def extractClusters(polyData, clusterInXY=False, **kwargs): ''' Segment a single point cloud into smaller clusters using Euclidean Clustering ''' if not polyData.GetNumberOfPoints(): return [] if (clusterInXY == True): ''' If Points are seperated in X&Y, then cluster outside this ''' polyDataXY = vtk.vtkPolyData() polyDataXY.DeepCopy(polyData) points=vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyDataXY , 'Points') # shared memory points[:,2] = 0.0 #showPolyData(polyDataXY, 'polyDataXY', visible=False, parent=getDebugFolder()) polyDataXY = applyEuclideanClustering(polyDataXY, **kwargs) clusterLabels = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyDataXY, 'cluster_labels') vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, clusterLabels, 'cluster_labels') else: polyData = applyEuclideanClustering(polyData, **kwargs) clusterLabels = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'cluster_labels') clusters = [] for i in xrange(1, clusterLabels.max() + 1): cluster = thresholdPoints(polyData, 'cluster_labels', [i, i]) clusters.append(cluster) return clusters
def findFarRightCorner(self, polyData, linkFrame): ''' Within a point cloud find the point to the far right from the link The input is typically the 4 corners of a minimum bounding box ''' diagonalTransform = transformUtils.frameFromPositionAndRPY([0,0,0], [0,0,45]) diagonalTransform.Concatenate(linkFrame) vis.updateFrame(diagonalTransform, 'diagonal frame', parent='cont debug', visible=False) #polyData = shallowCopy(polyData) points = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'Points') #vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, points[:,0].copy(), 'x') #vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, points[:,1].copy(), 'y') #vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, points[:,2].copy(), 'z') viewOrigin = diagonalTransform.TransformPoint([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) viewX = diagonalTransform.TransformVector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) viewY = diagonalTransform.TransformVector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) viewZ = diagonalTransform.TransformVector([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) #polyData = segmentation.labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, viewX, origin=viewOrigin, resultArrayName='distance_along_foot_x') polyData = segmentation.labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, viewY, origin=viewOrigin, resultArrayName='distance_along_foot_y') #polyData = segmentation.labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, viewZ, origin=viewOrigin, resultArrayName='distance_along_foot_z') vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'cornerPoints', parent='cont debug', visible=False) farRightIndex = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'distance_along_foot_y').argmin() points = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'Points') return points[farRightIndex,:]
def fitDrillBarrel ( drillPoints, forwardDirection, plane_origin, plane_normal): ''' Given a point cloud which ONLY contains points from a barrell drill, standing upright and the equations of a table its resting on, and the general direction of the robot Fit a barrell drill ''' if not drillPoints.GetNumberOfPoints(): return vis.updatePolyData(drillPoints, 'drill cluster', parent=getDebugFolder(), visible=False) drillBarrelPoints = thresholdPoints(drillPoints, 'dist_to_plane', [0.177, 0.30]) if not drillBarrelPoints.GetNumberOfPoints(): return # fit line to drill barrel points linePoint, lineDirection, _ = applyLineFit(drillBarrelPoints, distanceThreshold=0.5) if, forwardDirection) < 0: lineDirection = -lineDirection vis.updatePolyData(drillBarrelPoints, 'drill barrel points', parent=getDebugFolder(), visible=False) pts = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(drillBarrelPoints, 'Points') dists =, lineDirection) p1 = linePoint + lineDirection*np.min(dists) p2 = linePoint + lineDirection*np.max(dists) p1 = projectPointToPlane(p1, plane_origin, plane_normal) p2 = projectPointToPlane(p2, plane_origin, plane_normal) d = DebugData() d.addSphere(p1, radius=0.01) d.addSphere(p2, radius=0.01) d.addLine(p1, p2) vis.updatePolyData(d.getPolyData(), 'drill debug points', color=[0,1,0], parent=getDebugFolder(), visible=False) drillToBasePoint = np.array([-0.07, 0.0 , -0.12]) zaxis = plane_normal xaxis = lineDirection xaxis /= np.linalg.norm(xaxis) yaxis = np.cross(zaxis, xaxis) yaxis /= np.linalg.norm(yaxis) xaxis = np.cross(yaxis, zaxis) xaxis /= np.linalg.norm(xaxis) t = getTransformFromAxes(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) t.PreMultiply() t.Translate(-drillToBasePoint) t.PostMultiply() t.Translate(p1) return t
def labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, axis, origin=None, resultArrayName='distance_along_axis'): points = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'Points') if origin is not None: points = points - origin distanceValues =, axis) if origin is None: distanceValues -= np.nanmin(distanceValues) newData = shallowCopy(polyData) vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(newData, distanceValues, resultArrayName) return newData
def getRecedingTerrainRegion(self, polyData, linkFrame): ''' Find the point cloud in front of the foot frame''' #polyData = shallowCopy(polyData) points = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'Points') #vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, points[:,0].copy(), 'x') #vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, points[:,1].copy(), 'y') #vtkNumpy.addNumpyToVtk(polyData, points[:,2].copy(), 'z') viewOrigin = linkFrame.TransformPoint([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) viewX = linkFrame.TransformVector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) viewY = linkFrame.TransformVector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) viewZ = linkFrame.TransformVector([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) polyData = segmentation.labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, viewX, origin=viewOrigin, resultArrayName='distance_along_foot_x') polyData = segmentation.labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, viewY, origin=viewOrigin, resultArrayName='distance_along_foot_y') polyData = segmentation.labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, viewZ, origin=viewOrigin, resultArrayName='distance_along_foot_z') polyData = segmentation.thresholdPoints(polyData, 'distance_along_foot_x', [0.12, 1.6]) polyData = segmentation.thresholdPoints(polyData, 'distance_along_foot_y', [-0.4, 0.4]) polyData = segmentation.thresholdPoints(polyData, 'distance_along_foot_z', [-0.4, 0.4]) vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'walking snapshot trimmed', parent='cont debug', visible=True) return polyData
def findMinimumBoundingRectangle(self, polyData, linkFrame): ''' Find minimum bounding rectangle. The input is assumed to be a rectangular point cloud of cinder blocks Returns transform of far right corner (pointing away from robot) ''' # TODO: for non-z up surfaces, this needs work # TODO: return other parameters # Originally From: polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.02) #vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'block top', parent='cont debug', visible=False) polyDataCentroid = segmentation.computeCentroid(polyData) pts =vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk( polyData , 'Points' ) xy_points = pts[:,[0,1]] vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(xy_points) , 'xy_points', parent='cont debug', visible=False) hull_points = qhull_2d.qhull2D(xy_points) vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(hull_points) , 'hull_points', parent='cont debug', visible=False) # Reverse order of points, to match output from other qhull implementations hull_points = hull_points[::-1] # print 'Convex hull points: \n', hull_points, "\n" # Find minimum area bounding rectangle (rot_angle, rectArea, rectDepth, rectWidth, center_point, corner_points_ground) = min_bounding_rect.minBoundingRect(hull_points) vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(corner_points_ground) , 'corner_points_ground', parent='cont debug', visible=False) cornerPoints = np.vstack((corner_points_ground.T, polyDataCentroid[2]*np.ones( corner_points_ground.shape[0]) )).T cornerPolyData = vtkNumpy.getVtkPolyDataFromNumpyPoints(cornerPoints) # Create a frame at the far right point - which points away from the robot farRightCorner = self.findFarRightCorner(cornerPolyData , linkFrame) viewDirection = segmentation.SegmentationContext.getGlobalInstance().getViewDirection() robotYaw = math.atan2( viewDirection[1], viewDirection[0] )*180.0/np.pi blockAngle = rot_angle*(180/math.pi) #print "robotYaw ", robotYaw #print "blockAngle ", blockAngle blockAngleAll = np.array([blockAngle , blockAngle+90 , blockAngle+180, blockAngle+270]) #print blockAngleAll for i in range(0,4): if(blockAngleAll[i]>180): blockAngleAll[i]=blockAngleAll[i]-360 #print blockAngleAll values = abs(blockAngleAll - robotYaw) #print values min_idx = np.argmin(values) if ( (min_idx==1) or (min_idx==3) ): #print "flip rectDepth and rectWidth as angle is not away from robot" temp = rectWidth ; rectWidth = rectDepth ; rectDepth = temp #print "best angle", blockAngleAll[min_idx] rot_angle = blockAngleAll[min_idx]*math.pi/180.0 # Optional: overwrite all of the above with the yaw of the robt when it was standing in front of the blocks: if (self.fixBlockYawWithInitial): rot_angle = self.initialRobotYaw cornerTransform = transformUtils.frameFromPositionAndRPY( farRightCorner , [0,0, np.rad2deg(rot_angle) ] ) #print "Minimum area bounding box:" #print "Rotation angle:", rot_angle, "rad (", rot_angle*(180/math.pi), "deg )" #print "rectDepth:", rectDepth, " rectWidth:", rectWidth, " Area:", rectArea #print "Center point: \n", center_point # numpy array #print "Corner points: \n", cornerPoints, "\n" # numpy array return cornerTransform, rectDepth, rectWidth, rectArea