def test_open(self): print('WeatherDBTest - test_open') db_name = 'test/test_weather_data.db' mydb = weather_utils.WeatherDB(db_name) sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='station'"; mydb.cursor.execute(sql) self.assertTrue(mydb.cursor.fetchone()) mydb.close()
ii = 0 for itt in tlst: if ii > 0: ttpl = ttpl + (int(tlst[ii]), ) ii += 1 glst = gtpl_raw.split(',') gtpl = (int(glst[0]), ) ii = 0 for igt in glst: if ii > 0: gtpl = gtpl + (int(glst[ii]), ) ii += 1 try: igndb = weather_utils.WeatherDB(weather_db) except: igndb = weather_utils.WeatherDB.create(weather_db)'Opening workbook ' + xl_data) wbk = load_workbook(filename=xl_data) sht_all = wbk[xl_input_sheet] try: sht_wind = wbk[xl_output_sheet] except KeyError: sht_wind = wbk.copy_worksheet(sht_all) sht_wind.title = xl_output_sheet dtstart = weather_utils.TimeUtils(start_date) dtend = weather_utils.TimeUtils(end_date)
def test_close(self): db_name = 'test/test_weather_data.db' mydb = weather_utils.WeatherDB(db_name) mydb.close() self.assertTrue(mydb.cursor == None)
def test_db_unavailable(self): print('WeatherDBTest - test_db_unavailable') mydb = None with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError): mydb = weather_utils.WeatherDB('bogus_db')