def __init__(self, model, rank, gpu, dump_path): # create the directory for saving the log and dump files self.dirpath = dump_path self.rank = rank self.model = model self.device = torch.device(gpu) # Setup the parameters to save given the model type if isinstance(self.model, DDP): self.is_distributed = True self.model_accs = self.model.module self.ngpus = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: self.is_distributed = False self.model_accs = self.model self.data_loaders = {} self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none") self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) # define the placeholder attributes = None self.labels = None # logging attributes self.train_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_train_{}.csv".format(self.rank)) if self.rank == 0: self.val_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_val.csv")
def __init__(self, model, rank, gpu, dump_path): """ Args: model ... model object that engine will use in training or evaluation rank ... rank of process among all spawned processes (in multiprocessing mode) gpu ... gpu that this process is running on dump_path ... path to store outputs in """ # create the directory for saving the log and dump files self.epoch = 0. self.step = 0 self.best_validation_loss = 1.0e10 self.dirpath = dump_path self.rank = rank self.model = model self.device = torch.device(gpu) # Setup the parameters to save given the model type if isinstance(self.model, DDP): self.is_distributed = True self.model_accs = self.model.module self.ngpus = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: self.is_distributed = False self.model_accs = self.model self.data_loaders = {} # define the placeholder attributes = None self.labels = None self.loss = None # logging attributes self.train_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_train_{}.csv".format(self.rank)) if self.rank == 0: self.val_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_val.csv") self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) self.optimizer = None self.scheduler = None
def __init__(self, output_type, model, rank, gpu, dump_path): """ Args: model ... model object that engine will use in training or evaluation rank ... rank of process among all spawned processes (in multiprocessing mode) gpu ... gpu that this process is running on dump_path ... path to store outputs in """ # create the directory for saving the log and dump files self.dirpath = dump_path self.rank = rank self.model = model self.device = torch.device(gpu) self.output_type = output_type # Setup the parameters to save given the model type if isinstance(self.model, DDP): self.is_distributed = True self.model_accs = self.model.module self.ngpus = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: self.is_distributed = False self.model_accs = self.model self.data_loaders = {} # define the placeholder attributes = None self.labels = None self.energies = None self.eventids = None self.rootfiles = None self.angles = None self.event_ids = None self.positions = None # logging attributes self.train_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_train_{}.csv".format(self.rank)) if self.rank == 0: self.val_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_val.csv")
class ClassifierEngine: def __init__(self, model, rank, gpu, dump_path): """ Args: model ... model object that engine will use in training or evaluation rank ... rank of process among all spawned processes (in multiprocessing mode) gpu ... gpu that this process is running on dump_path ... path to store outputs in """ # create the directory for saving the log and dump files self.dirpath = dump_path self.rank = rank self.model = model self.device = torch.device(gpu) # Setup the parameters to save given the model type if isinstance(self.model, DDP): self.is_distributed = True self.model_accs = self.model.module self.ngpus = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: self.is_distributed = False self.model_accs = self.model self.data_loaders = {} # define the placeholder attributes = None self.labels = None self.energies = None self.eventids = None self.rootfiles = None self.angles = None self.event_ids = None # logging attributes self.train_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_train_{}.csv".format(self.rank)) if self.rank == 0: self.val_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_val.csv") self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) def configure_optimizers(self, optimizer_config): """ Set up optimizers from optimizer config Args: optimizer_config ... hydra config specifying optimizer object """ self.optimizer = instantiate(optimizer_config, params=self.model_accs.parameters()) def configure_data_loaders(self, data_config, loaders_config, is_distributed, seed): """ Set up data loaders from loaders config Args: data_config ... hydra config specifying dataset loaders_config ... hydra config specifying dataloaders is_distributed ... boolean indicating if running in multiprocessing mode seed ... seed to use to initialize dataloaders Parameters: self should have dict attribute data_loaders """ for name, loader_config in loaders_config.items(): self.data_loaders[name] = get_data_loader(**data_config, **loader_config, is_distributed=is_distributed, seed=seed) def get_synchronized_metrics(self, metric_dict): """ Gathers metrics from multiple processes using pytorch distributed operations Args: metric_dict ... dict containing values that are tensor outputs of a single process Returns: global_metric_dict ... dict containing concatenated list of tensor values gathered from all processes """ global_metric_dict = {} for name, array in zip(metric_dict.keys(), metric_dict.values()): tensor = torch.as_tensor(array).to(self.device) global_tensor = [torch.zeros_like(tensor).to(self.device) for i in range(self.ngpus)] torch.distributed.all_gather(global_tensor, tensor) global_metric_dict[name] = return global_metric_dict def forward(self, train=True, return_metrics=True): """ Compute predictions and metrics for a batch of data Args: train ... whether to compute gradients for backpropagation Parameters: self should have attributes data, labels, model, criterion, softmax Returns: dict containing loss, predicted labels, softmax, accuracy, and raw model outputs """ with torch.set_grad_enabled(train): # Move the data and the labels to the GPU (if using CPU this has no effect) = self.labels = model_out = self.model( softmax = self.softmax(model_out) predicted_labels = torch.argmax(model_out, dim=-1) result = { 'predicted_labels' : predicted_labels.detach().cpu().numpy(), 'softmax' : softmax.detach().cpu().numpy(), 'raw_pred_labels' : model_out} if return_metrics: self.loss = self.criterion(model_out, self.labels) accuracy = (predicted_labels == self.labels).sum().item() / float(predicted_labels.nelement()) result['loss'] = self.loss.detach().cpu().item() result['accuracy'] = accuracy return result def backward(self): """ Backward pass using the loss computed for a mini-batch Parameters: self should have attributes loss, optimizer """ self.optimizer.zero_grad() # reset accumulated gradient self.loss.backward() # compute new gradient self.optimizer.step() # step params # ======================================================================== # Training and evaluation loops def train(self, train_config): """ Train the model on the training set Args: train_config ... config specigying training parameters Parameters: self should have attributes model, data_loaders Outputs: val_log ... csv log containing iteration, epoch, loss, accuracy for each iteration on validation set train_logs ... csv logs containing iteration, epoch, loss, accuracy for each iteration on training set Returns: None """ # initialize training params epochs = train_config.epochs report_interval = train_config.report_interval val_interval = train_config.val_interval num_val_batches = train_config.num_val_batches checkpointing = train_config.checkpointing # set the iterations at which to dump the events and their metrics if self.rank == 0: print(f"Training... Validation Interval: {val_interval}") # set model to training mode self.model.train() # initialize epoch and iteration counters epoch = 0. self.iteration = 0 # keep track of the validation accuracy best_val_acc = 0.0 best_val_loss = 1.0e6 # initialize the iterator over the validation set val_iter = iter(self.data_loaders["validation"]) # global training loop for multiple epochs while (floor(epoch) < epochs): if self.rank == 0: print('Epoch',floor(epoch), 'Starting @', strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime())) times = [] start_time = time() iteration_time = start_time train_loader = self.data_loaders["train"] # update seeding for distributed samplers if self.is_distributed: train_loader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # local training loop for batches in a single epoch for i, train_data in enumerate(self.data_loaders["train"]): # run validation on given intervals if self.iteration % val_interval == 0: # set model to eval mode self.model.eval() val_metrics = {"iteration": self.iteration, "epoch": epoch, "loss": 0., "accuracy": 0., "saved_best": 0} for val_batch in range(num_val_batches): try: val_data = next(val_iter) except StopIteration: del val_iter print("Fetching new validation iterator...") val_iter = iter(self.data_loaders["validation"]) val_data = next(val_iter) # extract the event data from the input data tuple = val_data['data'].float() self.labels = val_data['labels'].long() self.energies = val_data['energies'].float() self.angles = val_data['angles'].float() self.event_ids = val_data['event_ids'].float() val_res = self.forward(False) val_metrics["loss"] += val_res["loss"] val_metrics["accuracy"] += val_res["accuracy"] # return model to training mode self.model.train() # record the validation stats to the csv val_metrics["loss"] /= num_val_batches val_metrics["accuracy"] /= num_val_batches local_val_metrics = {"loss": np.array([val_metrics["loss"]]), "accuracy": np.array([val_metrics["accuracy"]])} if self.is_distributed: global_val_metrics = self.get_synchronized_metrics(local_val_metrics) for name, tensor in zip(global_val_metrics.keys(), global_val_metrics.values()): global_val_metrics[name] = np.array(tensor.cpu()) else: global_val_metrics = local_val_metrics if self.rank == 0: # Save if this is the best model so far global_val_loss = np.mean(global_val_metrics["loss"]) global_val_accuracy = np.mean(global_val_metrics["accuracy"]) val_metrics["loss"] = global_val_loss val_metrics["accuracy"] = global_val_accuracy if val_metrics["loss"] < best_val_loss: print('best validation loss so far!: {}'.format(best_val_loss)) self.save_state(best=True) val_metrics["saved_best"] = 1 best_val_loss = val_metrics["loss"] # Save the latest model if checkpointing if checkpointing: self.save_state(best=False) self.val_log.record(val_metrics) self.val_log.write() self.val_log.flush() # Train on batch = train_data['data'].float() self.labels = train_data['labels'].long() self.energies = train_data['energies'].float() self.angles = train_data['angles'].float() self.event_ids = train_data['event_ids'].float() # Call forward: make a prediction & measure the average error using data = res = self.forward(True) #Call backward: backpropagate error and update weights using loss = self.loss self.backward() # update the epoch and iteration epoch += 1./len(self.data_loaders["train"]) self.iteration += 1 # get relevant attributes of result for logging train_metrics = {"iteration": self.iteration, "epoch": epoch, "loss": res["loss"], "accuracy": res["accuracy"]} # record the metrics for the mini-batch in the log self.train_log.record(train_metrics) self.train_log.write() self.train_log.flush() # print the metrics at given intervals if self.rank == 0 and self.iteration % report_interval == 0: previous_iteration_time = iteration_time iteration_time = time() print("... Iteration %d ... Epoch %1.2f ... Training Loss %1.3f ... Training Accuracy %1.3f ... Time Elapsed %1.3f ... Iteration Time %1.3f" % (self.iteration, epoch, res["loss"], res["accuracy"], iteration_time - start_time, iteration_time - previous_iteration_time)) if epoch >= epochs: break self.train_log.close() if self.rank == 0: self.val_log.close() def evaluate(self, test_config): """ Evaluate the performance of the trained model on the test set Args: test_config ... hydra config specifying evaluation parameters Parameters: self should have attributes model, data_loaders, dirpath Outputs: indices ... index in dataset of each event labels ... actual label of each event predictions ... predicted label of each event softmax ... softmax output over classes for each event Returns: None """ print("evaluating in directory: ", self.dirpath) report_test_metrics = test_config.report_test_metrics # Variables to output at the end eval_loss = 0.0 eval_acc = 0.0 eval_iterations = 0 # Iterate over the validation set to calculate val_loss and val_acc with torch.no_grad(): # Set the model to evaluation mode self.model.eval() # Variables for the confusion matrix loss, accuracy, indices, labels, predictions, softmaxes= [],[],[],[],[],[] # Extract the event data and label from the DataLoader iterator for it, eval_data in enumerate(self.data_loaders["test"]): # load data = copy.deepcopy(eval_data['data'].float()) self.labels = copy.deepcopy(eval_data['labels'].long()) eval_indices = copy.deepcopy(eval_data['indices'].long().to("cpu")) # Run the forward procedure and output the result result = self.forward(train=False, return_metrics=report_test_metrics) if report_test_metrics: eval_loss += result['loss'] eval_acc += result['accuracy'] # Copy the tensors back to the CPU self.labels ="cpu") # Add the local result to the final result indices.extend(eval_indices) labels.extend(self.labels) predictions.extend(result['predicted_labels']) softmaxes.extend(result["softmax"]) if report_test_metrics: print("eval_iteration : " + str(it) + " eval_loss : " + str(result["loss"]) + " eval_accuracy : " + str(result["accuracy"])) else: print("eval_iteration : " + str(it)) eval_iterations += 1 # convert arrays to torch tensors print("loss : " + str(eval_loss/eval_iterations) + " accuracy : " + str(eval_acc/eval_iterations)) iterations = np.array([eval_iterations]) loss = np.array([eval_loss]) accuracy = np.array([eval_acc]) local_eval_metrics_dict = {"eval_iterations":iterations, "eval_loss":loss, "eval_acc":accuracy} indices = np.array(indices) labels = np.array(labels) predictions = np.array(predictions) softmaxes = np.array(softmaxes) local_eval_results_dict = {"indices":indices, "labels":labels, "predictions":predictions, "softmaxes":softmaxes} if self.is_distributed: # Gather results from all processes global_eval_metrics_dict = self.get_synchronized_metrics(local_eval_metrics_dict) global_eval_results_dict = self.get_synchronized_metrics(local_eval_results_dict) if self.rank == 0: for name, tensor in zip(global_eval_metrics_dict.keys(), global_eval_metrics_dict.values()): local_eval_metrics_dict[name] = np.array(tensor.cpu()) indices = np.array(global_eval_results_dict["indices"].cpu()) labels = np.array(global_eval_results_dict["labels"].cpu()) predictions = np.array(global_eval_results_dict["predictions"].cpu()) softmaxes = np.array(global_eval_results_dict["softmaxes"].cpu()) if self.rank == 0: print("Sorting Outputs...") sorted_indices = np.argsort(indices) # Save overall evaluation results print("Saving Data...") + "indices.npy", sorted_indices) + "labels.npy", labels[sorted_indices]) + "predictions.npy", predictions[sorted_indices]) + "softmax.npy", softmaxes[sorted_indices]) # Compute overall evaluation metrics val_iterations = np.sum(local_eval_metrics_dict["eval_iterations"]) val_loss = np.sum(local_eval_metrics_dict["eval_loss"]) val_acc = np.sum(local_eval_metrics_dict["eval_acc"]) print("\nAvg eval loss : " + str(val_loss/val_iterations), "\nAvg eval acc : " + str(val_acc/val_iterations)) # ======================================================================== # Saving and loading models def save_state(self, best=False): """ Save model weights to a file. Args: best ... if true, save as best model found, else save as checkpoint Outputs: dict containing iteration, optimizer state dict, and model state dict Returns: filename """ filename = "{}{}{}{}".format(self.dirpath, str(self.model._get_name()), ("BEST" if best else ""), ".pth") # Save model state dict in appropriate from depending on number of gpus model_dict = self.model_accs.state_dict() # Save parameters # 0+1) iteration counter + optimizer state => in case we want to "continue training" later # 2) network weight{ 'global_step': self.iteration, 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'state_dict': model_dict }, filename) print('Saved checkpoint as:', filename) return filename def restore_best_state(self, placeholder): """ Restore model using best model found in current directory Args: placeholder ... extraneous; hydra configs are not allowed to be empty Outputs: model params are now those loaded from best model file """ best_validation_path = "{}{}{}{}".format(self.dirpath, str(self.model._get_name()), "BEST", ".pth") self.restore_state_from_file(best_validation_path) def restore_state(self, restore_config): self.restore_state_from_file(restore_config.weight_file) def restore_state_from_file(self, weight_file): """ Restore model using weights stored from a previous run Args: weight_file ... path to weights to load Outputs: model params are now those loaded from file """ # Open a file in read-binary mode with open(weight_file, 'rb') as f: print('Restoring state from', weight_file) # torch interprets the file, then we can access using string keys checkpoint = torch.load(f) # load network weights self.model_accs.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # if optim is provided, load the state of the optim if hasattr(self, 'optimizer'): self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) # load iteration count self.iteration = checkpoint['global_step'] print('Restoration complete.')
class SegmentationEngine: def __init__(self, model, rank, gpu, dump_path): # create the directory for saving the log and dump files self.dirpath = dump_path self.rank = rank self.model = model self.device = torch.device(gpu) # Setup the parameters to save given the model type if isinstance(self.model, DDP): self.is_distributed = True self.model_accs = self.model.module self.ngpus = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: self.is_distributed = False self.model_accs = self.model self.data_loaders = {} self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none") self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) # define the placeholder attributes = None self.labels = None # logging attributes self.train_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_train_{}.csv".format(self.rank)) if self.rank == 0: self.val_log = CSVData(self.dirpath + "log_val.csv") def configure_optimizers(self, optimizer_config): """ Set up optimizers from optimizer config """ self.optimizer = instantiate(optimizer_config, params=self.model_accs.parameters()) def configure_data_loaders(self, data_config, loaders_config, is_distributed, seed): """ Set up data loaders from loaders config """ for name, loader_config in loaders_config.items(): self.data_loaders[name] = get_data_loader( **data_config, **loader_config, is_distributed=is_distributed, seed=seed) def get_synchronized_metrics(self, metric_dict): global_metric_dict = {} for name, array in zip(metric_dict.keys(), metric_dict.values()): tensor = torch.as_tensor(array).to(self.device) global_tensor = [ torch.zeros_like(tensor).to(self.device) for i in range(self.ngpus) ] torch.distributed.all_gather(global_tensor, tensor) global_metric_dict[name] = return global_metric_dict def forward(self, train=True): """ Compute predictions and metrics for a batch of data. Parameters: train = whether to compute gradients for backpropagation self should have attributes model, criterion, softmax, data, label Returns : a dict of loss, predicted labels, softmax, accuracy, and raw model outputs """ # Since height of tank is 29, add 3 empty entries to tensor to make dimension equal to 32 # This is required to ensure max pooling of scale factor up to 8 is possible (since 32/8 is a whole integer) # Tensor Size out: [batch_size, 19, 32, 40] =, torch.zeros([0],[1], 3,[3], dtype=torch.float)), dim=2) # Unsqueeze data to give it a "channels" dimension # Tensor Size out: [batch_size, 1, 19, 32, 40] = torch.unsqueeze(, 1) with torch.set_grad_enabled(train): # Move the data and the labels to the GPU (if using CPU this has no effect) = self.labels = model_out = self.model( )[:, :, :, 0: 29, :] #predictions are generated, only take meaningful height values (0-29) #Generate swapped labels between parents 2 and 3 swappedLabels = self.swapLabels(2, 3) #Calculate loss self.loss = self.calculateLoss(model_out, swappedLabels=swappedLabels) #Calculate other metrics softmax = self.softmax(model_out) predicted_labels = torch.argmax(model_out, dim=1) accuracy = self.calculateAccuracy(predicted_labels, swappedLabels) return { 'loss': self.loss.detach().cpu().item(), 'predicted_labels': predicted_labels.detach().cpu().numpy(), 'softmax': softmax.detach().cpu().numpy(), 'accuracy': accuracy, 'raw_pred_labels': model_out } def swapLabels(self, label1, label2): """ Swap all occurences of two distinct labels within a labels tensor Returns: Swapped Tensor with exact same size/dim as original tensor """ swappedLabels = self.labels.clone() parent2Mask = swappedLabels == label1 parent3Mask = swappedLabels == label2 swappedLabels[parent2Mask] = label2 swappedLabels[parent3Mask] = label1 return swappedLabels def calculateAccuracy(self, predicted_labels, swappedLabels=None): """ Calculates the accuracy on current batch of data by finding the proportion of correctly identified parents - This means it only takes into account non-zero labels/predictions If swappedLabels are provided, accuracy will be calculated twice, and the event-wise maximum will be taken - The idea behind this is that the larger accuracy value will represent the predictions with the correct label-data parent combination """ nCorrectParents = torch.sum( (self.labels == predicted_labels) & (self.labels != 0), dim=(1, 2, 3), dtype=float) totalParents = torch.sum(self.labels != 0, dim=(1, 2, 3), dtype=float) if (swappedLabels is not None): nCorrectSwappedParents = torch.sum( (swappedLabels == predicted_labels) & (swappedLabels != 0), dim=(1, 2, 3), dtype=float) nCorrectParents = torch.max(nCorrectParents, nCorrectSwappedParents) accuracy = (torch.mean(nCorrectParents / totalParents)).item() return accuracy def calculateLoss(self, model_out, swappedLabels=None): """ Calculates the loss on current batch of data using criterion function If swapped labels are provided, loss will be calculated twice, and the event-wise minimum will be taken - The idea behind this is that the smaller loss value will represent the predictions with the correct label-data parent combination If swappedLabels are not provided, only regular loss will be calculated Returns: Mean loss across all events in a batch """ #Calculate loss with regular labelling loss = torch.sum(self.criterion(model_out.float(), self.labels), dim=[1, 2, 3]) if (swappedLabels is not None): #Calculate swapped loss swapLoss = torch.sum(self.criterion(model_out.float(), swappedLabels), dim=[1, 2, 3]) #Calculate the overall loss as the mean of the tensor of minimums from the two loss methods loss = torch.mean(torch.min(loss, swapLoss)) return loss def backward(self): self.optimizer.zero_grad() # reset accumulated gradient self.loss.backward() # compute new gradient self.optimizer.step() # step params # ======================================================================== def train(self, train_config): """ Train the model on the training set. Parameters : None Outputs : total_val_loss = accumulated validation loss avg_val_loss = average validation loss total_val_acc = accumulated validation accuracy avg_val_acc = accumulated validation accuracy Returns : None """ # initialize training params epochs = train_config.epochs report_interval = train_config.report_interval val_interval = train_config.val_interval num_val_batches = train_config.num_val_batches checkpointing = train_config.checkpointing # set the iterations at which to dump the events and their metrics if self.rank == 0: print(f"Training... Validation Interval: {val_interval}") # set model to training mode self.model.train() # initialize epoch and iteration counters epoch = 0. self.iteration = 0 # keep track of the validation accuracy best_val_acc = 0.0 best_val_loss = 1.0e6 # initialize the iterator over the validation set val_iter = iter(self.data_loaders["validation"]) # global training loop for multiple epochs while (floor(epoch) < epochs): if self.rank == 0: print('Epoch', floor(epoch), 'Starting @', strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime())) times = [] start_time = time() train_loader = self.data_loaders["train"] # update seeding for distributed samplers if self.is_distributed: train_loader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # local training loop for batches in a single epoch for i, train_data in enumerate(self.data_loaders["train"]): # run validation on given intervals if self.iteration % val_interval == 0: # set model to eval mode self.model.eval() val_metrics = { "iteration": self.iteration, "epoch": epoch, "loss": 0., "accuracy": 0., "saved_best": 0 } for val_batch in range(num_val_batches): try: val_data = next(val_iter) except StopIteration: del val_iter val_iter = iter(self.data_loaders["validation"]) val_data = next(val_iter) # extract the event data/labels from the input data/labels tuple # Tensor Size out: [batch_size, 19, 29, 40] = val_data['data'].float() self.labels = val_data['segmented_labels'].long() val_res = self.forward(False) val_metrics["loss"] += val_res["loss"] val_metrics["accuracy"] += val_res["accuracy"] # return model to training mode self.model.train() # record the validation stats to the csv val_metrics["loss"] /= num_val_batches val_metrics["accuracy"] /= num_val_batches local_val_metrics = { "loss": np.array([val_metrics["loss"]]), "accuracy": np.array([val_metrics["accuracy"]]) } if self.is_distributed: global_val_metrics = self.get_synchronized_metrics( local_val_metrics) for name, tensor in zip(global_val_metrics.keys(), global_val_metrics.values()): global_val_metrics[name] = np.array(tensor.cpu()) else: global_val_metrics = local_val_metrics if self.rank == 0: # Save if this is the best model so far global_val_loss = np.mean(global_val_metrics["loss"]) global_val_accuracy = np.mean( global_val_metrics["accuracy"]) val_metrics["loss"] = global_val_loss val_metrics["accuracy"] = global_val_accuracy if val_metrics["loss"] < best_val_loss: print('best validation loss so far!: {}'.format( best_val_loss)) self.save_state(best=True) val_metrics["saved_best"] = 1 best_val_loss = val_metrics["loss"] # Save the latest model if checkpointing if checkpointing: self.save_state(best=False) self.val_log.record(val_metrics) self.val_log.write() self.val_log.flush() #Measure training time to report startTrainTime = time() # Train on batch # extract the event data/labels from the input data/labels tuple # Tensor Size out: [batch_size, 19, 29, 40] = train_data['data'].float() self.labels = train_data['segmented_labels'].long() # Call forward: make a prediction & measure the average error using data = res = self.forward(True) #Call backward: backpropagate error and update weights using loss = self.loss self.backward() # update the epoch and iteration #print(self.data_loaders["train"]) epoch += 1. / len(self.data_loaders["train"]) self.iteration += 1 # get relevant attributes of result for logging train_metrics = { "iteration": self.iteration, "epoch": epoch, "loss": res["loss"], "accuracy": res["accuracy"] } # record the metrics for the mini-batch in the log self.train_log.record(train_metrics) self.train_log.write() self.train_log.flush() #Calculate training time totalTimeElapsed = time() - startTrainTime timePerEpoch = totalTimeElapsed * len( self.data_loaders["train"]) / 60 # print the metrics at given intervals if self.rank == 0 and self.iteration % report_interval == 0: print( "Iteration %d ... Epoch %1.2f ... Training Loss %1.3f ... Training Accuracy %1.3f ... Time per Epoch %1.2f min" % (self.iteration, epoch, res["loss"], res["accuracy"], timePerEpoch)) if epoch >= epochs: break self.train_log.close() if self.rank == 0: self.val_log.close() def evaluate(self, test_config): """ Evaluate the performance of the trained model on the validation set. Parameters : None Outputs : total_val_loss = accumulated validation loss avg_val_loss = average validation loss total_val_acc = accumulated validation accuracy avg_val_acc = accumulated validation accuracy Returns : None """ print("evaluating in directory: ", self.dirpath) # Variables to output at the end eval_loss = 0.0 eval_acc = 0.0 eval_iterations = 0 # Iterate over the validation set to calculate val_loss and val_acc with torch.no_grad(): # Set the model to evaluation mode self.model.eval() # Variables for the confusion matrix loss, accuracy, indices, labels, predictions, softmaxes= [],[],[],[],[],[] # Extract the event data and label from the DataLoader iterator for it, eval_data in enumerate(self.data_loaders["test"]): if (it >= 1): break # TODO: see if copying helps = copy.deepcopy(eval_data['data'].float()) self.labels = copy.deepcopy( eval_data['segmented_labels'].long()) eval_indices = copy.deepcopy( eval_data['indices'].long().to("cpu")) # Run the forward procedure and output the result result = self.forward(False) eval_loss += result['loss'] eval_acc += result['accuracy'] # Copy the tensors back to the CPU self.labels ="cpu") #Plot event defined in test config file plotSavePath = "/home/benhuckell/Documents/Capstone2020" self.plot_event_views( eval_data, result, test_config["save_event_plots"]["startId"], test_config["save_event_plots"]["endId"]) # Add the local result to the final result indices.extend(eval_indices) labels.extend(self.labels) predictions.extend(result['predicted_labels']) softmaxes.extend(result["softmax"]) print("eval_iteration : " + str(it) + " eval_loss : " + str(result["loss"]) + " eval_accuracy : " + str(result["accuracy"])) eval_iterations += 1 # convert arrays to torch tensors print("loss : " + str(eval_loss / eval_iterations) + " accuracy : " + str(eval_acc / eval_iterations)) iterations = np.array([eval_iterations]) loss = np.array([eval_loss]) accuracy = np.array([eval_acc]) local_eval_metrics_dict = { "eval_iterations": iterations, "eval_loss": loss, "eval_acc": accuracy } #These are lists of np arrays indices = np.array(indices) labels = np.stack(labels, axis=0) predictions = np.stack(predictions, axis=0) softmaxes = np.stack(softmaxes, axis=0) local_eval_results_dict = { "indices": indices, "labels": labels, "predictions": predictions, "softmaxes": softmaxes } if self.is_distributed: # Gather results from all processes global_eval_metrics_dict = self.get_synchronized_metrics( local_eval_metrics_dict) global_eval_results_dict = self.get_synchronized_metrics( local_eval_results_dict) if self.rank == 0: for name, tensor in zip(global_eval_metrics_dict.keys(), global_eval_metrics_dict.values()): local_eval_metrics_dict[name] = np.array(tensor.cpu()) #Will have to adjust these if we ever go to distributed indices = np.array(global_eval_results_dict["indices"].cpu()) labels = np.array(global_eval_results_dict["labels"].cpu()) predictions = np.array( global_eval_results_dict["predictions"].cpu()) softmaxes = np.array( global_eval_results_dict["softmaxes"].cpu()) if self.rank == 0: print("Sorting Outputs...") sorted_indices = np.argsort(indices) # Save overall evaluation results #print("Saving Data...") + "indices.npy", sorted_indices) + "labels.npy", labels[sorted_indices]) + "predictions.npy", predictions[sorted_indices]) + "softmax.npy", softmaxes[sorted_indices]) # Compute overall evaluation metrics val_iterations = np.sum(local_eval_metrics_dict["eval_iterations"]) val_loss = np.sum(local_eval_metrics_dict["eval_loss"]) val_acc = np.sum(local_eval_metrics_dict["eval_acc"]) print("\nAvg eval loss : " + str(val_loss / val_iterations), "\nAvg eval acc : " + str(val_acc / val_iterations)) # ======================================================================== def plot_event_views(self, eval_data, result, startEventId, endEventId): for eventNumberToPlot in range(startEventId, endEventId + 1): dirName = "outputs/" + "Event_" + str(eventNumberToPlot) + "/" os.mkdir(dirName) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 12)) fig = self.data_loaders["test"].dataset.plot_event( fig, eval_data["data"][eventNumberToPlot], "Data", 1, fig = self.data_loaders["test"].dataset.plot_event( fig, eval_data["segmented_labels"][eventNumberToPlot], "Labels", 2, cmap=ListedColormap( ["white", "gray", "yellow", "green", "red", "blue"])) fig = self.data_loaders["test"].dataset.plot_event( fig, result["predicted_labels"][eventNumberToPlot], "Predictions", 3, cmap=ListedColormap( ["white", "gray", "yellow", "green", "red", "blue"])) fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig("output_plots.png") return def restore_best_state(self): best_validation_path = "{}{}{}{}".format(self.dirpath, str(self.model._get_name()), "BEST", ".pth") self.restore_state_from_file(best_validation_path) def restore_state(self, restore_config): self.restore_state_from_file(restore_config.weight_file) def restore_state_from_file(self, weight_file): """ Restore model using weights stored from a previous run. Parameters : weight_file Outputs : Returns : None """ # Open a file in read-binary mode with open(weight_file, 'rb') as f: print('Restoring state from', weight_file) # torch interprets the file, then we can access using string keys checkpoint = torch.load(f) # load network weights self.model_accs.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # if optim is provided, load the state of the optim if hasattr(self, 'optimizer'): self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) # load iteration count self.iteration = checkpoint['global_step'] print('Restoration complete.') def save_state(self, best=False): """ Save model weights to a file. Parameters : best Outputs : Returns : filename """ filename = "{}{}{}{}".format(self.dirpath, str(self.model._get_name()), ("BESTdeepmodel2" if best else ""), ".pth") # Save model state dict in appropriate from depending on number of gpus model_dict = self.model_accs.state_dict() # Save parameters # 0+1) iteration counter + optimizer state => in case we want to "continue training" later # 2) network weight { 'global_step': self.iteration, 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'state_dict': model_dict }, filename) print('Saved checkpoint as:', filename) return filename