def __call__(self, *params): ty = self.type() param_tys = ty.params() if len(param_tys) != len(params): raise TypeError("wrong number of parameters") param_ffi = (wasm_val_t * len(params))() for i, param in enumerate(params): val = Val.__convert__(param_tys[i], param) param_ffi[i] = val.__raw__ result_tys = ty.results() result_ffi = (wasm_val_t * len(result_tys))() trap = dll.wasm_func_call(self.__ptr__, param_ffi, result_ffi) if trap: raise Trap.__from_ptr__(trap) results = [] for i in range(0, len(result_tys)): results.append(extract_val(Val(result_ffi[i]))) if len(results) == 0: return None elif len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results
def __init__(self, module, imports): if not isinstance(module, Module): raise TypeError("expected a Module") import_types = module.imports() if len(imports) != len(import_types): raise RuntimeError("wrong number of imports provided") imports_ffi = (P_wasm_extern_t * len(import_types))() for i, ty in enumerate(import_types): val = imports[i] if isinstance(val, Extern): imports_ffi[i] = val.__ptr__ elif isinstance(val, Func): imports_ffi[i] = val.as_extern().__ptr__ elif isinstance(val, Memory): imports_ffi[i] = val.as_extern().__ptr__ elif isinstance(val, Global): imports_ffi[i] = val.as_extern().__ptr__ elif isinstance(val, Table): imports_ffi[i] = val.as_extern().__ptr__ else: raise TypeError("expected an external item as an import") trap = P_wasm_trap_t() ptr = dll.wasm_instance_new(, module.__ptr__, imports_ffi, byref(trap)) if not ptr: if trap: raise Trap.__from_ptr__(trap) raise RuntimeError("failed to compile instance") self.__ptr__ = ptr self._module = module
def invoke(idx, params_ptr, results_ptr, params): func, param_tys, result_tys, store = FUNCTIONS.get(idx) try: for i in range(0, len(param_tys)): params.append(extract_val(Val(params_ptr[i]))) results = func(*params) if len(result_tys) == 0: if results is not None: raise RuntimeError( "callback produced results when it shouldn't") elif len(result_tys) == 1: val = Val.__convert__(result_tys[0], results) results_ptr[0] = val.__raw__ else: if len(results) != len(result_tys): raise RuntimeError("callback produced wrong number of results") for i, result in enumerate(results): val = Val.__convert__(result_tys[i], result) results_ptr[i] = val.__raw__ except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() fmt = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) trap = Trap(store, "\n".join(fmt)) ptr = trap.__ptr__ delattr(trap, '__ptr__') return cast(ptr, c_void_p).value return 0
def __call__(self, *params: IntoVal) -> Union[IntoVal, Sequence[IntoVal], None]: """ Calls this function with the given parameters Parameters can either be a `Val` or a native python value which can be converted to a `Val` of the corresponding correct type Returns `None` if this func has 0 return types Returns a single value if the func has 1 return type Returns a list if the func has more than 1 return type Note that you can also use the `__call__` method and invoke a `Func` as if it were a function directly. """ ty = self.type param_tys = ty.params if len(params) > len(param_tys): raise WasmtimeError( "too many parameters provided: given %s, expected %s" % (len(params), len(param_tys))) if len(params) < len(param_tys): raise WasmtimeError( "too few parameters provided: given %s, expected %s" % (len(params), len(param_tys))) param_vals = [ Val._convert(ty, params[i]) for i, ty in enumerate(param_tys) ] params_ptr = (ffi.wasm_val_t * len(params))() for i, val in enumerate(param_vals): params_ptr[i] = val._unwrap_raw() result_tys = ty.results results_ptr = (ffi.wasm_val_t * len(result_tys))() trap = POINTER(ffi.wasm_trap_t)() error = ffi.wasmtime_func_call(self._ptr, params_ptr, len(params), results_ptr, len(result_tys), byref(trap)) if error: raise WasmtimeError._from_ptr(error) if trap: raise Trap._from_ptr(trap) results = [] for i in range(0, len(result_tys)): results.append(Val(results_ptr[i]).value) if len(results) == 0: return None elif len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results
def instantiate(self, module): if not isinstance(module, Module): raise TypeError("expected a `Module`") trap = P_wasm_trap_t() ptr = dll.wasmtime_linker_instantiate(self.__ptr__, module.__ptr__, byref(trap)) if not ptr: if trap: raise Trap.__from_ptr__(trap) raise RuntimeError("failed to instantiate") return Instance.__from_ptr__(ptr, module)
def instantiate(self, module: Module) -> Instance: if not isinstance(module, Module): raise TypeError("expected a `Module`") trap = POINTER(ffi.wasm_trap_t)() instance = POINTER(ffi.wasm_instance_t)() error = ffi.wasmtime_linker_instantiate(self._ptr, module._ptr, byref(instance), byref(trap)) if error: raise WasmtimeError._from_ptr(error) if trap: raise Trap._from_ptr(trap) return Instance._from_ptr(instance, module)
def __init__(self, store: Store, name: str, config: WasiConfig): if not isinstance(store, Store): raise TypeError("expected a `Store`") if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("expected a `str`") name_bytes = name.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(config, WasiConfig): raise TypeError("expected a `WasiConfig`") ptr = config._ptr delattr(config, '_ptr') trap = POINTER(ffi.wasm_trap_t)() ptr = ffi.wasi_instance_new(store._ptr, c_char_p(name_bytes), ptr, byref(trap)) if not ptr: if trap: raise Trap._from_ptr(trap) raise WasmtimeError("failed to create wasi instance") self._ptr = ptr = store
def __init__(self, store, name, config): if not isinstance(store, Store): raise TypeError("expected a `Store`") if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("expected a `str`") name = name.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(config, WasiConfig): raise TypeError("expected a `WasiConfig`") ptr = config.__ptr__ delattr(config, '__ptr__') trap = P_wasm_trap_t() ptr = dll.wasi_instance_new(store.__ptr__, c_char_p(name), ptr, byref(trap)) if not ptr: if trap: raise Trap.__from_ptr__(trap) raise RuntimeError("failed to create wasi instance") self.__ptr__ = ptr = store
def invoke(idx, params_ptr, results_ptr, params): # type: ignore func, param_tys, result_tys, store = FUNCTIONS.get(idx or 0) try: for i in range(0, len(param_tys)): params.append(Val._value(params_ptr[i])) results = func(*params) if len(result_tys) == 0: if results is not None: raise WasmtimeError( "callback produced results when it shouldn't") elif len(result_tys) == 1: if isinstance(results, Val): # Because we are taking the inner value with `_into_raw`, we # need to ensure that we have a unique `Val`. val = results._clone() else: val = Val._convert(result_tys[0], results) results_ptr[0] = val._into_raw() else: if len(results) != len(result_tys): raise WasmtimeError( "callback produced wrong number of results") for i, result in enumerate(results): # Because we are taking the inner value with `_into_raw`, we # need to ensure that we have a unique `Val`. if isinstance(result, Val): val = result._clone() else: val = Val._convert(result_tys[i], result) results_ptr[i] = val._into_raw() except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() fmt = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) trap = Trap(store, "\n".join(fmt)) ptr = trap._ptr delattr(trap, '_ptr') return cast(ptr, c_void_p).value return 0
def instantiate(self, module: Module) -> Instance: """ Instantiates a module using this linker's defined set of names. This method will attempt to satisfy all the imports of the `module` provided with the names defined within this linker. If all names are defined then the module is instantiated. Raises an error if an import of `module` hasn't been defined in this linker or if a trap happens while instantiating the instance. """ if not isinstance(module, Module): raise TypeError("expected a `Module`") trap = POINTER(ffi.wasm_trap_t)() instance = POINTER(ffi.wasm_instance_t)() error = ffi.wasmtime_linker_instantiate( self._ptr, module._ptr, byref(instance), byref(trap)) if error: raise WasmtimeError._from_ptr(error) if trap: raise Trap._from_ptr(trap) return Instance._from_ptr(instance, None)
def __init__(self, store: Store, module: Module, imports: Sequence[AsExtern]): """ Creates a new instance by instantiating the `module` given with the `imports` into the `store` provided. The `store` must have type `Store`, the `module` must have type `Module`, and the `imports` must be an iterable of external values, either `Extern`, `Func`, `Table`, `Memory`, or `Global`. Raises an error if instantiation fails (e.g. linking or trap) and otherwise initializes the new instance. """ if not isinstance(store, Store): raise TypeError("expected a Store") if not isinstance(module, Module): raise TypeError("expected a Module") imports_ptr = (POINTER(ffi.wasm_extern_t) * len(imports))() for i, val in enumerate(imports): imports_ptr[i] = get_extern_ptr(val) instance = POINTER(ffi.wasm_instance_t)() trap = POINTER(ffi.wasm_trap_t)() error = ffi.wasmtime_instance_new( store._ptr, module._ptr, imports_ptr, len(imports), byref(instance), byref(trap)) if error: raise WasmtimeError._from_ptr(error) if trap: raise Trap._from_ptr(trap) self._ptr = instance self._module = module self._exports = None