def test_get_all_uniq_ids_iter_include_ids(self): i1 = MockInfo() kb.append('a', 'b', i1) uniq_ids = [u for u in kb.get_all_uniq_ids_iter(include_ids=[i1.get_uniq_id()])] self.assertEqual(uniq_ids, [i1.get_uniq_id()])
def test_get_by_uniq_id_duplicated_ignores_second(self): """ TODO: Analyze this case, i1 and i2 have both the same ID because they have all the same information (this is very very uncommon in a real w3af run). Note that in the get_by_uniq_id call i2 is not returned. """ i1 = MockInfo() i2 = MockInfo() kb.append('a', 'b', i1) kb.append('a', 'b', i2) i1_copy = kb.get_by_uniq_id(i1.get_uniq_id()) self.assertEqual(i1_copy, i1)
def test_get_by_uniq_id(self): i1 = MockInfo() kb.append('a', 'b', i1) i1_copy = kb.get_by_uniq_id(i1.get_uniq_id()) self.assertEqual(i1_copy, i1)