import numpy as np

vp1 = Plotter(shape=(1, 4), axes=4, bg="w")

act = vp1.load("data/shapes/bunny.obj").normalize().subdivide()
pts = act.coordinates(copy=True)  # pts is a copy of the points not a reference
pts += (np.random.randn(len(pts), 3) / 40
        )  # add noise, will not mess up the original points

#################################### smooth cloud with MLS
# build the points actor
s0 = Points(pts, c="blue", r=3).legend("point cloud"), at=0)

s1 = s0.clone().color("dg")  # a dark green copy of s0

# project s1 points into a smooth surface of points
# return a demo actor showing 30 regressions at random points
mls1 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.5, showNPlanes=30)  # first pass, at=1, legend="first pass")

mls2 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.3, showNPlanes=30)  # second pass, at=2, legend="second pass")

mls3 = smoothMLS2D(s1, f=0.1)  # third pass, at=3, legend="third pass", zoom=1.3)

#################################### draw errors
vp2 = Plotter(pos=(200, 400), shape=(1, 2), axes=4, bg="w")
예제 #2
 4. a triangular mesh is extracted from
    this set of sparse Points, 'bins' is the
    number of voxels of the subdivision
from __future__ import division, print_function
from vtkplotter import Plotter, recoSurface, smoothMLS2D, Points, Text
import numpy as np

vp = Plotter(shape=(1, 5), axes=0), at=4)

act = vp.load('data/shapes/pumpkin.vtk'), at=0)

noise = np.random.randn(act.N(), 3) * 0.05

act_pts0 = Points(act.coordinates() + noise, r=3)  # add noise
act_pts1 = act_pts0.clone()  # make a copy to modify, at=1, legend='noisy cloud')

smoothMLS2D(act_pts1, f=0.4)  # smooth cloud, input actor is modified

print('Nr of points before cleaning polydata:', act_pts1.N())
act_pts1.clean(tol=0.01)  # impose a min distance among mesh points
print('             after  cleaning polydata:', act_pts1.N()), at=2, legend='smooth cloud')

act_reco = recoSurface(act_pts1, bins=128)  # reconstructed from points, at=3, axes=7, interactive=1, legend='surf reco')
apos = Points(positions, r=2)

# for p in apos.points(): ####### Uncomment to fix some points.
#    if abs(p[2]-5) > 4.999:  # differences btw RBF and thinplate
#        sources.append(p)    # will become much smaller.
#        deltas.append(np.zeros(3))
sources = np.array(sources)
deltas = np.array(deltas)

src = Points(sources, c="r", r=12)
trs = Points(sources + deltas, c="v", r=12)
arr = Arrows(sources, sources + deltas)

################################################# Thin Plate Splines
warped = apos.clone().thinPlateSpline(sources, sources + deltas)
allarr = Arrows(apos.points(), warped.points())

set1 = [apos, warped, src, trs, arr, __doc__]
vp = show([set1, allarr], N=2, bg='bb')  # returns the Plotter class

################################################# RBF
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf

x, y, z = sources[:, 0], sources[:, 1], sources[:, 2]
dx, dy, dz = deltas[:, 0], deltas[:, 1], deltas[:, 2]

itrx = Rbf(x, y, z, dx)  # Radial Basis Function interpolator:
itry = Rbf(x, y, z, dy)  #  interoplate the deltas in each separate
itrz = Rbf(x, y, z, dz)  #  cartesian dimension
Using 1D Moving Least Squares to skeletonize a surface.

from vtkplotter import Plotter, smoothMLS1D, Points

N=10  # nr of iterations
f=0.1 # fraction of neighbours 

vp = Plotter(N=N, axes=0)

pts = vp.load('data/shapes/man.vtk').decimate(0.1).coordinates()
#pts = vp.load('data/shapes/spider.ply').coordinates()
#pts = vp.load('data/shapes/magnolia.vtk').subdivide().coordinates()
#pts = vp.load('data/shapes/pumpkin.vtk').coordinates()
#pts = vp.load('data/shapes/teapot.vtk').coordinates()

a = Points(pts)
for i in range(N):, at=i, elevation=-5)
    a = a.clone().color(i)
    smoothMLS1D(a, f)