class RestClientTest(TestCase): """ small test for The RestClient This should not be to much, since there is an hourly limit of requests for the github api """ def setUp(self): """setup""" super(RestClientTest, self).setUp() self.client = RestClient('', username=GITHUB_LOGIN, token=GITHUB_TOKEN) def test_client(self): """Do a test api call""" status, body = self.client.repos[GITHUB_USER][GITHUB_REPO].contents.a_directory['a_file.txt'].get() self.assertEqual(status, 200) # dGhpcyBpcyBhIGxpbmUgb2YgdGV4dAo= == 'this is a line of text' in base64 encoding self.assertEqual(body['content'].strip(), u"dGhpcyBpcyBhIGxpbmUgb2YgdGV4dAo=") status, body = self.client.repos['hpcugent']['easybuild-framework'].pulls[1].get() self.assertEqual(status, 200) self.assertEqual(body['merge_commit_sha'], u'fba3e13815f3d2a9dfbd2f89f1cf678dd58bb1f1') def test_request_methods(self): """Test all request methods""" status, body = self.client.head() self.assertEqual(status, 200) try: status, body ='*****@*****.**') self.assertTrue(False, 'posting to unauthorized endpoint did not trhow a http error') except HTTPError: pass try: status, body = self.client.user.emails.delete(body='*****@*****.**') self.assertTrue(False, 'deleting to unauthorized endpoint did not trhow a http error') except HTTPError: pass
def __init__(self, githubuser, reponame, branchname="master", username=None, password=None, token=None): """Construct a new githubfs object @param githubuser: the github user's repo we want to use. @param reponame: The name of the repository we want to use. @param branchname: Then name of the branch to use (defaults to master) @param username: (optional) your github username. @param password: (optional) your github password. @param token: (optional) a github api token. """ if token is None: token = fetch_github_token(username) self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False) = RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=username, password=password, token=token) self.githubuser = githubuser self.reponame = reponame self.branchname = branchname
def github_api_get_request(request_f, github_user=None, **kwargs): """ Helper method, for performing get requests to GitHub API. @param request_f: function that should be called to compose request, providing a RestClient instance @param github_user: GitHub user name (to try and obtain matching GitHub token) @return: tuple with return status and data """ if github_user is None: github_user = build_option('github_user') token = fetch_github_token(github_user) url = request_f( RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=github_user, token=token)) try: status, data = url.get(**kwargs) except socket.gaierror, err: _log.warning("Error occured while performing get request: %s" % err) status, data = 0, None
def create_gist(txt, fn, descr=None, github_user=None): """Create a gist with the provided text.""" if descr is None: descr = "(none)" github_token = fetch_github_token(github_user) body = { "description": descr, "public": True, "files": { fn: { "content": txt, } } } g = RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=github_user, token=github_token) status, data = if not status == HTTP_STATUS_CREATED: _log.error("Failed to create gist; status %s, data: %s" % (status, data)) return data['html_url']
def post_comment_in_issue(issue, txt, repo=GITHUB_EASYCONFIGS_REPO, github_user=None): """Post a comment in the specified PR.""" if not isinstance(issue, int): try: issue = int(issue) except ValueError, err: raise EasyBuildError( "Failed to parse specified pull request number '%s' as an int: %s; ", issue, err) github_token = fetch_github_token(github_user) g = RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=github_user, token=github_token) pr_url = g.repos[GITHUB_EB_MAIN][repo].issues[issue] status, data ={'body': txt}) if not status == HTTP_STATUS_CREATED: raise EasyBuildError( "Failed to create comment in PR %s#%d; status %s, data: %s", repo, issue, status, data) class GithubToken(object): """Representation of a GitHub token.""" # singleton metaclass: only one instance is created __metaclass__ = Singleton
def main(): """the main function""" fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True) fancylogger.setLogLevelInfo() options = { 'github-user': ('Your github username to use', None, 'store', None, 'g'), 'closed-pr': ('Delete all gists from closed pull-requests', None, 'store_true', True, 'p'), 'all': ('Delete all gists from Easybuild ', None, 'store_true', False, 'a'), 'orphans': ('Delete all gists without a pull-request', None, 'store_true', False, 'o'), } go = simple_option(options) log = go.log if not (go.options.all or go.options.closed_pr or go.options.orphans): log.error("Please tell me what to do?") if go.options.github_user is None: eb_go = EasyBuildOptions(envvar_prefix='EASYBUILD', go_args=[]) username = eb_go.options.github_user log.debug("Fetch github username from easybuild, found: %s", username) else: username = go.options.github_user if username is None: log.error("Could not find a github username") else:"Using username = %s", username) token = fetch_github_token(username) gh = RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=username, token=token) # ToDo: add support for pagination status, gists = gh.gists.get(per_page=100) if status != HTTP_STATUS_OK: log.error("Failed to get a lists of gists for user %s: error code %s, message = %s", username, status, gists) else:"Found %s gists", len(gists)) regex = re.compile(r"(EasyBuild test report|EasyBuild log for failed build).*?(?:PR #(?P<PR>[0-9]+))?\)?$") pr_cache = {} num_deleted = 0 for gist in gists: if not gist["description"]: continue re_pr_num =["description"]) delete_gist = False if re_pr_num: log.debug("Found a Easybuild gist (id=%s)", gist["id"]) pr_num ="PR") if go.options.all: delete_gist = True elif pr_num and go.options.closed_pr: log.debug("Found Easybuild test report for PR #%s", pr_num) if pr_num not in pr_cache: status, pr = gh.repos[GITHUB_EB_MAIN][GITHUB_EASYCONFIGS_REPO].pulls[pr_num].get() if status != HTTP_STATUS_OK: log.error("Failed to get pull-request #%s: error code %s, message = %s", pr_num, status, pr) pr_cache[pr_num] = pr["state"] if pr_cache[pr_num] == "closed": log.debug("Found report from closed PR #%s (id=%s)", pr_num, gist["id"]) delete_gist = True elif not pr_num and go.options.orphans: log.debug("Found Easybuild test report without PR (id=%s)", gist["id"]) delete_gist = True if delete_gist: status, del_gist = gh.gists[gist["id"]].delete() if status != HTTP_DELETE_OK: log.error("Unable to remove gist (id=%s): error code %s, message = %s", gist["id"], status, del_gist) else:"Delete gist with id=%s", gist["id"]) num_deleted += 1"Deleted %s gists", num_deleted)
def new_pr(paths, title=None, descr=None, commit_msg=None): """Open new pull request using specified files.""" _log.experimental("Opening new pull request for: %s", ', '.join(paths)) pr_branch_name = build_option('pr_branch_name') pr_target_account = build_option('pr_target_account') pr_target_repo = build_option('pr_target_repo') # collect GitHub info we'll need # * GitHub username to push branch to repo # * GitHub token to open PR github_user = build_option('github_user') if github_user is None: raise EasyBuildError("GitHub user must be specified to use --new-pr") github_token = fetch_github_token(github_user) if github_token is None: raise EasyBuildError( "GitHub token for user '%s' must be available to use --new-pr", github_user) # create branch, commit files to it & push to GitHub file_info, git_repo, branch, diff_stat = _easyconfigs_pr_common( paths, pr_branch=pr_branch_name, target_account=pr_target_account, commit_msg=commit_msg) # only use most common toolchain(s) in toolchain label of PR title toolchains = [ '%(name)s/%(version)s' % ec['toolchain'] for ec in file_info['ecs'] ] toolchains_counted = sorted([(toolchains.count(tc), tc) for tc in nub(toolchains)]) toolchain_label = ','.join([ tc for (cnt, tc) in toolchains_counted if cnt == toolchains_counted[-1][0] ]) # only use most common module class(es) in moduleclass label of PR title classes = [ec['moduleclass'] for ec in file_info['ecs']] classes_counted = sorted([(classes.count(c), c) for c in nub(classes)]) class_label = ','.join( [tc for (cnt, tc) in classes_counted if cnt == classes_counted[-1][0]]) if title is None: # mention software name/version in PR title (only first 3) names_and_versions = [ "%s v%s" % (, ec.version) for ec in file_info['ecs'] ] if len(names_and_versions) <= 3: main_title = ', '.join(names_and_versions) else: main_title = ', '.join(names_and_versions[:3] + ['...']) title = "{%s}[%s] %s" % (class_label, toolchain_label, main_title) full_descr = "(created using `eb --new-pr`)\n" if descr is not None: full_descr += descr # create PR pr_target_branch = build_option('pr_target_branch') dry_run = build_option('dry_run') or build_option('extended_dry_run') msg = '\n'.join([ '', "Opening pull request%s" % ('', " [DRY RUN]")[dry_run], "* target: %s/%s:%s" % (pr_target_account, pr_target_repo, pr_target_branch), "* from: %s/%s:%s" % (github_user, pr_target_repo, branch), "* title: \"%s\"" % title, "* description:", '"""', full_descr, '"""', "* overview of changes:\n%s" % diff_stat, '', ]) print_msg(msg, log=_log, prefix=False) if not dry_run: g = RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=github_user, token=github_token) pulls_url = g.repos[pr_target_account][pr_target_repo].pulls body = { 'base': pr_target_branch, 'head': '%s:%s' % (github_user, branch), 'title': title, 'body': full_descr, } status, data = if not status == HTTP_STATUS_CREATED: raise EasyBuildError( "Failed to open PR for branch %s; status %s, data: %s", branch, status, data) print_msg("Opened pull request: %s" % data['html_url'], log=_log, prefix=False)
def main(): opts = { 'dry-run': ("Dry run, don't actually post/push/merge anything", None, 'store_true', False, 'x'), 'force': ("Use force to execute the specified action", None, 'store_true', False, 'f'), 'github-account': ("GitHub account where repository is located", None, 'store', 'easybuilders', 'a'), 'github-user': ("GitHub user to use (for authenticated access)", None, 'store', 'boegel', 'u'), 'owner': ("Owner of the bot account that is used", None, 'store', None), 'repository': ("Repository to use", None, 'store', 'easybuild-easyconfigs', 'r'), # actions 'comment': ("Post a comment in the pull request", None, 'store', None, 'C'), 'merge': ("Merge the pull request", None, 'store_true', False, 'M'), 'review': ("Review the pull request", None, 'store_true', False, 'R'), 'test': ("Submit job to upload test report", None, 'store_or_None', None, 'T'), 'travis': ("Scan Travis test results, notify of failed tests in PRs", None, 'store_true', False), } actions = ['comment', 'merge', 'review', 'test', 'travis'] go = simple_option(go_dict=opts) init_build_options() # determine which action should be taken selected_action = None for action in sorted(actions): action_value = getattr(go.options, action) if isinstance(action_value, bool): if action_value: selected_action = (action, action_value) break elif action_value is not None: selected_action = (action, action_value) break # FIXME: support multiple actions, loop over them (e.g. -C :jok,lgtm -T) if selected_action is None: avail_actions = ', '.join( ["%s (-%s)" % (a, a[0].upper()) for a in sorted(actions)]) error("No action specified, pick one: %s" % avail_actions) else: info("Selected action: %s" % selected_action[0]) global DRY_RUN DRY_RUN = go.options.dry_run force = go.options.force github_account = go.options.github_account github_user = go.options.github_user owner = go.options.owner repository = go.options.repository pr = None check_msg = None github_token = fetch_github_token(github_user) # prepare using GitHub API github = RestClient(GITHUB_API_URL, username=github_user, token=github_token, user_agent='eb-pr-check') if selected_action[0] == 'travis': res = travis(github_account, repository, github_token, owner=owner) if res: for pr, pr_comment, check_msg in res: pr_data = fetch_pr_data(github, github_account, repository, pr) comment(github, github_user, repository, pr_data, pr_comment, check_msg=check_msg, verbose=DRY_RUN) else: print "Found no PRs to notify, all done here!" else: if len(go.args) == 1: pr = go.args[0] else: usage() print "Fetching PR information ", print "(using GitHub token for user '%s': %s)... " % (github_user, ( 'no', 'yes')[bool(github_token)]), sys.stdout.flush() pr_data = fetch_pr_data(github, github_account, repository, pr) print '' #print_raw_pr_info(pr_data) print_pr_summary(pr_data) if selected_action[0] == 'comment': comment(github, github_user, repository, pr_data, selected_action[1], check_msg=check_msg) elif selected_action[0] == 'merge': merge(github, github_user, github_account, repository, pr_data, force=force) elif selected_action[0] == 'review': review(pr_data) elif selected_action[0] == 'test': test(pr_data, selected_action[1]) else: error("Handling action '%s' not implemented yet" % selected_action[0])
def setUp(self): """setup""" super(RestClientTest, self).setUp() self.client = RestClient('', username=GITHUB_LOGIN, token=GITHUB_TOKEN)
class RestClientTest(TestCase): """ small test for The RestClient This should not be to much, since there is an hourly limit of requests for the github api """ def setUp(self): """setup""" super(RestClientTest, self).setUp() self.client = RestClient('', username=GITHUB_LOGIN, token=GITHUB_TOKEN) def test_client(self): """Do a test api call""" if GITHUB_TOKEN is None: print("Skipping test_client, since no GitHub token is available") return status, body = self.client.repos[GITHUB_USER][ GITHUB_REPO].contents.a_directory['a_file.txt'].get() self.assertEqual(status, 200) # dGhpcyBpcyBhIGxpbmUgb2YgdGV4dAo= == 'this is a line of text' in base64 encoding self.assertEqual(body['content'].strip(), u"dGhpcyBpcyBhIGxpbmUgb2YgdGV4dAo=") status, body = self.client.repos['hpcugent'][ 'easybuild-framework'].pulls[1].get() self.assertEqual(status, 200) self.assertEqual(body['merge_commit_sha'], u'fba3e13815f3d2a9dfbd2f89f1cf678dd58bb1f1') def test_request_methods(self): """Test all request methods""" if GITHUB_TOKEN is None: print( "Skipping test_request_methods, since no GitHub token is available" ) return status, headers = self.client.head() self.assertEqual(status, 200) self.assertTrue(headers) self.assertTrue('X-GitHub-Media-Type' in headers) try: status, body = body='*****@*****.**') self.assertTrue( False, 'posting to unauthorized endpoint did not trhow a http error') except HTTPError: pass try: status, body = self.client.user.emails.delete( body='*****@*****.**') self.assertTrue( False, 'deleting to unauthorized endpoint did not trhow a http error') except HTTPError: pass def test_get_method(self): """A quick test of a GET to the github API""" status, body = self.client.users['hpcugent'].get() self.assertEqual(status, 200) self.assertEqual(body['login'], 'hpcugent') self.assertEqual(body['id'], 1515263) def test_get_connection(self): """Test for Client.get_connection.""" client = Client('') url = '/repos/hpcugent/vsc-base/pulls/296/comments' try: client.get_connection(Client.POST, url, body="{'body': 'test'}", headers={}) self.assertTrue( False, "Trying to post a comment unauthorized should result in HTTPError" ) except HTTPError: pass