def main(cases): """ Pass a list of tuples containing test classes and the starting string of the functions used for testing. Example: main ([(vtkTestClass, 'test'), (vtkTestClass1, 'test')]) """ processCmdLine() timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() s_time = timer.GetCPUTime() s_wall_time = time.time() # run the tests result = test(cases) tot_time = timer.GetCPUTime() - s_time tot_wall_time = float(time.time() - s_wall_time) # output measurements for Dart print "<DartMeasurement name=\"WallTime\" type=\"numeric/double\">", print " %f </DartMeasurement>"%tot_wall_time print "<DartMeasurement name=\"CPUTime\" type=\"numeric/double\">", print " %f </DartMeasurement>"%tot_time # Delete these to eliminate debug leaks warnings. del cases, timer if result.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1)
def main(cases): """ Pass a list of tuples containing test classes and the starting string of the functions used for testing. Example: main ([(vtkTestClass, 'test'), (vtkTestClass1, 'test')]) """ processCmdLine() timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() s_time = timer.GetCPUTime() s_wall_time = time.time() # run the tests result = test(cases) tot_time = timer.GetCPUTime() - s_time tot_wall_time = float(time.time() - s_wall_time) # output measurements for CDash print("<DartMeasurement name=\"WallTime\" type=\"numeric/double\"> " " %f </DartMeasurement>"%tot_wall_time) print("<DartMeasurement name=\"CPUTime\" type=\"numeric/double\"> " " %f </DartMeasurement>"%tot_time) # Delete these to eliminate debug leaks warnings. del cases, timer if result.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1)
def showPointCloud(modelNodeID): model = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(modelNodeID) polydata = model.GetPolyData() # Reuse the locator locator = vtk.vtkStaticPointLocator() locator.SetDataSet(polydata) locator.BuildLocator() # Remove isolated points removal = vtk.vtkRadiusOutlierRemoval() removal.SetInputData(polydata) removal.SetLocator(locator) removal.SetRadius(10) removal.SetNumberOfNeighbors(2) removal.GenerateOutliersOn() # Time execution timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() timer.StartTimer() removal.Update() timer.StopTimer() time = timer.GetElapsedTime() print("Time to remove points: {0}".format(time)) print(" Number removed: {0}".format(removal.GetNumberOfPointsRemoved()), " (out of: {}".format(polydata.GetNumberOfPoints())) # First output are the non-outliers remMapper = vtk.vtkPointGaussianMapper() remMapper.SetInputConnection(removal.GetOutputPort()) remMapper.EmissiveOff() remMapper.SetScaleFactor(0.0) remActor = vtk.vtkActor() remActor.SetMapper(remMapper) lm = tdWidget = lm.threeDWidget(0) tdView = tdWidget.threeDView() rWin = tdView.renderWindow() rCollection = rWin.GetRenderers() renderer = rCollection.GetItemAsObject(0) # Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size # renderer.AddActor(remActor)
closest = vtk.vtkIdList() closest.SetNumberOfIds(numProbes) staticClosest = vtk.vtkIdList() staticClosest.SetNumberOfIds(numProbes) # Print initial statistics print("Processing NumPts: {0}".format(numPts)) print("\n") # Time the creation and building of the incremental point locator locator = vtk.vtkPointLocator() locator.SetDataSet(polydata) locator.SetNumberOfPointsPerBucket(5) locator.AutomaticOn() timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() timer.StartTimer() locator.BuildLocator() timer.StopTimer() time = timer.GetElapsedTime() print("Build Point Locator: {0}".format(time)) # Probe the dataset with FindClosestPoint() and time it timer.StartTimer() for i in range (0,numProbes): closest.SetId(i, locator.FindClosestPoint(probePoints.GetPoint(i))) timer.StopTimer() opTime = timer.GetElapsedTime() print(" Closest point probing: {0}".format(opTime)) print(" Divisions: {0}".format( locator.GetDivisions() ))
dist = vtk.vtkUnsignedDistance() dist.SetInputData(polyData) dist.SetRadius(0.25) #how far out to propagate distance calculation dist.SetDimensions(res,res,res) dist.CappingOn() dist.AdjustBoundsOn() dist.SetAdjustDistance(0.01) # Extract the surface with modified flying edges fe = vtk.vtkFlyingEdges3D() fe.SetInputConnection(dist.GetOutputPort()) fe.SetValue(0, 0.075) fe.ComputeNormalsOff() # Time the execution timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() timer.StartTimer() fe.Update() timer.StopTimer() time = timer.GetElapsedTime() print("Points processed: {0}".format(NPts)) print(" Time to generate and extract distance function: {0}".format(time)) print(dist) feMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() feMapper.SetInputConnection(fe.GetOutputPort()) feActor = vtk.vtkActor() feActor.SetMapper(feMapper) # Create an outline
# Compare against standard contouring contour4 = vtk.vtkContourFilter() contour4.SetInputConnection(extract.GetOutputPort()) contour4.SetValue(0, 0.5) contour4.SetValue(1, 0.75) cont4Mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() cont4Mapper.SetInputConnection(contour4.GetOutputPort()) cont4Mapper.ScalarVisibilityOff() cont4Actor = vtk.vtkActor() cont4Actor.SetMapper(cont4Mapper) cont4Actor.GetProperty().SetColor(.8, .4, .4) # Timing comparisons timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() timer.StartTimer() stree.BuildTree() timer.StopTimer() streetime = timer.GetElapsedTime() timer.StartTimer() contour.Update() timer.StopTimer() time = timer.GetElapsedTime() timer.StartTimer() contourST.Update() timer.StopTimer() timeST = timer.GetElapsedTime()
def __init__(self, renderer): self._renderer = renderer self._timerLog = vtkTimerLog() self._numberOfTrials = 10
def examine(self, fileLists): """ Returns a list of DICOMLoadable instances corresponding to ways of interpreting the fileLists parameter. Top-level examine() calls various individual strategies implemented in examineFiles*(). """ self.detailedLogging = settingsValue('DICOM/detailedLogging', False, converter=toBool) timer = vtk.vtkTimerLog() timer.StartTimer() loadables = [] allfiles = [] for files in fileLists: loadables += self.examineFiles(files) # this strategy sorts the files into groups loadables += self.examineFilesIPPAcqTime(files) allfiles += files # here all files are lumped into one list for the situations when # individual frames should be parsed from series loadables += self.examineFilesMultiseries(allfiles) if len(allfiles) > len(files): # only examineFilesIPPAcqTime again if there are multiple file groups loadables += self.examineFilesIPPAcqTime(allfiles) # this strategy sorts the files into groups loadables += self.examineFilesIPPInstanceNumber(allfiles) # If Sequences module is available then duplicate all the loadables # for loading them as volume sequence. # A slightly higher confidence value is set for volume sequence loadables, # therefore by default data will be loaded as volume sequence. if hasattr(slicer.modules, 'sequences'): seqLoadables = [] for loadable in loadables: seqLoadable = DICOMLib.DICOMLoadable() seqLoadable.files = loadable.files seqLoadable.tooltip = loadable.tooltip.replace( ' frames MultiVolume by ', ' frames Volume Sequence by ') = ' frames MultiVolume by ', ' frames Volume Sequence by ') seqLoadable.multivolume = loadable.multivolume seqLoadable.selected = loadable.selected seqLoadable.confidence = loadable.confidence seqLoadable.loadAsVolumeSequence = True seqLoadables.append(seqLoadable) # Among all selected loadables, the ones that are listed first will be selected by default, # therefore we need to prepend loadables if sequence format is preferred. # Determine from settings loading into sequence node should have higher confidence (selected by default). settings = qt.QSettings() sequenceFormatPreferred = (settings.value( "DICOM/PreferredMultiVolumeImportFormat", "default") == "sequence") if sequenceFormatPreferred: # prepend loadables[0:0] = seqLoadables else: # append loadables += seqLoadables timer.StopTimer() if self.detailedLogging: logging.debug( f"MultiVolumeImporterPlugin: found {len(loadables)} loadables in {len(allfiles)} files in {timer.GetElapsedTime():.1f}sec." ) return loadables
def main(argc, argv): if (argc != 7): print("Usage: " + argv[0] + " Theta Phi MaximumPeels " + "OcclusionRatio ForceDepthSortingFlag " + "DoNotUseAnyDepthRelatedAlgorithmFlag" + "\n") print("100 100 50 0.1 0 0") return -1 colors = vtk.vtkNamedColors() theta = int(argv[1]) phi = int(argv[2]) maxPeels = int(argv[3]) occulusionRatio = float(argv[4]) forceDepthSort = int(argv[5]) == 1 withoutAnyDepthThings = (argv[6]) == 1 # Generate a translucent sphere poly data set that partially overlaps: translucentGeometry = GenerateOverlappingBunchOfSpheres(theta, phi) # generate a basic Mapper and Actor mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(translucentGeometry.GetOutputPort()) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(0.5) # translucent !!! actor.GetProperty().SetColor(colors.GetColor3d("Crimson")) actor.RotateX(-72) # put the objects in a position where it is easy to see # different overlapping regions # Create the RenderWindow, Renderer and RenderWindowInteractor renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer() renderWindow = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renderWindow.SetSize(600, 400) renderWindow.AddRenderer(renderer) renderWindow.SetWindowName("CorrectlyRenderTranslucentGeometry") renderWindowInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() renderWindowInteractor.SetRenderWindow(renderWindow) # Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size renderer.AddActor(actor) renderer.SetBackground(colors.GetColor3d("SlateGray")) # Setup view geometry renderer.ResetCamera() renderer.GetActiveCamera().Zoom(2.2) # so the object is larger renderWindow.Render() # Answer the key question: Does this box support GPU Depth Peeling? useDepthPeeling = IsDepthPeelingSupported(renderWindow, renderer, True) print("DEPTH PEELING SUPPORT: " + {1: "YES", 0: "NO"}[useDepthPeeling]) success = 0 # Use depth peeling if available and not explicitly prohibited, otherwise we # use manual depth sorting print("\n" + "CHOSEN MODE: ") if (useDepthPeeling and ~forceDepthSort and ~withoutAnyDepthThings): # GPU print("*** DEPTH PEELING ***") # Setup GPU depth peeling with configured parameters success = ~SetupEnvironmentForDepthPeeling(renderWindow, renderer, maxPeels, occulusionRatio) elif (~withoutAnyDepthThings): print("*** DEPTH SORTING ***") # Setup CPU depth sorting filter depthSort = vtk.vtkDepthSortPolyData() depthSort.SetInputConnection(translucentGeometry.GetOutputPort()) depthSort.SetDirectionToBackToFront() depthSort.SetVector(1, 1, 1) depthSort.SetCamera(renderer.GetActiveCamera()) depthSort.SortScalarsOff() # do not really need this here # Bring it to the mapper's input mapper.SetInputConnection(depthSort.GetOutputPort()) depthSort.Update() else: print("*** NEITHER DEPTH PEELING NOR DEPTH SORTING ***") # Initialize interaction renderWindowInteractor.Initialize() # Check the average frame rate when rotating the actor endCount = 100 clock = vtk.vtkTimerLog() # Set a user transform for successively rotating the camera position transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.Identity() transform.RotateY(2.0) # rotate 2 degrees around Y-axis at each iteration camera = renderer.GetActiveCamera() # Start test clock.StartTimer() for i in range(endCount): camPos = camera.GetPosition() camPos = transform.TransformPoint(camPos) camera.SetPosition(camPos) renderWindow.Render() clock.StopTimer() frameRate = endCount / clock.GetElapsedTime() print("AVERAGE FRAME RATE: " + str(frameRate) + " fps") # Start interaction renderWindowInteractor.Start() return success