예제 #1
def get_share_video(vid):

    :uri: /share/video/<string:vid>
    :returns: {'video': object, 'hot_videos': list, 'comments': comments,
               'game_url': url, 'app_url': url}
    video = Video.get_one(vid)
    if not video:
        return error.VideoNotExist

    cids = Comment.video_comment_ids(vid, 1, 10)
    comments = [c.format() for c in Comment.get_list(cids)]

    vids = Video.game_hotvideo_ids(str(video.game), 1, 10)
    videos = [v.format() for v in Video.get_list(vids)]

    video = video.format()

    _from = request.values.get('ywfrom', None)
    mgyxdt_url = 'http://g.10086.cn/s/clientd/?t=GH_JFDX'
    game_url = video['game'][
        'url'] if _from != 'miguyouxidating' else mgyxdt_url

    app_url = "http://video.cmgame.com/userfiles/wapapp/mgyw.apk"
    app_url = app_url if _from != 'miguyouxidating' else '#'

    return dict(video=video,
예제 #2
 def format(self):
     from wanx.models.user import User
     from wanx.models.comment import Comment
     from wanx.models.video import Video
     operator = User.get_one(str(self.operator), check_online=False)
     if self.ctype == 'comment':
         obj = Comment.get_one(str(self.obj_id), check_online=False)
         obj = obj and obj.format()
     elif self.ctype == 'video':
         obj = Video.get_one(str(self.obj_id), check_online=False)
         obj = obj and obj.format()
     elif self.ctype == 'reply':
         obj = Reply.get_one(str(self.obj_id), check_online=False)
         comment_id = obj and str(obj.comment)
         obj = obj and obj.format()
         if obj:
             comment = Comment.get_one(comment_id, check_online=False)
             obj['video_id'] = comment.video and str(comment.video)
         obj = None
     data = {
         'msg_id': str(self._id),
         'ctype': self.ctype,
         'obj': obj,
         'action': self.action,
         'operator': operator and operator.format(),
         'create_at': self.create_at
     return data
예제 #3
def video_comments(vid):
    """获取视频评论 (GET)

    :uri: /videos/<string:vid>/comments/
    :param maxs: 最后时间, 0代表当前时间, 无此参数按page来分页
    :param page: 页码(数据可能有重复, 建议按照maxs分页)
    :param nbr: 每页数量
    :returns: {'comments': list, 'end_page': bool, 'maxs': timestamp}
    params = request.values
    maxs = params.get('maxs', None)
    maxs = time.time() if maxs is not None and int(float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs)
    page = int(params.get('page', 1))
    pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10))

    comments = list()
    cids = list()
    next_maxs = None
    while len(comments) < pagesize:
        cids = Comment.video_comment_ids(vid, page, pagesize, maxs)
        comments.extend([c.format() for c in Comment.get_list(cids)])

        # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询
        if maxs is not None:
            obj = Comment.get_one(cids[-1], check_online=False) if cids else None
            next_maxs = obj.create_at if obj else 1000
            if len(cids) < pagesize:

    end_page = len(cids) < pagesize

    if maxs is not None:
        gift_logs = UserGiftLog.get_video_gifts(vid, maxs, pagesize)

        comments.extend([gl.format() for gl in gift_logs])
        comments = sorted(comments, key=lambda x: x['create_at'], reverse=True)[:pagesize]
        next_maxs = comments[-1]['create_at'] if comments else 1000
        end_page = (len(cids) + len(gift_logs)) < pagesize

    # 评论增加3个回复
    for comment in comments:
        if 'comment_id' in comment:
            rids = Reply.comment_reply_ids(comment['comment_id'], 1, 4, 0)
            comment['replies'] = [r.format() for r in Reply.get_list(rids)]
            comment['type'] = 'comment'
            comment['type'] = 'gift'

    return {'comments': comments, 'end_page': end_page, 'maxs': next_maxs}
예제 #4
def delete_comment():
    """删除评论 (GET|POST&LOGIN)

    :uri: /user/opt/delete-comment
    :param comment_id: 评论id
    :returns: {}
    user = request.authed_user
    params = request.values
    cid = params.get('comment_id', None)
    comment = Comment.get_one(cid)
    if not comment:
        return error.CommentNotExist
    if str(comment.author) != str(user._id):
        return error.AuthFailed
    # 更新活动评论数
    avideos = ActivityVideo.get_activity_video(vid=str(comment.video))
    for avideo in avideos:
        ts = time.time()
        aconfig = ActivityConfig.get_one(str(avideo['activity_id']), check_online=False)
        if aconfig and aconfig.status == const.ACTIVITY_BEGIN \
                and (aconfig.begin_at < ts and aconfig.end_at > ts):
            avideo = ActivityVideo.get_one(avideo['_id'], check_online=False)
            avideo.update_model({'$inc': {'comment_count': -1}})
    return {}
예제 #5
def comment_replies(cid):
    """获取评论所有回复 (GET&LOGIN)

    :uri: /comment/<string:cid>/replies
    :param maxs: 最后时间, 0代表当前时间, 无此参数按page来分页
    :param page: 页码(数据可能有重复, 建议按照maxs分页)
    :param nbr: 每页数量
    :returns: {'replies': list, 'end_page': bool, 'maxs': timestamp}
    params = request.values
    maxs = params.get('maxs', None)
    maxs = 1000 if maxs is not None and int(float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs)
    page = int(params.get('page', 1))
    pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10))

    comment = Comment.get_one(cid)
    if not comment:
        return error.CommentNotExist

    replies = list()
    rids = list()
    while len(replies) < pagesize:
        rids = Reply.comment_reply_ids(cid, page, pagesize, maxs)
        replies.extend([r.format() for r in Reply.get_list(rids)])

        # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询
        if maxs is not None:
            obj = Reply.get_one(rids[-1], check_online=False) if rids else None
            maxs = obj.create_at if obj else 1000000000000
            if len(rids) < pagesize:

    return {'replies': replies, 'end_page': len(rids) != pagesize, 'maxs': maxs}
예제 #6
def like_comment():
    """赞评论 (GET|POST&LOGIN)

    :uri: /user/opt/like-comment
    :param comment_id: 被赞评论id
    :returns: {}
    user = request.authed_user
    cid = request.values.get('comment_id', None)
    comment = Comment.get_one(cid)
    if not comment:
        return error.CommentNotExist

    ulc = UserLikeComment.get_by_ship(str(user._id), cid)
    if not ulc:
        key = 'lock:like_comment:%s:%s' % (str(user._id), cid)
        with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
            if locked:
                return error.LikeCommentFailed
            ulc = UserLikeComment.init()
            ulc.source = ObjectId(str(user._id))
            ulc.target = ObjectId(cid)
            # 发送点赞消息
            Message.send_comment_msg(str(user._id), str(cid), 'like')
    return {}
예제 #7
def migu_create_comment(vid):
    """咪咕平台创建评论 (GET|POST)

    :uri: /migu/videos/<string:vid>/comments/submit
    :param user_id: 咪咕用户id
    :param content: 评论内容
    :returns: {}
    params = request.values
    openid = params.get('user_id', '')
    content = params.get('content', '')
    if len(openid) < 1 or len(content) < 1:
        return error.InvalidArguments

    video = Video.get_one(vid)
    if not video:
        return error.VideoNotExist
    user = User.get_platform_user('migu', openid)
    if not user:
        info = dict(name='$mg$%s%s' %
                    (openid[-4:], random.randint(1000, 9999)))
        user = User.create_platform_user('migu', openid, data=info)
    comment = Comment.init()
    comment.author = ObjectId(str(user._id))
    comment.content = content
    comment.video = ObjectId(vid)
    return {}
예제 #8
def create_comment():
    """创建评论 (GET|POST&LOGIN)

    :uri: /user/opt/submit-comment
    :param video_id: 被评论视频id
    :param content: 评论内容
    :returns: {'comment': object}
    user = request.authed_user
    params = request.values
    vid = params.get('video_id', None)
    content = params.get('content', None)
    if not vid or not content:
        return error.InvalidArguments

    if not Video.get_one(vid):
        return error.VideoNotExist

    # 敏感词检查
    if Spam.filter_words(content, 'comment'):
        return error.InvalidContent
    comment = Comment.init()
    comment.author = ObjectId(str(user._id))
    comment.content = content
    comment.video = ObjectId(vid)
    cid = comment.create_model()
    if cid:
        # 发送评论消息
        Message.send_video_msg(str(user._id), str(vid), 'comment')

    # 任务检查
    if user:
        UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), COMMENT_VIDEO, 1)

        # 更新活动评论数
        avideos = ActivityVideo.get_activity_video(vid=vid)
        for avideo in avideos:
            ts = time.time()
            aconfig = ActivityConfig.get_one(str(avideo['activity_id']), check_online=False)
            if aconfig and aconfig.status == const.ACTIVITY_BEGIN \
                    and (aconfig.begin_at < ts and aconfig.end_at > ts):
                avideo = ActivityVideo.get_one(avideo['_id'], check_online=False)
                avideo.update_model({'$inc': {'comment_count': 1}})

    return Comment.get_one(str(cid)).format()
예제 #9
def migu_video_comments(vid):
    """获取视频评论 (GET)

    :uri: /migu/videos/<string:vid>/comments/
    :param maxs: 最后时间, 0代表当前时间, 无此参数按page来分页
    :param page: 页码(数据可能有重复, 建议按照maxs分页)
    :param nbr: 每页数量
    :returns: {'comments': list, 'end_page': bool, 'maxs': timestamp}
    params = request.values
    maxs = params.get('maxs', None)
    maxs = time.time() if maxs is not None and int(
        float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs)
    page = int(params.get('page', 1))
    pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10))

    comments = list()
    cids = list()
    next_maxs = None
    while len(comments) < pagesize:
        cids = Comment.video_comment_ids(vid, page, pagesize, maxs)
        comments.extend([c.format() for c in Comment.get_list(cids)])

        # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询
        if maxs is not None:
            obj = Comment.get_one(cids[-1],
                                  check_online=False) if cids else None
            next_maxs = obj.create_at if obj else 1000
            if len(cids) < pagesize:

    end_page = len(cids) < pagesize

    # 评论增加3个回复
    for comment in comments:
        rids = Reply.comment_reply_ids(comment['comment_id'], 1, 4, 0)
        comment['replies'] = [r.format() for r in Reply.get_list(rids)]

    return {'comments': comments, 'end_page': end_page, 'maxs': next_maxs}
예제 #10
 def send_comment_msg(cls, operator_id, obj_id, action='like'):
     owner_id = str(Comment.get_one(obj_id).author)
     obj = cls.init()
     obj.owner = ObjectId(owner_id)
     obj.ctype = 'comment'
     obj.obj_id = ObjectId(obj_id)
     obj.action = action
     obj.operator = ObjectId(operator_id)
     msg_id = obj.create_model()
     # 发送消息到队列
     channel = User.USER_ASYNC_MSG % ({'uid': owner_id})
     msg = dict(obj_type='Message', obj_id=str(msg_id), count=1)
     MRedis.publish(channel, json.dumps(msg))
예제 #11
def create_reply():
    """创建评论的回复 (GET|POST&LOGIN)

    :uri: /replies/create
    :param comment_id: 评论id(可选)
    :param reply_id: 被用户回复的评论回复id(可选)
    :param content: 回复内容
    :returns: {'reply': object}
    user = request.authed_user
    params = request.values
    cid = params.get('comment_id', None)
    reply_id = params.get('reply_id', None)
    content = params.get('content', None)
    if not content or (not cid and not reply_id):
        return error.InvalidArguments

    comment = Comment.get_one(cid) if cid else None
    if cid and not comment:
        return error.CommentNotExist

    reply = Reply.get_one(reply_id) if reply_id else None
    if reply_id and not reply:
        return error.ReplyNotExist

    # 敏感词检查
    if Spam.filter_words(content, 'comment'):
        return error.InvalidContent

    new_reply = Reply.init()
    new_reply.owner = user._id
    new_reply.reply = reply._id if reply else None
    new_reply.comment = reply.comment if reply else comment._id
    new_reply.content = content
    rid = new_reply.create_model()
    if rid:
        # 发送消息
        if reply:
            Message.send_reply_msg(str(user._id), str(reply._id), 'reply')
            Message.send_comment_msg(str(user._id), str(cid), 'reply')
    return {'reply': Reply.get_one(str(rid)).format() if rid else None}
예제 #12
def unlike_comment():
    """取消赞评论 (GET|POST&LOGIN)

    :uri: /user/opt/unlike-comment
    :param comment_id: 被赞评论id
    :returns: {}
    user = request.authed_user
    cid = request.values.get('comment_id', None)
    comment = Comment.get_one(cid)
    if not comment:
        return error.CommentNotExist

    key = 'lock:unlike_comment:%s:%s' % (str(user._id), cid)
    with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
        if locked:
            return error.LikeCommentFailed('取消赞评论失败')
        ulc = UserLikeComment.get_by_ship(str(user._id), cid)
        ulc.delete_model() if ulc else None
    return {}
예제 #13
def report():

    :uri: /user/report
    :param target_id: 被举报id
    :param type: 举报原因
    :param content: 举报内容
    :param source: 举报来源,0:来自视频,1:来自直播,2:来自评论,3:来自回复
    :returns: {}
    params = request.values
    tid = params.get('target_id', None)
    _type = int(params.get('type', 0))
    content = params.get('content', None)
    source = int(params.get('source', 0))
    from_user = request.authed_user

    if not tid or not _type or source not in range(4):
        return error.InvalidArguments

    if source == 0:
        video = Video.get_one(tid)
        if not video:
            return error.VideoNotExist
        uid = video.author
        title = video.title
    elif source == 1:
        live = Xlive.get_live(tid)
        if not live:
            return error.LiveError('直播不存在')
        uid = live.get('user_id')
        title = live.get('name')
    elif source == 2:
        comment = Comment.get_one(tid)
        if not comment:
            return error.CommentNotExist
        uid = comment.author
        title = comment.content
    elif source == 3:
        reply = Reply.get_one(tid)
        if not reply:
            return error.ReplyNotExist
        uid = reply.owner
        title = reply.content

    key = 'lock:reports:object:%s' % (tid)
    with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
        if locked:
            return error.ReportVideoFailed('举报失败,请稍后再试')
        if ReportVideo.check_reported(tid, source, from_user._id):
            return error.ReportVideoExists
        rv = ReportVideo.init()
        rv.uid = uid
        rv.vid = tid
        rv.type = _type
        rv.content = content if content else ''
        rv.source = source
        rv.from_user = from_user._id
        rv.status = 0
        rv.deleted = 0
        rv.bannef = 0

        rpc_id = ReportConfig.get_limit_config(source)
        rpconfig = ReportConfig.get_one(rpc_id)
        if not rpconfig:
            return {}

        max_limit = rpconfig.max_limit
        if max_limit and ReportVideo.reach_max_limit(tid, max_limit):
            _templates = [
                u'用户ID %(id)s,标题为"%(title)s"的视频正在被举报,请尽快审核',
            _id = tid if source == 1 else uid
                job = 'send_sms'
                data = dict(group=str(rpconfig.group),
                            content=_templates[source] % {
                                'id': str(_id),
                                'title': title
                gm_client = gearman.GearmanClient(
            except gearman.errors.GearmanError:
            except Exception, e:
                print_log('send_sms_err', str(e))
예제 #14
def share_page(vid):
    video = Video.get_one(vid)
    if not video:

    cids = Comment.video_comment_ids(vid, 1, 10)
    comments = [c.format() for c in Comment.get_list(cids)]

    vids = Video.game_hotvideo_ids(str(video.game), 1, 10)
    recommend_videos = [v.format() for v in Video.get_list(vids)]

    video = video.format()
    _from = request.values.get('ywfrom', None)
    mgyxdt_url = 'http://g.10086.cn/s/clientd/?t=GH_JFDX'
    download_url = video['game'][
        'url'] if _from != 'miguyouxidating' else mgyxdt_url
    video_dict = {
        "nick_name": video['author'] and video['author']['nickname'],
        "user_logo": video['author'] and video['author']['logo'],
        "title": video['title'],
        "description": video['title'],
        "created_time": stamp_str(video['create_at']),
        "url": str(video['url']),
        "image_url": str(video['cover']),
        "favour": video.get("like_count", "0"),
        "comment": video['comment_count'],
        "vv": video['vv'],
        "game_download_url": download_url,
        "game_logo": video['game'] and video['game']['icon'],
        "game_name": video['game'] and video['game']['name'],
        "game_description": video['game'] and video['game']['description'],
        "game_video_count": video['game'] and video['game']['video_count'],
        "app_logo": video['game']['icon'],

    comments_list = []
    for c in comments:
            c['author'] and c['author']['nickname'],
            c['author'] and c['author']['logo'],

    recommend_videos_list = []
    for v in recommend_videos:
            "share_url": v['share_url'],
            "title": v['title'],
            "image_url": v['cover'],
            "video_id": v['video_id'],
            "vv": v['vv']

    return render_template("share.html",