def idastar_total_time(): global idastar_times idastar_times = [] # Remove down. problems_filen = "db/problems.csv" fp = open(problems_filen, 'r') content = fp.readlines() fp.close() content = [x.strip() for x in content] w = open("results/IDAStarRuns.txt", 'w') for i in content: v = i.split(',') start = int(v[0]) end = int(v[1]) # Calculate the time for algorithm start_timer = time.time() last_node = idastar.find_idastar_route(start, end) end_timer = time.time() idastar_times.append(end_timer - start_timer) all_path = idastar.create_path(start, end) plot_path(idastar.roads, all_path) print(str(idastar.find_definite_time(all_path)) + ' ' + str( idastar.find_heuristic_time(all_path)) + '\n') w.write(str(idastar.find_definite_time(all_path)) + ' ' + str( idastar.find_heuristic_time(all_path)) + '\n') w.close() print("The time is:") print(idastar_times)
def generate_tests(count, finder, h): paths = [] times = [] roadMap = load_map_from_csv() total_junctions = len(roadMap) f = open('results/AStarRuns_timed.txt', 'w') for i in range(0, count): result = [] while not result: time = random.randint(1, 24*60) init_state_idx = random.randint(0, total_junctions-1) final_state_idx = random.randint(0, total_junctions-1) f.write('start: ' + str(init_state_idx) + ' end: ' + str(final_state_idx) + ' time: ' + str(time) + '\n') #print('start node: ' + str(roadMap[init_state_idx])) #print('end node: ' + str(roadMap[final_state_idx])) result = finder(roadMap, init_state_idx, final_state_idx, time) f.write('path: ' + str(result[1]) + '\n') f.write('actual time: ' + str(result[0]) + '\n') f.write('heuristic time: ' + str(h(roadMap[result[1][0]], roadMap[result[1][-1]])) + '\n\n') paths.append(result[1]) times.append(result[0]) plot_path(roadMap, paths[-1]) g = open('results/AStarRuns_timed_matlab.txt', 'w') for time in times: g.write(str(time) + ', ') g.write('\n') for path in paths: heuristic_time = h(roadMap[path[0]], roadMap[path[-1]]) g.write(str(heuristic_time) + ', ') return paths
def ucs_total_time(): global ucs_times ucs_times = [] # Remove down problems_filen = "db/problems.csv" fp = open(problems_filen, 'r') content = fp.readlines() fp.close() content = [x.strip() for x in content] w = open("results/UCSRuns.txt", 'w') for i in content: v = i.split(',') start = int(v[0]) end = int(v[1]) # Create a list of run times in seconds to then find the standard deviation. start_timer = time.time() # Find the path using UCS for each of the problems in the file. nodes = ucs.find_ucs_route(start, end) end_timer = time.time() ucs_times.append(end_timer - start_timer) all_nodes = [] # Get the junction indexes. for j in nodes: all_nodes.append(j[0]) real_path = ucs.create_path(all_nodes[0], all_nodes[len(all_nodes) - 1]) nodes = ucs.convert_to_junc(real_path) plot_path(ucs.roads, real_path) print(str(ucs.find_time(nodes, real_path)) + '\n') w.write(str(ucs.find_time(nodes, real_path)) + '\n') w.close() # Print the list of times for each problem. print("The times are:") print(ucs_times)
def astar_total_time(): global astar_times astar_times = [] # Remove down problems_filen = "db/problems.csv" fp = open(problems_filen, 'r') content = fp.readlines() fp.close() content = [x.strip() for x in content] w = open("results/AStarRuns.txt", 'w') for i in content: v = i.split(',') start = int(v[0]) end = int(v[1]) # Calculate time for each run. start_timer = time.time() nodes = astar.find_astar_route(start, end) end_timer = time.time() astar_times.append(end_timer - start_timer) plot_path(astar.roads, nodes) print(str(astar.calculate_definite_time(nodes)) + ' ' + str( astar.calculate_heuristic_time(nodes)) + '\n') w.write(str(astar.calculate_definite_time(nodes)) + ' ' + str( astar.calculate_heuristic_time(nodes)) + '\n') w.close() print("The times are:") print(astar_times)
def draw_path(): random_problems = random.sample(range(1, 100), 10) dict = problems_to_dict() for problem in random_problems: source = list(dict)[problem] target = dict[source] path = find_astar_route(int(source), int(target), g, h) junctions = get_indexes(path) plot_path(roads, junctions, 'g')
def testpaths(map): juncs = map.junctions() #problems.create_problems("db/problems.csv") # problems.write_results_to_file("results/UCSRuns.txt", "db/problems.csv", # "ucs", map) # problems.write_results_to_file("results/AStarRuns.txt", "db/problems.csv", # "astar", map) # problems.write_results_to_file("results/IDAStarRuns.txt", "db/problems.csv", # "idstar", map) # ucs_time = problems.get_run_times(map, "db/problems.csv", "ucs") # print(ucs_time) # astar_time = problems.get_run_times(map, "db/problems.csv", "astar") # print(astar_time) # ida_time = problems.get_run_times(map, "db/problems.csv", "ida_time") # print(ida_time) #problems.draw_times_graph("results/AStarRuns.txt") with open("db/problems.csv") as f: content = f.readlines() content = [x.strip() for x in content] for c in content: c.split(",") v = c.split(',') start = int(v[0]) end = int(v[1]) print(" ") print(str(start) + "," + str(end)) path = astar_get_rout.get_rout(start, end, map) cost = calculate_time_of_rout(path) h_cost = H(juncs[start], juncs[end]) print(cost) print(h_cost) if (cost < h_cost): print("problem") # pp = [] # for p in path: # pp.append(p.index) # cost = find_time(map.junctions(),pp) # path = ucs_rout.get_rout_with_map_dict(start, end, map) if path_is_illegal(path, map, end): print("Bye") break index_path = [] for node in path: index_path.append(node.index) plot_path( juncs, index_path, ) print(' '.join(str(j) for j in index_path)) print(len(path))
def saveWay(): counter = 1 with open("problems.csv", 'r') as f: filereader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in filereader: if counter > 10: break; source = int(row[0]) target = int(row[1]) path = main.find_astar_route(source, target) print(' '.join(str(j.state.index) for j in path)) draw.plot_path(road, path) fileName = 'solutions_img/' + str(source) + '_' + str(target) + '.png' plt.savefig(fileName) counter = counter + 1
def create_map(roads): count = 0 # open the problem file and chose 10 problem in random file_open = open('problems.csv', 'r') read = file_open.readlines() while count != 10: line = random.choice(read) split = line.split(',') start_index = int(split[0]) split = split[1].split() goal_index = int(split[0]) # calculate by astar result = find_astar_route(start_index, goal_index, roads) path = list(result[2]) # create the graph and show draw.plot_path(roads,path) plot.title("A_star-source: " + str(start_index) + "goal: " + str(goal_index)) count = count + 1
def solve_problems(roads, algo_name): # define algorithms dictionary algorithms = { 'UCS': (algos.find_ucs_route, None), 'AStar': (algos.find_astar_route, functions.astar_heuristic), 'IDAStar': (algos.find_idastar_route, functions.astar_heuristic) } algorithm, heuristic = algorithms[algo_name] running_time = [] with open('db/problems.csv', 'r') as problems_file, open('results/' + algo_name + 'Runs.txt', 'w') as solutions_file: for line in problems_file: s, t = int(line.split(',')[0]), int(line.split(',')[1]) # activate algorithm to find path, and messure it running time on input. time0 = time.time() path = algorithm(roads, s, t) delta_time = time.time() - time0 running_time.append(delta_time) # plot the path and save it as file. plotter.plot_path(roads, path) plotter.plt.savefig('solutions_img/' + algo_name + '_' + str(s) + '_' + str(t) + '.png') plotter.plt.cla() # calculate time of path, and write it to solutions file: time_of_path = functions.calculate_total_time(roads, path) if not heuristic: solutions_file.write(str(time_of_path) + '\n') else: estimated_time = heuristic(roads, s, t) solutions_file.write( str(estimated_time) + ',' + str(time_of_path) + '\n') return running_time
def build_path(lines, roads): for line in lines: line = line.strip("\n") line = list(line.split(",")) line = [int(i) for i in line] plot_path(roads, line)
import csv from astar import Node, PriorityQueue, find_astar_rout_search from ways import draw, graph import matplotlib.pyplot as plt roads = graph.load_map_from_csv() # count=10001) from ways.draw import set_no_axis, draw_links, plot_path def read_csv(): with open('problems.csv', mode='r') as csv_file: problems = list() csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: problems.append((row[0], row[1])) return problems j=0 for i in read_csv(): arr = find_astar_rout_search(int(i[0]), int(i[1])) plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(6, 15)) 'set_no_axis()' plot_path(roads,arr[0], 'c') plt.clf()