예제 #1
    def validate_entry(self, keys):
        """ keys-> 
        Entry.__dict__= {'multiple_choices': [(3, 'HER-2/neu')], 'input_choices': [(3, 'sdfsdf')], 'check_box_lines': [0, 3]}

        Entry = ValidatedEntry()
        if keys.has_key(self.MultipleSelect.get_name):
            multiple_choices = make_list(keys[self.MultipleSelect.get_name])
            multiple_choices = []
        if keys.has_key(self.MultipleSelect.line_index_name):
            multiple_choices_lines = make_list(keys[self.MultipleSelect.line_index_name])
            multiple_choices_lines = []
        Entry.multiple_choices = zip(make_ints(multiple_choices_lines), multiple_choices)

        if keys.has_key(self.Input.get_name):
            text_inputs = make_list(keys[self.Input.get_name])
            text_inputs = []
        if keys.has_key(self.Input.line_index_name):
            input_choices_lines = make_list(keys[self.Input.line_index_name])
            input_choices_lines = []
        Entry.input_choices = zip(make_ints(input_choices_lines), text_inputs)

        if keys.has_key("check_box_line"):
            Entry.check_box_lines = make_ints(make_list(keys["check_box_line"]))
        return Entry
예제 #2
    def post(self):
        check_box_lines = make_ints(self.request.get("check_box_line", allow_multiple=True))
        multiple_choices = self.request.get("get_multiple_choices", allow_multiple=True)
        line_choices = make_ints(self.request.get("line_index_selection", allow_multiple=True))
        input_entries = self.request.get("get_input_entry", allow_multiple=True)
        line_index_input = make_ints(self.request.get("line_index_imput", allow_multiple=True))
        form_title = self.request.get("new_form_name")
        # print check_box_lines, "CHECKBOXLINES"
        # print multiple_choices, "MULTIPLE CHOICES"
        # print line_choices, "LINE CHOICES"
        # print input_entries, "INPUT ENTRIES"
        # print line_index_input, "LINE INDEX INPUT"
        # print "CHECKBOXLINES"
        Entry = ValidatedEntry()
        Entry.multiple_choices = zip(line_choices, multiple_choices)
        Entry.input_choices = zip(line_index_input, input_entries)
        Entry.check_box_lines = check_box_lines
        # print Entry.__dict__, "YEAH...."

        # print self.request
        # print self.request.POST.items()
        # print "BEING CALLED"

        """keys contains the chosen lines numbers+ a list with all the selected multiple choises"""
        # for debugging
        # yield strope(keys)

        choices = []
        t = get_form_key(yaml.load(get_form_content(form_title)))
        # t=yaml.load(file(cherrypy.session["fileName"]).read()) #['TEST', ['PCR FOR IMMUNOGLOBULIN AND T CELL RECEPTOR GENE REARRANGEMENTS WAS PERFORMED ON', 'PCR FOR IMMUNOGLO
        [choices.extend(i) for i in (t[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(t), 2))]  # ['HER-2/neu gene', ....
        # yield strope(choices)
        # print choices, "CHOICES"

        user = users.get_current_user()
        q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Settings WHERE user = :1", user)
        if q.get():
            user_setting = q.get()
            header = user_setting.header
            line_start = user_setting.line_start
            header = ""
            line_start = ""

        text = header + "<br>"

        index = 0
        for chosen_check_box_line_index in Entry.check_box_lines:
            line = choices[chosen_check_box_line_index] + " "
            # print "RAW", line

            for multiple_choice in Entry.multiple_choices:  # (14, 'decreased')
                # yield strope(multiple_choice)+strope(chosen_check_box_line_index)
                if multiple_choice[0] == chosen_check_box_line_index and multiple_choice[1] != "default":
                    # continue
                    # yield "CHOICES MATCH"

                    match = self.MultipleSelect.parse(line)
                    if match:
                        match = match[0]
                        # yield strope(match)
                        line = line.replace(match, multiple_choice[1], 1)
                if multiple_choice[0] == chosen_check_box_line_index and multiple_choice[1] == "default":
                    # continue
                    # yield "CHOICES MATCH"
                    # yield strope(line)
                    ##print line
                    match = self.MultipleSelect.parse(line)
                    ##print match
                    # yield strope(match)
                    if match:

                        match = match[0]
                        # yield strope(match)
                        line = line.replace(match, "", 1)
            # print "NOT RAW", line
            for input_choice in Entry.input_choices:
                # print input_choice

                if input_choice[0] == chosen_check_box_line_index:

                    # yield "INPUT MATCH"
                    match = self.Input.parse(line)[0]
                    # print match, "MATCH", type(match)
                    # print line, type(line), match, type(match), input_choice[1], type(input_choice[1])
                    # continue
                    # yield strope(match)
                    line = line_start + line.replace(match, input_choice[1], 1)
                    # continue

            text += line
            text += "<BR>"
            # if index==0 or index==1:
            #     #continue
            #     text+="<BR>"
            index += 1
        # rendering engine
        # print text

        # print text, "HERE I AM"
        self.response.out.write(web_publish(template.render(self.template_path, {"form_results": text})))