예제 #1
    def test_known_licenses(self):
        """Test the KNOWN_LICENSES"""

        total_licenses = len(KNOWN_LICENSES)
        self.assertEqual(total_licenses, 3,
                         msg='shared_setup has %s licenses' % total_licenses);

        md5sums = []
        for short, data in KNOWN_LICENSES.items():
            # the known text must be in known_licenses dir with the short name
            fn = os.path.join(REPO_BASE_DIR, 'known_licenses', short)
                            msg='license %s is in known_licenses directory'% short)

            md5sum = get_md5sum(fn)
            self.assertEqual(data[0], md5sum,
                             msg='md5sum from KNOWN_LICENSES %s matches the one in known_licenses dir %s for %s' %
                             (data[0], md5sum, short) )
            self.assertFalse(md5sum in md5sums,
                             msg='md5sum for license %s is unique' % md5sum)

            lic_name, classifier = get_license(license=fn)
            self.assertEqual(lic_name, os.path.basename(fn),
                             msg='file %s is license %s' % (fn, lic_name))
            self.assertTrue(classifier.startswith('License :: OSI Approved :: ') or
                            classifier == 'License :: Other/Proprietary License',
                            msg='classifier as expected for %s' % short)
예제 #2
def check_header(filename, script=False, write=False):
    Given filename, extract the header, verify it

    if script: treat first line as shebang
    if write: adapt file to new header

    If the header contains line '### External compatible license',
    one assumes the license is correct and should not be controlled by check_header

    Return if header is different from expected or not

    header, shebang = get_header(filename, script=script)
    header_end_pos = len(header)
    changed = False
    if shebang is not None:
        # original position
        header_end_pos += 1 + len(shebang) # 1 is from splitted newline

        if 'python' in shebang and shebang != SHEBANG_ENV_PYTHON:
            log.info('python in shebang, forcing env python (header modified)')
            changed = True
            shebang = SHEBANG_ENV_PYTHON

    if re.search(r'^### External compatible license\s*$', header, re.M):
        log.info('Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.')
        return changed

    # genheader
    # version is irrelevant
    name_url = get_name_url(version='ALL_VERSIONS')
    license, _ = get_license()

    # begin and endyear from copyright rule
    beginyear, endyear = begin_end_from_header(header)

    data = {
        'beginyear': beginyear,
        'endyear': endyear,
        'name': name_url['name'],
        'url': name_url['url'],

    gen_header = gen_license_header(license, **data)

    # force encoding?
    reg_enc = ENCODING_REGEXP.search(header)
    if reg_enc:
        enc_line = reg_enc.group(1) + "\n" # matches full line, but not newline
        gen_header = enc_line + gen_header

    if header != gen_header:
        log.info("Diff header vs gen_header\n" + "".join(nicediff(header, gen_header)))
        changed = True

    if write and changed:
        log.info('write enabled and different header. Going to modify file %s' % filename)
        wholetext = open(filename).read()
        newtext = ''
        if shebang is not None:
            newtext += shebang + "\n"
        newtext += gen_header
        newtext += wholetext[header_end_pos:]
        _write(filename, newtext)

    # return different or not
    return changed