def __init__(self, sim_client, open_force=20., open_velocity=0.5, close_force=100., close_velocity=-0.5): ''' VRep RG2 gripper class. Currently only does torque control. Args: - sim_client: VRep client object to communicate with simulator over - open_force: Force to apply when opening gripper - open_velocity: Target velocity when opening gripper - close_force: Force to apply when closing gripper - close_velocity: Target velocity when closing gripper ''' self.sim_client = sim_client # Set gripper params self.open_force = open_force self.open_velocity = open_velocity self.close_force = close_force self.close_velocity = close_velocity # Get gripper actuation joint and target dummy object sim_ret, self.gripper_joint = utils.getObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'RG2_openCloseJoint') sim_ret, self.gripper_tip = utils.getObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_tip')
def getReward(self): sim_ret, narrow_tip = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'narrow_tip') sim_ret, cube_bottom = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'cube_bottom') sim_ret, tip_position = utils.getObjectPosition(self.sim_client, narrow_tip) sim_ret, bottom_position = utils.getObjectPosition(self.sim_client, cube_bottom) sim_ret, cube_orientation = utils.getObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.cube) return -np.linalg.norm(tip_position-bottom_position) + (-10 * cube_orientation[0])
def __init__(self, sim_client, gripper): self.sim_client = sim_client self.gripper = gripper # Create handles to the UR5 target and tip which control IK control sim_ret, self.UR5_target = utils.getObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_target') sim_ret, self.gripper_tip = utils.getObjectHandle( self.sim_client, 'UR5_tip')
def reset(self): """ reset the environment :return: the observation, List[List[float], List[float]] """ vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) sim_ret, self.cube = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'cube') utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target, [-0.2, 0.6, 0.08]) dy = 0.3 * np.random.random() # dy = 0 # dz = 0.1 * np.random.random() - 0.05 current_pose = self.ur5.getEndEffectorPose() target_pose = current_pose.copy() target_pose[1, 3] += dy # target_pose[2, 3] += dz self.rdd.setFingerPos(-0.1) self.ur5.moveTo(target_pose) self.narrow_p = [] self.target_position = None while self.target_position is None: time.sleep(0.1) return [0. for _ in range(20)]
def reset(self): """ reset the environment :return: the observation, List[List[float], List[float]] """ vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, utils.VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, utils.VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) sim_ret, self.cube = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'cube') self.rdd.setFingerPos(-0.1) utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target, [-0.2, 0.6, 0.08]) # utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target, [-0.2, 0.6, 0.15]) dy = 0.3 * np.random.random() # dz = 0.1 * np.random.random() - 0.05 current_pose = self.ur5.getEndEffectorPose() target_pose = current_pose.copy() target_pose[1, 3] += dy # target_pose[2, 3] += dz self.sendClearSignal() self.ur5.moveTo(target_pose) self.rdd.setFingerPos() return self.getObs()
def reset(self): vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) # Generate a cube # position = self.cube_start_position # orientation = [np.radians(90), 0, np.radians(90)] # # orientation = [0, 0, 0] # size = self.cube_size # mass = 0.1 # color = [255, 0, 0] # self.cube = utils.importShape(self.sim_client, 'cube', CUBE_MESH, position, orientation, color) # self.cube = utils.generateShape(self.sim_client, 'cube', 0, size, position, orientation, mass, color) # time.sleep(1) sim_ret, self.cube = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'cube') utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target, [-0.2, 0.6, 0.07]) dy = 0.3 * np.random.random() # dy = 0.3 current_pose = self.ur5.getEndEffectorPose() target_pose = current_pose.copy() target_pose[1, 3] += dy self.ur5.moveTo(target_pose) # time.sleep(0.5) self.rdd.openFinger(RDD.NARROW) return self.rdd.getFingerPosition(RDD.NARROW)
def reset(self): vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING) time.sleep(1) sim_ret, self.cube = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'cube') utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target, [-0.2, 0.6, 0.08]) dy = 0.3 * np.random.random() # dy = 0 # dz = 0.1 * np.random.random() - 0.05 current_pose = self.ur5.getEndEffectorPose() target_pose = current_pose.copy() target_pose[1, 3] += dy # target_pose[2, 3] += dz self.ur5.moveTo(target_pose) # self.target_position = None while self.target_position is None: time.sleep(0.1) return self.state
def __init__(self, sim_client, sensor_name, workspace, intrinsics, get_rgb=True, get_depth=True, z_near=0.01, z_far=10): ''' VRep vision sensor class. Args: - sim_client: VRep client object to communicate with simulator over - sensor_name: Sensor name in simulator - workspace: Workspace for the vision sensor in robot coordinates - intrinsics: sensor intrinsics - get_rgb: Should the sensor get the rgb image - get_depth: Should the sensor get the depth image - z_near: Minimum distance for depth sensing - z_far: Maximum distance for depth sensing ''' self.sim_client = sim_client self.workspace = workspace self.intrinsics = intrinsics self.get_rgb = get_rgb self.get_depth = get_depth # Setup sensor and default sensor values sim_ret, self.sensor = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, sensor_name) sim_ret, pos = utils.getObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.sensor) sim_ret, rot = utils.getObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.sensor) cam_trans = np.eye(4, 4) cam_trans[:3, 3] = np.asarray(pos) rotm = np.linalg.inv( transformations.euler_matrix(-rot[0], -rot[1], -rot[2])) self.pose =, rotm) self.z_near = z_near self.z_far = z_far