예제 #1
def youtube_playlist_videos(playlist_id):
    Finds the video info for a given playlist ID.

    The list returned will contain a maximum of 50 videos.
    :param playlist_id: str the playlist ID
    :return: list[ dict{'type=youTube', 'video_id', 'video_title', 'video_time'}] or None on failure.
    playlist_details_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?' \
                           'key=AIzaSyCPQe4gGZuyVQ78zdqf9O5iEyfVLPaRwZg&playlistId=%s' \
                           '&maxResults=50&part=snippet,id' % playlist_id

    api_response = web_request.get_request(playlist_details_url, json=True)
    if api_response['content'] is not None:
        video_list = []
            for item in api_response['content']['items']:
                video_id = item['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId']
                video_title = item['snippet']['title']

                video_time = youtube_time(video_id)
                if video_time is not None:
                    info = {
                        'type': 'youTube',
                        'video_id': video_id,
                        'video_title': video_title,
                        'video_time': video_time['video_time']
            return video_list
        except KeyError:
            return None
예제 #2
def weather_search(city):
    Searches worldweatheronline's API for weather data for a given city.
    You must have a working API key to be able to use this function.
    :param city: The city str to search for.
    :return: weather data str or None on no match or error.

    if str(city).strip():
        api_key = API_KEYS['weather']  # A valid API key.
        if not api_key:
            return False
            weather_api_url = 'http://api.worldweatheronline.com/free/v2/weather.ashx?' \
                              'q=%s&format=json&key=%s' % (city, api_key)

            response = web_request.get_request(weather_api_url, json=True)

            if response['content'] is not None:
                    pressure = response['content']['data'][
                    temp_c = response['content']['data']['current_condition'][
                    temp_f = response['content']['data']['current_condition'][
                    query = response['content']['data']['request'][0][
                        'query'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                    result = query + '. Temperature: ' + temp_c + 'C (' + temp_f + 'F) Pressure: ' + pressure + ' millibars'
                    return result
                except (IndexError, KeyError):
                    return None
        return None
예제 #3
파일: lastfm.py 프로젝트: GoelBiju/pinybot
def lastfm_listening_now(max_tunes, by_id=True):
    Gets a list of tunes other people using last.fm are listening to, and turns them in to a youtube list of tracks.
    :param max_tunes: int the amount of tracks we want.
    :param by_id: bool if set to True, only tunes that have a youtube id will be added(recommended)
    :return: list[ dict{'type=youtube', 'video_id', 'int(video_time)', 'video_title'} ] or None on error.
    url = 'http://lastfm-ajax-vip1.phx1.cbsig.net/kerve/listeningnow?limit=%s&format=json' % max_tunes
    lastfm = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if lastfm is not None:
        if len(lastfm['content']['Users']) is not 0:
            yt_tracks = []
            for user in lastfm['content']['Users']:
                if 'playlink' in user:
                    if 'data-youtube-id' in user['playlink']:
                        youtube_id = user['playlink']['data-youtube-id']
                        yt = youtube.youtube_time(youtube_id)
                        if yt is not None:
                    if 'Track' in user:
                        search_str = '%s - %s' % (user['Track']['Artist'], user['Track']['Name'])
                        if not by_id:
                            yt = youtube.youtube_search(search_str)
                            log.debug('search by search string: %s result: %s' % (search_str, yt))
                            if yt is not None:
            return yt_tracks
        return None
예제 #4
def get_captcha_key(roomname, uid, proxy=None):
    Find the captcha key needed before we can send messages in a room.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param uid: str the ID we have in the room.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str the captcha key or None on captcha enabled room.
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/api/captcha/check.php?room=tinychat^%s&guest_id=%s' % (
        roomname, uid)
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    # print 'in captcha key'
    if json_data is not None:
            if 'key' in json_data['content']:
                return json_data['content']['key']
                return None
        except Exception:
            # Handle abnormal response regarding the captcha key data to work by forcing a
            # text parse for the captcha key
            raw = json_data['content']
            # print 'abnormal data received'
            # Credits to pinychat (NotNola)
            return raw.split('"key":"')[1].split('"')[0]
예제 #5
def get_cauth_cookie(roomname, proxy=None):
    Find the cauth 'cookie' needed to make a successful connection.

    This is not really a cookie, but named so after its name in the json response.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str the 'cookie'
    ts = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth?room=%s&t=%s' % (roomname, str(ts))
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    # print 'in cauth'
    if json_data is not None:
            # Normal cauth cookie parsing
            if 'cookie' in json_data['content']:
                # print 'normal cookie data received'
                return json_data['content']['cookie']
                return None
        except Exception:
            # Handle abnormal response regarding the cauth cookie data to work by forcing a
            # text parse for the cauth cookie
            raw = json_data['content']
            # print 'abnormal cookie data received'
            # Credits to pinychat (NotNola)
            return raw.split('{"cookie":"')[1].split('"')[0]
예제 #6
def recaptcha(proxy=None):
    Check if we have to solve a captcha before we can connect.
    If yes, then it will open in the default browser.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: dict{'cookies'} this is NOT used in the code , but are left here for debugging purposes.
    t = str(random.uniform(0.9, 0.10))
    url = 'https://tinychat.com/cauth/captcha?%s' % t
    response = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    if response is not None:
        if 'need_to_solve_captcha' in response['content']:
            successful_recaptcha = False
            link = ''
                if response['content']['need_to_solve_captcha'] == 1:
                    link = 'https://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % response['content']['token']
                    successful_recaptcha = True
            except (Exception, KeyError):
                if '"need_to_solve_captcha":1' in response['content']:
                    token = response['content'].split('"token":"')[1].split('"')[0]
                    link = 'https://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % token

            if successful_recaptcha:
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    webbrowser.open(link, new=1, autoraise=True)
                raw_input('Solve the captcha and hit enter to continue (OR hit enter to join anonymously).')

        return response['cookies']
예제 #7
def get_bauth_token(roomname, nick, uid, greenroom, proxy=None):
    #  A token IS present even if password is enabled, will it work? needs more testing..
    Find the bauth token needed before we can start a broadcast.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param nick: str the nick we use in the room.
    :param uid: str our ID in the room.
    :param greenroom: bool should be True if greenroom is enabled.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str token or PW if a password is needed to broadcast.
    if greenroom:
        xmlurl = 'http://tinychat.com/api/broadcast.pw?site=greenroom&name=%s&nick=%s&id=%s' % (
            roomname, nick, uid)
        xmlurl = 'http://tinychat.com/api/broadcast.pw?site=tinychat&name=%s&nick=%s&id=%s' % (
            roomname, nick, uid)

    web_content = web_request.get_request(xmlurl, proxy=proxy)
    if web_content is not None:
        xml = parseString(web_content['content'])
        root = xml.getElementsByTagName('response')[0]
        result = root.getAttribute('result')
        if result == 'PW':
            return result
            token = root.getAttribute('token')
            return token
예제 #8
def youtube_playlist_search(search, results=5):
    Searches youtube for a playlist matching the search term.
    :param search: str the search term to search to search for.
    :param results: int the number of playlist matches we want returned.
    :return: list[ dict{'playlist_title', 'playlist_id'}] or None on failure.
    if str(search).strip():
        youtube_search_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?' \
                             'type=playlist&key=AIzaSyCPQe4gGZuyVQ78zdqf9O5iEyfVLPaRwZg' \
                             '&maxResults=50&q=%s&part=snippet' % search

        api_response = web_request.get_request(youtube_search_url, json=True)
        if api_response['content'] is not None:
            play_lists = []
                for item in api_response['content']['items']:
                    playlist_id = item['id']['playlistId']
                    playlist_title = item['snippet']['title'].encode('utf-8', 'replace')
                    play_list_info = {'playlist_title': playlist_title, 'playlist_id': playlist_id}
                    if len(play_lists) == results:
                        return play_lists
            except KeyError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #9
def spy_info(room):
    Finds info for a given room name.

    The info is how many mods, broadcasters, users and a comma separated string(users) with all the user names.

    :param room: str the room name to get spy info for.
    :return: dict{'mod_count', 'broadcaster_count', 'total_count', 'users'} or None on password protected room/failure.
    xmlurl = 'http://api.tinychat.com/%s.xml' % room
    passcheck = get_roomconfig_xml(room)
    if passcheck == 'PW':
        return passcheck
        web_content = web_request.get_request(xmlurl)
        xml = parseString(web_content['content'])
            root = xml.getElementsByTagName('tinychat')[0]
            mod_count = root.getAttribute('mod_count')
            broadcaster_count = root.getAttribute('broadcaster_count')
            total_count = root.getAttribute('total_count')
            if total_count > 0:
                u = []
                names = xml.getElementsByTagName('names')
                for name in names:
                users = ', '.join(u)
                return {'mod_count': mod_count, 'broadcaster_count': broadcaster_count,
                        'total_count': total_count, 'users': users}
        except IndexError:
            return None
예제 #10
def time_is(location):
    Retrieves the time in a location by parsing the time element in the html from Time.is .
    :param location: str location of the place you want to find time (works for small towns as well).
    :return: time str or None on failure.

    if BeautifulSoup:
        header = {
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0',
            'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.5',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive',
            'Referrer': 'http://time.is/',

        post_url = 'http://time.is/' + str(location)
        time_data = web_request.get_request(post_url, header=header)
        time_html = time_data['content']
        soup = BeautifulSoup(time_html, "html.parser")

        time = ''
            for hit in soup.findAll(attrs={'id': 'twd'}):
                time = hit.contents[0].strip()
        except Exception:

        return time
        return None
예제 #11
def omdb_search(search):
    Query the OMDb API - https://omdbapi.com/
    :param search: Search term
    :return: Title, rating, and short description
    if str(search).strip():
        omdb_url = 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=%s&plot=short&r=json' % search
        response = web_request.get_request(omdb_url, json=True)

        if response:
                title = response['content']['Title']
                plot = response['content']['Plot']
                imdbid = response['content']['imdbID']
                imdbrating = response['content']['imdbRating']
                if len(plot) >= 160:
                    plot_parts = plot.split('.')
                    omdb_info = '*Title:* ' + title + '\nDetails: ' + plot_parts[0] + '\n*Rating: *' + imdbrating +\
                                '\n*More Info:*  http://www.imdb.com/title/' + imdbid
                    omdb_info = '*Title:* ' + title + '\n' + plot + '\n*Rating:*' + imdbrating +\
                                '\n*More Info:*  http://www.imdb.com/title/' + imdbid
                return omdb_info
            except KeyError:
                return None
            except IndexError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #12
def etymonline(search):
    Searches the etymology of words/phrases using the Etymonline website.
    :param search: str the word/phrase you want to search for.
    :return: dict the results from the search.
    if BeautifulSoup is not None:
        url = 'http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=%s&allowed_in_frame=0'
        search_parts = search.split(' ')
        search_term = '+'.join(search_parts)
        post_url = url % search_term

        raw = web_request.get_request(url=post_url)
        if raw['status_code'] == 200:
            html = raw['content']
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
            quotes = soup.findAll("dd", {"class": "highlight"})
            # There are several quotes/term results returned, we only want
            # the first one, alternatively a loop can be setup.
            # Represent the tags as a string, since we do not have specific identification.
            # Unicode characters in this process will be represented as their respective values.
            quote = quotes[0].getText()
            quotes = quote.split('\r\n\r\n')
            # There are more than one set of quotes parsed, you may iterate over this too in order to return a
            # greater set of results.
            return u"" + quotes[0]  # Result is returned in unicode.
            return None
        return None
예제 #13
def google_time(location):
    Retrieves the time in a location using Google.
    :param location: str location of the place you want to find time (Location must be a large town/city/country).
    :return: time str or None on failure.

    if BeautifulSoup is not None:
        to_send = location.replace(' ', '%20')
        url = 'https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=time%20in%20' + str(to_send)
        raw = web_request.get_request(url)
        if raw['status_code'] == 200:
            raw_content = raw['content']
            soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_content, 'html.parser')
            raw_info = None

                for hit in soup.findAll(
                        attrs={'class': 'vk_c vk_gy vk_sh card-section _MZc'}):
                    raw_info = hit.contents
            except Exception:

            if raw_info is None:
                return None
                return [str(raw_info[1].getText()), str(raw_info[5].getText())]
            return None
        return None
예제 #14
def etymonline(search):
    Searches the etymology of words/phrases using the Etymonline website.
    :param search: str the word/phrase you want to search for.
    :return: dict the results from the search.
    if BeautifulSoup is not None:
        url = 'http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=%s&allowed_in_frame=0'
        search_parts = search.split(' ')
        search_term = '+'.join(search_parts)
        post_url = url % search_term

        raw = web_request.get_request(url=post_url)
        if raw['status_code'] == 200:
            html = raw['content']
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
            quotes = soup.findAll("dd", {"class": "highlight"})
            # There are several quotes/term results returned, we only want
            # the first one, alternatively a loop can be setup.
            # Represent the tags as a string, since we do not have specific identification.
            # Unicode characters in this process will be represented as their respective values.
            quote = quotes[0].getText()
            quotes = quote.split('\r\n\r\n')
            # There are more than one set of quotes parsed, you may iterate over this too in order to return a
            # greater set of results.
            return u"" + quotes[0]  # Result is returned in unicode.
            return None
        return None
예제 #15
def google_time(location):
    Retrieves the time in a location using Google.
    :param location: str location of the place you want to find time (Location must be a large town/city/country).
    :return: time str or None on failure.

    if BeautifulSoup is not None:
        to_send = location.replace(' ', '%20')
        url = 'https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=time%20in%20' + str(to_send)
        raw = web_request.get_request(url)
        if raw['status_code'] == 200:
            raw_content = raw['content']
            soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_content, 'html.parser')
            raw_info = None

                for hit in soup.findAll(attrs={'class': 'vk_c vk_gy vk_sh card-section _MZc'}):
                    raw_info = hit.contents
            except Exception:

            if raw_info is None:
                return None
                return [str(raw_info[1].getText()), str(raw_info[5].getText())]
            return None
        return None
예제 #16
def time_is(location):
    Retrieves the time in a location by parsing the time element in the html from Time.is .
    :param location: str location of the place you want to find time (works for small towns as well).
    :return: time str or None on failure.

    if BeautifulSoup:
        header = {
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0',
            'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
            'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.5',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive',
            'Referrer': 'http://time.is/',

        post_url = 'http://time.is/' + str(location)
        time_data = web_request.get_request(post_url, header=header)
        time_html = time_data['content']
        soup = BeautifulSoup(time_html, "html.parser")

        time = ''
            for hit in soup.findAll(attrs={'id': 'twd'}):
                time = hit.contents[0].strip()
        except Exception:

        return time
        return None
예제 #17
def tinychat_user_info(tc_account):
    Finds info for a given tinychat account name.
    :param tc_account: str the account name.
    :return: dict {'username', 'tinychat_id', 'last_active', 'name', 'location'}
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/api/tcinfo?username=%s' % tc_account
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url=url, json=True)
    if json_data is not None:
            username = json_data['content']['username']
            user_id = json_data['content']['id']
            last_active = time.ctime(int(json_data['content']['last_active']))
            name = json_data['content']['name']
            location = json_data['content']['location']

            return {
                'username': username,
                'tinychat_id': user_id,
                'last_active': last_active,
                'name': name,
                'location': location
        except KeyError:
            return None
예제 #18
def lastfm_listening_now(max_tunes, by_id=True):
    Gets a list of tunes other people using last.fm are listening to, and turns them in to a youtube list of tracks.
    :param max_tunes: int the amount of tracks we want.
    :param by_id: bool if set to True, only tunes that have a youtube id will be added(recommended)
    :return: list[ dict{'type=youtube', 'video_id', 'int(video_time)', 'video_title'} ] or None on error.
    url = 'http://lastfm-ajax-vip1.phx1.cbsig.net/kerve/listeningnow?limit=%s&format=json' % max_tunes
    lastfm = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if lastfm is not None:
        if len(lastfm['content']['Users']) is not 0:
            yt_tracks = []
            for user in lastfm['content']['Users']:
                if 'playlink' in user:
                    if 'data-youtube-id' in user['playlink']:
                        youtube_id = user['playlink']['data-youtube-id']
                        yt = youtube.youtube_time(youtube_id)
                        if yt is not None:
                    if 'Track' in user:
                        search_str = '%s - %s' % (user['Track']['Artist'],
                        if not by_id:
                            yt = youtube.youtube_search(search_str)
                                'search by search string: %s result: %s' %
                                (search_str, yt))
                            if yt is not None:
            return yt_tracks
        return None
예제 #19
def youtube_playlist_videos(playlist_id):
    Finds the video info for a given playlist ID.

    The list returned will contain a maximum of 50 videos.
    :param playlist_id: str the playlist ID
    :return: list[ dict{'type=youTube', 'video_id', 'video_title', 'video_time'}] or None on failure.
    playlist_details_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?' \
                           'key=AIzaSyCPQe4gGZuyVQ78zdqf9O5iEyfVLPaRwZg&playlistId=%s' \
                           '&maxResults=50&part=snippet,id' % playlist_id

    api_response = web_request.get_request(playlist_details_url, json=True)
    if api_response['content'] is not None:
        video_list = []
            for item in api_response['content']['items']:
                video_id = item['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId']
                video_title = item['snippet']['title']

                video_time = youtube_time(video_id)
                if video_time is not None:
                    info = {'type': 'youTube', 'video_id': video_id,
                            'video_title': video_title, 'video_time': video_time['video_time']}
            return video_list
        except KeyError:
            return None
예제 #20
def spy_info(room):
    Finds info for a given room name.

    The info shows many mods, broadcasters, total users and a users(list) with all the user names.

    :param room: str the room name to get spy info for.
    :return: dict{'mod_count', 'broadcaster_count', 'total_count', list('users')} or PW on password protected room.,
    or None on failure or empty room.
    url = 'http://api.tinychat.com/%s.json' % room
    check = get_roomconfig_xml(room)
    if check == 'PW':
        return check
            json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
            mod_count = str(json_data['content']['mod_count'])
            broadcaster_count = str(json_data['content']['broadcaster_count'])
            total_count = json_data['content']['total_count']
            status_code = json_data['status_code']
            if total_count > 0:
                users = json_data['content']['names']
                return {
                    'mod_count': mod_count,
                    'broadcaster_count': broadcaster_count,
                    'total_count': str(total_count),
                    'users': users,
                    'status_code': status_code
        except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
            return None
예제 #21
def spy_info(room):
    Finds info for a given room name.
    The info shows many mods, broadcasters, total users and a users(list) with all the nicknames.

    :param room: str the room name to get spy info for.
    :return: dict{'mod_count', 'broadcaster_count', 'total_count', list('users')} or PW on password protected room.,
    or None on failure or empty room.
    url = 'http://api.tinychat.com/%s.json' % room
    check = get_roomconfig_xml(room)
    if check == 'PW':
        return check
            json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
            mod_count = str(json_data['content']['mod_count'])
            broadcaster_count = str(json_data['content']['broadcaster_count'])
            total_count = json_data['content']['total_count']
            status_code = json_data['status_code']
            if total_count > 0:
                users = json_data['content']['names']
                return {'mod_count': mod_count, 'broadcaster_count': broadcaster_count,
                        'total_count': str(total_count), 'users': users, 'status_code': status_code}
        except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
            return None
예제 #22
def soundcloud_search(search):
    Searches soundcloud's API for a given search term.

    :param search: The search term str to search for.
    :return: dict['type=soundcloud', 'video_id', 'video_time', 'video_title'] or None on no match or error.

    if str(search).strip():
        search_url = 'http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks.json?' \
                     'filter=streamable&order=hotness&q=%s&limit=25&client_id=4ce43a6430270a1eea977ff8357a25a3' % search

        response = web_request.get_request(search_url, json=True)

        if response['content'] is not None:
                track_id = response['content'][0]['id']
                track_time = response['content'][0]['duration']
                track_title = response['content'][0]['title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                return {'type': 'soundCloud', 'video_id': track_id, 'video_time': track_time, 'video_title': track_title}
            except KeyError:
                return None
            except IndexError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #23
def soundcloud_search(search):
    Searches soundcloud's API for a given search term.

    :param search: The search term str to search for.
    :return: dict['type=soundcloud', 'video_id', 'video_time', 'video_title'] or None on no match or error.

    if str(search).strip():
        search_url = 'http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks.json?' \
                     'filter=streamable&order=hotness&q=%s&limit=25&client_id=4ce43a6430270a1eea977ff8357a25a3' % search

        response = web_request.get_request(search_url, json=True)

        if response['content'] is not None:
                track_id = response['content'][0]['id']
                track_time = response['content'][0]['duration']
                track_title = response['content'][0]['title'].encode(
                    'ascii', 'ignore')
                return {
                    'type': 'soundCloud',
                    'video_id': track_id,
                    'video_time': track_time,
                    'video_title': track_title
            except KeyError:
                return None
            except IndexError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #24
def get_bauth_token(roomname, nick, uid, greenroom, proxy=None):
    #  A token IS present even if password is enabled, will it work? needs more testing ...
    Find the bauth token needed before we can start a broadcast.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param nick: str the nick we use in the room.
    :param uid: str our ID in the room.
    :param greenroom: bool should be True if greenroom is enabled.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str token or PW if a password is needed to broadcast.
    if greenroom:
        xmlurl = 'http://tinychat.com/api/broadcast.pw?site=greenroom&name=%s&nick=%s&id=%s' % (roomname, nick, uid)
        xmlurl = 'http://tinychat.com/api/broadcast.pw?site=tinychat&name=%s&nick=%s&id=%s' % (roomname, nick, uid)

    web_content = web_request.get_request(xmlurl, proxy=proxy)
    if web_content is not None:
        xml = parseString(web_content['content'])
        root = xml.getElementsByTagName('response')[0]
        result = root.getAttribute('result')
        if result == 'PW':
            return result
            token = root.getAttribute('token')
            return token
예제 #25
def recaptcha(proxy=None):
    Check if we have to solve a captcha before we can connect.
    If yes, then it will open in the default browser.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: dict{'cookies'} this is NOT used in the code , but are left here for debugging purposes.
    t = str(random.uniform(0.9, 0.10))
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/captcha?%s' % t
    response = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    if response is not None:
        if 'need_to_solve_captcha' in response['content']:
            successful_recaptcha = False
            link = ''
                if response['content']['need_to_solve_captcha'] == 1:
                    link = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % response['content']['token']
                    successful_recaptcha = True
            except (Exception, KeyError):
                if '"need_to_solve_captcha":1' in response['content']:
                    token = response['content'].split('"token":"')[1].split('"')[0]
                    link = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % token

            if successful_recaptcha:
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    webbrowser.open(link, new=1, autoraise=True)
                raw_input('Solve the captcha and hit enter to continue (OR hit enter to join anonymously).')

        return response['cookies']
예제 #26
def weather_search(city):
    Searches worldweatheronline's API for weather data for a given city.
    You must have a working API key to be able to use this function.

    :param city: The city str to search for.
    :return: weather data str or None on no match or error.

    if str(city).strip():
        api_key = '' # A working API key.
        if not api_key:
            return 'Missing api key.'
            weather_api_url = 'http://api.worldweatheronline.com/free/v2/weather.ashx?' \
                              'q=%s&format=json&key=%s' % (city, api_key)

            response = web_request.get_request(weather_api_url, json=True)

            if response['content'] is not None:
                    pressure = response['content']['data']['current_condition'][0]['pressure']
                    temp_c = response['content']['data']['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']
                    temp_f = response['content']['data']['current_condition'][0]['temp_F']
                    query = response['content']['data']['request'][0]['query']
                    result = query + '. Tempature: ' + temp_c + 'C (' + temp_f + 'F) Pressure: ' + pressure + '  millibars'
                    return result
                except KeyError:
                    return None
                except IndexError:
                    return None
        return None
예제 #27
def youtube_playlist_search(search, results=5):
    Searches youtube for a playlist matching the search term.
    :param search: str the search term to search to search for.
    :param results: int the number of playlist matches we want returned.
    :return: list[dict{'playlist_title', 'playlist_id'}] or None on failure.
    if search:
        youtube_search_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?' \
                             'type=playlist&key=%s' \
                             '&maxResults=50&q=%s&part=snippet' % (YOUTUBE_API_KEY, search, )

        api_response = web_request.get_request(youtube_search_url, json=True)
        if api_response is not None:
            play_lists = []
                for item in api_response['content']['items']:
                    playlist_id = item['id']['playlistId']
                    playlist_title = item['snippet']['title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                    play_list_info = {'playlist_title': playlist_title, 'playlist_id': playlist_id}
                    if len(play_lists) == results:
                        return play_lists
            except KeyError as ke:
                log.error(ke, exc_info=True)
                return None
        return None
예제 #28
def youtube_playlist_search(search, results=5):
    Searches youtube for a playlist matching the search term.
    :param search: str the search term to search to search for.
    :param results: int the number of playlist matches we want returned.
    :return: list[ dict{'playlist_title', 'playlist_id'}] or None on failure.
    if str(search).strip():
        youtube_search_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?' \
                             'type=playlist&key=AIzaSyCPQe4gGZuyVQ78zdqf9O5iEyfVLPaRwZg' \
                             '&maxResults=50&q=%s&part=snippet' % search

        api_response = web_request.get_request(youtube_search_url, json=True)
        if api_response['content'] is not None:
            play_lists = []
                for item in api_response['content']['items']:
                    playlist_id = item['id']['playlistId']
                    playlist_title = item['snippet']['title'].encode(
                        'utf-8', 'replace')
                    play_list_info = {
                        'playlist_title': playlist_title,
                        'playlist_id': playlist_id
                    if len(play_lists) == results:
                        return play_lists
            except KeyError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #29
    def parse_privacy_settings(self, response=None):
        """ Parse privacy settings. """
        header = {"Referrer": self._privacy_url}
        if response is None:
            response = web_request.get_request(self._privacy_url, header=header, proxy=self._proxy)

        if response is not None and response["content"] is not None:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(response["content"], "html.parser")
            # validation hash key
            validate = soup.find("input", {"type": "hidden", "name": "validate"})
            self._validation_key = validate.get("value")
            # guest mode
            guest_settings = soup.find("select", {"name": "allowGuests"})
            allow_guests_type = guest_settings.find("option", {"selected": True})
            self._allow_guests = str(allow_guests_type.get("value"))
            # public directory listing
            directory_settings = soup.find("select", {"name": "public_directory"})
            directory_value = directory_settings.find("option", {"selected": True})
            self._public_directory = str(directory_value.get("value"))
            # push2talk
            push2talk_setting = soup.find("select", {"name": "push2talk"})
            push2talk_value = push2talk_setting.find("option", {"selected": True})
            self._push2talk = str(push2talk_value.get("value"))
            # green room
            greenroom_setting = soup.find("select", {"name": "greenroom"})
            greenroom_value = greenroom_setting.find("option", {"selected": True})
            self._greenroom = str(greenroom_value.get("value"))
            # moderators
            moderators = soup.findAll("input", {"type": "hidden", "name": "mods[]"})
            if moderators:
                for mod in moderators:
                    mod_account = str(mod.get("value"))
                    if mod_account not in self.room_moderators:
예제 #30
def omdb_search(search):
    Query the OMDb API - https://omdbapi.com/
    :param search: Search term
    :return: Title, rating, and short description
    if str(search).strip():
        omdb_url = 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=%s&plot=short&r=json' % search
        response = web_request.get_request(omdb_url, json=True)

        if response:
                title = response['content']['Title']
                plot = response['content']['Plot']
                imdbid = response['content']['imdbID']
                imdbrating = response['content']['imdbRating']
                if len(plot) >= 160:
                    plot_parts = plot.split('.')
                    omdb_info = '*Title:* ' + title + '\nDetails: ' + plot_parts[0] + '\n*Rating: *' + imdbrating +\
                                '\n*More Info:*  http://www.imdb.com/title/' + imdbid
                    omdb_info = '*Title:* ' + title + '\n' + plot + '\n*Rating:*' + imdbrating +\
                                '\n*More Info:*  http://www.imdb.com/title/' + imdbid
                return omdb_info
            except KeyError:
                return None
            except IndexError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #31
def get_cauth_cookie(roomname, proxy=None):
    Find the cauth 'cookie' needed to make a successful connection.

    This is not really a cookie, but named so after its name in the json response.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str the 'cookie'
    ts = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth?room=%s&t=%s' % (roomname, str(ts))
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    # print 'in cauth'
    if json_data is not None:
            # Normal cauth cookie parsing
            if 'cookie' in json_data['content']:
                # print 'normal cookie data received'
                return json_data['content']['cookie']
                return None
        except Exception:
            # Handle abnormal response regarding the cauth cookie data to work by forcing a
            # text parse for the cauth cookie
            raw = json_data['content']
            # print 'abnormal cookie data received'
            # Credits to pinychat (NotNola)
            return raw.split('{"cookie":"')[1].split('"')[0]
예제 #32
def youtube_search(search):
    Searches the youtube API for a youtube video matching the search term.

    A json response of ~50 possible items matching the search term will be presented.
    Each video_id will then be checked by youtube_time() until a candidate has been found
    and the resulting dict can be returned.

    :param search: The search term str to search for.
    :return: dict['type=youtube', 'video_id', 'int(video_time)', 'video_title'] or None on error.

    if str(search).strip():
        youtube_search_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?' \
                             'type=video&key=AIzaSyCPQe4gGZuyVQ78zdqf9O5iEyfVLPaRwZg' \
                             '&maxResults=50&q=%s&part=snippet' % search

        response = web_request.get_request(youtube_search_url, json=True)

        if response['content'] is not None:
                for item in response['content']['items']:
                    video_id = item['id']['videoId']
                    video_title = item['snippet']['title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')

                    video_time = youtube_time(video_id)
                    if video_time is not None:
                        return {'type': 'youTube', 'video_id': video_id,
                                'video_time': video_time['video_time'], 'video_title': video_title}
            except KeyError:
                return None
        return None
예제 #33
 def _is_tc_account(account_name):
     Helper method to check if a user account is a valid account name.
     :param account_name: str the account name to check.
     :return: bool True if it is a valid account, False if invalid account
     url = "http://tinychat.com/api/tcinfo?username=%s" % account_name
     json_data = web_request.get_request(url=url, json=True)
     if json_data is not None and json_data["content"] is not None:
         if "error" not in json_data["content"]:
             return True
         return False
예제 #34
 def _is_tc_account(account_name):
     Helper method to check if a user account is a valid account name.
     :param account_name: str the account name to check.
     :return: bool True if it is a valid account, False if invalid account
     url = 'http://tinychat.com/api/tcinfo?username=%s' % account_name
     json_data = web_request.get_request(url=url, json=True)
     if json_data is not None and json_data['content'] is not None:
         if 'error' not in json_data['content']:
             return True
         return False
예제 #35
def chuck_norris():
    Finds a random Chuck Norris joke/quote.
    :return: joke str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random/?escape=javascript'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']['type'] == 'success':
        joke = json_data['content']['value']['joke'].decode('string_escape')
        return joke
        return None
예제 #36
def yo_mama_joke():
    Retrieves a random 'Yo Mama' joke from an API.
    :return: joke str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.yomomma.info/'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']:
        joke = json_data['content']['joke'].decode('string_escape')
        return joke
        return None
예제 #37
def online_advice():
    Retrieves a random string of advice from an API.
    :return: advice str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.adviceslip.com/advice'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']:
        advice = json_data['content']['slip']['advice'].decode('string_escape')
        return str(advice)
        return None
예제 #38
def online_advice():
    Retrieves a random string of advice from an API.
    :return: advice str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.adviceslip.com/advice'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']:
        advice = json_data['content']['slip']['advice'].decode('string_escape')
        return str(advice)
        return None
예제 #39
def yo_mama_joke():
    Retrieves a random 'Yo Mama' joke from an API.
    :return: joke str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.yomomma.info/'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']:
        joke = json_data['content']['joke'].decode('string_escape')
        return joke
        return None
예제 #40
def chuck_norris():
    Finds a random Chuck Norris joke/quote.

    :return: joke str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random/?escape=javascript'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']['type'] == 'success':
        joke = json_data['content']['value']['joke'].decode('string_escape')
        return joke
        return None
예제 #41
def one_liners(tag=None):
    Retrieves a one-liner from http://onelinefun.com/ (by choosing a random category).
    :param tag: str a specific tag name from which you want to choose a
                    joke from.
    :return: joke: str a one line joke/statement (depending on category).

    if BeautifulSoup is not None:
        url = "http://onelinefun.com/"
        if tag:
            joke_url = url + str(tag) + "/"
            global tags

            # Select a random tag from the list if one has not been provided
            joke_tag = random.randint(0, len(tags) - 1)
            joke_url = url + tags[joke_tag] + "/"

        raw = web_request.get_request(url=joke_url)
        if raw['status_code'] == 200:
            html = raw['content']
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
            jokes = soup.findAll("p")
            if jokes:
                all_jokes = []

                for x in xrange(len(jokes)):
                    individual_joke = unicodedata.normalize(
                        'NFKD', jokes[x].getText()).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

                if len(all_jokes) is not 0:
                    del all_jokes[0]
                    for x in range(6):
                        del all_jokes[len(all_jokes) - 1]

                    joke = str(all_jokes[random.randint(0,
                                                        len(all_jokes) - 1)])

                    return joke
                    return None
                return None
            return None
        return None
예제 #42
def chuck_norris():
    Finds a random Chuck Norris joke/quote from http://www.icndb.com/api/ .
    The API also has category specifications, i.e. categories are either "nerdy"/"explicit" set via webform "?limtTo".
    The character names can also be altered via passing the webform "?firstName=[name]" or "?lastName=[name]".
    :return: joke str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random/?escape=javascript'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']['type'] == 'success':
        joke = json_data['content']['value']['joke'].decode('string_escape')
        return joke
        return None
예제 #43
def get_captcha_key(roomname, uid, proxy=None):
    Find the captcha key needed before we can send messages in a room.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param uid: str the ID we have in the room.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str the captcha key or None on captcha enabled room.
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/api/captcha/check.php?room=tinychat^%s&guest_id=%s' % (roomname, uid)
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)

    if 'key' in json_data['content']:
        return json_data['content']['key']
        return None
예제 #44
def recaptcha(proxy=None):
    Check if we have to solve a captcha before we can connect.
    If yes, then it will open in the default browser.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: dict{'cookies'} this NOT used in the code , but are left here for debugging purpose.
    t = str(random.uniform(0.9, 0.10))
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/captcha?%s' % t
    response = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    if response['content']['need_to_solve_captcha'] == 1:
        link = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % response['content']['token']
        webbrowser.open(link, new=1)
        raw_input('Click enter to continue.')
    return response['cookies']
예제 #45
def chuck_norris():
    Finds a random Chuck Norris joke/quote from http://www.icndb.com/api/ .
    The API also has category specifications, i.e. categories are either "nerdy"/"explicit" set via webform "?limtTo".
    The character names can also be altered via passing the webform "?firstName=[name]" or "?lastName=[name]".
    :return: joke str or None on failure.

    url = 'http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random/?escape=javascript'
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True)
    if json_data['content']['type'] == 'success':
        joke = json_data['content']['value']['joke'].decode('string_escape')
        return joke
        return None
예제 #46
def youtube_playlist_videos(playlist_id):
    Finds the video info for a given playlist ID.

    The list returned will contain all the videos in the playlist;
    retrieves all video information using pageToken.
    :param playlist_id: str the playlist ID
    :return: list[dict{'type=youTube', 'video_id', 'video_title', 'video_time'}] or None on failure.
    playlist_details_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?' \
                           'key=%s&playlistId=%s' \
                           '&maxResults=50&part=contentDetails' % (YOUTUBE_API_KEY, playlist_id, )

    video_list = []
    start_token = True
    non_public = 0

    while start_token:
        api_response = web_request.get_request(playlist_details_url, json=True)
        if api_response is not None:
                pageToken = str(api_response['content']['nextPageToken'])
                playlist_details_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?' \
                                       'key=%s&playlistId=%s' \
                                       '&maxResults=50&part=status,contentDetails&pageToken=%s' % (YOUTUBE_API_KEY, playlist_id, pageToken, )
            except KeyError as ke:
                log.error(ke, exc_info=True)
                start_token = False

                for item in api_response['content']['items']:
                    if item['status']['privacyStatus'] != "public":
                        non_public += 1

                        video_id = item['contentDetails']['videoId']
                        # video_title = item['snippet']['title'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')

                        video_time = youtube_time(video_id)
                        if video_time is not None:
                            info = {'type': 'youTube', 'video_id': video_id,
                                    'video_title': video_time['video_title'], 'video_time': video_time['video_time']}
                            # print info['video_title']  # debug only
            except Exception as e:
    return video_list, non_public
예제 #47
def one_liners(tag=None):
    Retrieves a one-liner from http://onelinefun.com/ (by choosing a random category).
    :param tag: str a specific tag name from which you want to choose a
                    joke from.
    :return: joke: str a one line joke/statement (depending on category).

    if BeautifulSoup is not None:
        url = "http://onelinefun.com/"
        if tag:
            joke_url = url + str(tag) + "/"
            global tags

            # Select a random tag from the list if one has not been provided
            joke_tag = random.randint(0, len(tags) - 1)
            joke_url = url + tags[joke_tag] + "/"

        raw = web_request.get_request(url=joke_url)
        if raw['status_code'] == 200:
            html = raw['content']
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
            jokes = soup.findAll("p")
            if jokes:
                all_jokes = []

                for x in xrange(len(jokes)):
                    individual_joke = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', jokes[x].getText()).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

                if len(all_jokes) is not 0:
                    del all_jokes[0]
                    for x in range(6):
                        del all_jokes[len(all_jokes) - 1]

                    joke = str(all_jokes[random.randint(0, len(all_jokes) - 1)])

                    return joke
                    return None
                return None
            return None
        return None
예제 #48
def get_cauth_cookie(roomname, proxy=None):
    Find the cauth 'cookie' needed to make a successful connection.

    This is not really a cookie, but named so after its name in the json response.
    :param roomname: str the room name.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: str the 'cookie'
    ts = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth?room=%s&t=%s' % (roomname, str(ts))
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)

    if 'cookie' in json_data['content']:
        return json_data['content']['cookie']
        return None
예제 #49
def recaptcha(proxy=None):
    Check if we have to solve a captcha before we can connect.
    If yes, then it will open in the default browser.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: dict{'cookies'} this is NOT used in the code , but are left here for debugging purpose.
    t = str(random.uniform(0.9, 0.10))
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/captcha?%s' % t
    response = web_request.get_request(url, json=True, proxy=proxy)
    # print 'in recaptcha'
    if response is not None:
        # print response['content']
            # print 'normal recaptcha token retrieval'
            # Handle abnormal response regarding the recaptcha data to work by forcing a
            # text parse for the recaptcha information
            if response['content']['need_to_solve_captcha'] == 1:
                # print 'normal recaptcha token used'
                link = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % response[
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    webbrowser.open(link, new=1)
                    'Solve the captcha and hit enter to continue (OR hit enter to join anonymously).'
                # print 'normal recaptcha retrieval not used'
        except Exception:
            # print 'text recaptcha token retrieval'
            if '"need_to_solve_captcha":1' in response['content']:
                # print 'text recaptcha token used'
                # credits to pinychat (NotNola)
                token = response['content'].split('"token":"')[1].split('"')[0]
                link = 'http://tinychat.com/cauth/recaptcha?token=%s' % token
                if os.name == 'nt':
                    webbrowser.open(link, new=1)
                    'Solve the captcha and hit enter to continue (OR hit enter to join anonymously).'
                # print 'text recaptcha retrieval not used'
예제 #50
def get_roomconfig_xml(room, roompass=None, proxy=None):
    Finds room configuration for a given room name.
    :param room: str the room name to find info for.
    :param roompass: str the password to the room. Defaults to None.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: dict {'tcurl', 'ip', 'port', 'app', 'roomtype', 'greenroom=bool', 'roombroadcastpass'}
    if roompass:
        # TODO: api ---> apl
        xmlurl = 'http://api.tinychat.com/api/find.room/%s?site=tinychat&password=%s&url=tinychat.com' % \
                 (room, roompass)
        # TODO: api ---> apl
        xmlurl = 'http://api.tinychat.com/api/find.room/%s?site=tinychat&url=tinychat.com' % room

    web_content = web_request.get_request(xmlurl, proxy=proxy)
    if web_content is not None:
        xml = parseString(web_content['content'])

        root = xml.getElementsByTagName('response')[0]
        result = root.getAttribute('result')
        if result == 'PW':
            return result
            roomtype = root.getAttribute('roomtype')
            tc_url = root.getAttribute('rtmp')
            rtmp_parts = tc_url.split('/')
            app = rtmp_parts[3]
            ip_port_parts = rtmp_parts[2].split(':')
            ip = ip_port_parts[0]
            port = int(ip_port_parts[1])
            room_broadcast_pass = None

            if root.getAttribute('greenroom'):
                greenroom = True
                    room_broadcast_pass = root.getAttribute('bpassword')
                except Exception:
                greenroom = False

            return {'tcurl': tc_url, 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'app': app, 'roomtype': roomtype, \
                                'greenroom': greenroom, 'roombroadcastpass': room_broadcast_pass}
예제 #51
def get_roomconfig_xml(room, roompass=None, proxy=None):
    Finds room configuration for a given room name.
    :param room: str the room name to find info for.
    :param roompass: str the password to the room. Defaults to None.
    :param proxy: str use a proxy for this request.
    :return: dict {'tcurl', 'ip', 'port', 'app', 'roomtype', 'greenroom=bool', 'roombroadcastpass'}
    if roompass:
        # TODO: api ---> apl
        xmlurl = 'http://api.tinychat.com/api/find.room/%s?site=tinychat&password=%s&url=tinychat.com' % \
                 (room, roompass)
        # TODO: api ---> apl
        xmlurl = 'http://api.tinychat.com/api/find.room/%s?site=tinychat&url=tinychat.com' % room

    web_content = web_request.get_request(xmlurl, proxy=proxy)
    if web_content is not None:
        xml = parseString(web_content['content'])

        root = xml.getElementsByTagName('response')[0]
        result = root.getAttribute('result')
        if result == 'PW':
            return result
            roomtype = root.getAttribute('roomtype')
            tc_url = root.getAttribute('rtmp')
            rtmp_parts = tc_url.split('/')
            app = rtmp_parts[3]
            ip_port_parts = rtmp_parts[2].split(':')
            ip = ip_port_parts[0]
            port = int(ip_port_parts[1])
            room_broadcast_pass = None

            if root.getAttribute('greenroom'):
                greenroom = True
                    room_broadcast_pass = root.getAttribute('bpassword')
                except Exception:
                greenroom = False

            return {'tcurl': tc_url, 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'app': app, 'roomtype': roomtype, \
                                'greenroom': greenroom, 'roombroadcastpass': room_broadcast_pass}
예제 #52
def tinychat_user_info(tc_account):
    Finds info for a given tinychat account name.
    :param tc_account: str the account name.
    :return: dict {'username', 'tinychat_id', 'last_active'}
    xmlurl = 'http://tinychat.com/api/tcinfo?format=xml&username=%s' % tc_account
    web_content = web_request.get_request(xmlurl)
        xml = parseString(web_content['content'])
        root = xml.getElementsByTagName('result')[0]
        username = root.getAttribute('username')
        user_id = root.getAttribute('id')
        last_active = time.ctime(int(root.getAttribute('last_active')))

        return {'username': username, 'tinychat_id': user_id, 'last_active': last_active}
        return None
예제 #53
def tinychat_user_info(tc_account):
    Finds info for a given tinychat account name.
    :param tc_account: str the account name.
    :return: dict {'username', 'tinychat_id', 'last_active', 'name', 'location'}.
    url = 'http://tinychat.com/api/tcinfo?username=%s' % tc_account
    json_data = web_request.get_request(url=url, json=True)
    if json_data is not None:
            user_id = json_data['content']['id']
            username = json_data['content']['username']
            name = json_data['content']['name']
            location = json_data['content']['location']
            last_active = time.ctime(int(json_data['content']['last_active']))

            return {'username': username, 'tinychat_id': user_id, 'last_active': last_active,
                    'name': name, 'location': location}
        except KeyError:
            return None