예제 #1
    def weather_command(self, args):
        town = args
        #ask the temperature from the weather.py module
        temp = weather.temperature(town)

        #Reply depending of temperature() output
        if temp == "Not Found":
            return "Sorry, I don't know what town you are talking about!"
        elif temp == "Error":
            return "It seems like there was an error finding your temperature!"
            return "The current temperature in " + town + " is: " + temp + " C!"
예제 #2
파일: visual.py 프로젝트: qiqi/home
def initScene():
   print 'Loading...'
   # heightmap
   h = continent(4,5,0.465,8)    # penesulas
   # h = continent(7,7,0.0,8)      # mountainous
   # h = continent(13,13,0.0,8)    # good plains
   # h = continent(24,65,0.0,8)    # sahara
   h *= SCALE

   summer, winter = temperature(h, 10, 60)
   precip = precipitation(h, 10, 60)
   dh = slope(h)
   r, g, b = vegetation(h, dh, summer, winter, precip)

   # h[h == 0] = - 0.7
   # pylab.figure()
   # pylab.contour(h,25)
   # pylab.axis('scaled')
   # pylab.xlim([0, h.shape[0]-1])
   # pylab.ylim([0, h.shape[0]-1])
   # pylab.show()
   # h[h < 0] = 0.0

   n = h.shape[0]
   dh = (numpy.arange(n) / float(n-1) - 0.5) / 2.0
   dh = dh ** 2 * n * SCALE
   for i in xrange(n):
      h[:,i] -= dh
      h[i,:] -= dh

   print 'Finished.'

   # build OpenGL list
   gllist = glGenLists(1)
   glNewList(gllist, GL_COMPILE)
   for i in xrange(1, n):
      for j in xrange(n):
	 glColor3f(r[j,i-1], g[j,i-1], b[j,i-1])
         glVertex3f((i-1) * SCALE, j * SCALE, h[j,i-1])
	 glColor3f(r[j,i], g[j,i], b[j,i])
         glVertex3f(i * SCALE, j * SCALE, h[j,i])

   glViewport(0, 0, 1200, 800)
   # glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE)

   # atmosphere fog
   glClearColor(0.22, 0.45, 0.9, 1.0)
   glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP)
   glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, [0.22, 0.45, 0.9, 1.0])
   glFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, 0.025)

   gluPerspective(45.0, 1.5, 0.1, 1000.0)

   return gllist, h, dh
 def testSanityTwo(self):
     """Fahrenheit(Celsius(n))==n for all n"""
     for tempF in range(-459, 10000):
         tempC = temperature(fahrenheit=tempF).celsius()
         result = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempF, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
 def testSanityOne(self):
     """Celsius(Fahrenheit(n))==n for all n"""
     for tempC in range(-273, 6000):
         tempF = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit()
         result = temperature(fahrenheit=tempF).celsius()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempC, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
 def testToCelsiusKnownValues(self):
     """converting from Fahrenheit should give known back our known inputs"""
     for tempC, tempF in self.knownValues:
         result = temperature(fahrenheit=tempF).celsius()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempC, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
 def testToFahrenheitKnownValues(self):
     """converting to Fahrenheit should give known result with known input"""
     for tempC, tempF in self.knownValues:
         result = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempF, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
예제 #7
파일: contourmap.py 프로젝트: qiqi/home
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *

from continent import continent, slope
from weather import temperature, precipitation
from vegetation import vegetation

# heightmap
h = continent(4,5,0.465,8)    # penesulas
# h = continent(7,7,0.0,8)      # mountainous
# h = continent(13,13,0.0,8)    # good plains
# h = continent(24,65,0.0,8)    # sahara
h *= 10.0

summer, winter = temperature(h, 10, 60)
precip = precipitation(h, 10, 60)
dh = slope(h)
r, g, b, t = vegetation(h, dh, summer, winter, precip)

color = zeros(h.shape + (3,))
color[:,:,0] = r
color[:,:,1] = g
color[:,:,2] = b

pylab.xlim([0, h.shape[0]-1])
pylab.ylim([0, h.shape[0]-1])
예제 #8
def reply(text, chat_id):
    temp = weather.temperature(text)
    bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Current weather in {} now is {}'.format(text, temp))
 def testSanityTwo(self):
     """Fahrenheit(Celsius(n))==n for all n"""
     for tempF in range(-459, 10000):
         tempC = temperature(fahrenheit=tempF).celsius()
         result = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempF, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
 def testSanityOne(self):
     """Celsius(Fahrenheit(n))==n for all n"""
     for tempC in range(-273, 6000):
         tempF = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit()
         result = temperature(fahrenheit=tempF).celsius()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempC, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
 def testToCelsiusKnownValues(self):
     """converting from Fahrenheit should give known back our known inputs"""
     for tempC, tempF in self.knownValues:
         result = temperature(fahrenheit=tempF).celsius()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempC, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)
 def testToFahrenheitKnownValues(self):
     """converting to Fahrenheit should give known result with known input"""
     for tempC, tempF in self.knownValues:
         result = temperature(celsius=tempC).fahrenheit()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(tempF, result, SIGNIFICANT_PLACES)