예제 #1
def divide_resources(a: Resources, b: Resources,
                     membw_read_write_ratio: Optional[float] = None) -> Resources:
    """if ratio is provided then Flattens rt.MEMBW_READ and rt.MEMBW_WRITE to rt.MEMBW_FLAT."""
    assert set(a.keys()) == set(b.keys()), \
        'the same dimensions must be provided for both resources'
    # must flatten membw_read_write
    if ResourceType.MEMBW_READ in a.keys() and membw_read_write_ratio is not None:
        a = flat_membw_read_write(a, membw_read_write_ratio)
        b = flat_membw_read_write(b, membw_read_write_ratio)

    dimensions = set(a.keys())

    c = {}
    for dimension in dimensions:
        c[dimension] = float(a[dimension]) / float(b[dimension])
    return c
예제 #2
def calculate_read_write_ratio(capacity: Resources) -> Optional[float]:
    dimensions = capacity.keys()
    if ResourceType.MEMBW_READ in dimensions:
        assert ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE in dimensions
        return float(capacity[ResourceType.MEMBW_READ]) / float(capacity[ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE])
        return None
예제 #3
def flat_membw_read_write(a: Resources, membw_read_write_ratio: Optional[float]) -> Resources:
    """Return resources with replaced memorybandwidth writes and reads """
    """with counted flat value."""
    dimensions = a.keys()
    b = a.copy()
    if ResourceType.MEMBW_READ in dimensions:
        assert ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE in dimensions
        assert type(membw_read_write_ratio) == float
        del b[ResourceType.MEMBW_READ]
        del b[ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE]
        b[ResourceType.MEMBW_FLAT] = \
            a[ResourceType.MEMBW_READ] + membw_read_write_ratio * a[ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE]
    return b
예제 #4
def subtract_resources(a: Resources, b: Resources,
                       membw_read_write_ratio: Optional[float] = None) -> Resources:
    _check_keys(a, b)
    dimensions = set(a.keys())

    c = a.copy()
    for dimension in dimensions:
        if dimension not in (
                ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE) or membw_read_write_ratio is None:
            c[dimension] = a[dimension] - b[dimension]

    if ResourceType.MEMBW_READ in dimensions and membw_read_write_ratio is not None:
        assert ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE in dimensions
        assert type(membw_read_write_ratio) == float
        read, write = ResourceType.MEMBW_READ, ResourceType.MEMBW_WRITE
        c[read] = a[read] - (b[read] + b[write] * membw_read_write_ratio)
        c[write] = a[write] - (b[write] + b[read] / membw_read_write_ratio)
    return c
def sum_resources(a: Resources, b: Resources) -> Resources:
    _check_keys(a, b)
    c = {}
    for resource in a.keys():
        c[resource] = a[resource] + b[resource]
    return c
def _check_keys(a, b: Resources):
    if not set(a.keys()) == set(b.keys()):
        raise ValueError(
            'the same dimensions must be provided for both resources %r vs %r',
            a.keys(), b.keys())