예제 #1
class StoringMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    """Middleware for storing inbound and outbound messages and events.

    Failures are not stored currently because these are typically
    stored by :class:`vumi.transports.FailureWorker` instances.

    Messages are always stored. However, in order for messages to be
    associated with a particular batch_id (
    see :class:`vumi.application.MessageStore`) a batch needs to be
    created in the message store (typically by an application worker
    that initiates sending outbound messages) and messages need to be
    tagged with a tag associated with the batch (typically by an
    application worker or middleware such as

    Configuration options:

    :param string store_prefix:
        Prefix for message store keys in key-value store.
        Default is 'message_store'.
    :param dict redis_manager:
        Redis configuration parameters.
    :param dict riak_manager:
        Riak configuration parameters. Must contain at least
        a bucket_prefix key.
    :param bool store_on_consume:
        ``True`` to store consumed messages as well as published ones,
        ``False`` to store only published messages.
        Default is ``True``.

    CONFIG_CLASS = StoringMiddlewareConfig

    def setup_middleware(self):
        store_prefix = self.config.store_prefix
        r_config = self.config.redis_manager
        self.redis = yield TxRedisManager.from_config(r_config)
        manager = TxRiakManager.from_config(self.config.riak_manager)
        self.store = MessageStore(manager,
        self.store_on_consume = self.config.store_on_consume

    def teardown_middleware(self):
        yield self.redis.close_manager()

    def handle_consume_inbound(self, message, connector_name):
        if not self.store_on_consume:
            return message
        return self.handle_inbound(message, connector_name)

    def handle_inbound(self, message, connector_name):
        tag = TaggingMiddleware.map_msg_to_tag(message)
        yield self.store.add_inbound_message(message, tag=tag)

    def handle_consume_outbound(self, message, connector_name):
        if not self.store_on_consume:
            return message
        return self.handle_outbound(message, connector_name)

    def handle_outbound(self, message, connector_name):
        tag = TaggingMiddleware.map_msg_to_tag(message)
        yield self.store.add_outbound_message(message, tag=tag)

    def handle_consume_event(self, event, connector_name):
        if not self.store_on_consume:
            return event
        return self.handle_event(event, connector_name)

    def handle_event(self, event, connector_name):
        transport_metadata = event.get('transport_metadata', {})
        # FIXME: The SMPP transport writes a 'datetime' object
        #        in the 'date' of the transport_metadata.
        #        json.dumps() that RiakObject uses is unhappy with that.
        if 'date' in transport_metadata:
            date = transport_metadata['date']
            if not isinstance(date, basestring):
                transport_metadata['date'] = date.isoformat()
        yield self.store.add_event(event)
예제 #2
class TestMessageLister(VumiTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.persistence_helper = self.add_helper(
            PersistenceHelper(use_riak=True, is_sync=False))
        self.msg_helper = self.add_helper(MessageHelper())
        # Since we're never loading the actual objects, we can't detect
        # tombstones. Therefore, each test needs its own bucket prefix.
        config = self.persistence_helper.mk_config({})["riak_manager"].copy()
        config["bucket_prefix"] = "%s-%s" % (
            uuid4().hex, config["bucket_prefix"])
        self.riak_manager = self.persistence_helper.get_riak_manager(config)
        self.redis_manager = yield self.persistence_helper.get_redis_manager()
        self.mdb = MessageStore(self.riak_manager, self.redis_manager)
        self.expected_bucket_prefix = "bucket"
        self.default_args = [
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,

    def make_lister(self, args=None, batch=None, direction=None,
        if args is None:
            args = self.default_args
        if batch is not None:
            args.extend(["--batch", batch])
        if direction is not None:
            args.extend(["--direction", direction])
        if index_page_size is not None:
            args.extend(["--index-page-size", str(index_page_size)])
        options = Options()
        return StubbedMessageLister(self, options)

    def get_sub_riak(self, config):
        return self.riak_manager

    def make_inbound(self, batch_id, from_addr, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        msg = self.msg_helper.make_inbound(
            None, from_addr=from_addr, timestamp=timestamp)
        d = self.mdb.add_inbound_message(msg, batch_id=batch_id)
        timestamp_str = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
            lambda _: (timestamp_str, from_addr, msg["message_id"]))
        return d

    def make_outbound(self, batch_id, to_addr, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        msg = self.msg_helper.make_outbound(
            None, to_addr=to_addr, timestamp=timestamp)
        d = self.mdb.add_outbound_message(msg, batch_id=batch_id)
        timestamp_str = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
            lambda _: (timestamp_str, to_addr, msg["message_id"]))
        return d

    def test_batch_required(self):
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--direction", "inbound",
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,

    def test_valid_direction_required(self):
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--batch", "gingercoookies",
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--batch", "gingercoookies",
            "--direction", "widdershins",
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,

    def test_bucket_required(self):
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--batch", "gingercoookies",
            "--direction", "inbound",

    def test_main(self):
        The lister runs via `main()`.
        msg_data = yield self.make_inbound("gingercookies", "12345")
        self.patch(sys, "stdout", StringIO())
        yield main(
            None, "name",
            "--batch", "gingercookies",
            "--direction", "inbound",
            "-b", self.riak_manager.bucket_prefix)
            "%s\n" % (",".join(msg_data),))

    def test_list_inbound(self):
        Inbound messages can be listed.
        start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=10)
        msg_datas = [
            (yield self.make_inbound(
                "gingercookies", "1234%d" % i, start + timedelta(seconds=i)))
            for i in range(5)
        lister = self.make_lister(batch="gingercookies", direction="inbound")
        yield lister.run()
            lister.output, [",".join(msg_data) for msg_data in msg_datas])

    def test_list_inbound_small_pages(self):
        Inbound messages can be listed.
        start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=10)
        msg_datas = [
            (yield self.make_inbound(
                "gingercookies", "1234%d" % i, start + timedelta(seconds=i)))
            for i in range(5)
        lister = self.make_lister(
            batch="gingercookies", direction="inbound", index_page_size=2)
        yield lister.run()
            lister.output, [",".join(msg_data) for msg_data in msg_datas])

    def test_list_outbound(self):
        Outbound messages can be listed.
        start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=10)
        msg_datas = [
            (yield self.make_outbound(
                "gingercookies", "1234%d" % i, start + timedelta(seconds=i)))
            for i in range(5)
        lister = self.make_lister(batch="gingercookies", direction="outbound")
        yield lister.run()
            lister.output, [",".join(msg_data) for msg_data in msg_datas])
예제 #3
class StoringMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    """Middleware for storing inbound and outbound messages and events.

    Failures are not stored currently because these are typically
    stored by :class:`vumi.transports.FailureWorker` instances.

    Messages are always stored. However, in order for messages to be
    associated with a particular batch_id (
    see :class:`vumi.application.MessageStore`) a batch needs to be
    created in the message store (typically by an application worker
    that initiates sending outbound messages) and messages need to be
    tagged with a tag associated with the batch (typically by an
    application worker or middleware such as

    Configuration options:

    :param string store_prefix:
        Prefix for message store keys in key-value store.
        Default is 'message_store'.
    :param dict redis_manager:
        Redis configuration parameters.
    :param dict riak_manager:
        Riak configuration parameters. Must contain at least
        a bucket_prefix key.
    :param bool store_on_consume:
        ``True`` to store consumed messages as well as published ones,
        ``False`` to store only published messages.
        Default is ``True``.

    CONFIG_CLASS = StoringMiddlewareConfig

    def setup_middleware(self):
        store_prefix = self.config.store_prefix
        r_config = self.config.redis_manager
        self.redis = yield TxRedisManager.from_config(r_config)
        manager = TxRiakManager.from_config(self.config.riak_manager)
        self.store = MessageStore(manager,
        self.store_on_consume = self.config.store_on_consume

    def teardown_middleware(self):
        yield self.redis.close_manager()

    def handle_consume_inbound(self, message, connector_name):
        if not self.store_on_consume:
            return message
        return self.handle_inbound(message, connector_name)

    def handle_inbound(self, message, connector_name):
        tag = TaggingMiddleware.map_msg_to_tag(message)
        yield self.store.add_inbound_message(message, tag=tag)

    def handle_consume_outbound(self, message, connector_name):
        if not self.store_on_consume:
            return message
        return self.handle_outbound(message, connector_name)

    def handle_outbound(self, message, connector_name):
        tag = TaggingMiddleware.map_msg_to_tag(message)
        yield self.store.add_outbound_message(message, tag=tag)

    def handle_consume_event(self, event, connector_name):
        if not self.store_on_consume:
            return event
        return self.handle_event(event, connector_name)

    def handle_event(self, event, connector_name):
        transport_metadata = event.get('transport_metadata', {})
        # FIXME: The SMPP transport writes a 'datetime' object
        #        in the 'date' of the transport_metadata.
        #        json.dumps() that RiakObject uses is unhappy with that.
        if 'date' in transport_metadata:
            date = transport_metadata['date']
            if not isinstance(date, basestring):
                transport_metadata['date'] = date.isoformat()
        yield self.store.add_event(event)
예제 #4
class TestMessageLister(VumiTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.persistence_helper = self.add_helper(
            PersistenceHelper(use_riak=True, is_sync=False))
        self.msg_helper = self.add_helper(MessageHelper())
        # Since we're never loading the actual objects, we can't detect
        # tombstones. Therefore, each test needs its own bucket prefix.
        self.expected_bucket_prefix = "bucket-%s" % (uuid4().hex,)
        self.riak_manager = self.persistence_helper.get_riak_manager({
            "bucket_prefix": self.expected_bucket_prefix,
        self.redis_manager = yield self.persistence_helper.get_redis_manager()
        self.mdb = MessageStore(self.riak_manager, self.redis_manager)
        self.default_args = [
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,

    def make_lister(self, args=None, batch=None, direction=None,
        if args is None:
            args = self.default_args
        if batch is not None:
            args.extend(["--batch", batch])
        if direction is not None:
            args.extend(["--direction", direction])
        if index_page_size is not None:
            args.extend(["--index-page-size", str(index_page_size)])
        options = Options()
        return StubbedMessageLister(self, options)

    def get_riak_manager(self, config):
        self.assertEqual(config["bucket_prefix"], self.expected_bucket_prefix)
        return self.persistence_helper.get_riak_manager(config)

    def make_inbound(self, batch_id, from_addr, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        msg = self.msg_helper.make_inbound(
            None, from_addr=from_addr, timestamp=timestamp)
        d = self.mdb.add_inbound_message(msg, batch_id=batch_id)
        timestamp_str = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
            lambda _: (timestamp_str, from_addr, msg["message_id"]))
        return d

    def make_outbound(self, batch_id, to_addr, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        msg = self.msg_helper.make_outbound(
            None, to_addr=to_addr, timestamp=timestamp)
        d = self.mdb.add_outbound_message(msg, batch_id=batch_id)
        timestamp_str = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
            lambda _: (timestamp_str, to_addr, msg["message_id"]))
        return d

    def test_batch_required(self):
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--direction", "inbound",
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,

    def test_valid_direction_required(self):
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--batch", "gingercoookies",
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--batch", "gingercoookies",
            "--direction", "widdershins",
            "-b", self.expected_bucket_prefix,

    def test_bucket_required(self):
        self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.make_lister, [
            "--batch", "gingercoookies",
            "--direction", "inbound",

    def test_main(self):
        The lister runs via `main()`.
        msg_data = yield self.make_inbound("gingercookies", "12345")
        self.patch(sys, "stdout", StringIO())
        yield main(
            None, "name",
            "--batch", "gingercookies",
            "--direction", "inbound",
            "-b", self.riak_manager.bucket_prefix)
            "%s\n" % (",".join(msg_data),))

    def test_list_inbound(self):
        Inbound messages can be listed.
        start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=10)
        msg_datas = [
            (yield self.make_inbound(
                "gingercookies", "1234%d" % i, start + timedelta(seconds=i)))
            for i in range(5)
        lister = self.make_lister(batch="gingercookies", direction="inbound")
        yield lister.run()
            lister.output, [",".join(msg_data) for msg_data in msg_datas])

    def test_list_inbound_small_pages(self):
        Inbound messages can be listed.
        start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=10)
        msg_datas = [
            (yield self.make_inbound(
                "gingercookies", "1234%d" % i, start + timedelta(seconds=i)))
            for i in range(5)
        lister = self.make_lister(
            batch="gingercookies", direction="inbound", index_page_size=2)
        yield lister.run()
            lister.output, [",".join(msg_data) for msg_data in msg_datas])

    def test_list_outbound(self):
        Outbound messages can be listed.
        start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=10)
        msg_datas = [
            (yield self.make_outbound(
                "gingercookies", "1234%d" % i, start + timedelta(seconds=i)))
            for i in range(5)
        lister = self.make_lister(batch="gingercookies", direction="outbound")
        yield lister.run()
            lister.output, [",".join(msg_data) for msg_data in msg_datas])