예제 #1
def print_as_table(query_result):
    """Given a collection of (cluster, token) pairs, formats a table showing the most relevant token fields"""
    cluster_token_pairs = query_result_to_cluster_token_pairs(query_result)
    rows = [collections.OrderedDict([("Cluster", cluster),
                                     ("Owner", token['owner']),
                                     ("Token", token['token']),
                                     ("Updated", format_timestamp_string(token['last-update-time']))])
            for (cluster, token) in cluster_token_pairs]
    token_table = tabulate(rows, headers='keys', tablefmt='plain')
예제 #2
def tabulate_token(cluster_name, token, token_name, services, token_etag):
    """Given a token, returns a string containing tables for the fields"""
    table = [['Owner', token['owner']]]
    if token.get('name'):
        table.append(['Name', token['name']])
    if token.get('cpus'):
        table.append(['CPUs', token['cpus']])
    if token.get('mem'):
        table.append(['Memory', format_mem_field(token)])
    if token.get('ports'):
        table.append(['Ports requested', token['ports']])
    if token.get('cmd-type'):
        table.append(['Command type', token['cmd-type']])
    if token.get('health-check-url'):
        table.append(['Health check endpoint', token['health-check-url']])
    if token.get('permitted-user'):
        table.append(['Permitted user(s)', token['permitted-user']])

    explicit_keys = ('cmd', 'cmd-type', 'cpus', 'env', 'health-check-url',
                     'last-update-time', 'last-update-user', 'mem', 'name',
                     'owner', 'permitted-user', 'ports')
    ignored_keys = ('cluster', 'previous', 'root')
    for key, value in token.items():
        if key not in (explicit_keys + ignored_keys):
            table.append([format_field_name(key), value])

    command = token.get('cmd')
    if command:
        token_command = f'Command:\n{command}'
        token_command = '<No command specified>'

    if token.get('env') and len(token['env']) > 0:
        environment = '\n\nEnvironment:\n%s' % '\n'.join(
            ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in token['env'].items()])
        environment = ''

    table_text = tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain')
    last_update_time = format_timestamp_string(token['last-update-time'])
    last_update_user = f' ({token["last-update-user"]})' if 'last-update-user' in token else ''
    service_table = tabulate_token_services(services, token_etag, token_name)
    return f'\n' \
        f'=== {terminal.bold(cluster_name)} / {terminal.bold(token_name)} ===\n' \
        f'\n' \
        f'Last Updated: {last_update_time}{last_update_user}\n' \
        f'\n' \
        f'{table_text}\n' \
        f'\n' \
        f'{token_command}' \
        f'{environment}' \