print >>sys.stderr, "(visit %s to diagnose the problem)" % (url) browser.quit() sys.exit(1) time.sleep(3) # Grab the viewport element so we know where to put the mouse. div = browser.find_element_by_id("viewport") # Click-and-drag on the cone to change its position a bit. drag = ActionChains(browser) drag.move_to_element(div) drag.click_and_hold() drag.move_by_offset(-300, 100) drag.release() drag.perform() # Give the page some time to update the image. time.sleep(1) # Take a screenshot. shot = "cone-%s.png" % (now()) browser.save_screenshot(shot) # Compare the screenshot with the baseline, and report to stdout. print compare_images(shot, "baseline-cone.png") # Close the browser window. browser.quit()
except NoSuchElementException: print >>sys.stderr, "fatal error: could not find the 'PhyloTree' button!" print >>sys.stderr, "(visit %s to diagnose the problem)" % (url) browser.quit() sys.exit(1) time.sleep(3) # Grab the body element to use as a positional reference. body = browser.find_element_by_tag_name("body") # Double-click on a sub-tree to collapse it. dblclick = ActionChains(browser) dblclick.move_to_element_with_offset(body, 475, 333) dblclick.double_click() dblclick.perform() # Give the page some time to update the image. time.sleep(1) # Take a screenshot. shot = "phylotree-%s.png" % (now()) browser.save_screenshot(shot) # Compare the screenshot with the baseline, and report to stdout. print compare_images(shot, "baseline-phylotree.png") # Close the browser window. browser.quit()