def showInset(self, *actors, **options): #pos=3, size=0.1, c='r', draggable=True): """Add a draggable inset space into a renderer. :param pos: icon position in the range [1-4] indicating one of the 4 corners, or it can be a tuple (x,y) as a fraction of the renderer size. :param float size: size of the square inset. :param bool draggable: if True the subrenderer space can be dragged around. .. hint:: |inset| ||_ """ pos = options.pop("pos", None) size = options.pop("size", 0.1) c = options.pop("c", 'r') draggable = options.pop("draggable", True) if not self.renderer: colors.printc( "~lightningWarning: Use showInset() after first rendering the scene.", c=3) save_int = self.interactive self.interactive = save_int widget = vtk.vtkOrientationMarkerWidget() r, g, b = colors.getColor(c) widget.SetOutlineColor(r, g, b) if len(actors) == 1: widget.SetOrientationMarker(actors[0]) else: widget.SetOrientationMarker(Assembly(utils.flatten(actors))) widget.SetInteractor(self.interactor) if utils.isSequence(pos): widget.SetViewport(pos[0] - size, pos[1] - size, pos[0] + size, pos[1] + size) else: if pos < 2: widget.SetViewport(0, 1 - 2 * size, size * 2, 1) elif pos == 2: widget.SetViewport(1 - 2 * size, 1 - 2 * size, 1, 1) elif pos == 3: widget.SetViewport(0, 0, size * 2, size * 2) elif pos == 4: widget.SetViewport(1 - 2 * size, 0, 1, size * 2) widget.EnabledOn() widget.SetInteractive(draggable) self.widgets.append(widget) for a in actors: if a in self.actors: self.actors.remove(a) return widget
def __init__(self, *meshs): vtk.vtkAssembly.__init__(self) ActorBase.__init__(self) if len(meshs) == 1: meshs = meshs[0] else: meshs = utils.flatten(meshs) self.actors = meshs if len(meshs) and hasattr(meshs[0], "top"): self.base = meshs[0].base = meshs[0].top else: self.base = None = None for a in meshs: if a: self.AddPart(a)
def show( self, *actors, **options # at=None, # axes=None, # c=None, # alpha=None, # wire=False, # bc=None, # resetcam=True, # zoom=False, # interactive=None, # rate=None, # viewup="", # azimuth=0, # elevation=0, # roll=0, # interactorStyle=0, # q=False, ): """ Render a list of actors. Allowed input objects are: ``filename``, ``vtkPolyData``, ``vtkActor``, ``vtkActor2D``, ``vtkImageActor``, ``vtkAssembly`` or ``vtkVolume``. If filename is given, its type is guessed based on its extension. Supported formats are: `vtu, vts, vtp, ply, obj, stl, 3ds, xml, neutral, gmsh, pcd, xyz, txt, byu, tif, slc, vti, mhd, png, jpg`. :param int at: number of the renderer to plot to, if more than one exists :param int axes: set the type of axes to be shown - 0, no axes, - 1, draw three gray grid walls - 2, show cartesian axes from (0,0,0) - 3, show positive range of cartesian axes from (0,0,0) - 4, show a triad at bottom left - 5, show a cube at bottom left - 6, mark the corners of the bounding box - 7, draw a simple ruler at the bottom of the window - 8, show the ``vtkCubeAxesActor`` object, - 9, show the bounding box outLine, - 10, show three circles representing the maximum bounding box :param c: surface color, in rgb, hex or name formats :param bc: set a color for the internal surface face :param bool wire: show actor in wireframe representation :param float azimuth/elevation/roll: move camera accordingly :param str viewup: either ['x', 'y', 'z'] or a vector to set vertical direction :param bool resetcam: re-adjust camera position to fit objects :param bool interactive: pause and interact with window (True) or continue execution (False) :param float rate: maximum rate of `show()` in Hertz :param int interactorStyle: set the type of interaction - 0, TrackballCamera - 1, TrackballActor - 2, JoystickCamera - 3, Unicam - 4, Flight - 5, RubberBand3D - 6, RubberBandZoom :param bool q: force program to quit after `show()` command returns. """ if not hasattr(self, 'window'): return at = options.pop("at", None) axes = options.pop("axes", None) c = options.pop("c", None) alpha = options.pop("alpha", None) wire = options.pop("wire", False) bc = options.pop("bc", None) resetcam = options.pop("resetcam", True) zoom = options.pop("zoom", False) interactive = options.pop("interactive", None) rate = options.pop("rate", None) viewup = options.pop("viewup", "") azimuth = options.pop("azimuth", 0) elevation = options.pop("elevation", 0) roll = options.pop("roll", 0) interactorStyle = options.pop("interactorStyle", 0) q = options.pop("q", False) if self.offscreen: interactive = False self.interactive = False def scan(wannabeacts): scannedacts = [] if not utils.isSequence(wannabeacts): wannabeacts = [wannabeacts] for a in wannabeacts: # scan content of list if isinstance(a, vtk.vtkActor): scannedacts.append(a) if hasattr(a, 'trail' ) and a.trail and not a.trail in self.actors: scannedacts.append(a.trail) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkAssembly): scannedacts.append(a) if a.trail and not a.trail in self.actors: scannedacts.append(a.trail) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkActor2D): if isinstance(a, vtk.vtkCornerAnnotation): for a2 in settings.collectable_actors: if isinstance(a2, vtk.vtkCornerAnnotation): if at in a2.renderedAt: # remove old message self.removeActor(a2) scannedacts.append(a) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkImageActor): scannedacts.append(a) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkVolume): scannedacts.append(a) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkImageData): scannedacts.append(Volume(a)) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkPolyData): scannedacts.append(Actor(a, c, alpha, wire, bc)) elif isinstance(a, str): # assume a filepath was given out = vtkio.load(a, c, alpha, wire, bc) if isinstance(out, str): colors.printc("~times File not found:", out, c=1) scannedacts.append(None) else: scannedacts.append(out) elif "dolfin" in str(type(a)): # assume a dolfin.Mesh object from vtkplotter.dolfin import MeshActor out = MeshActor(a, c=c, alpha=alpha, wire=True, bc=bc) scannedacts.append(out) elif a is None: pass elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid): gf = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() gf.SetInputData(a) gf.Update() scannedacts.append( Actor(gf.GetOutput(), c, alpha, wire, bc)) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkStructuredGrid): gf = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() gf.SetInputData(a) gf.Update() scannedacts.append( Actor(gf.GetOutput(), c, alpha, wire, bc)) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid): gf = vtk.vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter() gf.SetInputData(a) gf.Update() scannedacts.append( Actor(gf.GetOutput(), c, alpha, wire, bc)) elif isinstance(a, vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet): for i in range(a.GetNumberOfBlocks()): b = a.GetBlock(i) if isinstance(b, vtk.vtkPolyData): scannedacts.append(Actor(b, c, alpha, wire, bc)) elif isinstance(b, vtk.vtkImageData): scannedacts.append(Volume(b)) else: colors.printc("~!? Cannot understand input in show():", type(a), c=1) scannedacts.append(None) return scannedacts if len(actors) == 0: actors = None elif len(actors) == 1: actors = actors[0] else: actors = utils.flatten(actors) if actors is not None: self.actors = [] actors2show = scan(actors) for a in actors2show: if a not in self.actors: self.actors.append(a) else: actors2show = scan(self.actors) self.actors = list(actors2show) if axes is not None: self.axes = axes if interactive is not None: self.interactive = interactive if at is None and len(self.renderers) > 1: # in case of multiple renderers a call to show w/o specifing # at which renderer will just render the whole thing and return if self.interactor: if zoom: self.interactor.Render() if self.interactive: self.interactor.Start() return if at is None: at = 0 if at < len(self.renderers): self.renderer = self.renderers[at] else: colors.printc("~times Error in show(): wrong renderer index", at, c=1) return if not = self.renderer.GetActiveCamera() if self.camThickness: if self.sharecam: for r in self.renderers: r.SetActiveCamera( if len(self.renderers) == 1: self.renderer.SetActiveCamera( # rendering for ia in actors2show: # add the actors that are not already in scene if ia: if isinstance(ia, vtk.vtkVolume): self.renderer.AddVolume(ia) else: self.renderer.AddActor(ia) if hasattr(ia, 'renderedAt'): ia.renderedAt.add(at) else: colors.printc( "~lightning Warning: Invalid actor in actors list, skip.", c=5) # remove the ones that are not in actors2show for ia in self.getActors(at): if ia not in actors2show: self.renderer.RemoveActor(ia) if hasattr(ia, 'renderedAt'): ia.renderedAt.discard(at) for c in self.scalarbars: self.renderer.RemoveActor(c) if hasattr(c, 'renderedAt'): c.renderedAt.discard(at) if self.axes is not None: addons.addAxes() addons.addLegend() if self.showFrame and len(self.renderers) > 1: addons.addFrame() if resetcam or self.initializedIren == False: self.renderer.ResetCamera() if not self.initializedIren and self.interactor: self.initializedIren = True self.interactor.Initialize() self.interactor.RemoveObservers("CharEvent") if self.verbose and self.interactive: docs.onelinetip() self.initializedPlotter = True if zoom: if azimuth: if elevation: if roll: if len(viewup): if viewup == "x": viewup = [1, 0, 0] elif viewup == "y": viewup = [0, 1, 0] elif viewup == "z": viewup = [0, 0, 1] # otherwise camera gets locked self.renderer.ResetCameraClippingRange() self.window.Render() scbflag = False for a in self.actors: if (hasattr(a, "scalarbar") and a.scalarbar is not None and utils.isSequence(a.scalarbar)): if len(a.scalarbar) == 5: # addScalarBar s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = a.scalarbar sb = addons.addScalarBar(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5) scbflag = True a.scalarbar = sb # save scalarbar actor elif len(a.scalarbar) == 10: # addScalarBar3D s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 = a.scalarbar sb = addons.addScalarBar3D(a, at, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8) scbflag = True a.scalarbar = sb # save scalarbar actor if scbflag: self.window.Render() if settings.allowInteraction and not self.offscreen: self.allowInteraction() if settings.interactorStyle is not None: interactorStyle = settings.interactorStyle if interactorStyle == 0 or interactorStyle == "TrackballCamera": pass # do nothing elif interactorStyle == 1 or interactorStyle == "TrackballActor": self.interactor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor()) elif interactorStyle == 2 or interactorStyle == "JoystickCamera": self.interactor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk.vtkInteractorStyleJoystickCamera()) elif interactorStyle == 3 or interactorStyle == "Unicam": self.interactor.SetInteractorStyle(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleUnicam()) elif interactorStyle == 4 or interactorStyle == "Flight": self.interactor.SetInteractorStyle(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleFlight()) elif interactorStyle == 5 or interactorStyle == "RubberBand3D": self.interactor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk.vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand3D()) elif interactorStyle == 6 or interactorStyle == "RubberBandZoom": self.interactor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk.vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom()) if self.interactor and self.interactive: self.interactor.Start() if rate: if self.clock is None: # set clock and limit rate self._clockt0 = time.time() self.clock = 0.0 else: t = time.time() - self._clockt0 elapsed = t - self.clock mint = 1.0 / rate if elapsed < mint: time.sleep(mint - elapsed) self.clock = time.time() - self._clockt0 if q: # gracefully exit if self.verbose: print("q flag set to True. Exit.") sys.exit(0)
def show( *actors, **options # at=None, # shape=(1, 1), # N=None, # pos=(0, 0), # size="auto", # screensize="auto", # title="", # bg="blackboard", # bg2=None, # axes=4, # infinity=False, # verbose=True, # interactive=None, # offscreen=False, # resetcam=True, # zoom=None, # viewup="", # azimuth=0, # elevation=0, # roll=0, # interactorStyle=0, # newPlotter=False, # depthpeeling=False, # q=False, ): """ Create on the fly an instance of class ``Plotter`` and show the object(s) provided. Allowed input objects are: ``filename``, ``vtkPolyData``, ``vtkActor``, ``vtkActor2D``, ``vtkImageActor``, ``vtkAssembly`` or ``vtkVolume``. If filename is given, its type is guessed based on its extension. Supported formats are: `vtu, vts, vtp, ply, obj, stl, 3ds, xml, neutral, gmsh, pcd, xyz, txt, byu, tif, slc, vti, mhd, png, jpg`. :param bool newPlotter: if set to `True`, a call to ``show`` will instantiate a new ``Plotter`` object (a new window) instead of reusing the first created. See e.g.: ||_ :return: the current ``Plotter`` class instance. .. note:: With multiple renderers, keyword ``at`` can become a `list`, e.g. .. code-block:: python from vtkplotter import * s = Sphere() c = Cube() p = Paraboloid() show(s, c, at=[0, 1], shape=(3,1)) show(p, at=2, interactive=True) # # is equivalent to: vp = Plotter(shape=(3,1)) s = Sphere() c = Cube() p = Paraboloid(), at=0), at=1), at=2, interactive=True) """ at = options.pop("at", None) shape = options.pop("shape", (1, 1)) N = options.pop("N", None) pos = options.pop("pos", (0, 0)) size = options.pop("size", "auto") screensize = options.pop("screensize", "auto") title = options.pop("title", "") bg = options.pop("bg", "blackboard") bg2 = options.pop("bg2", None) axes = options.pop("axes", 4) infinity = options.pop("infinity", False) verbose = options.pop("verbose", True) interactive = options.pop("interactive", None) offscreen = options.pop("offscreen", False) resetcam = options.pop("resetcam", True) zoom = options.pop("zoom", None) viewup = options.pop("viewup", "") azimuth = options.pop("azimuth", 0) elevation = options.pop("elevation", 0) roll = options.pop("roll", 0) interactorStyle = options.pop("interactorStyle", 0) newPlotter = options.pop("newPlotter", False) depthpeeling = options.pop("depthpeeling", False) q = options.pop("q", False) if len(actors) == 0: actors = None elif len(actors) == 1: actors = actors[0] else: actors = utils.flatten(actors) if settings.plotter_instance and newPlotter == False: vp = settings.plotter_instance else: if utils.isSequence(at): if not utils.isSequence(actors): colors.printc("~times show() Error: input must be a list.", c=1) exit() if len(at) != len(actors): colors.printc( "~times show() Error: lists 'input' and 'at', must have equal lengths.", c=1) exit() if len(at) > 1 and (shape == (1, 1) and N == None): N = max(at) + 1 elif at is None and (N or shape != (1, 1)): if not utils.isSequence(actors): colors.printc( '~times show() Error: N or shape is set, but input is not a sequence.', c=1) colors.printc( ' you may need to specify e.g. at=0', c=1) exit() at = range(len(actors)) vp = Plotter( shape=shape, N=N, pos=pos, size=size, screensize=screensize, title=title, bg=bg, bg2=bg2, axes=axes, infinity=infinity, depthpeeling=depthpeeling, verbose=verbose, interactive=interactive, offscreen=offscreen, ) if utils.isSequence(at): for i, a in enumerate(actors): a, at=i, zoom=zoom, resetcam=resetcam, viewup=viewup, azimuth=azimuth, elevation=elevation, roll=roll, interactive=interactive, interactorStyle=interactorStyle, q=q, ) vp.interactor.Start() else: actors, at=at, zoom=zoom, resetcam=resetcam, viewup=viewup, azimuth=azimuth, elevation=elevation, roll=roll, interactive=interactive, interactorStyle=interactorStyle, q=q, ) return vp