예제 #1
    def _analyzeResult(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:

            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug('remoteFileInclude', 'remoteFileInclude',
                              mutant.getURL(), mutant.getVar()):

                if self._rfi_result in response:
                    v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                    v.setName('Remote file inclusion vulnerability')
                    v.setDesc('Remote file inclusion was found at: ' +
                    kb.kb.append(self, 'remoteFileInclude', v)

                    #   Analyze some errors that indicate that there is a RFI but with some
                    #   "configuration problems"
                    rfi_errors = [
                        'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo',
                        'failed to open stream: Connection refused in'
                    for error in rfi_errors:
                        if error in response and not error in mutant.getOriginalResponseBody(
                            v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                            v.setName('Remote file inclusion vulnerability')
                            v.setDesc('Remote file inclusion was found at: ' +
                            kb.kb.append(self, 'remoteFileInclude', v)
예제 #2
 def _analyzeResult( self, mutant, response ):
     Analyze results of the _sendMutant method.
     #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
     #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
     #   could not be done.
     if True:
         #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
         if self._hasNoBug( 'sqli' , 'sqli' , mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
             sql_error_list = self._findsql_error( response )
             for sql_regex, sql_error_string, dbms_type in sql_error_list:
                 if not sql_regex.search( mutant.getOriginalResponseBody() ):
                     # Create the vuln,
                     v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                     v.setId( response.id )
                     v.setName( 'SQL injection vulnerability' )
                     v.addToHighlight( sql_error_string )
                     v['error'] = sql_error_string
                     v['db'] = dbms_type
                     v.setDesc( 'SQL injection in a '+ v['db'] +' was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                     kb.kb.append( self, 'sqli', v )
예제 #3
    def _analyze_echo(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method that was sent in the
        _fuzz_with_echo method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:

            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug('eval', 'eval', mutant.getURL(),

                eval_error_list = self._find_eval_result(response)
                for eval_error in eval_error_list:
                    if not re.search(eval_error,
                        v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                        v.setName('eval() input injection vulnerability')
                        v.setDesc('eval() input injection was found at: ' +
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'eval', v)
예제 #4
 def _analyze_echo( self, mutant, response ):
     Analyze results of the _sendMutant method that was sent in the
     _fuzz_with_echo method.
     #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
     #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
     #   could not be done.
     if True:
         #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
         if self._hasNoBug( 'eval' , 'eval' , mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
             eval_error_list = self._find_eval_result( response )
             for eval_error in eval_error_list:
                 if not re.search( eval_error, mutant.getOriginalResponseBody(), re.IGNORECASE ):
                     v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                     v.setId( response.id )
                     v.setName( 'eval() input injection vulnerability' )
                     v.setDesc( 'eval() input injection was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                     kb.kb.append( self, 'eval', v )
예제 #5
    def _analyzeResult(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:

            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug('sqli', 'sqli', mutant.getURL(),

                sql_error_list = self._findsql_error(response)
                for sql_regex, sql_error_string, dbms_type in sql_error_list:
                    if not sql_regex.search(mutant.getOriginalResponseBody()):
                        # Create the vuln,
                        v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                        v.setName('SQL injection vulnerability')
                        v['error'] = sql_error_string
                        v['db'] = dbms_type
                        v.setDesc('SQL injection in a ' + v['db'] +
                                  ' was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt())
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'sqli', v)
예제 #6
    def _analyze_wait( self, mutant, response ):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method that was sent in the _with_time_delay method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:
            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug( 'osCommanding' , 'osCommanding' , mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
                if response.getWaitTime() > (self._original_wait_time + self._wait_time-2) and \
                response.getWaitTime() < (self._original_wait_time + self._wait_time+2):
                    sentOs, sentSeparator = self._get_os_separator(mutant)
                    # This could be because of an osCommanding vuln, or because of an error that
                    # generates a delay in the response; so I'll resend changing the time and see 
                    # what happens
                    original_wait_param = mutant.getModValue()
                    more_wait_param = original_wait_param.replace( \
                                                                str(self._wait_time), \
                                                                str(self._second_wait_time) )
                    mutant.setModValue( more_wait_param )
                    response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
                    if response.getWaitTime() > (self._original_wait_time + self._second_wait_time-3) and \
                    response.getWaitTime() < (self._original_wait_time + self._second_wait_time+3):
                        # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, I control the time of the response.
                        v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                        v.setName( 'OS commanding vulnerability' )
                        v['os'] = sentOs
                        v['separator'] = sentSeparator
                        v.setDesc( 'OS Commanding was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                        v.setDc( mutant.getDc() )
                        v.setId( response.id )
                        v.setURI( response.getURI() )
                        kb.kb.append( self, 'osCommanding', v )

                        # The first delay existed... I must report something...
                        i = info.info()
                        i.setName('Possible OS commanding vulnerability')
                        i.setId( response.id )
                        i.setDc( mutant.getDc() )
                        i.setMethod( mutant.getMethod() )
                        i['os'] = sentOs
                        i['separator'] = sentSeparator
                        msg = 'A possible OS Commanding was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() 
                        msg += 'Please review manually.'
                        i.setDesc( msg )
                        kb.kb.append( self, 'osCommanding', i )
예제 #7
def tid_dup(web):

    while True:


            zop = raw_input('' + GR + ' [#] \033[1;4mTID\033[0m' + GR +
                            ' :> ' + color.END)

            if zop == '1':

                print '\n'
                print G + ' [+] Module loaded : Reconnaissance'

            elif zop == '2':

                print '\n'
                print G + ' [+] Module loaded : Scanning & Enumeration'

            elif zop == '3':

                print '\n'

            elif zop == '4':

                print '\n'

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print R + "\n [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "User Interruption detected!" + color.END
            print GR + ' [!] Stopping jobs...'
            print C + ' [!] Goodbye, see ya!\n'

            #except Exception as e:
            print R + ' [-] Something happened! :('
            print R + ' [!] Error : ' + str(e)
 def _analyzeResult(self, mutant, response):
     Analyze results of the _sendMutant method.
     #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
     #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
     #   could not be done.
     if True:
         #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
         if self._hasNoBug('remoteFileInclude', 'remoteFileInclude', 
                             mutant.getURL(), mutant.getVar()):
             if self._rfi_result in response:
                 v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                 v.setName('Remote file inclusion vulnerability')
                 v.setDesc('Remote file inclusion was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt())
                 kb.kb.append(self, 'remoteFileInclude', v)
                 #   Analyze some errors that indicate that there is a RFI but with some
                 #   "configuration problems"
                 rfi_errors = ['php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo',
                                     'failed to open stream: Connection refused in']
                 for error in rfi_errors:
                     if error in response and not error in mutant.getOriginalResponseBody():
                         v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                         v.setId( response.id )
                         v.setName('Remote file inclusion vulnerability')
                         v.setDesc('Remote file inclusion was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt())
                         kb.kb.append(self, 'remoteFileInclude', v)
예제 #9
    def _analyze_wait(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method that was sent in the
        _fuzz_with_time_delay method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:

            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug('eval', 'eval', mutant.getURL(),

                if response.getWaitTime() > (self._original_wait_time + self._wait_time - 2) and \
                response.getWaitTime() < (self._original_wait_time + self._wait_time + 2):
                    # generates a delay in the response; so I'll resend changing the time and see
                    # what happens
                    originalWaitParam = mutant.getModValue()
                    moreWaitParam = originalWaitParam.replace( \
                                                                str(self._wait_time), \
                                                                str(self._second_wait_time) )
                    response = self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze=False)

                    if response.getWaitTime() > (self._original_wait_time + self._second_wait_time - 3) and \
                    response.getWaitTime() < (self._original_wait_time + self._second_wait_time + 3):
                        # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, I control the time of the response.
                        v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                        v.setName('eval() input injection vulnerability')
                        v.setDesc('eval() input injection was found at: ' +
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'eval', v)
                        # The first delay existed... I must report something...
                        i = info.info()
                        i.setName('eval() input injection vulnerability')
                        msg = 'eval() input injection was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt(
                        msg += ' . Please review manually.'
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'eval', i)
 def is_injectable( self, freq, parameter ):
     Check if "parameter" of the fuzzable request object is injectable or not.
     @freq: The fuzzableRequest object that I have to modify
     @parameter: A string with the parameter name to test
     @return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
     # First save the original wait time
     _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant( freq, analyze=False ).getWaitTime()
     # Create the mutants
     parameter_to_test = [ parameter, ]
     statement_list = self._get_statements()
     sql_commands_only = [ i.sql_command for i in statement_list ]
     mutants = createMutants( freq , sql_commands_only, fuzzableParamList=parameter_to_test )
     # And now I assign the statement to the mutant
     for statement in statement_list:
         for mutant in mutants:
             if statement.sql_command in mutant.getModValue():
                 mutant.statement = statement.sql_command
                 mutant.dbms = statement.dbms
     # Perform the test
     for mutant in mutants:
         # Send
         response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
         # Compare times
         if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time + self._wait_time-2):
             # Resend the same request to verify that this wasn't because of network delay
             # or some other rare thing
             _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant( freq, analyze=False ).getWaitTime()
             response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
             # Compare times (once again)
             if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time + self._wait_time-2):
                 # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, I control the time of the response.
                 v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                 v.setName( 'Blind SQL injection - ' + mutant.dbms )
                 v.setDesc( 'Blind SQL injection was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                 v.setDc( mutant.getDc() )
                 v.setId( response.id )
                 v.setURI( response.getURI() )
                 return v
     return None
예제 #11
    def _analyzeResult( self, mutant, response ):
        Do we have a reflected XSS?
        @return: None, record all the results in the kb.
        # Add to the stored XSS checking
        self._addToPermanentXssChecking( mutant, response.id )
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:
            #   I will only report the XSS vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug( 'xss' , 'xss' , mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
                #   Internal variable for the analysis process
                vulnerable = False
                if mutant.getModValue() in response:
                    # Ok, we MAY have found a xss. Let's remove some false positives.
                    if mutant.getModValue().lower().count( 'javas' ):
                        # I have to check if javascript was written inside a SRC parameter of html
                        # afaik it is the only place this type (<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');">)
                        # of xss works.
                        if self._checkHTML( mutant.getModValue(), response ):
                            vulnerable = True
                        # Not a javascript type of xss, it's a <SCRIPT>...</SCRIPT> type
                        vulnerable = True
                # Save it to the KB
                if vulnerable:                
                    v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                    v.setId( response.id )
                    v.setName( 'Cross site scripting vulnerability' )
                    msg = 'Cross Site Scripting was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() 
                    msg += ' This vulnerability affects ' + ','.join(mutant.affected_browsers)
                    v.setDesc( msg )
                    v.addToHighlight( mutant.getModValue() )

                    kb.append( self, 'xss', v )
예제 #12
    def _analyze_echo(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method that was sent in the _with_echo method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:

            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug('osCommanding', 'osCommanding', mutant.getURL(),

                file_patterns = self._get_file_patterns()
                for file_pattern_re in file_patterns:

                    match = file_pattern_re.search(response.getBody())

                    if match\
                    and not file_pattern_re.search( mutant.getOriginalResponseBody() ):
                        # Search for the correct command and separator
                        sentOs, sentSeparator = self._get_os_separator(mutant)

                        # Create the vuln obj
                        v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                        v.setName('OS commanding vulnerability')
                        v['os'] = sentOs
                        v['separator'] = sentSeparator
                        v.setDesc('OS Commanding was found at: ' +
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'osCommanding', v)
예제 #13
 def end( self ):
     This method is called to check for permanent Xss. 
     Many times a xss isn't on the page we get after the GET/POST of the xss string.
     This method searches for the xss string on all the pages that are available.
     @return: None, vulns are saved to the kb.
     # self._tm.join( self )
     if self._check_stored_xss:
         for fuzzable_request in self._fuzzableRequests:
             response = self._sendMutant(fuzzable_request, analyze=False,
             for mutant, mutant_response_id in self._xssMutants:
                 # Remember that httpResponse objects have a faster "__in__" than
                 # the one in strings; so string in response.getBody() is slower than
                 # string in response                    
                 if mutant.getModValue() in response:
                     v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                     v.setURL( fuzzable_request.getURL() )
                     v.setDc( fuzzable_request.getDc() )
                     v.setMethod( fuzzable_request.getMethod() )
                     v['permanent'] = True
                     v['write_payload'] = mutant
                     v['read_payload'] = fuzzable_request
                     v.setName( 'Permanent cross site scripting vulnerability' )
                     msg = 'Permanent Cross Site Scripting was found at: ' + response.getURL()
                     msg += ' . Using method: ' + v.getMethod() + '. The XSS was sent to the'
                     msg += ' URL: ' + mutant.getURL()+ '. ' + mutant.printModValue()
                     v.setDesc( msg )
                     v.setId( [response.id, mutant_response_id] )
                     v.addToHighlight( mutant.getModValue() )
                     kb.append( self, 'xss', v )
     self.printUniq( kb.getData( 'xss', 'xss' ), 'VAR' )
예제 #14
    def _analyze_echo( self, mutant, response ):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method that was sent in the _with_echo method.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:
            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug( 'osCommanding' , 'osCommanding' , mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
                file_patterns = self._get_file_patterns()
                for file_pattern_re in file_patterns:
                    match = file_pattern_re.search( response.getBody() )
                    if match\
                    and not file_pattern_re.search( mutant.getOriginalResponseBody() ):
                        # Search for the correct command and separator
                        sentOs, sentSeparator = self._get_os_separator(mutant)

                        # Create the vuln obj
                        v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                        v.setName( 'OS commanding vulnerability' )
                        v['os'] = sentOs
                        v['separator'] = sentSeparator
                        v.setDesc( 'OS Commanding was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                        v.setDc( mutant.getDc() )
                        v.setId( response.id )
                        v.setURI( response.getURI() )
                        v.addToHighlight( match.group(0) )
                        kb.kb.append( self, 'osCommanding', v )
    def is_injectable(self, freq, parameter):
        Check if "parameter" of the fuzzable request object is injectable or not.
        @freq: The fuzzableRequest object that I have to modify
        @parameter: A string with the parameter name to test
        @return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
        # First save the original wait time
        _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant(freq,

        # Create the mutants
        parameter_to_test = [
        statement_list = self._get_statements()
        sql_commands_only = [i.sql_command for i in statement_list]
        mutants = createMutants(freq,

        # And now I assign the statement to the mutant
        for statement in statement_list:
            for mutant in mutants:
                if statement.sql_command in mutant.getModValue():
                    mutant.statement = statement.sql_command
                    mutant.dbms = statement.dbms

        # Perform the test
        for mutant in mutants:

            # Send
            response = self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze=False)

            # Compare times
            if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time +
                                         self._wait_time - 2):

                # Resend the same request to verify that this wasn't because of network delay
                # or some other rare thing
                _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant(
                    freq, analyze=False).getWaitTime()
                response = self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze=False)

                # Compare times (once again)
                if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time +
                                             self._wait_time - 2):

                    # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, I control the time of the response.
                    v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                    v.setName('Blind SQL injection - ' + mutant.dbms)
                    v.setDesc('Blind SQL injection was found at: ' +
                    return v

        return None
    def _findBsql( self, mutant, statementTuple, statement_type ):
        Is the main algorithm for finding blind sql injections.
        @return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
        trueStatement = statementTuple[0]
        falseStatement = statementTuple[1]
        mutant.setModValue( trueStatement )
        trueResponse = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )

        mutant.setModValue( falseStatement )
        falseResponse = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
        om.out.debug('Comparing trueResponse and falseResponse.')
        if not self.equal( trueResponse.getBody() , falseResponse.getBody() ):
            sintaxError = "d'z'0"
            mutant.setModValue( sintaxError )
            seResponse = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
            om.out.debug('Comparing trueResponse and sintaxErrorResponse.')
            if not self.equal( trueResponse.getBody() , seResponse.getBody() ):
                # Verify the injection!
                statements = self._get_statements( mutant )
                secondTrueStm = statements[ statement_type ][0]
                secondFalseStm = statements[ statement_type ][1]
                mutant.setModValue( secondTrueStm )
                secondTrueResponse = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )

                mutant.setModValue( secondFalseStm )
                secondFalseResponse = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False ) 
                om.out.debug('Comparing secondTrueResponse and trueResponse.')
                if self.equal( secondTrueResponse.getBody(), trueResponse.getBody() ):
                    om.out.debug('Comparing secondFalseResponse and falseResponse.')
                    if self.equal( secondFalseResponse.getBody(), falseResponse.getBody() ):
                        v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                        v.setId( [secondFalseResponse.id, secondTrueResponse.id] )
                        v.setName( 'Blind SQL injection vulnerability' )
                        # This is needed to be used in fuzz file name
                        v.getMutant().setOriginalValue( '' )
                        v.getMutant().setModValue( '' )
                        desc = 'Blind SQL injection was found at: "' + v.getURL()  + '",'
                        desc += ' using HTTP method ' + v.getMethod() + '.'
                        desc += ' The injectable parameter is: "' + mutant.getVar() + '".'
                        v.setDesc( desc )
                        om.out.debug( v.getDesc() )
                        v['type'] = statement_type
                        v['trueHtml'] = secondTrueResponse.getBody()
                        v['falseHtml'] = secondFalseResponse.getBody()
                        v['errorHtml'] = seResponse.getBody()
                        return v
        return None
 def _analyzeResult( self, mutant, response ):
     Analyze results of the _sendMutant method.
     Try to find the local file inclusions.
     #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
     #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
     #   could not be done.
     if True:
         #   I analyze the response searching for a specific PHP error string that tells me
         #   that open_basedir is enabled, and our request triggered the restriction. If
         #   open_basedir is in use, it makes no sense to keep trying to read "/etc/passwd",
         #   that is why this variable is used to determine which tests to send if it was possible
         #   to detect the usage of this security feature.
         if not self._open_basedir:
             if 'open_basedir restriction in effect' in response\
             and 'open_basedir restriction in effect' not in mutant.getOriginalResponseBody():
                 self._open_basedir = True
         #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
         if self._hasNoBug( 'localFileInclude' , 'localFileInclude' , mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
             #   Identify the vulnerability
             file_content_list = self._find_file( response )
             for file_pattern_regex, file_content in file_content_list:
                 if not file_pattern_regex.search( mutant.getOriginalResponseBody() ):
                     v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                     v.setId( response.id )
                     v.setName( 'Local file inclusion vulnerability' )
                     v.setDesc( 'Local File Inclusion was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                     v['file_pattern'] = file_content
                     v.addToHighlight( file_content )
                     kb.kb.append( self, 'localFileInclude', v )
             #   If the vulnerability could not be identified by matching strings that commonly
             #   appear in "/etc/passwd", then I'll check one more thing...
             #   (note that this is run if no vulns were identified)
             #   http://host.tld/show_user.php?id=show_user.php
             if mutant.getModValue() == mutant.getURL().getFileName():
                 match, lang = is_source_file( response.getBody() )
                 if match:
                     #   We were able to read the source code of the file that is vulnerable to
                     #   local file read
                     v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                     v.setId( response.id )
                     v.setName( 'Local file read vulnerability' )
                     msg = 'An arbitrary local file read vulnerability was found at: '
                     msg += mutant.foundAt()
                     v.setDesc( msg )
                     #    Set which part of the source code to match
                     match_source_code = match.group(0)
                     v['file_pattern'] = match_source_code
                     kb.kb.append( self, 'localFileInclude', v )
             #   Check for interesting errors (note that this is run if no vulns were identified)
             for regex in self.get_include_errors():
                 match = regex.search( response.getBody() )
                 if match and not \
                 regex.search( mutant.getOriginalResponseBody() ):
                     i = info.info( mutant )
                     i.setId( response.id )
                     i.setName( 'File read error' )
                     i.setDesc( 'A file read error was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                     kb.kb.append( self, 'error', i )
예제 #18
    def _analyzeResult(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _sendMutant method.
        Try to find the local file inclusions.
        #   Only one thread at the time can enter here. This is because I want to report each
        #   vulnerability only once, and by only adding the "if self._hasNoBug" statement, that
        #   could not be done.
        if True:

            #   I analyze the response searching for a specific PHP error string that tells me
            #   that open_basedir is enabled, and our request triggered the restriction. If
            #   open_basedir is in use, it makes no sense to keep trying to read "/etc/passwd",
            #   that is why this variable is used to determine which tests to send if it was possible
            #   to detect the usage of this security feature.
            if not self._open_basedir:
                if 'open_basedir restriction in effect' in response\
                and 'open_basedir restriction in effect' not in mutant.getOriginalResponseBody():
                    self._open_basedir = True

            #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
            if self._hasNoBug('localFileInclude', 'localFileInclude',
                              mutant.getURL(), mutant.getVar()):

                #   Identify the vulnerability
                file_content_list = self._find_file(response)
                for file_pattern_regex, file_content in file_content_list:
                    if not file_pattern_regex.search(
                        v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                        v.setName('Local file inclusion vulnerability')
                        v.setDesc('Local File Inclusion was found at: ' +
                        v['file_pattern'] = file_content
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'localFileInclude', v)

                #   If the vulnerability could not be identified by matching strings that commonly
                #   appear in "/etc/passwd", then I'll check one more thing...
                #   (note that this is run if no vulns were identified)
                #   http://host.tld/show_user.php?id=show_user.php
                if mutant.getModValue() == mutant.getURL().getFileName():
                    match, lang = is_source_file(response.getBody())
                    if match:
                        #   We were able to read the source code of the file that is vulnerable to
                        #   local file read
                        v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                        v.setName('Local file read vulnerability')
                        msg = 'An arbitrary local file read vulnerability was found at: '
                        msg += mutant.foundAt()

                        #    Set which part of the source code to match
                        match_source_code = match.group(0)
                        v['file_pattern'] = match_source_code

                        kb.kb.append(self, 'localFileInclude', v)

                #   Check for interesting errors (note that this is run if no vulns were identified)
                for regex in self.get_include_errors():

                    match = regex.search(response.getBody())

                    if match and not \
                    regex.search( mutant.getOriginalResponseBody() ):
                        i = info.info(mutant)
                        i.setName('File read error')
                        i.setDesc('A file read error was found at: ' +
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'error', i)