = 1.0 fig, ([ax1, ax2], [ax3, ax4], [ax5, ax6]) = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=[14, 16]) ax1.plot(hnEarth.Time, hnEarth.a, ax1.plot(SS.Earth.Time, SS.Earth.SemiMajorAxis, "k") ax1.set_rasterization_zorder(0) ax1.set_ylabel("Semi-Major Axis (AU)") ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.6f"))
import numpy as np import vplot import vplanet # Path hacks path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0].absolute() sys.path.insert(1, str(path.parents[0])) from get_args import get_args # Typical plot parameters that make for pretty plot mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (6.5, 6) mpl.rcParams["font.size"] = 10.0 # Run vplanet cplauto = / "Lopez12CPL" / "Auto" / "", units=False) cplbondi = / "Lopez12CPL" / "Bondi" / "", units=False) cplelim = / "Lopez12CPL" / "ELim" / "", units=False) cplrr = / "Lopez12CPL" / "RR" / "", units=False) # Plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2) timeauto = / 1e6 timebondi = cplbondi.bondi.Time / 1e6 timeelim = cplelim.el.Time / 1e6 timerr = cplrr.rr.Time / 1e6 ## Upper left: Envelope Mass ## axes[0, 0].plot(timeauto,, color="k") axes[0, 0].plot(timebondi, cplbondi.bondi.EnvelopeMass,