def timer_callback_(obj, ev): """ animation call back function (called every 0.1 second) """ global rootActor global c c += 1 print("hello", c) rs.simulate(1) ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser(rs) pd = vp.segs_to_polydata(ana, 1., ["radius", "subType", "creationTime"]) newRootActor, rootCBar = vp.plot_roots(pd, "creationTime", False) renWin = iren.GetRenderWindow() ren = renWin.GetRenderers().GetFirstRenderer() ren.RemoveActor(rootActor) newRootActor.RotateX(-90) ren.AddActor(newRootActor) ren.ResetCamera() rootActor = newRootActor iren.Render() if c >= max_age: c = 0 rs.initialize()
def vector_3d(a): return pb.Vector3d(a[0], a[1], a[2]) """ root problem """ r = XylemFluxPython("RootSystem.rsml") # returns a MappedSegments object segs = nodes = for i in range(0, len(nodes)): nodes[i] = vector_3d(np.array(nodes[i]) / 100.) = nodes """ Mixed plot """ ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser( pd = vp.segs_to_polydata(ana, 1.e-2, ["radius", "subType", "creationTime"]) print("Root system bounds", pd.GetBounds()) rootActor, rootCBar = vp.plot_roots(pd, "creationTime", False) ug = vp.read_vtu("benchmark3d_2-00001.vtu") print("Mesh bounds", ug.GetBounds()) meshActor, meshCBar = vp.plot_mesh( ug, "water content", "", False) # "pressure head" # e.g. "S_liq" "water content" vp.render_window([rootActor, meshActor], "mixed fun", meshCBar).Start() # # Plot, using vtk # rootActor, cBar = vp.plot_roots(rs, "creationTime", False) # rootActor.RotateX(90) # to look at it from top # vp.render_window(rootActor,"top view", cBar).Start()
# try: # x[c] = rs.seg2cell[s.y - 1] # except: # x[c] = -1 y = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) for i in range(0, x.shape[0]): y[i] = i % 2 if x[i] >= 0 else i % 2 - 2 # for i in range(0, x.shape[0]): x[i] = x[i] if x[i] >= 0 else -1 ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser( ana.addData("linear_index", x) # node data are converted to segment data ana.addData("zebra", y) pd = vp.segs_to_polydata(ana, 1., ["radius", "subType", "creationTime", "linear_index", "zebra"]) rootActor, rootCBar = vp.plot_roots(pd, "zebra", False) """ Mesh """ width_ = max_ - min_ ind_ = res_ / width_ print("min ", min_) print("max ", max_) print("width ", width_) print("cuboids", 1 / ind_) grid = vp.uniform_grid(min_, max_, res_) meshActor, meshCBar = vp.plot_mesh(grid, "", "", False) vp.render_window([meshActor, rootActor], "Test mapping", rootCBar).Start()
import rsml_reader as rsml import estimate_root_params as es from xylem_flux import XylemFluxPython import vtk_plot as vp import plantbox as pb time = range(1, 3) # measurement times (not in the rsml) name = ["RSML/m1/dicot/lupin/lupin_d{:g}.rsml".format(a) for a in range(1, 10)] # time = range(1, 3) # measurement times (not in the rsml) # name = ["RSML/m1/monocot/maize/PL0{:g}_DAS0{:g}.rsml".format(1, a) for a in range(1, 8)] # time = [75] # measurement times (not in the rsml) # name = ["RSML/Maize_Kutschera.rsml"] rs = XylemFluxPython( name[0]) # parses rsml, is of type MappedRootSegments ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser( # convert MappedRootSegments to a SegmentAnalyser # radii =["radius"] # DOES NOT WORK (why?) # for i in range(0, len(radii)): # radii[i] /= 116.93 #["radius"] = radii pd = vp.segs_to_polydata( ana, 1. / 116.93) # makes a vtkPolydata (to save as .vtp, or visualize with vtk) vp.plot_roots(pd, "radius") # plots vtkPolydata into an interactive window
p_s = np.linspace(-14000, -10000, 3001) p_s[0:10] = -300 # 3 meter down, resolution in mm, dry with moist top soil_index = lambda x, y, z: int(-10 * z) """ Numerical solution""" rx = r.solve_neumann( simtime, -0., p_s, True) # True: matric potential given per cell (not per segment) print("Transpiration", r.collar_flux(0., rx, [p_s]), "cm3/day") eswp = 0. n = len( seg2cell = for i in range(0, n): eswp += suf[i] * p_s[seg2cell[i]] print() print("Equivalent soil water potential", eswp) z =[1].z print("Root collar potential ", rx[1], "node z", z, "psi", p_s[soil_index(0, 0, z)]) print() """ Additional vtk plot """ ana = pb.SegmentAnalyser( ana.addData("rx", rx) # node data are converted to segment data pd = vp.segs_to_polydata( ana, 1., ["radius", "subType", "creationTime", "length", "rx", "suf"]) vp.plot_roots(pd, "rx")