예제 #1
    def start(self, num_processes=1):
        """Starts this server in the `.IOLoop`.

        By default, we run the server in this process and do not fork any
        additional child process.

        If num_processes is ``None`` or <= 0, we detect the number of cores
        available on this machine and fork that number of child
        processes. If num_processes is given and > 1, we fork that
        specific number of sub-processes.

        Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory
        between any server code.

        Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreload
        module (or the ``autoreload=True`` option to `webalchemy.tornado.web.Application`
        which defaults to True when ``debug=True``).
        When using multiple processes, no IOLoops can be created or
        referenced until after the call to ``TCPServer.start(n)``.
        assert not self._started
        self._started = True
        if num_processes != 1:
        sockets = self._pending_sockets
        self._pending_sockets = []
예제 #2
    def test_multi_process(self):
        # This test can't work on twisted because we use the global reactor
        # and have no way to get it back into a sane state after the fork.
        with ExpectLog(gen_log, "(Starting .* processes|child .* exited|uncaught exception)"):
            sock, port = bind_unused_port()

            def get_url(path):
                return "" % (port, path)

            # ensure that none of these processes live too long
            signal.alarm(5)  # master process
                id = fork_processes(3, max_restarts=3)
                self.assertTrue(id is not None)
                signal.alarm(5)  # child processes
            except SystemExit as e:
                # if we exit cleanly from fork_processes, all the child processes
                # finished with status 0
                self.assertEqual(e.code, 0)
                self.assertTrue(task_id() is None)
                if id in (0, 1):
                    self.assertEqual(id, task_id())
                    server = HTTPServer(self.get_app())
                elif id == 2:
                    self.assertEqual(id, task_id())
                    # Always use SimpleAsyncHTTPClient here; the curl
                    # version appears to get confused sometimes if the
                    # connection gets closed before it's had a chance to
                    # switch from writing mode to reading mode.
                    client = HTTPClient(SimpleAsyncHTTPClient)

                    def fetch(url, fail_ok=False):
                            return client.fetch(get_url(url))
                        except HTTPError as e:
                            if not (fail_ok and e.code == 599):

                    # Make two processes exit abnormally
                    fetch("/?exit=2", fail_ok=True)
                    fetch("/?exit=3", fail_ok=True)

                    # They've been restarted, so a new fetch will work

                    # Now the same with signals
                    # Disabled because on the mac a process dying with a signal
                    # can trigger an "Application exited abnormally; send error
                    # report to Apple?" prompt.
                    # fetch("/?signal=%d" % signal.SIGTERM, fail_ok=True)
                    # fetch("/?signal=%d" % signal.SIGABRT, fail_ok=True)
                    # int(fetch("/").body)

                    # Now kill them normally so they won't be restarted
                    fetch("/?exit=0", fail_ok=True)
                    # One process left; watch it's pid change
                    pid = int(fetch("/").body)
                    fetch("/?exit=4", fail_ok=True)
                    pid2 = int(fetch("/").body)
                    self.assertNotEqual(pid, pid2)

                    # Kill the last one so we shut down cleanly
                    fetch("/?exit=0", fail_ok=True)

            except Exception:
                logging.error("exception in child process %d", id, exc_info=True)