def get_team_list(self, season=2020): """ Return a list of all teams in D-I for a given season """ teams_url = f"{season}-school-stats.html" teams_html = get_html(teams_url) teams_soup = BeautifulSoup(teams_html, "html.parser") teams = [] table = teams_soup.find("table", id="basic_school_stats").find("tbody") for td in table.find_all("td", {"data-stat": "school_name"}): team = td.find("a")["href"].split("/")[3] teams.append(team) return teams
def get_roster_info(self, season, teams=None, stats=["MP", "WS"], fout=None, out_type="df"): """Get player IDs and statistics for a given season for every team in teams""" if teams == None: teams = self.get_team_list(season) data = {'team_id': [], 'players': []} for stat in stats: data[stat] = [] for tid in teams: print(f"Getting roster for {tid}") url = f"{tid}/{season}.html" html = str(get_html(url)) tablestartAdv = html.find( '<table class="sortable stats_table" id="advanced"') tableendAdv = html.find("</table>", tablestartAdv) htmlAdv = html[tablestartAdv:tableendAdv + 8] soupAdv = BeautifulSoup(htmlAdv, "html.parser") tableAdv = soupAdv.find("table", {"id": "advanced"}) if tableAdv is None: print(f"WARNING: team {tid} not found for year {season}") continue data['team_id'].append(tid) for s in ['players'] + stats: data[s].append([]) for tr in tableAdv.find("tbody").find_all("tr"): data['players'][-1].append( tr.find("td", {"data-stat": "player"})["data-append-csv"]) for stat in stats: x = tr.find("td", {"data-stat": stat.lower()}).string data[stat][-1].append(float(x) if x is not None else 0.0) if fout: if out_type == "df": df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['team_id', 'players'] + stats) df.to_pickle(fout, compression='gzip') return data
def get_ap_rankings(self, season): """ Given the season, return a dictionary where the keys are dates and values are length-25 lists giving the rankings 1-25 on that date. """ url = f'{season}-polls.html' html = get_html(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table', {'id': 'ap-polls'}) # get the poll dates polls = {} date_row = table.find('thead').find_all('tr')[2] for th in date_row.find_all('th')[2:]: s = th.string if s == "Pre": date = - 1, 10, 1) elif s == "Final": date =, 5, 1) else: month = int(s.split('/')[0]) day = int(s.split('/')[1]) year = season if month > 7: year -= 1 date =, month, day) polls[date] = [[] for i in range(25)] sorted_dates = sorted(polls.keys()) for tr in table.find('tbody').find_all('tr'): tds = tr.find_all('td') if len(tds) == 0: continue tid = tr.find('th').find('a').get('href').split('/')[3] for date, td in zip(sorted_dates, tds[1:]): if td.string is not None and td.string != "": idx = int(td.string) - 1 polls[date][idx].append(tid) for date in polls: if sum(len(teams) for teams in polls[date]) < 25: raise Exception(f'Less than 25 teams for date {date}') return polls
def get_gids_on_date(self, startdate, enddate=None): """ Return gids of all games between startdate and enddate (inclusive) If enddate is None, use only startdate """ if enddate is None: enddate = startdate gids = [] date = startdate while date <= enddate: url = f'{date.month:02d}&day={}&year={date.year}' html = str(get_html(url)) if html.find("No games found") > -1: date += dt.timedelta(1) continue soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') for table in soup.find_all('table', {'class': 'teams'}): td = table.find_all("tr")[0].find("td") a = td.find("a") if a == None: # usually a non-DI team continue if not a.has_attr("href"): continue t1 = td.find("a")["href"].split("/")[3] td = table.find_all("tr")[1].find("td") a = td.find("a") if a == None: # usually a non-DI team continue if not a.has_attr("href"): continue t2 = td.find("a")["href"].split("/")[3] gids.append(self.get_gid(date, t1, t2)) date += dt.timedelta(1) return gids
def get_game_data(self, season, fout=None, overwrite=False, gids=None, teams=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, verbose=False): """Retrieve individual game statistics for a set of teams in a given season Parameters: season: year of the season (i.e. 2020 for 2019-20 season) fout: file to write output CSV to (None to not write to file) overwrite: True to overwrite file, False to append to it (taking care to avoid duplicates) gids: optional list of gids to get. If not None, this overrides anything in teams, startdate, enddate teams: list of team IDs (from sports-reference) to retrive games for. If None, use all teams in D-I for the given season startdate: date to start retrieving games, defaults to beginning of season enddate: date to end retrieving games, defaults to full season verbose: print extra info Returns: list of comma-separated strings, as would be written into the lines of a CSV """ if teams is not None: if gids is not None: raise Exception("Only one of gids, teams can be non-null") else: if gids is None: teams = self.get_team_list(season) gids_to_get = None if gids is not None: gids_to_get = gids teams = [gid.split("_")[1] for gid in gids] teams = list(set(teams)) gids = {} lines = {} rows = [] # if we want to update the game file, record everything in the old file if fout is not None and overwrite == False: for line in open(fout).readlines()[1:]: sp = line.strip().split(",") date = sp[1] gid = self.get_gid(date, sp[3], sp[5]) if date not in gids.keys(): gids[date] = [] lines[date] = [] lines[date].append(line) gids[date].append(gid) stats = [ "pts", "fg", "fga", "fg3", "fg3a", "ft", "fta", "orb", "trb", "ast", "stl", "blk", "tov", "pf" ] for team in teams: if verbose: print("Getting games for " + team + "...") url = f"{team}/{season}-gamelogs.html" html = get_html(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # this page only for "game type" (reg season, conf tourney, etc.) If before March, guaranteed Reg Season if enddate == None or enddate.month >= 2: url2 = "{0}/{1}-schedule.html".format( team, season) html2 = get_html(url2) soup2 = BeautifulSoup(html2, "html.parser") table = soup.find("table", id="sgl-basic").find("tbody") for tr in table.find_all("tr"): if tr.get("id") == None: continue date = tr.find("td", {"data-stat": "date_game"}) if date.find("a") != None: date = date.find("a").string else: continue opp = tr.find("td", {"data-stat": "opp_id"}) if startdate != None and startdate > *[int(x) for x in date.split("-")]): continue if enddate != None and enddate < *[int(x) for x in date.split("-")]): continue if opp.find("a") == None: continue opp = opp.find("a")["href"].split("/")[3] gid = self.get_gid(date, team, opp) if gids_to_get is not None and gid not in gids_to_get: continue datem1day = str(*[int(x) for x in date.split("-")]) - dt.timedelta(1)) gidm1day = self.get_gid(datem1day, team, opp) if date not in gids.keys(): gids[date] = [] lines[date] = [] if gid in gids[date] or (datem1day in gids.keys() and gidm1day in gids[datem1day]): continue else: gids[date].append(gid) if enddate == None or enddate.month >= 2: gtype = soup2.find("td", { "csk": date }).find_parent("tr").find("td", { "data-stat": "game_type" }).string else: gtype = "REG" if gtype == "REG": gtype = "RG" if gtype == "CTOURN": gtype = "CT" loc = tr.find("td", {"data-stat": "game_location"}).string if loc == None: loc = "H" elif loc == "@": loc = "A" elif loc == "N": loc = "N" else: raise Exception(loc) numot = tr.find("td", {"data-stat": "game_result"}) if numot.find("small") != None: numot = int( numot.find("small").string.split("(")[1].split()[0]) else: numot = 0 statdict = {} opp_statdict = {} getint = lambda x: (0 if x is None else int(x)) for stat in stats: statdict[stat] = getint( tr.find("td", { "data-stat": stat }).string) opp_statdict[stat] = getint( tr.find("td", { "data-stat": "opp_" + stat }).string) if statdict["pts"] > opp_statdict["pts"]: wd, ld = statdict, opp_statdict wteam, lteam = team, opp else: wd, ld = opp_statdict, statdict wteam, lteam = opp, team if loc == "H": loc = "A" elif loc == "A": loc = "H" rowvals = [ season, date, gtype, wteam, wd["pts"], lteam, ld["pts"], loc, numot, wd["fg"], wd["fga"], wd["fg3"], wd["fg3a"], wd["ft"], wd["fta"], wd["orb"], wd["trb"] - wd["orb"], wd["ast"], wd["tov"], wd["stl"], wd["blk"], wd["pf"], ld["fg"], ld["fga"], ld["fg3"], ld["fg3a"], ld["ft"], ld["fta"], ld["orb"], ld["trb"] - ld["orb"], ld["ast"], ld["tov"], ld["stl"], ld["blk"], ld["pf"] ] rows.append(rowvals) string = ",".join([str(x) for x in rowvals]) + '\n' lines[date].append(string) colnames = [ "Season", "Date", "Type", "WTeamID", "WScore", "LTeamID", "LScore", "WLoc", "NumOT", "WFGM", "WFGA", "WFGM3", "WFGA3", "WFTM", "WFTA", "WOR", "WDR", "WAst", "WTO", "WStl", "WBlk", "WPF", "LFGM", "LFGA", "LFGM3", "LFGA3", "LFTM", "LFTA", "LOR", "LDR", "LAst", "LTO", "LStl", "LBlk", "LPF" ] if fout: fout = open(fout, 'w') fout.write(",".join(colnames) + '\n') for date in sorted(gids.keys()): for s in lines[date]: fout.write(s) fout.close() return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=colnames)
def get_roster_info(self, season, teams=None, stats=["MP","WS"], use_adv=True, est_file=None, fout=None, out_type="df"): """Get player IDs and statistics for a given season for every team in teams""" if teams==None: teams = self.get_team_list(season) data = {'team_id':[], 'players':[]} for stat in stats: data[stat] = [] if est_file: est_rosters = pd.read_pickle(est_file, compression='gzip').set_index('team_id') est_rosters = est_rosters.to_dict(orient='index') for tid in teams: print(f"Getting roster for {tid}") url = f"{tid}/{season}.html" html = str(get_html(url)) tablestart = html.find('<table class="sortable stats_table" id="roster"') tableend = html.find("</table>",tablestart) if use_adv: tablestartAdv = html.find('<table class="sortable stats_table" id="advanced"') tableendAdv = html.find("</table>",tablestartAdv) htmlAdv = html[tablestartAdv:tableendAdv+8] soupAdv = BeautifulSoup(htmlAdv, "html.parser") tableAdv = soupAdv.find("table", {"id":"advanced"}) html = html[tablestart:tableend+8] soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") table = soup.find("table", {"id":"roster"}) if use_adv: tableAdv = soupAdv.find("table", {"id":"advanced"}) data['team_id'].append(tid) if table is None: print(" School not found for year {0}! Using estimated roster".format(season)) for c in ['players'] + stats: data[c].append(est_rosters[tid][c]) continue for s in ['players']+stats: data[s].append([]) for tr in table.find("tbody").find_all("tr"): player = tr.find("th",{"data-stat":"player"}).find("a")["href"].split("/")[3].split(".")[0] data['players'][-1].append(player) if use_adv: for tr in tableAdv.find("tbody").find_all("tr"): for stat in stats: x = tr.find("td",{"data-stat":stat.lower()}).string data[stat][-1].append(float(x) if x is not None else 0.0) else: for stat in stats: for p in data['players'][-1]: data[stat][-1].append(0.0) if fout: if out_type == "df": df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['team_id','players']+stats) df.to_pickle(fout, compression='gzip') return data
def get_recruit_ranks(self, year, fout=None, teams_csv=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/teams.csv')): """ """ teams = [] if year >= 2013: url = "{0}".format( year) html = get_html(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") for li in soup.find_all("li", {"class": "teamlist"}): teams.append(li.find("a").string) else: url = "{0}".format( year) html = get_html(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") ul = soup.find("ul", {"class": "navlist"}) for li in ul.find_all("li"): teams.append(li.find("p").string) url = "{0}&viewmore=yes".format( year) html = get_html(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") ul = soup.find("ul", {"class": "navlist"}) for li in ul.find_all("li"): teams.append(li.find("p").string) translate = { "Miami": "Miami FL", "Ole Miss": "Mississippi", "NC St.": "N.C. State", "UConn": "Connecticut", "Ucla": "UCLA", } for i in range(len(teams)): teams[i] = teams[i].replace(";", "").replace(" State", " St.") if teams[i] in translate.keys(): teams[i] = translate[teams[i]] if fout: df_teams = pd.read_csv(teams_csv) dn2id = dict(zip(df_teams.display_name, df_teams.team_id)) fout = open(fout, 'w') fout.write("Rank,team_id,display_name\n") for i, team in enumerate(teams): if team in dn2id.keys(): tid = dn2id[team] else: raise Exception("Could not find team display name " + team) fout.write("{0},{1},{2}\n".format( i + 1, tid, team, )) fout.close() return teams