예제 #1
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: vaniisgh/vyper
def extract_interface_str(code, contract_name, interface_codes=None):
    sigs = sig_utils.mk_full_signature(
        sig_formatter=lambda x, y: (x, y),
    events = [sig for sig, _ in sigs if isinstance(sig, EventSignature)]
    functions = [sig for sig, _ in sigs if isinstance(sig, FunctionSignature)]
    out = ""
    # Print events.
    for idx, event in enumerate(events):
        if idx == 0:
            out += "# Events\n\n"
        event_args_str = ', '.join([arg.name + ': ' + str(arg.typ) for arg in event.args])
        out += f"{event.name}: event({{{event_args_str}}})\n"

    # Print functions.
    def render_decorator(sig):
        o = "\n"
        if sig.const:
            o += "@constant\n"
        if not sig.private:
            o += "@public\n"
        return o

    for idx, func in enumerate(functions):
        if idx == 0:
            out += "\n# Functions\n"
        if not func.private and func.name != '__init__':
            args = ", ".join([arg.name + ": " + str(arg.typ) for arg in func.args])
            out += f"{render_decorator(func)}def {func.name}({args}){render_return(func)}:\n    pass\n"  # noqa: E501
    out += "\n"

    return out
예제 #2
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: aihuawu/vyper
def extract_interface_str(global_ctx):
    sigs = sig_utils.mk_full_signature(global_ctx, sig_formatter=lambda x: x)
    events = [i for i in sigs if isinstance(i, EventSignature)]
    functions = [i for i in sigs if isinstance(i, FunctionSignature)]
    out = ""
    # Print events.
    for idx, event in enumerate(events):
        if idx == 0:
            out += "# Events\n\n"
        if event.args:
            event_args_str = "\n    ".join(
                [arg.name + ": " + str(arg.typ) for arg in event.args])
            event_args_str = "pass"
        out += f"event {event.name}:\n    {event_args_str}\n"

    # Print functions.
    def render_decorator(sig):
        o = "\n"
        if sig.mutability != "nonpayable":
            o += f"@{sig.mutability}\n"
        if not sig.internal:
            o += "@external\n"
        return o

    for idx, func in enumerate(functions):
        if idx == 0:
            out += "\n# Functions\n"
        if not func.internal and func.name != "__init__":
            args = ", ".join(
                [arg.name + ": " + str(arg.typ) for arg in func.args])
            out += f"{render_decorator(func)}def {func.name}({args}){render_return(func)}:\n    pass\n"  # noqa: E501
    out += "\n"

    return out
예제 #3
def extract_sigs(sig_code):
    if sig_code['type'] == 'vyper':
        return sig_utils.mk_full_signature(parser.parse_to_ast(
                                           sig_formatter=lambda x, y: x)
    elif sig_code['type'] == 'json':
        return mk_full_signature_from_json(sig_code['code'])
        raise Exception(
            ("Unknown interface signature type '{}' supplied. "
             "'vyper' & 'json' are supported").format(sig_code['type']))
예제 #4
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: vaniisgh/vyper
def extract_sigs(sig_code):
    if sig_code['type'] == 'vyper':
        interface_ast = parser.parse_to_ast(sig_code['code'])
        return sig_utils.mk_full_signature(
            [i for i in interface_ast if not isinstance(i, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom))],
            sig_formatter=lambda x, y: x
    elif sig_code['type'] == 'json':
        return mk_full_signature_from_json(sig_code['code'])
        raise Exception(
            (f"Unknown interface signature type '{sig_code['type']}' supplied. "
             "'vyper' & 'json' are supported")
예제 #5
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: pir8aye/vyper
def extract_sigs(sig_code):
    if sig_code['type'] == 'vyper':
        interface_ast = [
            i for i in parser.parse_to_ast(sig_code['code'])
            if isinstance(i, ast.FunctionDef) or (
                isinstance(i, ast.AnnAssign) and i.target.id != "implements")
        return sig_utils.mk_full_signature(interface_ast,
                                           sig_formatter=lambda x, y: x)
    elif sig_code['type'] == 'json':
        return mk_full_signature_from_json(sig_code['code'])
        raise Exception((
            f"Unknown interface signature type '{sig_code['type']}' supplied. "
            "'vyper' & 'json' are supported"))
예제 #6
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: erdnaag/vyper
def extract_external_interface(global_ctx, contract_name):

    sigs = sig_utils.mk_full_signature(global_ctx, sig_formatter=lambda x: x,)
    functions = [i for i in sigs if isinstance(i, FunctionSignature)]
    cname = Path(contract_name).stem.capitalize()

    out = ""
    offset = 4 * " "
    for idx, func in enumerate(functions):
        if idx == 0:
            out += f"\n# External Interfaces\ninterface {cname}:\n"
        if not func.private and func.name != "__init__":
            args = ", ".join([arg.name + ": " + str(arg.typ) for arg in func.args])
            out += offset + f"def {func.name}({args}){render_return(func)}: {func.mutability}\n"
    out += "\n"
    return out
예제 #7
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: aihuawu/vyper
def extract_sigs(sig_code):
    if sig_code["type"] == "vyper":
        interface_ast = [
            i for i in vy_ast.parse_to_ast(sig_code["code"])
            if isinstance(i, vy_ast.FunctionDef)
            or isinstance(i, vy_ast.EventDef) or
            (isinstance(i, vy_ast.AnnAssign) and i.target.id != "implements")
        global_ctx = GlobalContext.get_global_context(interface_ast)
        return sig_utils.mk_full_signature(global_ctx,
                                           sig_formatter=lambda x: x)
    elif sig_code["type"] == "json":
        return mk_full_signature_from_json(sig_code["code"])
        raise Exception((
            f"Unknown interface signature type '{sig_code['type']}' supplied. "
            "'vyper' & 'json' are supported"))
예제 #8
def mk_full_signature(code, *args, **kwargs):
    abi = sig_utils.mk_full_signature(parse_to_ast(code), *args, **kwargs)
    # Add gas estimates for each function to ABI
    gas_estimates = gas_estimate(code, *args, **kwargs)
    for func in abi:
            func_signature = func['name']
        except KeyError:
            # constructor and fallback functions don't have a name

        func_name, _, _ = func_signature.partition('(')
        # This check ensures we skip __init__ since it has no estimate
        if func_name in gas_estimates:
            # TODO: mutation
            func['gas'] = gas_estimates[func_name]
    return abi
예제 #9
파일: output.py 프로젝트: synccirle/vyper
def build_abi_output(compiler_data: CompilerData) -> list:
    abi = sig_utils.mk_full_signature(compiler_data.global_ctx)
    # Add gas estimates for each function to ABI
    gas_estimates = build_gas_estimates(compiler_data.lll_nodes)
    for func in abi:
            func_signature = func["name"]
        except KeyError:
            # constructor and fallback functions don't have a name

        func_name, _, _ = func_signature.partition("(")
        # This check ensures we skip __init__ since it has no estimate
        if func_name in gas_estimates:
            # TODO: mutation
            func["gas"] = gas_estimates[func_name]
    return abi
예제 #10
파일: interface.py 프로젝트: vaniisgh/vyper
def extract_external_interface(code, contract_name, interface_codes=None):
    sigs = sig_utils.mk_full_signature(
        sig_formatter=lambda x, y: (x, y),
    functions = [sig for sig, _ in sigs if isinstance(sig, FunctionSignature)]
    cname = Path(contract_name).stem.capitalize()

    out = ""
    offset = 4 * " "
    for idx, func in enumerate(functions):
        if idx == 0:
            out += f"\n# External Contracts\ncontract {cname}:\n"
        if not func.private and func.name != '__init__':
            args = ", ".join([arg.name + ": " + str(arg.typ) for arg in func.args])
            func_type = "constant" if func.const else "modifying"
            out += offset + f"def {func.name}({args}){render_return(func)}: {func_type}\n"
    out += "\n"
    return out