예제 #1
def fill_gaps(tss, max_gap_to_fill=time_interval(hours=1)):
    tss_filled = []
    for ts in tss:
        if ts is not None:
            max_gap = int(max_gap_to_fill.total_seconds() / ts.interval.total_seconds())
            if max_gap > 0:
                tss_filled.append(interpolate_ts_nan(ts, max_gap=max_gap))
    return tss_filled
예제 #2
def fill_gaps_and_remove_ts_with_big_gaps(tss, max_gap):
    """ Fill gaps and remove time series that cannot be filled

        list of time series

    ts_processed = []
    for ts in tss:
        # Fill gaps
        ts_filled = interpolate_ts_nan(ts, max_gap=max_gap)
        if np.any(np.isnan(ts_filled.data)):
            # Drop the station
            logger().warning("This station has too big a gap: %s",
    return ts_processed
예제 #3
def main():
    parser = create_arg_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    monterey_fpath = args.monterey
    pt_reyes_fpath = args.pt_reyes
    hgrid_fpath = args.hgrid
    fpath_out = args.outfile
    #todo: hardwire 
    nnode = 83
    tbuf = days(16)              
    # convert start time string input to datetime       
    sdate = datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', args.stime)))

    if args.etime:
        # convert start time string input to datetime
        edate = datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', args.etime)))
        bufend = edate + tbuf
        edate = None
        bufend = None


    # UTM positions of Point Reyes, Monterey, SF
    pos_pr = np.array([502195.03, 4205445.47])
    pos_mt = np.array([599422.84, 4051630.37])
    pos_sf = np.array([547094.79, 4184499.42])

    var_subtidal = np.array([0.938, 0.905, 0.969])  # pr, mt, sf
    var_semi = np.array([0.554, 0.493, 0.580])

    # Assume 45 degree from north-west to south-east
    tangent = np.array([1, -1])
    tangent = tangent / np.linalg.norm(tangent)  # Normalize
    # Rotate 90 cw to get normal vec
    normal = np.array([tangent[1], -tangent[0]])
    print "tangent:", tangent
    print "normal:", normal

    mt_rel = pos_mt - pos_pr
    x_mt = np.dot(tangent, mt_rel)  # In pr-mt direction
    y_mt = np.dot(normal, mt_rel)  # Normal to x-direction to the 
    # Grid
    #todo: what is the difference between this and m = read_grid()??
    s = create_schism_setup(hgrid_fpath)
    ocean_boundary = s.mesh.boundaries[0]  # First one is ocean
    # Data
    print "Reading Point Reyes..."
    pt_reyes = read_ts(pt_reyes_fpath, start=sdate - tbuf, end=bufend, force_regular=True)
    pt_reyes = interpolate_ts_nan(pt_reyes)
    if np.any(np.isnan(pt_reyes.data)):
        print pt_reyes.times[np.isnan(pt_reyes.data)]
    ts_pr_subtidal, ts_pr_diurnal, ts_pr_semi, noise = separate_species(
    del noise

    print "Reading Monterey..."
    monterey = read_ts(monterey_fpath, start=sdate - tbuf, end=bufend, force_regular=True)
    monterey = interpolate_ts_nan(monterey)
    if pt_reyes.interval != monterey.interval:
        raise ValueError(
            "Point Reyes and Monterey time step must be the same in gen_elev2D.py")

    ts_mt_subtidal, ts_mt_diurnal, ts_mt_semi, noise = separate_species(
    del noise

    dt = monterey.interval.seconds

    print "Done Reading"

    print "Interpolating Point Reyes"
    # interpolate_ts(ts_pr_subtidal.window(sdate,edate),step)
    ts_pr_subtidal = ts_pr_subtidal.window(sdate, edate)
    ts_pr_diurnal = ts_pr_diurnal.window(sdate, edate)  # interpolate_ts(,step)
    # interpolate_ts(ts_pr_semi.window(sdate,edate),step)
    ts_pr_semi = ts_pr_semi.window(sdate, edate)

    print "Interpolating Monterey"
    # interpolate_ts(ts_mt_subtidal.window(sdate,edate),step)
    ts_mt_subtidal = ts_mt_subtidal.window(sdate, edate)
    # interpolate_ts(ts_mt_diurnal.window(sdate,edate),step)
    ts_mt_diurnal = ts_mt_diurnal.window(sdate, edate)
    # interpolate_ts(ts_mt_semi.window(sdate,edate),step)
    ts_mt_semi = ts_mt_semi.window(sdate, edate)

    print "Creating writer"  # requires dt be known for netcdf
    if fpath_out.endswith("th"):
        thwriter = BinaryTHWriter(fpath_out,nnode,None)
    elif fpath_out.endswith("nc"):
        thwriter = NetCDFTHWriter(fpath_out,nnode,sdate,dt)
        raise ValueError("File extension for output not recognized in file: {}".format(fpath_out))    
    # Grid
    boundaries = s.mesh.nodes[ocean_boundary.nodes]
    pos_rel = boundaries[:, :2] - pos_pr

    # x, y in a new principal axes
    x = np.dot(pos_rel, tangent.reshape((2, -1)))
    y = np.dot(pos_rel, normal.reshape((2, -1)))
    theta_x = x / x_mt
    theta_x_comp = 1. - theta_x
    theta_y = y / y_mt
    theta_y_comp = 1. - theta_y

    var_y = (theta_y_comp * var_semi[0] + theta_y * var_semi[1])

    # adj_subtidal_mt = 0.08  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    # scaling_diurnal_mt = 0.95 # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    # Used this up to v75
    adj_subtidal_mt = 0.  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    scaling_diurnal_mt = 1.  # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    # New trial for LSC2 with v75
    adj_subtidal_mt = -0.07  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    scaling_diurnal_mt = 0.95  # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    scaling_semidiurnal_mt = 1.03

    adj_subtidal_mt = -0.14  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    scaling_diurnal_mt = 0.90  # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    scaling_semidiurnal_mt = 1.07

    adj_subtidal_mt = 0.10  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    scaling_diurnal_mt = 0.90  # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    scaling_semidiurnal_mt = 1.03

    adj_subtidal_mt = 0.10  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    scaling_diurnal_mt = 0.97  # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    # Scaling of Point Reyes diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    scaling_diurnal_pr = 0.97
    scaling_semidiurnal_mt = 1.025  # Scaling at Monterey semi-diurnal signal

    adj_subtidal_mt = 0.09  # Adjustment in Monterey subtidal signal
    scaling_diurnal_mt = 0.94  # Scaling of Monterey diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    # Scaling of Point Reyes diurnal signal (for K1/Q1)
    scaling_diurnal_pr = 0.94
    scaling_semidiurnal_mt = 1.0  # Scaling at Monterey semi-diurnal signal

    slr = 0.0  # Sea level rise

    if np.any(np.isnan(ts_pr_semi.data)):
        print ts_pr_semi.times[np.isnan(ts_pr_semi.data)]
        raise ValueError('')

#    temp=np.zeros((len(ts_pr_semi),nnode))
#    times[:]=[dt*i for i in xrange(len(ts_pr_semi))]   

    for i in xrange(len(ts_pr_semi)):
        t = float(dt * i)
        # semi-diurnal
        # Scaling
        pr = ts_pr_semi[i].value
        mt = ts_mt_semi[i].value * scaling_semidiurnal_mt

        if np.isnan(pr) or np.isnan(mt):
            print pr
            print mt
            raise ValueError("One of values is numpy.nan.")

        eta_pr_side = var_y / var_semi[0] * pr
        eta_mt_side = var_y / var_semi[1] * mt
        eta = eta_pr_side * theta_x_comp + eta_mt_side * theta_x

        # diurnal
        # Interpolate in x-direction only to get a better phase
        pr = ts_pr_diurnal[i].value * scaling_diurnal_pr
        mt = ts_mt_diurnal[i].value * scaling_diurnal_mt

        if np.isnan(pr) or np.isnan(mt):
            raise ValueError("One of values is numpy.nan.")

        eta += pr * theta_x_comp + mt * theta_x

        # Subtidal
        # No phase change in x-direction. Simply interpolate in
        # y-direction.
        pr = ts_pr_subtidal[i].value + slr
        mt = ts_mt_subtidal[i].value + adj_subtidal_mt + slr

        if np.isnan(pr) or np.isnan(mt):
            raise ValueError("One of values is numpy.nan.")

        eta += pr * theta_y_comp + mt * theta_y
        # write data to netCDF file   

    # Delete class
    del thwriter
예제 #4
def main():
    """ Just a main function
    log = setup_logger()
    # Read mesh
    fpath = "hgrid.gr3"
    mesh = SchismMeshIoFactory().get_reader('gr3').read(fpath)
    nodes_as_point = [Point(node) for node in mesh.nodes]

    # Create salts and nudging_factors
    n_nodes = mesh.n_nodes()
    nvrt = 23
    nudging_factors = np.zeros((n_nodes, ))

    # Read station db
    fpath = "stations_utm.csv"
    stations_db = StationDB(fpath)

    # Read salt time series
    # obs_dir = "../../selfe/BayDeltaSELFE/Data/CDEC_realtime/salt"
    time_basis = datetime(2015, 8, 26)
    time_start = time_basis
    time_window = (time_start, datetime(2015, 9, 2))
    # padding = timedelta(days=1)
    # time_window_padded = (time_window[0] - padding, time_window[1] + padding)

    fpath_csv_15min = '../Data/ec_15min.csv'
    ec_15min = read_csv_from_dss(fpath_csv_15min)
    fpath_csv_1hr = '../Data/ec_1hour.csv'
    ec_1hr = read_csv_from_dss(fpath_csv_1hr)
            props=deepcopy(ts.props)) for ts in ec_15min

    # Read RKI to CDEC mapping
    fpath_rki = '../Data/cdec_stas_nearterm.list'
    rki_to_cdec = read_rki_to_cdec(fpath_rki)
    for ts in ec_1hr:
        if rki_to_cdec.get(ts.props['name']) is not None:
            ts.props['name'] = rki_to_cdec[ts.props['name']]

    ec_for_nudging = select_ec_in_stations_db(ec_1hr, stations_db)
    # Cut out time windows
    ec_for_nudging = [ts.window(*time_window) for ts in ec_for_nudging]
    max_gap = 8  # 8 hours
    ec_for_nudging = [
        interpolate_ts_nan(ts, max_gap=max_gap) for ts in ec_for_nudging
    ec_for_nudging = [
        ts for ts in ec_for_nudging if not np.any(np.isnan(ts.data))

    log.info("Total %d stations to nudge", len(ec_for_nudging))
    if len(ec_for_nudging) < 1:
        log.warning("No station to nudge...")

    # Convert to PSU
    log.info("Convert EC to PSU...")
    list(map(ec_psu_25c, ec_for_nudging))

    # Filtering, not doing it now
    # ts_filt, filt = med_outliers(ts, level=6., range=[100., None])

    # Collect masks nodes in the mesh for nudging of CDEC stations
    log.info("Creating nudging masks...")
    radius_of_nudging = 500.
    radius_padding = 0.
    nudging_pos = [ts.props['pos'] for ts in ec_for_nudging]
    nudging_areas = [
        Point(p).buffer(radius_of_nudging + radius_padding)
        for p in nudging_pos
    nudging_mask = np.full((n_nodes, ), -1., dtype=np.int32)
    for node_idx, node in enumerate(nodes_as_point):
        for nudging_idx, ball in enumerate(nudging_areas):
            if ball.contains(node):
                nudging_mask[node_idx] = nudging_idx

    # Nudging factor
    log.info("Creating nudging factors...")
    station_nudging_factor = 1. / 86400.
    station_nudging = np.zeros((n_nodes, ))
    for node_idx, mask in enumerate(nudging_mask):
        if mask >= 0:
            center = Point(ec_for_nudging[mask].props['pos'])
            dist = center.distance(nodes_as_point[node_idx])
            station_nudging[node_idx] = np.max(1. - dist / radius_of_nudging,
                                               0.) * station_nudging_factor
    nudging_factors += station_nudging

    log.info("Add ocean boundary...")
    # Ocean nudging
    # Nudging factor
    ocean_nudging = generate_ocean_nudging_factors(mesh)
    nudging_factors += ocean_nudging

    # Add ocean nudging time series

    # Add the ocean nudging mask
    for node_idx in range(n_nodes):
        if ocean_nudging[node_idx] > 0.:
            nudging_mask[node_idx] = len(ec_for_nudging) - 1

    # Write SAL_nudge.gr3
    fpath_nudge_out = "SAL_nudge.gr3"
    log.info("Creating %s", fpath_nudge_out)

    # Write nu file
    fpath_salt_nu = 'SAL_nu.in'
    log.info("Creating %s", fpath_salt_nu)
    if os.path.exists(fpath_salt_nu):

    times = ec_for_nudging[0].times
    print(times[0], times[-1])
    times = [(t - time_basis).total_seconds() for t in times]
    salt_background = 0.1
    data = np.full((n_nodes, nvrt), salt_background)
    for ts_idx, t in enumerate(times):
        for node_idx, mask in enumerate(nudging_mask):
            if mask >= 0:
                data[node_idx, :] = ec_for_nudging[mask].data[ts_idx]
        with open(fpath_salt_nu, 'ab') as f:
            write_fortran_binary(f, np.array([t]))
            for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                write_fortran_binary(f, data[i])

    # Quick copy and paste: Need to make these a function to reuse
    # Write TEM_nudge.gr3
    fpath_nudge_out = "TEM_nudge.gr3"
    log.info("Creating %s", fpath_nudge_out)

    # Write nu file
    fpath_temp_nu = 'TEM_nu.in'
    log.info("Creating %s", fpath_temp_nu)
    if os.path.exists(fpath_temp_nu):

    # No temperature nudging here. 20 deg C everywhere
    temp_background = 20.
    data = np.full((n_nodes, nvrt), temp_background)
    for ts_idx, t in enumerate(times):
        # for node_idx, mask in enumerate(nudging_mask):
        #     if mask >= 0:
        #         data[node_idx, :] = ec_for_nudging[mask].data[ts_idx]
        with open(fpath_temp_nu, 'ab') as f:
            write_fortran_binary(f, np.array([t]))
            for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                write_fortran_binary(f, data[i])