예제 #1
def get_config():
    loopback = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    loopback['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces loopback ' + loopback['intf']):
        loopback['deleted'] = True

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces loopback ' + loopback['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        loopback['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        loopback['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the interface
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    act_addr = conf.return_values('address')
    loopback['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, act_addr)

    return loopback
예제 #2
def get_config():
    salt = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base = ['service', 'salt-minion']

    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None

    if conf.exists(['hash']):
        salt['hash'] = conf.return_value(['hash'])

    if conf.exists(['master']):
        salt['master'] = conf.return_values(['master'])

    if conf.exists(['id']):
        salt['salt_id'] = conf.return_value(['id'])

    if conf.exists(['user']):
        salt['user'] = conf.return_value(['user'])

    if conf.exists(['interval']):
        salt['interval'] = conf.return_value(['interval'])

    if conf.exists(['master-key']):
        salt['master_key'] = conf.return_value(['master-key'])
        salt['verify_master_pubkey_sign'] = 'true'

    return salt
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    conf.set_level("service broadcast-relay id")
    relay_id = conf.list_nodes("")
    relays = []

    for id in relay_id:
        interface_list = []
        address = conf.return_value("{0} address".format(id))
        description = conf.return_value("{0} description".format(id))
        port = conf.return_value("{0} port".format(id))

        # split the interface name listing and form a list
        if conf.exists("{0} interface".format(id)):
            intfs_names = conf.return_values("{0} interface".format(id))
            intfs_names = intfs_names.replace("'", "")
            intfs_names = intfs_names.split()
            for name in intfs_names:

        relay = {
            "id": id,
            "address": address,
            "description": description,
            "interfaces": interface_list,
            "port": port

    return relays
예제 #4
def get_config():
    relay = default_config_data
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists(['service', 'dhcp-relay']):
        return None
        conf.set_level(['service', 'dhcp-relay'])

    # Network interfaces to listen on
    if conf.exists(['interface']):
        relay['interface'] = conf.return_values(['interface'])

    # Servers equal to the address of the DHCP server(s)
    if conf.exists(['server']):
        relay['server'] = conf.return_values(['server'])

    conf.set_level(['service', 'dhcp-relay', 'relay-options'])

    if conf.exists(['hop-count']):
        count = '-c ' + conf.return_value(['hop-count'])

    # Specify the maximum packet size to send to a DHCPv4/BOOTP server.
    # This might be done to allow sufficient space for addition of relay agent
    # options while still fitting into the Ethernet MTU size.
    # Available in DHCPv4 mode only:
    if conf.exists(['max-size']):
        size = '-A ' + conf.return_value(['max-size'])

    # Control the handling of incoming DHCPv4 packets which already contain
    # relay agent options. If such a packet does not have giaddr set in its
    # header, the DHCP standard requires that the packet be discarded. However,
    # if giaddr is set, the relay agent may handle the situation in four ways:
    # It may append its own set of relay options to the packet, leaving the
    # supplied option field intact; it may replace the existing agent option
    # field; it may forward the packet unchanged; or, it may discard it.
    # Available in DHCPv4 mode only:
    if conf.exists(['relay-agents-packets']):
        pkt = '-a -m ' + conf.return_value(['relay-agents-packets'])

    return relay
예제 #5
def get_config():
    dummy = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    dummy['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if we are a member of any bridge
    dummy['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, dummy['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces dummy ' + dummy['intf']):
        dummy['deleted'] = True
        return dummy

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces dummy ' + dummy['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        dummy['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        dummy['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        dummy['disable'] = True

    # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which
    # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the interface
    eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address')
    act_addr = conf.return_values('address')
    dummy['address_remove'] = list_diff(eff_addr, act_addr)

    # retrieve VRF instance
    if conf.exists('vrf'):
        dummy['vrf'] = conf.return_value('vrf')

    return dummy
예제 #6
def get_config():
    config = Config()
    data = {"install_routes": "yes"}

    if config.exists("vpn ipsec options disable-route-autoinstall"):
        data["install_routes"] = "no"

    if config.exists("vpn ipsec ipsec-interfaces interface"):
        data["ipsec_interfaces"] = config.return_values("vpn ipsec ipsec-interfaces interface")

    # Init config variables
    data["delim_ipsec_l2tp_begin"] = delim_ipsec_l2tp_begin
    data["delim_ipsec_l2tp_end"] = delim_ipsec_l2tp_end
    data["ipsec_ra_conn_file"] = ipsec_ra_conn_file
    data["ra_conn_name"] = ra_conn_name
    # Get l2tp ipsec settings
    data["ipsec_l2tp"] = False
    conf_ipsec_command = "vpn l2tp remote-access ipsec-settings " #last space is useful
    if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command):
        data["ipsec_l2tp"] = True

        # Authentication params
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication mode"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_auth_mode"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication mode")
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication pre-shared-secret"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_secret"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication pre-shared-secret")

        # mode x509
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 ca-cert-file"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_x509_ca_cert_file"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 ca-cert-file")
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 crl-file"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_x509_crl_file"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 crl-file")
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-cert-file"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_x509_server_cert_file"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-cert-file")
            data["server_cert_file_copied"] = server_cert_path+"/"+re.search('\w+(?:\.\w+)*$', config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-cert-file")).group(0)
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-key-file"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_x509_server_key_file"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-key-file")
            data["server_key_file_copied"] = server_key_path+"/"+re.search('\w+(?:\.\w+)*$', config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-key-file")).group(0)
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-key-password"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_x509_server_key_password"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "authentication x509 server-key-password")

        # Common l2tp ipsec params
        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "ike-lifetime"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_ike_lifetime"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "ike-lifetime")
            data["ipsec_l2tp_ike_lifetime"] = "3600"

        if config.exists(conf_ipsec_command + "lifetime"):
            data["ipsec_l2tp_lifetime"] = config.return_value(conf_ipsec_command + "lifetime")
            data["ipsec_l2tp_lifetime"] = "3600"

    if config.exists("vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address"):
        data['outside_addr'] = config.return_value('vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address')

    return data
예제 #7
def get_config():
    igmp_proxy = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base = ['protocols', 'igmp-proxy']
    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None

    # Network interfaces to listen on
    if conf.exists(['disable']):
        igmp_proxy['disable'] = True

    # Option to disable "quickleave"
    if conf.exists(['disable-quickleave']):
        igmp_proxy['disable_quickleave'] = True

    for intf in conf.list_nodes(['interface']):
        conf.set_level(base + ['interface', intf])
        interface = {
            'name': intf,
            'alt_subnet': [],
            'role': 'downstream',
            'threshold': '1',
            'whitelist': []

        if conf.exists(['alt-subnet']):
            interface['alt_subnet'] = conf.return_values(['alt-subnet'])

        if conf.exists(['role']):
            interface['role'] = conf.return_value(['role'])

        if conf.exists(['threshold']):
            interface['threshold'] = conf.return_value(['threshold'])

        if conf.exists(['whitelist']):
            interface['whitelist'] = conf.return_values(['whitelist'])

        # Append interface configuration to global configuration list

    return igmp_proxy
예제 #8
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    igmp_conf = {'igmp_conf': False, 'old_ifaces': {}, 'ifaces': {}}
    if not (conf.exists('protocols igmp')
            or conf.exists_effective('protocols igmp')):
        return None

    if conf.exists('protocols igmp'):
        igmp_conf['igmp_conf'] = True

    conf.set_level('protocols igmp')

    # # Get interfaces
    for iface in conf.list_effective_nodes('interface'):
            iface: {
                    'interface {0} version'.format(iface)),
                    'interface {0} query-interval'.format(iface)),
                    'interface {0} query-max-response-time'.format(iface)),
                'gr_join': {}
        for gr_join in conf.list_effective_nodes(
                'interface {0} join'.format(iface)):
                gr_join] = conf.return_effective_values(
                    'interface {0} join {1} source'.format(iface, gr_join))

    for iface in conf.list_nodes('interface'):
            iface: {
                conf.return_value('interface {0} version'.format(iface)),
                    'interface {0} query-interval'.format(iface)),
                    'interface {0} query-max-response-time'.format(iface)),
                'gr_join': {}
        for gr_join in conf.list_nodes('interface {0} join'.format(iface)):
                gr_join] = conf.return_values(
                    'interface {0} join {1} source'.format(iface, gr_join))

    return igmp_conf
예제 #9
def get_config():
    ntp = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists('system ntp'):
        return None
        conf.set_level('system ntp')

    if conf.exists('allow-clients address'):
        networks = conf.return_values('allow-clients address')
        for n in networks:
            addr = ip_network(n)
            net = {
                "network" : n,
                "address" : addr.network_address,
                "netmask" : addr.netmask


    if conf.exists('listen-address'):
        ntp['listen_address'] = conf.return_values('listen-address')

    if conf.exists('server'):
        for node in conf.list_nodes('server'):
            options = []
            server = {
                "name": node,
                "options": []
            if conf.exists('server {0} noselect'.format(node)):
            if conf.exists('server {0} preempt'.format(node)):
            if conf.exists('server {0} prefer'.format(node)):

            server['options'] = options

    return ntp
예제 #10
def get_config():
    geneve = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    geneve['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces geneve ' + geneve['intf']):
        geneve['deleted'] = True
        return geneve

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces geneve ' + geneve['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        geneve['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        geneve['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        geneve['disable'] = True

    # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds
    if conf.exists('ip arp-cache-timeout'):
        geneve['ip_arp_cache_tmo'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ip arp-cache-timeout'))

    # Enable proxy-arp on this interface
    if conf.exists('ip enable-proxy-arp'):
        geneve['ip_proxy_arp'] = 1

    # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
    if conf.exists('mtu'):
        geneve['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu'))

    # Remote address of GENEVE tunnel
    if conf.exists('remote'):
        geneve['remote'] = conf.return_value('remote')

    # Virtual Network Identifier
    if conf.exists('vni'):
        geneve['vni'] = conf.return_value('vni')

    return geneve
예제 #11
def get_config():
    relay = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base = ['service', 'broadcast-relay']

    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None

    # Service can be disabled by user
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        relay['disabled'] = True
        return relay

    # Parse configuration of each individual instance
    if conf.exists('id'):
        for id in conf.list_nodes('id'):
            conf.set_level(base + ['id', id])
            config = {
                'id': id,
                'disabled': False,
                'address': '',
                'description': '',
                'interfaces': [],
                'port': ''

            # Check if individual broadcast relay service is disabled
            if conf.exists(['disable']):
                config['disabled'] = True

            # Source IP of forwarded packets, if empty original senders address is used
            if conf.exists(['address']):
                config['address'] = conf.return_value(['address'])

            # A description for each individual broadcast relay service
            if conf.exists(['description']):
                config['description'] = conf.return_value(['description'])

            # UDP port to listen on for broadcast frames
            if conf.exists(['port']):
                config['port'] = conf.return_value(['port'])

            # Network interfaces to listen on for broadcast frames to be relayed
            if conf.exists(['interface']):
                config['interfaces'] = conf.return_values(['interface'])


    return relay
예제 #12
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    hosts = copy.deepcopy(default_config_data)

    if conf.exists("system host-name"):
        hosts['hostname'] = conf.return_value("system host-name")
        # This may happen if the config is not loaded yet,
        # e.g. if run by cloud-init
        if not hosts['hostname']:
            hosts['hostname'] = default_config_data['hostname']

    if conf.exists("system domain-name"):
        hosts['domain_name'] = conf.return_value("system domain-name")

    for search in conf.return_values("system domain-search domain"):

    if conf.exists("system name-server"):
        hosts['nameserver'] = conf.return_values("system name-server")

    if conf.exists("system disable-dhcp-nameservers"):
        hosts['no_dhcp_ns'] = True

    # system static-host-mapping
    hosts['static_host_mapping'] = []

    if conf.exists('system static-host-mapping host-name'):
        for hn in conf.list_nodes('system static-host-mapping host-name'):
            mapping = {}
            mapping['host'] = hn
            mapping['address'] = conf.return_value(
                'system static-host-mapping host-name {0} inet'.format(hn))
            mapping['aliases'] = conf.return_values(
                'system static-host-mapping host-name {0} alias'.format(hn))

    return hosts
예제 #13
def get_config():
    interface_list = []

    conf = Config()
    conf.set_level('service mdns repeater')
    if not conf.exists(''):
        return interface_list

    if conf.exists('interface'):
        intfs_names = []
        intfs_names = conf.return_values('interface')

        for name in intfs_names:

    return interface_list
예제 #14
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists('service https certificates certbot'):
        return None
        conf.set_level('service https certificates certbot')

    cert = {}

    if conf.exists('domain-name'):
        cert['domains'] = conf.return_values('domain-name')

    if conf.exists('email'):
        cert['email'] = conf.return_value('email')

    return cert
예제 #15
def verify(bridge):
    if bridge['dhcpv6_prm_only'] and bridge['dhcpv6_temporary']:
        raise ConfigError(
            'DHCPv6 temporary and parameters-only options are mutually exclusive!'

    vrf_name = bridge['vrf']
    if vrf_name and vrf_name not in interfaces():
        raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{vrf_name}" does not exist')

    conf = Config()
    for br in conf.list_nodes('interfaces bridge'):
        # it makes no sense to verify ourself in this case
        if br == bridge['intf']:

        for intf in bridge['member']:
            tmp = conf.list_nodes(
                'interfaces bridge {} member interface'.format(br))
            if intf['name'] in tmp:
                raise ConfigError(
                    'Interface "{}" belongs to bridge "{}" and can not be enslaved.'
                    .format(intf['name'], bridge['intf']))

    # the interface must exist prior adding it to a bridge
    for intf in bridge['member']:
        if intf['name'] not in interfaces():
            raise ConfigError(
                'Can not add non existing interface "{}" to bridge "{}"'.
                format(intf['name'], bridge['intf']))

        if intf['name'] == 'lo':
            raise ConfigError(
                'Loopback interface "lo" can not be added to a bridge')

    # bridge members are not allowed to be bond members, too
    for intf in bridge['member']:
        for bond in conf.list_nodes('interfaces bonding'):
            if conf.exists('interfaces bonding ' + bond + ' member interface'):
                if intf['name'] in conf.return_values('interfaces bonding ' +
                                                      bond +
                                                      ' member interface'):
                    raise ConfigError(
                        'Interface {} belongs to bond {}, can not add it to {}'
                        .format(intf['name'], bond, bridge['intf']))

    return None
예제 #16
def get_config():
    mdns = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base = ['service', 'mdns', 'repeater']
    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None

    # Service can be disabled by user
    if conf.exists(['disable']):
        mdns['disabled'] = True
        return mdns

    # Interface to repeat mDNS advertisements
    if conf.exists(['interface']):
        mdns['interfaces'] = conf.return_values(['interface'])

    return mdns
예제 #17
def verify(eth):
    if eth['deleted']:
        return None

    if eth['intf'] not in interfaces():
        raise ConfigError(f"Interface ethernet {eth['intf']} does not exist")

    if eth['speed'] == 'auto':
        if eth['duplex'] != 'auto':
            raise ConfigError(
                'If speed is hardcoded, duplex must be hardcoded, too')

    if eth['duplex'] == 'auto':
        if eth['speed'] != 'auto':
            raise ConfigError(
                'If duplex is hardcoded, speed must be hardcoded, too')

    if eth['dhcpv6_prm_only'] and eth['dhcpv6_temporary']:
        raise ConfigError(
            'DHCPv6 temporary and parameters-only options are mutually exclusive!'

    vrf_name = eth['vrf']
    if vrf_name and vrf_name not in interfaces():
        raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{vrf_name}" does not exist')

    conf = Config()
    # some options can not be changed when interface is enslaved to a bond
    for bond in conf.list_nodes('interfaces bonding'):
        if conf.exists('interfaces bonding ' + bond + ' member interface'):
            bond_member = conf.return_values('interfaces bonding ' + bond +
                                             ' member interface')
            if eth['intf'] in bond_member:
                if eth['address']:
                    raise ConfigError(
                        f"Can not assign address to interface {eth['intf']} which is a member of {bond}"

    # use common function to verify VLAN configuration
    return None
예제 #18
def get_config():
    tftpd = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base = ['service', 'tftp-server']
    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None

    if conf.exists(['directory']):
        tftpd['directory'] = conf.return_value(['directory'])

    if conf.exists(['allow-upload']):
        tftpd['allow_upload'] = True

    if conf.exists(['port']):
        tftpd['port'] = conf.return_value(['port'])

    if conf.exists(['listen-address']):
        tftpd['listen'] = conf.return_values(['listen-address'])

    return tftpd
예제 #19
def get_config():
    relay = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists('service dhcpv6-relay'):
        return None
        conf.set_level('service dhcpv6-relay')

    # Network interfaces/address to listen on for DHCPv6 query(s)
    if conf.exists('listen-interface'):
        interfaces = conf.list_nodes('listen-interface')
        for intf in interfaces:
            if conf.exists('listen-interface {0} address'.format(intf)):
                addr = conf.return_value(
                    'listen-interface {0} address'.format(intf))
                listen = addr + '%' + intf

    # Upstream interface/address for remote DHCPv6 server
    if conf.exists('upstream-interface'):
        interfaces = conf.list_nodes('upstream-interface')
        for intf in interfaces:
            addresses = conf.return_values(
                'upstream-interface {0} address'.format(intf))
            for addr in addresses:
                server = addr + '%' + intf

    # Maximum hop count. When forwarding packets, dhcrelay discards packets
    # which have reached a hop count of COUNT. Default is 10. Maximum is 255.
    if conf.exists('max-hop-count'):
        count = '-c ' + conf.return_value('max-hop-count')

    if conf.exists('use-interface-id-option'):

    return relay
예제 #20
def get_config():
    salt = default_config_data
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists('service salt-minion'):
        return None
        conf.set_level('service salt-minion')

    if conf.exists('hash_type'):
        salt['hash_type'] = conf.return_value('hash_type')

    if conf.exists('log_file'):
        salt['log_file'] = conf.return_value('log_file')

    if conf.exists('log_level'):
        salt['log_level'] = conf.return_value('log_level')

    if conf.exists('master'):
        master = conf.return_values('master')
        salt['master'] = master

    if conf.exists('ID'):
        salt['salt_id'] = conf.return_value('ID')

    if conf.exists('user'):
        salt['user'] = conf.return_value('user')

    if conf.exists('mine_interval'):
        salt['mine_interval'] = conf.return_value('mine_interval')

    salt['master-key'] = None
    if conf.exists('master-key'):
        salt['master-key'] = conf.return_value('master-key')
        salt['verify_master_pubkey_sign'] = 'true'

    return salt
예제 #21
def get_config():
    vc = Config()
    # Convert the VyOS config to an abstract internal representation
    flow_config = {
        vc.exists('system flow-accounting'),
        vc.return_value('system flow-accounting buffer-size'),
        _node_exists('system flow-accounting disable-imt'),
        vc.return_value('system flow-accounting syslog-facility'),
        'sflow': {
            vc.exists('system flow-accounting sflow'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting sflow agent-address'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting sflow sampling-rate'),
        'netflow': {
            vc.exists('system flow-accounting netflow'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow engine-id'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow max-flows'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow sampling-rate'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow source-ip'),
            vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow version'),
            'timeout': {
                    'system flow-accounting netflow timeout expiry-interval'),
                    'system flow-accounting netflow timeout flow-generic'),
                vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow timeout icmp'),
                    'system flow-accounting netflow timeout max-active-life'),
                    'system flow-accounting netflow timeout tcp-fin'),
                    'system flow-accounting netflow timeout tcp-generic'),
                    'system flow-accounting netflow timeout tcp-rst'),
                vc.return_value('system flow-accounting netflow timeout udp')

    # get interfaces list
    if vc.exists('system flow-accounting interface'):
        flow_config['interfaces'] = vc.return_values(
            'system flow-accounting interface')

    # get sFlow collectors list
    if vc.exists('system flow-accounting sflow server'):
        flow_config['sflow']['servers'] = []
        sflow_collectors = vc.list_nodes('system flow-accounting sflow server')
        for collector in sflow_collectors:
            port = default_sflow_server_port
            if vc.return_value(
                    "system flow-accounting sflow server {} port".format(
                port = vc.return_value(
                    "system flow-accounting sflow server {} port".format(
                'address': collector,
                'port': port

    # get NetFlow collectors list
    if vc.exists('system flow-accounting netflow server'):
        flow_config['netflow']['servers'] = []
        netflow_collectors = vc.list_nodes(
            'system flow-accounting netflow server')
        for collector in netflow_collectors:
            port = default_netflow_server_port
            if vc.return_value(
                    "system flow-accounting netflow server {} port".format(
                port = vc.return_value(
                    "system flow-accounting netflow server {} port".format(
                'address': collector,
                'port': port

    # get sflow agent-id
    if flow_config['sflow']['agent-address'] == None or flow_config['sflow'][
            'agent-address'] == 'auto':
        flow_config['sflow']['agent-address'] = _sflow_default_agentip(vc)

    # get NetFlow version
    if not flow_config['netflow']['version']:
        flow_config['netflow']['version'] = default_netflow_version

    # convert NetFlow engine-id format, if this is necessary
    if flow_config['netflow']['engine-id'] and flow_config['netflow'][
            'version'] == '5':
        regex_filter = re.compile('^\d+$')
        if regex_filter.search(flow_config['netflow']['engine-id']):
            flow_config['netflow']['engine-id'] = "{}:0".format(

    # return dict with flow-accounting configuration
    return flow_config
예제 #22
def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    pim_conf = {
        'pim_conf': False,
        'old_pim': {
            'ifaces': {},
            'rp': {}
        'pim': {
            'ifaces': {},
            'rp': {}
    if not (conf.exists('protocols pim')
            or conf.exists_effective('protocols pim')):
        return None

    if conf.exists('protocols pim'):
        pim_conf['pim_conf'] = True

    conf.set_level('protocols pim')

    # Get interfaces
    for iface in conf.list_effective_nodes('interface'):
            iface: {
                    'interface {0} hello'.format(iface)),
                    'interface {0} dr-priority'.format(iface))

    for iface in conf.list_nodes('interface'):
            iface: {
                conf.return_value('interface {0} hello'.format(iface)),
                conf.return_value('interface {0} dr-priority'.format(iface)),

    conf.set_level('protocols pim rp')

    # Get RPs addresses
    for rp_addr in conf.list_effective_nodes('address'):
        pim_conf['old_pim']['rp'][rp_addr] = conf.return_effective_values(
            'address {0} group'.format(rp_addr))

    for rp_addr in conf.list_nodes('address'):
        pim_conf['pim']['rp'][rp_addr] = conf.return_values(
            'address {0} group'.format(rp_addr))

    # Get RP keep-alive-timer
    if conf.exists_effective('rp keep-alive-timer'):
        pim_conf['old_pim']['rp_keep_alive'] = conf.return_effective_value(
            'rp keep-alive-timer')
    if conf.exists('rp keep-alive-timer'):
        pim_conf['pim']['rp_keep_alive'] = conf.return_value(
            'rp keep-alive-timer')

    return pim_conf
예제 #23
def get_config():
    server_block_list = []
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists('service https'):
        return None
        conf.set_level('service https')

    if not conf.exists('virtual-host'):
        for vhost in conf.list_nodes('virtual-host'):
            server_block = deepcopy(default_server_block)
            server_block['id'] = vhost
            if conf.exists(f'virtual-host {vhost} listen-address'):
                addr = conf.return_value(
                    f'virtual-host {vhost} listen-address')
                server_block['address'] = addr
            if conf.exists(f'virtual-host {vhost} listen-port'):
                port = conf.return_value(f'virtual-host {vhost} listen-port')
                server_block['port'] = port
            if conf.exists(f'virtual-host {vhost} server-name'):
                names = conf.return_values(f'virtual-host {vhost} server-name')
                server_block['name'] = names[:]

    vyos_cert_data = {}
    if conf.exists('certificates system-generated-certificate'):
        vyos_cert_data = vyos.defaults.vyos_cert_data
    if vyos_cert_data:
        for block in server_block_list:
            block['vyos_cert'] = vyos_cert_data

    certbot = False
    certbot_domains = []
    if conf.exists('certificates certbot domain-name'):
        certbot_domains = conf.return_values(
            'certificates certbot domain-name')
    if certbot_domains:
        certbot = True
        for domain in certbot_domains:
            sub_list = vyos.certbot_util.choose_server_block(
                server_block_list, domain)
            if sub_list:
                for sb in sub_list:
                    sb['certbot'] = True
                    # certbot organizes certificates by first domain
                    sb['certbot_dir'] = certbot_domains[0]

    api_somewhere = False
    api_data = {}
    if conf.exists('api'):
        api_somewhere = True
        api_data = vyos.defaults.api_data
        if conf.exists('api port'):
            port = conf.return_value('api port')
            api_data['port'] = port
        if conf.exists('api-restrict virtual-host'):
            vhosts = conf.return_values('api-restrict virtual-host')
            api_data['vhost'] = vhosts[:]

    if api_data:
        # we do not want to include 'vhost' key as part of
        # vyos.defaults.api_data, so check for key existence
        vhost_list = api_data.get('vhost')
        if vhost_list is None:
            for block in server_block_list:
                block['api'] = api_data
            for block in server_block_list:
                if block['id'] in vhost_list:
                    block['api'] = api_data

    https = {
        'server_block_list': server_block_list,
        'api_somewhere': api_somewhere,
        'certbot': certbot
    return https
예제 #24
def get_config():
    dyndns = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base_level = ['service', 'dns', 'dynamic']

    if not conf.exists(base_level):
        dyndns['deleted'] = True
        return dyndns

    for interface in conf.list_nodes(base_level + ['interface']):
        node = {
            'interface': interface,
            'rfc2136': [],
            'service': [],
            'web_skip': '',
            'web_url': ''

        # set config level to e.g. "service dns dynamic interface eth0"
        conf.set_level(base_level + ['interface', interface])
        # Handle RFC2136 - Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System
        for rfc2136 in conf.list_nodes(['rfc2136']):
            rfc = {
                'name': rfc2136,
                'keyfile': '',
                'record': [],
                'server': '',
                'ttl': '600',
                'zone': ''

            # set config level
            conf.set_level(base_level + ['interface', interface, 'rfc2136', rfc2136])

            if conf.exists(['key']):
                rfc['keyfile'] = conf.return_value(['key'])

            if conf.exists(['record']):
                rfc['record'] = conf.return_values(['record'])

            if conf.exists(['server']):
                rfc['server'] = conf.return_value(['server'])

            if conf.exists(['ttl']):
                rfc['ttl'] = conf.return_value(['ttl'])

            if conf.exists(['zone']):
                rfc['zone'] = conf.return_value(['zone'])


        # set config level to e.g. "service dns dynamic interface eth0"
        conf.set_level(base_level + ['interface', interface])
        # Handle DynDNS service providers
        for service in conf.list_nodes(['service']):
            srv = {
                'provider': service,
                'host': [],
                'login': '',
                'password': '',
                'protocol': '',
                'server': '',
                'custom' : False,
                'zone' : ''

            # set config level
            conf.set_level(base_level + ['interface', interface, 'service', service])

            # preload protocol from default service mapping
            if service in default_service_protocol.keys():
                srv['protocol'] = default_service_protocol[service]
                srv['custom'] = True

            if conf.exists(['login']):
                srv['login'] = conf.return_value(['login'])

            if conf.exists(['host-name']):
                srv['host'] = conf.return_values(['host-name'])

            if conf.exists(['protocol']):
                srv['protocol'] = conf.return_value(['protocol'])

            if conf.exists(['password']):
                srv['password'] = conf.return_value(['password'])

            if conf.exists(['server']):
                srv['server'] = conf.return_value(['server'])

            if conf.exists(['zone']):
                srv['zone'] = conf.return_value(['zone'])
            elif srv['provider'] == 'cloudflare':
                # default populate zone entry with bar.tld if
                # host-name is foo.bar.tld
                srv['zone'] = srv['host'][0].split('.',1)[1]


        # Set config back to appropriate level for these options
        conf.set_level(base_level + ['interface', interface])

        # Additional settings in CLI
        if conf.exists(['use-web', 'skip']):
            node['web_skip'] = conf.return_value(['use-web', 'skip'])

        if conf.exists(['use-web', 'url']):
            node['web_url'] = conf.return_value(['use-web', 'url'])

        # set config level back to top level


    return dyndns
예제 #25
def get_config():
    vxlan = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    vxlan['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if interface is member if a bridge
    vxlan['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, vxlan['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces vxlan ' + vxlan['intf']):
        vxlan['deleted'] = True
        return vxlan

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces vxlan ' + vxlan['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        vxlan['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        vxlan['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        vxlan['disable'] = True

    # VXLAN multicast grou
    if conf.exists('group'):
        vxlan['group'] = conf.return_value('group')

    # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds
    if conf.exists('ip arp-cache-timeout'):
        vxlan['ip_arp_cache_tmo'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ip arp-cache-timeout'))

    # ARP filter configuration
    if conf.exists('ip disable-arp-filter'):
        vxlan['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0

    # ARP enable accept
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-accept'):
        vxlan['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1

    # ARP enable announce
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-announce'):
        vxlan['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1

    # ARP enable ignore
    if conf.exists('ip enable-arp-ignore'):
        vxlan['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1

    # Enable proxy-arp on this interface
    if conf.exists('ip enable-proxy-arp'):
        vxlan['ip_proxy_arp'] = 1

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        vxlan['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefixes for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        vxlan['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_values('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Remove the default link-local address if set.
    if not (conf.exists('ipv6 address no-default-link-local')
            or vxlan['is_bridge_member']):
        # add the link-local by default to make IPv6 work

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        vxlan['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        vxlan['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # to make IPv6 SLAAC and DHCPv6 work with forwarding=1,
    # accept_ra must be 2
    if vxlan['ipv6_autoconf'] or 'dhcpv6' in vxlan['address']:
        vxlan['ipv6_accept_ra'] = 2

    # VXLAN source address
    if conf.exists('source-address'):
        vxlan['source_address'] = conf.return_value('source-address')

    # VXLAN underlay interface
    if conf.exists('source-interface'):
        vxlan['source_interface'] = conf.return_value('source-interface')

    # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
    if conf.exists('mtu'):
        vxlan['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu'))

    # Remote address of VXLAN tunnel
    if conf.exists('remote'):
        vxlan['remote'] = conf.return_value('remote')

    # Remote port of VXLAN tunnel
    if conf.exists('port'):
        vxlan['remote_port'] = int(conf.return_value('port'))

    # Virtual Network Identifier
    if conf.exists('vni'):
        vxlan['vni'] = conf.return_value('vni')

    return vxlan
예제 #26
def get_config():
    sstp = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    base_path = ['vpn', 'sstp']
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists(base_path):
        return None


    cpu = os.cpu_count()
    if cpu > 1:
        sstp['thread_cnt'] = int(cpu/2)

    if conf.exists(['authentication', 'mode']):
        sstp['auth_mode'] = conf.return_value(['authentication', 'mode'])

    # local auth
    if conf.exists(['authentication', 'local-users']):
        for username in conf.list_nodes(['authentication', 'local-users', 'username']):
            user = {
                'name' : username,
                'password' : '',
                'state' : 'enabled',
                'ip' : '*',
                'upload' : None,
                'download' : None

            conf.set_level(base_path + ['authentication', 'local-users', 'username', username])

            if conf.exists(['password']):
                user['password'] = conf.return_value(['password'])

            if conf.exists(['disable']):
                user['state'] = 'disable'

            if conf.exists(['static-ip']):
                user['ip'] = conf.return_value(['static-ip'])

            if conf.exists(['rate-limit', 'download']):
                user['download'] = conf.return_value(['rate-limit', 'download'])

            if conf.exists(['rate-limit', 'upload']):
                user['upload'] = conf.return_value(['rate-limit', 'upload'])


    # RADIUS auth and settings
    conf.set_level(base_path + ['authentication', 'radius'])
    if conf.exists(['server']):
        for server in conf.list_nodes(['server']):
            radius = {
                'server' : server,
                'key' : '',
                'fail_time' : 0,
                'port' : '1812'

            conf.set_level(base_path + ['authentication', 'radius', 'server', server])

            if conf.exists(['fail-time']):
                radius['fail-time'] = conf.return_value(['fail-time'])

            if conf.exists(['port']):
                radius['port'] = conf.return_value(['port'])

            if conf.exists(['key']):
                radius['key'] = conf.return_value(['key'])

            if not conf.exists(['disable']):

        # advanced radius-setting
        conf.set_level(base_path + ['authentication', 'radius'])

        if conf.exists(['acct-timeout']):
            sstp['radius_acct_tmo'] = conf.return_value(['acct-timeout'])

        if conf.exists(['max-try']):
            sstp['radius_max_try'] = conf.return_value(['max-try'])

        if conf.exists(['timeout']):
            sstp['radius_timeout'] = conf.return_value(['timeout'])

        if conf.exists(['nas-identifier']):
            sstp['radius_nas_id'] = conf.return_value(['nas-identifier'])

        if conf.exists(['nas-ip-address']):
            sstp['radius_nas_ip'] = conf.return_value(['nas-ip-address'])

        if conf.exists(['source-address']):
            sstp['radius_source_address'] = conf.return_value(['source-address'])

        # Dynamic Authorization Extensions (DOA)/Change Of Authentication (COA)
        if conf.exists(['dynamic-author']):
            dae = {
                'port' : '',
                'server' : '',
                'key' : ''

            if conf.exists(['dynamic-author', 'server']):
                dae['server'] = conf.return_value(['dynamic-author', 'server'])

            if conf.exists(['dynamic-author', 'port']):
                dae['port'] = conf.return_value(['dynamic-author', 'port'])

            if conf.exists(['dynamic-author', 'key']):
                dae['key'] = conf.return_value(['dynamic-author', 'key'])

            sstp['radius_dynamic_author'] = dae

        if conf.exists(['rate-limit', 'enable']):
            sstp['radius_shaper_attr'] = 'Filter-Id'
            c_attr = ['rate-limit', 'enable', 'attribute']
            if conf.exists(c_attr):
                sstp['radius_shaper_attr'] = conf.return_value(c_attr)

            c_vendor = ['rate-limit', 'enable', 'vendor']
            if conf.exists(c_vendor):
                sstp['radius_shaper_vendor'] = conf.return_value(c_vendor)

    # authentication protocols
    conf.set_level(base_path + ['authentication'])
    if conf.exists(['protocols']):
        auth_mods = {
            'pap': 'auth_pap',
            'chap': 'auth_chap_md5',
            'mschap': 'auth_mschap_v1',
            'mschap-v2': 'auth_mschap_v2'

        for proto in conf.return_values(['protocols']):

    # read in SSL certs
    conf.set_level(base_path + ['ssl'])
    if conf.exists(['ca-cert-file']):
        sstp['ssl_ca'] = conf.return_value(['ca-cert-file'])

    if conf.exists(['cert-file']):
        sstp['ssl_cert'] = conf.return_value(['cert-file'])

    if conf.exists(['key-file']):
        sstp['ssl_key'] = conf.return_value(['key-file'])

    # read in client ip pool settings
    conf.set_level(base_path + ['network-settings', 'client-ip-settings'])
    if conf.exists(['subnet']):
        sstp['client_ip_pool'] = conf.return_values(['subnet'])

    if conf.exists(['gateway-address']):
        sstp['client_gateway'] = conf.return_value(['gateway-address'])

    # read in network settings
    conf.set_level(base_path + ['network-settings'])
    if conf.exists(['name-server']):
        sstp['dnsv4'] = conf.return_values(['name-server'])

    if conf.exists(['mtu']):
        sstp['mtu'] = conf.return_value(['mtu'])

    # read in PPP stuff
    conf.set_level(base_path + ['ppp-settings'])
    if conf.exists('mppe'):
        sstp['ppp_mppe'] = conf.return_value(['ppp-settings', 'mppe'])

    if conf.exists(['lcp-echo-failure']):
        sstp['ppp_echo_failure'] = conf.return_value(['lcp-echo-failure'])

    if conf.exists(['lcp-echo-interval']):
        sstp['ppp_echo_interval'] = conf.return_value(['lcp-echo-interval'])

    if conf.exists(['lcp-echo-timeout']):
        sstp['ppp_echo_timeout'] = conf.return_value(['lcp-echo-timeout'])

    return sstp
예제 #27
def get_config():
    l2tpv3 = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    l2tpv3['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # check if interface is member of a bridge
    l2tpv3['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, l2tpv3['intf'], 'bridge')

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces l2tpv3 ' + l2tpv3['intf']):
        l2tpv3['deleted'] = True
        interface = l2tpv3['intf']

        # to delete the l2tpv3 interface we need the current tunnel_id and session_id
        if conf.exists_effective(f'interfaces l2tpv3 {interface} tunnel-id'):
            l2tpv3['tunnel_id'] = conf.return_effective_value(
                f'interfaces l2tpv3 {interface} tunnel-id')

        if conf.exists_effective(f'interfaces l2tpv3 {interface} session-id'):
            l2tpv3['session_id'] = conf.return_effective_value(
                f'interfaces l2tpv3 {interface} session-id')

        return l2tpv3

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces l2tpv3 ' + l2tpv3['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        l2tpv3['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        l2tpv3['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # get tunnel destination port
    if conf.exists('destination-port'):
        l2tpv3['remote_port'] = int(conf.return_value('destination-port'))

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        l2tpv3['disable'] = True

    # get tunnel encapsulation type
    if conf.exists('encapsulation'):
        l2tpv3['encapsulation'] = conf.return_value('encapsulation')

    # get tunnel local ip address
    if conf.exists('local-ip'):
        l2tpv3['local_address'] = conf.return_value('local-ip')

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefixes for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_values('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Remove the default link-local address if set.
    if not (conf.exists('ipv6 address no-default-link-local')
            or l2tpv3['is_bridge_member']):
        # add the link-local by default to make IPv6 work

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # to make IPv6 SLAAC and DHCPv6 work with forwarding=1,
    # accept_ra must be 2
    if l2tpv3['ipv6_autoconf'] or 'dhcpv6' in l2tpv3['address']:
        l2tpv3['ipv6_accept_ra'] = 2

    # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
    if conf.exists('mtu'):
        l2tpv3['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu'))

    # Remote session id
    if conf.exists('peer-session-id'):
        l2tpv3['peer_session_id'] = conf.return_value('peer-session-id')

    # Remote tunnel id
    if conf.exists('peer-tunnel-id'):
        l2tpv3['peer_tunnel_id'] = conf.return_value('peer-tunnel-id')

    # Remote address of L2TPv3 tunnel
    if conf.exists('remote-ip'):
        l2tpv3['remote_address'] = conf.return_value('remote-ip')

    # Local session id
    if conf.exists('session-id'):
        l2tpv3['session_id'] = conf.return_value('session-id')

    # get local tunnel port
    if conf.exists('source-port'):
        l2tpv3['local_port'] = conf.return_value('source-port')

    # get local tunnel id
    if conf.exists('tunnel-id'):
        l2tpv3['tunnel_id'] = conf.return_value('tunnel-id')

    return l2tpv3
예제 #28
def get_config():
    dhcpv6 = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    if not conf.exists('service dhcpv6-server'):
        return None
        conf.set_level('service dhcpv6-server')

    # Check for global disable of DHCPv6 service
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        dhcpv6['disabled'] = True
        return dhcpv6

    # Preference of this DHCPv6 server compared with others
    if conf.exists('preference'):
        dhcpv6['preference'] = conf.return_value('preference')

    # check for multiple, shared networks served with DHCPv6 addresses
    if conf.exists('shared-network-name'):
        for network in conf.list_nodes('shared-network-name'):
                'service dhcpv6-server shared-network-name {0}'.format(
            config = {'name': network, 'disabled': False, 'subnet': []}

            # If disabled, the shared-network configuration becomes inactive
            if conf.exists('disable'):
                config['disabled'] = True

            # check for multiple subnet configurations in a shared network
            if conf.exists('subnet'):
                for net in conf.list_nodes('subnet'):
                        'service dhcpv6-server shared-network-name {0} subnet {1}'
                        .format(network, net))
                    subnet = {
                        'network': net,
                        'range6_prefix': [],
                        'range6': [],
                        'default_router': '',
                        'dns_server': [],
                        'domain_name': '',
                        'domain_search': [],
                        'lease_def': '',
                        'lease_min': '',
                        'lease_max': '',
                        'nis_domain': '',
                        'nis_server': [],
                        'nisp_domain': '',
                        'nisp_server': [],
                        'sip_address': [],
                        'sip_hostname': [],
                        'sntp_server': [],
                        'static_mapping': []

                    # For any subnet on which addresses will be assigned dynamically, there must be at
                    # least one address range statement. The range statement gives the lowest and highest
                    # IP addresses in a range. All IP addresses in the range should be in the subnet in
                    # which the range statement is declared.
                    if conf.exists('address-range prefix'):
                        for prefix in conf.list_nodes('address-range prefix'):
                            range = {'prefix': prefix, 'temporary': False}

                            # Address range will be used for temporary addresses
                            if conf.exists(
                                    'address-range prefix {0} temporary'.
                                range['temporary'] = True

                            # Append to subnet temporary range6 list

                    if conf.exists('address-range start'):
                        for range in conf.list_nodes('address-range start'):
                            range = {
                                    'address-range start {0} stop'.format(

                            # Append to subnet range6 list

                    # The domain-search option specifies a 'search list' of Domain Names to be used
                    # by the client to locate not-fully-qualified domain names.
                    if conf.exists('domain-search'):
                        for domain in conf.return_values('domain-search'):
                            subnet['domain_search'].append('"' + domain + '"')

                    # IPv6 address valid lifetime
                    #  (at the end the address is no longer usable by the client)
                    #  (set to 30 days, the usual IPv6 default)
                    if conf.exists('lease-time default'):
                        subnet['lease_def'] = conf.return_value(
                            'lease-time default')

                    # Time should be the maximum length in seconds that will be assigned to a lease.
                    # The only exception to this is that Dynamic BOOTP lease lengths, which are not
                    # specified by the client, are not limited by this maximum.
                    if conf.exists('lease-time maximum'):
                        subnet['lease_max'] = conf.return_value(
                            'lease-time maximum')

                    # Time should be the minimum length in seconds that will be assigned to a lease
                    if conf.exists('lease-time minimum'):
                        subnet['lease_min'] = conf.return_value(
                            'lease-time minimum')

                    # Specifies a list of Domain Name System name servers available to the client.
                    # Servers should be listed in order of preference.
                    if conf.exists('name-server'):
                        subnet['dns_server'] = conf.return_values(

                    # Ancient NIS (Network Information Service) domain name
                    if conf.exists('nis-domain'):
                        subnet['nis_domain'] = conf.return_value('nis-domain')

                    # Ancient NIS (Network Information Service) servers
                    if conf.exists('nis-server'):
                        subnet['nis_server'] = conf.return_values('nis-server')

                    # Ancient NIS+ (Network Information Service) domain name
                    if conf.exists('nisplus-domain'):
                        subnet['nisp_domain'] = conf.return_value(

                    # Ancient NIS+ (Network Information Service) servers
                    if conf.exists('nisplus-server'):
                        subnet['nisp_server'] = conf.return_values(

                    # Prefix Delegation (RFC 3633)
                    if conf.exists('prefix-delegation'):
                            'TODO: This option is actually not implemented right now!'

                    # Local SIP server that is to be used for all outbound SIP requests - IPv6 address
                    if conf.exists('sip-server-address'):
                        subnet['sip_address'] = conf.return_values(

                    # Local SIP server that is to be used for all outbound SIP requests - hostname
                    if conf.exists('sip-server-name'):
                        for hostname in conf.return_values('sip-server-name'):
                            subnet['sip_hostname'].append('"' + hostname + '"')

                    # List of local SNTP servers available for the client to synchronize their clocks
                    if conf.exists('sntp-server'):
                        subnet['sntp_server'] = conf.return_values(

                    # Static DHCP v6 leases
                    if conf.exists('static-mapping'):
                        for mapping in conf.list_nodes('static-mapping'):
                                'service dhcpv6-server shared-network-name {0} subnet {1} static-mapping {2}'
                                .format(network, net, mapping))
                            mapping = {
                                'name': mapping,
                                'disabled': False,
                                'ipv6_address': '',
                                'client_identifier': '',

                            # This static lease is disabled
                            if conf.exists('disable'):
                                mapping['disabled'] = True

                            # IPv6 address used for this DHCP client
                            if conf.exists('ipv6-address'):
                                mapping['ipv6_address'] = conf.return_value(

                            # This option specifies the client’s DUID identifier. DUIDs are similar but different from DHCPv4 client identifiers
                            if conf.exists('identifier'):
                                    'client_identifier'] = conf.return_value(

                            # append static mapping configuration tu subnet list

                    # append subnet configuration to shared network subnet list

            # append shared network configuration to config dictionary

    return dhcpv6
예제 #29
def get_config():
    l2tpv3 = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()

    # determine tagNode instance
    if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
        raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')

    l2tpv3['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']

    # Check if interface has been removed
    if not conf.exists('interfaces l2tpv3 ' + l2tpv3['intf']):
        l2tpv3['deleted'] = True
        # to delete the l2tpv3 interface we need to current
        # tunnel_id and session_id
        if conf.exists_effective('interfaces l2tpv3 {} tunnel-id'.format(
            l2tpv3['tunnel_id'] = conf.return_effective_value(
                'interfaces l2tpv3 {} tunnel-id'.format(l2tpv3['intf']))

        if conf.exists_effective('interfaces l2tpv3 {} session-id'.format(
            l2tpv3['session_id'] = conf.return_effective_value(
                'interfaces l2tpv3 {} session-id'.format(l2tpv3['intf']))

        return l2tpv3

    # set new configuration level
    conf.set_level('interfaces l2tpv3 ' + l2tpv3['intf'])

    # retrieve configured interface addresses
    if conf.exists('address'):
        l2tpv3['address'] = conf.return_values('address')

    # retrieve interface description
    if conf.exists('description'):
        l2tpv3['description'] = conf.return_value('description')

    # get tunnel destination port
    if conf.exists('destination-port'):
        l2tpv3['remote_port'] = int(conf.return_value('destination-port'))

    # Disable this interface
    if conf.exists('disable'):
        l2tpv3['disable'] = True

    # get tunnel encapsulation type
    if conf.exists('encapsulation'):
        l2tpv3['encapsulation'] = conf.return_value('encapsulation')

    # get tunnel local ip address
    if conf.exists('local-ip'):
        l2tpv3['local_address'] = conf.return_value('local-ip')

    # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1

    # Get prefix for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
    if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_value('ipv6 address eui64')

    # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
    if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0

    # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
    if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
        l2tpv3['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
            conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))

    # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
    if conf.exists('mtu'):
        l2tpv3['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu'))

    # Remote session id
    if conf.exists('peer-session-id'):
        l2tpv3['peer_session_id'] = conf.return_value('peer-session-id')

    # Remote tunnel id
    if conf.exists('peer-tunnel-id'):
        l2tpv3['peer_tunnel_id'] = conf.return_value('peer-tunnel-id')

    # Remote address of L2TPv3 tunnel
    if conf.exists('remote-ip'):
        l2tpv3['remote_address'] = conf.return_value('remote-ip')

    # Local session id
    if conf.exists('session-id'):
        l2tpv3['session_id'] = conf.return_value('session-id')

    # get local tunnel port
    if conf.exists('source-port'):
        l2tpv3['local_port'] = conf.return_value('source-port')

    # get local tunnel id
    if conf.exists('tunnel-id'):
        l2tpv3['tunnel_id'] = conf.return_value('tunnel-id')

    return l2tpv3
예제 #30
def get_config(arguments):
    dns = deepcopy(default_config_data)
    conf = Config()
    base = ['service', 'dns', 'forwarding']

    if arguments.dhclient:
        conf.exists = conf.exists_effective
        conf.return_value = conf.return_effective_value
        conf.return_values = conf.return_effective_values

    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None


    if conf.exists(['allow-from']):
        dns['allow_from'] = conf.return_values(['allow-from'])

    if conf.exists(['cache-size']):
        cache_size = conf.return_value(['cache-size'])
        dns['cache_size'] = cache_size

    if conf.exists('negative-ttl'):
        negative_ttl = conf.return_value(['negative-ttl'])
        dns['negative_ttl'] = negative_ttl

    if conf.exists(['domain']):
        for node in conf.list_nodes(['domain']):
            servers = conf.return_values(['domain', node, 'server'])
            domain = {"name": node, "servers": bracketize_ipv6_addrs(servers)}

    if conf.exists(['ignore-hosts-file']):
        dns['export_hosts_file'] = "no"

    if conf.exists(['name-server']):
        name_servers = conf.return_values(['name-server'])
        dns['name_servers'] = dns['name_servers'] + name_servers

    if conf.exists(['system']):
        system_name_servers = []
        system_name_servers = conf.return_values(['name-server'])
        if not system_name_servers:
                "DNS forwarding warning: No name-servers set under 'system name-server'\n"
            dns['name_servers'] = dns['name_servers'] + system_name_servers

    dns['name_servers'] = bracketize_ipv6_addrs(dns['name_servers'])

    if conf.exists(['listen-address']):
        dns['listen_on'] = conf.return_values(['listen-address'])

    if conf.exists(['dnssec']):
        dns['dnssec'] = conf.return_value(['dnssec'])

    # Add name servers received from DHCP
    if conf.exists(['dhcp']):
        interfaces = []
        interfaces = conf.return_values(['dhcp'])
        hc = hostsd_client()

        for interface in interfaces:
            dhcp_resolvers = hc.get_name_servers(f'dhcp-{interface}')
            dhcpv6_resolvers = hc.get_name_servers(f'dhcpv6-{interface}')

            if dhcp_resolvers:
                dns['name_servers'] = dns['name_servers'] + dhcp_resolvers
            if dhcpv6_resolvers:
                dns['name_servers'] = dns['name_servers'] + dhcpv6_resolvers

    return dns