def subset(): key = session["key"] entity = json.loads(key) touch(entity["file_spec"]) dobj = Dobject(entity) choices = list() no = 0 for key in dobj.keys: choices.append((no, key)) no += 1 form = Subset() form.attributes.choices = choices if form.validate_on_submit(): columns = r_start = r_end = df = dobj.subset(columns, r_start, r_end) table = dobject.get_head(df, 20) with open(dobj.file_path + "/subset.tbl", "w") as f: f.write(table) head = f"{Config.HOST}/subset_head" return render_template("subset.html", df=df, h=head) else: = 0 = dobj.rows return render_template("subset_form.html", form=form, dobj=dobj)
def head(): key = session.get("key") entity = json.loads(key) touch(entity["file_spec"]) dobj = Dobject(entity) table = dobj.head return render_template("table.html", table=table)
def info(): key = session["key"] entity = json.loads(key) touch(entity["file_spec"]) dobj = Dobject(entity) head = f"{Config.HOST}/head" stats = f"{Config.HOST}/stats" return render_template("info.html", h=head, s=stats, dobj=dobj)
def subset_head(): key = session.get("key") entity = json.loads(key) touch(entity["file_spec"]) dobj = Dobject(entity) file_path = dobj.file_path with open(file_path + "/subset.tbl", "r") as f: table = return render_template("table.html", table=table)
def download(): key = session.get("key") entity = json.loads(key) touch(entity["file_spec"]) dobj = Dobject(entity) file_path = dobj.file_path + "/subset.csv" return send_file( file_path, mimetype="text/csv", as_attachment=True, attachment_filename="subset.csv", )
def plot(): key = session["key"] entity = json.loads(key) touch(entity["file_spec"]) dobj = Dobject(entity) choices = list() no = 0 for key in dobj.keys: choices.append((no, key)) no += 1 form = Plot() form.x_attr.choices = choices form.y_attr.choices = choices if form.validate_on_submit(): x_attr = date_x = y_attr = df = dobj.plot([x_attr, y_attr], date_x) file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".html" file_spec = Config.ROOT_DIR + "/static/" + file_name dplot.plot_xy(df, date_x, file_spec) return render_template("plot.html", f=file_name) else: return render_template("plot_form.html", form=form, dobj=dobj)
def index(purl: str = None): if purl is not None: if purl == "favicon.ico": return '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="about:blank">' r = requests.get(purl) if r.status_code == file_name = get_file_name(r.headers) file_path = purl[8:] table = r.text file_spec = datatable.write(file_path, file_name, table) key = ( f'{{"file_spec": "{file_spec}", "file_name": "{file_name}", ' f'"purl": "{purl}"}}' ) session["key"] = key entity = json.loads(key) dobj = Dobject(entity) head = f"{Config.HOST}/head" stats = f"{Config.HOST}/stats" return render_template("info.html", h=head, s=stats, dobj=dobj) else: return f"Data not found at URL: {purl}", 404 return "No data link provided in request!", 400
def keys(): file_spec = session.get("key") dobj = Dobject(file_spec) k = dobj.keys return render_template("keys.html", keys=k)