def plot_sys_tree(system, outfile=None, fmt='pdf'): """ Generate a plot of the system tree and bring it up in a browser. (requires graphviz). Args ---- system : `System` Starting node of the System tree to be plotted. outfile : str, optional Name of the output file. Default is 'system_tree.<fmt>' fmt : str, optional Format for the plot file. Any format accepted by dot should work. Default is 'pdf'. """ if outfile is None: outfile = 'system_tree.'+fmt dotfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0]+'.dot' _write_system_dot(system, dotfile) os.system("dot -T%s -o %s %s" % (fmt, outfile, dotfile)) if sys.platform == 'darwin': os.system('open %s' % outfile) else: webbrowser.get().open(outfile) try: os.remove(dotfile) except: pass
def start(self): # Create a web server and define the handler to manage the incoming # request self._sserver = ThreadedHTTPServer((self._address, self._sport), self._gui, self._auth, self._multiple_instance, self._enable_file_cache, self._update_interval, self._websocket_timeout_timer_ms, self._pending_messages_queue_length, self._title, self, self._certfile, self._keyfile, self._ssl_version, *self._userdata) shost, sport = self._sserver.socket.getsockname()[:2]'Started httpserver http://%s:%s/'%(shost,sport)) # when listening on multiple net interfaces the browsers connects to localhost if shost == '': shost = '' self._base_address = 'http://%s:%s/' % (shost,sport) if self._start_browser: try: import android except ImportError: # use default browser instead of always forcing IE on Windows if == 'nt': webbrowser.get('windows-default').open(self._base_address) else: self._sth = threading.Thread(target=self._sserver.serve_forever) self._sth.daemon = False self._sth.start()
def plot(L, scale=4, dot_size = 3, browser=None): """ plot takes a list of points, optionally a scale (relative to a 200x200 frame), optionally a dot size (diameter) in pixels, and optionally a browser name. It produces an html file with SVG representing the given plot, and opens the file in a web browser. It returns nothing. """ scalar = 200./scale origin = (210, 210) hpath = create_temp('.html') with open(hpath, 'w') as h: h.writelines( ['<!DOCTYPE html>\n' ,'<head>\n' ,'<title>plot</title>\n' ,'</head>\n' ,'<body>\n' ,'<svg height="420" width=420 xmlns="">\n' ,'<line x1="0" y1="210" x2="420" y2="210"' ,'style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n' ,'<line x1="210" y1="0" x2="210" y2="420"' ,'style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n']) for pt in L: if isinstance(pt, Number): x,y = pt.real, pt.imag else: if isinstance(pt, tuple) or isinstance(pt, list): x,y = pt else: raise ValueError h.writelines(['<circle cx="%d" cy="%d" r="%d" fill="red"/>\n' % (origin[0]+scalar*x,origin[1]-scalar*y,dot_size)]) h.writelines(['</svg>\n</body>\n</html>']) if browser is None: browser = _browser webbrowser.get(browser).open('file://%s' % hpath)
def VisualizeToHTML(self): var_nodes = ',\n'.join( [" {{id: {}, label: '{}', group: '{}'}}".format(,, node.type) #.type[1:-1] for node in self.tree.GetAllNodes()]) var_edges = ',\n'.join( [" {{from: {}, to: {}}}".format(str(i), str(j)) for (i, j) in self.tree.GetAllEdges()]) code = '<html>\n<head>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/vis/dist/vis.js"></script>\n' \ '<link href="lib/vis/dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />\n\n<style type="text/css">' \ '\n\t#mynetwork {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tborder: 1px solid lightgray;\n\t}\n</style>' \ '\n</head>\n<body>\n<div id="mynetwork"></div>\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\nvar nodes = new vis.DataSet([\n' + \ var_nodes + '\n\t\t]);\n\n\t\tvar edges = new vis.DataSet([\n' + var_edges + \ '\n\t\t]);\n\n// create a network\nvar container = document.getElementById(\'mynetwork\');' + \ '\nvar data = {\nnodes: nodes,\nedges: edges\n};\nvar options = {\n\t\tnodes: {\n\t\t\tfont: {size: 10},' + \ '\n\t\t\tborderWidth: 0.3,\n\t\t\tborderWidthSelected: 0.5,\n\t\t\tcolor: {background:\'#F0F5FA\'},\n\t\t\tshape: ' + \ '\'dot\',\n\t\t\tsize: 10\n\t\t},\n\t\tedges: {\n\t\t\twidth: 0.5,\n\t\t\tarrows: {\n\t\t\t\tto: {\n\t\t\t\t\tenabled: ' + \ 'true,\n\t\t\t\t\tscaleFactor: 0.3\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tselectionWidth: 0.5\n\t\t},\n\t\tgroups: {\n\t\t\ti: ' + \ '{\n\t\t\t\tcolor: {background:\'#fddddd\'},\n\t\t\t\tedges: {dashes:true}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tc: {\n\t\t\t\tcolor: ' + \ '{background:\'#c7e3f9\'},\n\t\t\t\tshape: \'dot\',\n\t\t\t\tsize: 10\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\ta: {\n\t\t\t\tcolor: {\n\t\t\t\t' + \ '\tbackground:\'#f5fafe\',\n\t\t\t\t\topacity: 0.5\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\te: {\n\t\t\t\tcolor: {background:\'#e6eeee\'},' + \ '\n\t\t\t\tshape: \'dot\',\n\t\t\t\tsize: 10\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\nvar network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);' + \ '\n</script>\n\n<script src="../googleAnalytics.js"></script>\n</body>\n</html>\n\t\t' html_file_name = 'treee.html' with c_open(html_file_name, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: f.write(code) try: webbrowser.get('windows-default').open('file://{}'.format(os.path.abspath(html_file_name))) except Exception:'file://{}'.format(os.path.abspath(html_file_name))) '''
def plot_line(L, scale=10, dot_size = 3, browser=None): """ plot takes a list of points, optionally a scale (relative to a 200x200 frame), optionally a dot size (diameter) in pixels, and optionally a browser name. It produces an html file with SVG representing the given plot, and opens the file in a web browser. It returns nothing. """ scalar = 200./scale # origin = (210, 210) origin = 210 hpath = create_temp('.html') with open(hpath, 'w') as h: h.writelines( ['<!DOCTYPE html>\n' ,'<head>\n' ,'<title>plot</title>\n' ,'</head>\n' ,'<body>\n' ,'<svg height="420" width=420 xmlns="">\n' ,'<line x1="0" y1="210" x2="420" y2="210"' ,'style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n' ,'<line x1="210" y1="0" x2="210" y2="420"' ,'style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n']) for line in L: pt1, pt2 = line x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2 h.writelines(['<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n' % (origin+x1*scalar,origin-y1*scalar,origin+x2*scalar,origin-y2*scalar)]) h.writelines(['</svg>\n</body>\n</html>']) if browser is None: browser = _browser webbrowser.get(browser).open('file://%s' % hpath)
def start(self): ip = self.ip if self.ip else '[all ip addresses on your system]' proto = 'https' if self.certfile else 'http' info = info("The IPython Notebook is running at: %s://%s:%i%s" % (proto, ip, self.port,self.base_project_url) ) info("Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels.") if self.open_browser: ip = self.ip or '' if self.browser: browser = webbrowser.get(self.browser) else: browser = webbrowser.get() if self.file_to_run: filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.file_to_run)) for nb in self.notebook_manager.list_notebooks(): if filename == nb['name']: url = nb['notebook_id'] break else: url = '' else: url = '' b = lambda :"%s://%s:%i%s%s" % (proto, ip, self.port, self.base_project_url, url), new=2) threading.Thread(target=b).start() try: ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except KeyboardInterrupt: info("Interrupted...") finally: self.cleanup_kernels()
def show(self, browser=None): scalar = 200./10 # origin = (210, 210) dot_size = 3 origin = 210 hpath = create_temp('.html') with open(hpath, 'w') as h: h.writelines( ['<!DOCTYPE html>\n' ,'<head>\n' ,'<title>plot</title>\n' ,'</head>\n' ,'<body>\n' ,'<svg height="420" width=420 xmlns="">\n' ,'<line x1="0" y1="210" x2="420" y2="210"' ,'style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n' ,'<line x1="210" y1="0" x2="210" y2="420"' ,'style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>\n']) for line in self.lines: pt1, pt2 = self.lines[line][0] c = self.lines[line][1] x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2 h.writelines(['<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="stroke:%s";stroke-width:2"/>\n' % (origin+x1*scalar,origin-y1*scalar,origin+x2*scalar,origin-y2*scalar,c)]) for pts in self.points: pt = self.points[pts] x,y = pt h.writelines(['<circle cx="%d" cy="%d" r="%d" fill="red"/>\n' % (origin+scalar*x,origin-scalar*y,dot_size)]) h.writelines(['</svg>\n</body>\n</html>']) if browser is None: browser = _browser webbrowser.get(browser).open('file://%s' % hpath)
def helpdesk(): """Open the NEST helpdesk in browser. Use the system default browser. KEYWORDS: info """ if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 8): print("The NEST helpdesk is only available with Python 2.7.8 or " "later. \n") return if 'NEST_DOC_DIR' not in os.environ: print( 'NEST help needs to know where NEST is installed.' 'Please source or define NEST_DOC_DIR manually.') return helpfile = os.path.join(os.environ['NEST_DOC_DIR'], 'help', 'helpindex.html') # Under Windows systems is incomplete # See <> if sys.platform[:3] == "win": os.startfile(helpfile) # Under MacOs we need to ask for the browser explicitly. # See <>. if sys.platform[:3] == "dar": webbrowser.get('safari').open_new(helpfile) else: webbrowser.open_new(helpfile)
def run(self): # Create a new manager object self.manager = BrowserManager() # Save the changes to the browser self.manager.saveFile() print "File saved\n" self.browserList = ["Internet Explorer", "FireFox", "Chrome", "Opera", "Safari"] self.window.show_quick_panel(self.browserList, None) print sublime.platform() # Get the domain to open for title, domain in self.manager.getDomainConfig().items(): if self.manager.getSelectedDomain() == domain: url = domain + self.window.active_view().file_name()[16:len(self.window.active_view().file_name())] # Check to see if the file can be displayed in the browser if self.window.active_view().file_name().endswith(self.manager.getExtList()): if sublime.platform() == "windows": webbrowser.get('windows-default').open(url) else: else: print "\nThis is not a browsable file\n"
def prefs(self): daemon = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:7080/") try: daemon.is_running() webbrowser.get('safari').open("lbry://settings") except: rumps.notification(title='LBRY', subtitle='', message="Couldn't connect to lbrynet daemon", sound=True)
def show_plot(): l = get_csv() f = len(l)-1 value = [] pro = [] for r in range(0, 20): print l[r] value.append(l[r][1]) pro.append(l[r][0]) # 写入json data = {} data["categories"] = pro data["data"] = value j = json.dumps(data) print j with open('./html/data.js', 'wb') as f: co = 'var c=' + j f.write(co) # 写入图片 ''' pos = np.arange(len(value)), value, color=getColors(value), alpha=1) ''' # 打开网页 webbrowser.get('C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe %s').open('../html/py.html')
def main(): try: buildServer = run_local_build_server() while not is_build_server_running(): print "[build server] BOOTING" print "[build server] ONLINE" appInventor = start_appinventor() while not is_app_inventor_running(): print "[app inventor] BOOTING" print "[app inventor] ONLINE" print "[app inventor] OPENING" try: browser = webbrowser.get("chrome") except webbrowser.Error: try: webbrowser.register("firefox", None, webbrowser.GenericBrowser(os.environ["ProgramFiles"] + r"\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"), 1) browser = webbrowser.get("firefox") except webbrowser.Error: browser = webbrowser.get()"http://localhost:8888/_ah/login?continue=http://localhost:8888/") except Exception as e: print type(e) print e finally: taskkill( taskkill(
def start(self, *userdata): # here the websocket is started on an ephemereal port self._wsserver = ThreadedWebsocketServer((self._address, 0), WebSocketsHandler, self._multiple_instance) wshost, wsport = self._wsserver.socket.getsockname()[:2] debug_message('Started websocket server %s:%s' % (wshost, wsport)) self._wsth = threading.Thread(target=self._wsserver.serve_forever) self._wsth.daemon = True self._wsth.start() # Create a web server and define the handler to manage the incoming # request self._sserver = ThreadedHTTPServer((self._address, self._sport), self._gui, (wshost, wsport), self._multiple_instance, self._enable_file_cache, self._update_interval, *userdata) shost, sport = self._sserver.socket.getsockname()[:2] # when listening on multiple net interfaces the browsers connects to localhost if shost == '': shost = '' base_address = 'http://%s:%s/' % (shost,sport) debug_message('Started httpserver %s' % base_address) if self._start_browser: try: import android except: # use default browser instead of always forcing IE on Windows if == 'nt': webbrowser.get('windows-default').open(base_address) else: self._sth = threading.Thread(target=self._sserver.serve_forever) self._sth.daemon = True self._sth.start()
def play(self): self.start_time = time() """ Add game name to database after it's been started at least once """ does_it_exist = dbase.execute("SELECT Name FROM games WHERE Name = '%s'" % self.game_name).fetchone() if does_it_exist is None: database.execute("INSERT INTO games (Name,Timewatched,AltName) VALUES ('%s',0,NULL)" % self.game_name) """ For conky output - Populate the miscellaneous table with the display name and start time """ database.execute("INSERT INTO miscellaneous (Name,Value) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (self.display_name, self.start_time)) database.commit() if self.show_chat is True: try: webbrowser.get('chromium').open_new('--app=' % self.final_selection) except: webbrowser.open_new('' % self.final_selection) if self.channel_name_if_vod is None: print(' ' + Colors.WHITE + self.display_name + Colors.ENDC + ' | ' + Colors.WHITE + self.stream_quality.title() + Colors.ENDC) player_final = Options.player_final + ' --title ' + self.display_name.replace(' ', '') self.args_to_subprocess = "livestreamer'{0}' '{1}' --player '{2}' --hls-segment-threads 3 --http-header Client-ID=guulhcvqo9djhuyhb2vi56wqnglc351".format(self.final_selection, self.stream_quality, player_final) else: print(' ' + Colors.WHITE + self.display_name + ': ' + self.video_title_if_vod + Colors.ENDC + ' | ' + Colors.WHITE + self.stream_quality.title() + Colors.ENDC) player_final = Options.player_final + ' --title ' + self.display_name self.args_to_subprocess = "livestreamer '{0}' '{1}' --player '{2}' --hls-segment-threads 3 --player-passthrough=hls --http-header Client-ID=guulhcvqo9djhuyhb2vi56wqnglc351".format(self.final_selection, self.stream_quality, player_final) self.args_to_subprocess = shlex.split(self.args_to_subprocess) self.livestreamer_process = subprocess.Popen(self.args_to_subprocess, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def uriToBrowser(uri=None): ''' Method that launches the URI in the default browser of the system. This returns no new entity. :param uri: uri to open. ''' # Temporally deactivating standard ouptut and error: # Source: <> # Cloning stdout (1) and stderr (2) savout1 = os.dup(1) savout2 = os.dup(2) # Closing them os.close(1) os.close(2), os.O_RDWR) try: # Opening the Tor URI using proxy if ".onion" in uri: wb.get().open(uri.replace(".onion", ""), new=2) else: wb.get().open(uri, new=2) finally: # Reopening them... os.dup2(savout1, 1) os.dup2(savout2, 2)
def set_config(): """Set optional API keys, browser, and bookmarks in CONFIG.""" for key, val in iteritems(read_config()): CONFIG[key] = val if 'browser' in CONFIG and CONFIG['browser'] != 'Automatically detected': try: CONFIG['browser_obj'] = webbrowser.get(CONFIG['browser']) return except webbrowser.Error as err: sys.stderr.write('{} at {}\n'.format(str(err), CONFIG['browser'])) CONFIG['browser_obj'] = None pass except IndexError: CONFIG['browser_obj'] = None pass # If no valid browser found then use webbrowser to automatically detect one try: supported_platforms = {'win32': 'windows-default', 'cygwin': 'cygstart', 'darwin': 'macosx'} if sys.platform not in supported_platforms: browser_name = 'Automatically detected' browser_obj = webbrowser.get() else: browser_name = supported_platforms[sys.platform] if browser_name == 'cygstart': # Cygwin requires us to register browser type (or export BROWSER='cygstart') webbrowser.register(browser_name, None, webbrowser.GenericBrowser(browser_name)) browser_obj = webbrowser.get(browser_name) CONFIG['browser'] = browser_name CONFIG['browser_obj'] = browser_obj except webbrowser.Error: pass
def resource_usage(self, address=None, port=None, browser=None): import webbrowser from mozbuild.html_build_viewer import BuildViewerServer last = self._get_state_filename("build_resources.json") if not os.path.exists(last): print( "Build resources not available. If you have performed a " "build and receive this message, the psutil Python package " "likely failed to initialize properly." ) return 1 server = BuildViewerServer(address, port) server.add_resource_json_file("last", last) try: webbrowser.get(browser).open_new_tab(server.url) except Exception: print("Cannot get browser specified, trying the default instead.") try: browser = webbrowser.get().open_new_tab(server.url) except Exception: print("Please open %s in a browser." % server.url) print("Hit CTRL+c to stop server.")
def main(): # configure server static_dirs = PELICAN_SETTINGS['STATIC_PATHS'] + [PELICAN_SETTINGS['THEME']] config = { '/' + static_dir: { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, static_dir)} for static_dir in static_dirs} cherrypy.config.update({'engine.autoreload.on': False}) if not DEBUG: cherrypy.config.update({'log.screen': False}) cherrypy.tree.mount(CherrypyServer(), '/', config=config) # configure observer global OBSERVER OBSERVER = PausingObserver() OBSERVER.schedule(PelicanUpdater(), PELICAN_PATH, recursive=True) # start threads cherrypy.engine.start() OBSERVER.start() if BROWSER: webbrowser.get(BROWSER).open('') # control loop while True: try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: break # teardown OBSERVER.stop() os._exit(0)
def main(): url_path = 'http://merlin.hrm.local/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=15370' # url_path = 'http://merlin/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa' if len(sys.argv) > 1: url_path = JIRA_PATH + sys.argv[1] webbrowser.get(WEBBROWSER).open_new_tab(url_path)
def ScrapeRangeWeekly(keyword, startmonth, startyear, endmonth, endyear): months = 11-startmonth + (endyear - startyear - 1)*12 + endmonth print 'Scraping weekly data from '+month_list[startmonth-1]+' '+str(startyear)+' to '+month_list[endmonth-1]+' '+str(endyear) URL_start = "" URL_end = "&cmpt=q&content=1&export=1" queries = keyword[0] if len(keyword) > 1: queries_list = [] for i in range(0,len(keyword)): queries_list.append(keyword[i]) queries = '%20'.join(queries_list) date = '&date='+str(startmonth)+'%2F'+str(startyear)+'%20'+str(months)+'m' URL = URL_start+queries+date+URL_end print(URL) # webbrowser.get('safari').open(URL) time.sleep(7) oldname = path+'/'+'report.csv' newname = path+'/'+'weekly_data.csv' os.rename(oldname,newname) shutil.move(newname,path+'/'+scrapings_dir)
def ScrapeTwoMonths(keyword, country, region, city, year, startmonth): print 'Scraping '+month_list[startmonth-1]+' and '+month_list[startmonth]+' in '+str(year) URL_start = "" URL_end = "&cmpt=q&content=1&export=1" # Geographic restrictions if country is not None: geo = "&geo=" geo = geo + country if region is not None: geo = geo + "-" + region queries = keyword[0] #keyword is a list if len(keyword) > 1: queries_list = [] for i in range(0,len(keyword)): queries_list.append(keyword[i]) queries = '%20'.join(queries_list) date = '&date='+str(startmonth)+'%2F'+str(year)+'%202m' URL = URL_start+queries+ geo + date+URL_end print(URL) # webbrowser.get('safari').open(URL)
def launch_browser(port,preferred_browser=None): ''' try to use preferred browser if specified, fall back to default ''' url = 'http://localhost:'+str(port) print 'Opening URL in browser: '+url+' (pid='+str(os.getpid())+')' # webbrowser doesn't know about chrome, so try to find it (this is for win7) if preferred_browser and preferred_browser.lower() == 'chrome': USERPROFILE = os.getenv("USERPROFILE") if USERPROFILE: CHROMEPATH = USERPROFILE+'\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' if os.path.isfile(CHROMEPATH): preferred_browser = CHROMEPATH.replace('\\','\\\\')+' --app=%s' # try to get preferred browser, fall back to default if preferred_browser: try: browser = webbrowser.get(preferred_browser); except: print "Couldn't get preferred browser ("+preferred_browser+"), using default..." browser = webbrowser.get() else: browser = webbrowser.get() # open new browser window (may open in a tab depending on user preferences, etc.) if browser:,1,True) print "Opened in", else: print "Couldn't launch browser: "+str(browser)
def treeherder(ui, repo, tree=None, rev=None, **opts): """Open Treeherder showing build status for the specified revision. The command receives a tree name and a revision to query. The tree is required because a revision/changeset may existing in multiple repositories. """ if not tree: raise util.Abort('A tree must be specified.') if not rev: raise util.Abort('A revision must be specified.') tree, repo_url = resolve_trees_to_uris([tree])[0] if not repo_url: raise util.Abort("Don't know about tree: %s" % tree) r = MercurialRepository(repo_url) node = repo[rev].hex() push = r.push_info_for_changeset(node) if not push: raise util.Abort("Could not find push info for changeset %s" % node) push_node = push.last_node url = treeherder_url(tree, push_node[0:12]) import webbrowser webbrowser.get('firefox').open(url)
def launchBrowser(): # wait for server to start starting... while not serverStarted: time.sleep(0.001) # wait for server to finish starting time.sleep(1.0) # search for port in server's config file serverPort = DEFAULT_PORT with open("server.cfg", 'r') as f: contents = position = string.find(contents, "port=") if position != -1: position += 5 portStr = contents[position:].split()[0] try: serverPort = int(portStr) except: serverPort = DEFAULT_PORT # open the web browser (Firefox in Linux, user's preferred on Windows) if == "posix": # will return default system's browser if Firefox is not installed controller = webbrowser.get('Firefox') else: controller = webbrowser.get('windows-default') url = "http://localhost" if serverPort != 80: url += ":" + str(serverPort) controller.open_new_tab(url)
def callback(self, index): if index == -1: return command = self.cmds[index] self.view.run_command(command) if protocol and command == 'xdebug_listen': url = get_project_setting('url') if url: webbrowser.get(browser).open(url + '?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=sublime.xdebug') else: sublime.status_message('Xdebug: No URL defined in project settings file.') global original_layout global debug_view window = sublime.active_window() original_layout = window.get_layout() debug_view = window.active_view() window.set_layout({ "cols": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], "rows": [0.0, 0.7, 1.0], "cells": [[0, 0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2]] }) if command == 'xdebug_clear': url = get_project_setting('url') if url: webbrowser.get(browser).open(url + '?XDEBUG_SESSION_STOP=sublime.xdebug') else: sublime.status_message('Xdebug: No URL defined in project settings file.') window = sublime.active_window() window.run_command('hide_panel', {"panel": 'output.xdebug_inspect'}) window.set_layout(original_layout)
def keypress(self, size, key): if key in {'down', 'n', 'N'}: self.answer_text.next_ans() elif key in {'up', 'b', 'B'}: self.answer_text.prev_ans() elif key in {'o', 'O'}: import webbrowser if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): browser = webbrowser.get('safari') else: browser = webbrowser.get() print_warning("Opening in your browser...") elif key == 'left': global question_post global question_page question_post = None if question_page is None: sys.exit(0) else: LOOP.widget = question_page elif key == 'window resize': screenHeight, screenWidth = subprocess.check_output(['stty', 'size']).split() if self.screenHeight != screenHeight: self._invalidate() answer_frame = self.makeFrame( urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, answer_frame)
def open_url(self, url): # It looks like the maximum URL length is about 2k. I can't # seem to find the exact value if len(url) > 2047: url = url[:2047] try: webbrowser.get("windows-default").open_new(url) except: logging.warn("Error opening URL: %r\n%s", url, traceback.format_exc()) recommendURL = app.config.get(prefs.RECOMMEND_URL) if url.startswith(app.config.get(prefs.VIDEOBOMB_URL)): title = _('Error Bombing Item') elif url.startswith(recommendURL): title = _('Error Recommending Item') else: title = _("Error Opening Website") scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url) shortURL = '%s:%s%s' % (scheme, host, path) msg = _( "There was an error opening %(url)s. Please try again in a few " "seconds", {"url": shortURL} ) dialogs.show_message(title, msg, dialogs.WARNING_MESSAGE)
def pwned_edi(): data=read_pw(target, port) if data != None: data=data[365:377] pw=data.strip("\x00") webbrowser.get("/Applications/ %s" ).open('http://*****:*****@'+target+'/index.asp') else: print "Socket timeOut or not Vulnerable"
def callbackLookup(self, sender=None): lookupThese = [] if self.currentSelection: if len(self.currentSelection)!=1: return for glyph in self.currentSelection: lookupThese.append(glyph) url = self.lookupURL + urlencode(dict(s=",".join([a.asU() for a in lookupThese]))) webbrowser.get().open(url)
def test_get(self): webbrowser = support.import_fresh_module('webbrowser') self.assertIsNone(webbrowser._tryorder) self.assertFalse(webbrowser._browsers) with self.assertRaises(webbrowser.Error): webbrowser.get('fakebrowser') self.assertIsNotNone(webbrowser._tryorder)
def action_go1(): wb.get().open_new("")
def action_go2(): wb.get().open_new("")
def labworks(): webbrowser.get(using=None).open_new_tab('')
def html_open(name): data_path = path() new_cwd = os.chdir(data_path) data_path = data_path + name chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open_new(data_path)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=8008) parser.add_argument('--server', action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() http_server = HTTPServer(application) # if connecting over SSH, then require server mode if ('SSH_CONNECTION' in os.environ or 'SSH_CLIENT' in os.environ) and not args.server: print('SSH connection detected; using --server') args.server = True # TODO: password.... if args.server: ip = '' else: ip = 'localhost' # based on notebook/ success = False for port in range(args.port, args.port + 10): try: http_server.listen(port, ip) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: print('The port %i is already in use, trying another port.' % port) continue elif e.errno in (errno.EACCES, getattr(errno, 'WSAEACCES', errno.EACCES)): print("Permission to listen on port %i denied" % port) continue else: raise else: success = True break if not success: print('ERROR: the notebook server could not be started because ' 'no available port could be found.') sys.exit(1) global PORT PORT = port if args.server: print('Serving from:') ip_addresses = get_ip_addresses() for ip in ip_addresses: print(' http://%s:%d' % (ip, port)) else: url = 'http://%s:%d' % (ip, port) print('Opening browser at:', url) try: browser = webbrowser.get(None) except webbrowser.Error as e: browser = None if browser: b = lambda:, new=2) threading.Thread(target=b).start() # allows unbuffered() in parent process to catch ctrl-c on Windows # def ping(): print('ping-%#@($') tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(ping, 1000).start() tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
engine.say('The available sizes are') engine.say(SIZE) with sr.Microphone() as source: print('Say Something!') engine.say('Are you bored! Want to have a look at different shirts?') engine.runAndWait() audio = r.listen(source) print('Done!') try: text = r.recognize_google(audio) print('You said:\n' + text) if('yes' in text ): wb.get(chrome_path).open('') engine.say('Here are your shirts! Happy shopping!') engine.runAndWait() elif ('no' in text): engine.say('So you want to look at a specific shirt to buy!') engine.runAndWait() with sr.Microphone() as source: audio = r.listen(source) try: text1 = r.recognize_google(audio) if ('yes' in text1): engine.say('Then please tell me what do you want to buy and also specify the price criteria if needed')
def assistant(command): if 'open gmail' in command: chrome_path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' url = '' webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url) elif 'what\'s up' in command: TalkToMe('i am great, wassup with you.') elif "what time is it" in data: speak(ctime()) elif "where is" in data: data = data.split(" ") location = data[2] speak("Hold on, I will show you where " + location + " is.") os.system("chromium-browser" + location + "/&") elif 'send email' in command: TalkToMe('who do you want to send ?') recipiant = myCommand() if '<RECIEVER NAME>' in recipiant: TalkToMe('what should i say') content = myCommand() #init gmail SMTP mail = smtplib.SMTP('',587) #identify to server mail.ehlo() #encrypt session mail.starttls() #login using gmail mail.login('<SENDER'S EMAIL ID>', '<SENDER'S EMAIL PASSWORD') #send mail mail.sendmail('<RECIEVER NAME>', '<RECIEVER EMAIL ID>'.content) #close connection mail.colse() TalkToMe('EMAIL SENT') elif 'joke' in command: res = requests.get( '', headers={"Accept":"application/json"} ) if res.status_code == talkToMe(str(res.json()['joke'])) else: talkToMe('oops!I ran out of jokes') elif 'current weather in' in command: reg_ex ='current weather in (.*)', command) if reg_ex: city = weather = Weather() location = weather.lookup_by_location(city) condition = location.condition() talkToMe('The Current weather in %s is %s The tempeture is %.1f degree' % (city, condition.text(), (int(condition.temp())-32)/1.8)) elif 'weather forecast in' in command: reg_ex ='weather forecast in (.*)', command) if reg_ex: city = weather = Weather() location = weather.lookup_by_location(city) forecasts = location.forecast() for i in range(0,3): talkToMe('On %s will it %s. The maximum temperture will be %.1f degree.' 'The lowest temperature will be %.1f degrees.' % (forecasts[i].date(), forecasts[i].text(), (int(forecasts[i].high())-32)/1.8, (int(forecasts[i].low())-32)/1.8))
def duck(): webbrowser.get(using=None).open_new_tab('')
def respond(voice_data): # 1: greeting if there_exists(['hey', 'hi', 'hello']): greetings = [ f"hey, how can I help you {}", f"hey, what's up? {}", f"I'm listening {}", f"how can I help you? {}", f"hello {}" ] greet = greetings[random.randint(0, len(greetings) - 1)] speak(greet) # 2: name if there_exists( ["what is your name", "what's your name", "tell me your name"]): if speak("my name is Amon") else: speak("my name is Amon. what's your name?") if there_exists(["my name is"]): person_name = voice_data.split("is")[-1].strip() speak(f"okay, i will remember that {person_name}") person_obj.setName(person_name) # remember name in person object # 3: greeting if there_exists(["how are you", "how are you doing"]): speak(f"I'm very well, thanks for asking {}") # 4: time if there_exists(["what's the time", "tell me the time", "what time is it"]): time = ctime().split(" ")[3].split(":")[0:2] if time[0] == "00": hours = '12' else: hours = time[0] minutes = time[1] time = f'{hours} {minutes}' speak(time) # 5: search google if there_exists(["search for"]) and 'youtube' not in voice_data: search_term = voice_data.split("for")[-1] url = f"{search_term}" webbrowser.get().open(url) speak(f'Here is what I found for {search_term} on google') # 6: search youtube if there_exists(["youtube"]): search_term = voice_data.split("for")[-1] url = f"{search_term}" webbrowser.get().open(url) speak(f'Here is what I found for {search_term} on youtube') # 7: get stock price if there_exists(["price of"]): search_term = voice_data.lower().split(" of ")[-1].strip( ) #strip removes whitespace after/before a term in string stocks = { "apple": "AAPL", "microsoft": "MSFT", "facebook": "FB", "tesla": "TSLA", "bitcoin": "BTC-USD" } try: stock = stocks[search_term] stock = yf.Ticker(stock) price =["regularMarketPrice"] speak( f'price of {search_term} is {price} {["currency"]} {}' ) except: speak('oops, something went wrong') if there_exists(["exit", "quit", "goodbye"]): speak("going offline") exit()
def google(): webbrowser.get(using=None).open_new_tab('')
def mainframe(): """Logic for execution task based on query""" SR.scrollable_text_clearing() greet() query_for_future = None try: while (True): query = SR.takeCommand().lower( ) #converted the command in lower case of ease of matching #wikipedia search if there_exists(['search wikipedia for', 'from wikipedia'], query): SR.speak("Searching wikipedia...") if 'search wikipedia for' in query: query = query.replace('search wikipedia for', '') results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) SR.speak("According to wikipedia:\n") SR.speak(results) elif 'from wikipedia' in query: query = query.replace('from wikipedia', '') results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) SR.speak("According to wikipedia:\n") SR.speak(results) elif there_exists(['wikipedia'], query): SR.speak("Searching wikipedia....") query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) SR.speak("According to wikipedia:\n") SR.speak(results) #jokes elif there_exists([ 'tell me joke', 'tell me a joke', 'tell me some jokes', 'i would like to hear some jokes', "i'd like to hear some jokes", 'can you please tell me some jokes', 'i want to hear a joke', 'i want to hear some jokes', 'please tell me some jokes', 'would like to hear some jokes', 'tell me more jokes' ], query): SR.speak(pyjokes.get_joke(language="en", category="all")) query_for_future = query elif there_exists([ 'one more', 'one more please', 'tell me more', 'i would like to hear more of them', 'once more', 'once again', 'more', 'again' ], query) and (query_for_future is not None): SR.speak(pyjokes.get_joke(language="en", category="all")) #asking for name elif there_exists([ "what is your name", "what's your name", "tell me your name", 'who are you' ], query): SR.speak("My name is Heisenberg and I'm here to serve you.") #How are you elif there_exists(['how are you'], query): conn = sqlite3.connect('Heisenberg.db') mycursor = conn.cursor() mycursor.execute('select sentences from howareyou') result = mycursor.fetchall() temporary_data = random.choice(result)[0] SR.updating_ST_No_newline(temporary_data + '😃\n') SR.nonPrintSpeak(temporary_data) conn.close() #what is my name elif there_exists([ 'what is my name', 'tell me my name', "i don't remember my name" ], query): SR.speak("Your name is " + str(getpass.getuser())) #calendar elif there_exists(['show me calendar', 'display calendar'], query): SR.updating_ST(calendar.calendar(2021)) #google, youtube and location #playing on youtube elif there_exists(['open youtube and play', 'on youtube'], query): if 'on youtube' in query: SR.speak("Opening youtube") pywhatkit.playonyt(query.replace('on youtube', '')) else: SR.speak("Opening youtube") pywhatkit.playonyt( query.replace('open youtube and play ', '')) break elif there_exists([ 'play some songs on youtube', 'i would like to listen some music', 'i would like to listen some songs', 'play songs on youtube' ], query): SR.speak("Opening youtube") pywhatkit.playonyt('play random songs') break elif there_exists(['open youtube', 'access youtube'], query): SR.speak("Opening youtube") webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open("") break elif there_exists(['open google and search', 'google and search'], query): url = '' + query[query.find('for' ) + 4:] webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url) break #image search elif there_exists( ['show me images of', 'images of', 'display images'], query): url = "" + query[ query.find('of') + 3:] webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url) break elif there_exists([ 'search for', 'do a little searching for', 'show me results for', 'show me result for', 'start searching for' ], query): SR.speak("Searching.....") if 'search for' in query: SR.speak( f"Showing results for {query.replace('search for','')}" )'search for', '')) elif 'do a little searching for' in query: SR.speak( f"Showing results for {query.replace('do a little searching for','')}" ) query.replace('do a little searching for', '')) elif 'show me results for' in query: SR.speak( f"Showing results for {query.replace('show me results for','')}" ) pywhatkit(query.replace('show me results for', '')) elif 'start searching for' in query: SR.speak( f"Showing results for {query.replace('start searching for','')}" ) pywhatkit(query.replace('start searching for', '')) break elif there_exists(['open google'], query): SR.speak("Opening google") webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open("") break elif there_exists([ 'find location of', 'show location of', 'find location for', 'show location for' ], query): if 'of' in query: url = '' + query[ query.find('of') + 3:] + '/&' webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url) break elif 'for' in query: url = '' + query[ query.find('for') + 4:] + '/&' webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url) break elif there_exists([ "what is my exact location", "What is my location", "my current location", "exact current location" ], query): url = "" webbrowser.get().open(url) SR.speak("Showing your current location on google maps...") break elif there_exists(["where am i"], query): Ip_info = requests.get( '').json() loc = Ip_info['region'] SR.speak(f"You must be somewhere in {loc}") #who is searcing mode elif there_exists([ 'who is', 'who the heck is', 'who the hell is', 'who is this' ], query): query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=1) SR.speak("According to wikipdedia: ") SR.speak(results) #play music elif there_exists([ 'play music', 'play some music for me', 'like to listen some music' ], query): SR.speak("Playing musics") music_dir = 'D:\\Musics\\vishal' songs = os.listdir(music_dir) # print(songs) indx = random.randint(0, 50) os.startfile(os.path.join(music_dir, songs[indx])) break # top 5 news elif there_exists([ 'top 5 news', 'top five news', 'listen some news', 'news of today' ], query): news = Annex.News(scrollable_text) #whatsapp message elif there_exists([ 'open whatsapp messeaging', 'send a whatsapp message', 'send whatsapp message', 'please send a whatsapp message' ], query): whatsapp = Annex.WhatsApp(scrollable_text) whatsapp.send() del whatsapp #what is meant by elif there_exists(['what is meant by', 'what is mean by'], query): results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) SR.speak("According to wikipedia:\n") SR.speak(results) #taking photo elif there_exists([ 'take a photo', 'take a selfie', 'take my photo', 'take photo', 'take selfie', 'one photo please', 'click a photo' ], query): takephoto = Location = takephoto.takePhoto() os.startfile(Location) del takephoto SR.speak("Captured picture is stored in Camera folder.") #bluetooth file sharing elif there_exists([ 'send some files through bluetooth', 'send file through bluetooth', 'bluetooth sharing', 'bluetooth file sharing', 'open bluetooth' ], query): SR.speak("Opening bluetooth...") os.startfile(r"C:\Windows\System32\fsquirt.exe") break #play game elif there_exists([ 'would like to play some games', 'play some games', 'would like to play some game', 'want to play some games', 'want to play game', 'want to play games', 'play games', 'open games', 'play game', 'open game' ], query): SR.speak("We have 2 games right now.\n") SR.updating_ST_No_newline('1.') SR.speak("Stone Paper Scissor") SR.updating_ST_No_newline('2.') SR.speak("Snake") SR.speak("\nTell us your choice:") while (True): query = SR.takeCommand().lower() if ('stone' in query) or ('paper' in query): SR.speak("Opening stone paper scissor...") sps = Annex.StonePaperScissor() sps.start(scrollable_text) break elif ('snake' in query): SR.speak("Opening snake game...") import Snake Snake.start() break else: SR.speak( "It did not match the option that we have. \nPlease say it again." ) #makig note elif there_exists([ 'make a note', 'take note', 'take a note', 'note it down', 'make note', 'remember this as note', 'open notepad and write' ], query): SR.speak("What would you like to write down?") data = SR.takeCommand() n = Annex.note() n.Note(data) SR.speak("I have a made a note of that.") break #flipping coin elif there_exists(["toss a coin", "flip a coin", "toss"], query): moves = ["head", "tails"] cmove = random.choice(moves) playsound.playsound('quarter spin flac.mp3') SR.speak("It's " + cmove) #time and date elif there_exists(['the time'], query): strTime ="%H:%M:%S") SR.speak(f"Sir, the time is {strTime}") elif there_exists(['the date'], query): strDay ="%B %d, %Y") SR.speak(f"Today is {strDay}") elif there_exists([ 'what day it is', 'what day is today', 'which day is today', "today's day name please" ], query): SR.speak(f"Today is {'%A')}") #opening software applications elif there_exists(['open chrome'], query): SR.speak("Opening chrome") os.startfile( r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' ) break elif there_exists([ 'open notepad plus plus', 'open notepad++', 'open notepad ++' ], query): SR.speak('Opening notepad++') os.startfile(r'C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe') break elif there_exists(['open notepad', 'start notepad'], query): SR.speak('Opening notepad') os.startfile(r'C:\Windows\notepad.exe') break elif there_exists([ 'open ms paint', 'open mspaint', 'open microsoft paint', 'start microsoft paint', 'start ms paint' ], query): SR.speak("Opening Microsoft paint....") os.startfile('C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe') break elif there_exists([ 'show me performance of my system', 'open performance monitor', 'performance monitor', 'performance of my computer', 'performance of this computer' ], query): os.startfile("C:\Windows\System32\perfmon.exe") break elif there_exists( ['open snipping tool', 'snipping tool', 'start snipping tool'], query): SR.speak("Opening snipping tool....") os.startfile("C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe") break elif there_exists( ['open code', 'open visual studio ', 'open vs code'], query): SR.speak("Opeining vs code") codepath = r"C:\Users\Vishal\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" os.startfile(codepath) break elif there_exists([ 'open file manager', 'file manager', 'open my computer', 'my computer', 'open file explorer', 'file explorer', 'open this pc', 'this pc' ], query): SR.speak("Opening File Explorer") os.startfile("C:\Windows\explorer.exe") break elif there_exists(['powershell'], query): SR.speak("Opening powershell") os.startfile( r'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' ) break elif there_exists([ 'cmd', 'command prompt', 'command prom', 'commandpromt', ], query): SR.speak("Opening command prompt") os.startfile(r'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe') break elif there_exists(['open whatsapp'], query): SR.speak("Opening whatsApp") os.startfile( r'C:\Users\Vishal\AppData\Local\WhatsApp\WhatsApp.exe') break elif there_exists([ 'open settings', 'open control panel', 'open this computer setting Window', 'open computer setting Window', 'open computer settings', 'open setting', 'show me settings', 'open my computer settings' ], query): SR.speak("Opening settings...") os.startfile('C:\Windows\System32\control.exe') break elif there_exists([ 'open your setting', 'open your settings', 'open settiing window', 'show me setting window', 'open voice assistant settings' ], query): SR.speak("Opening my Setting window..") sett_wind = Annex.SettingWindow() sett_wind.settingWindow(root) break elif there_exists(['open vlc', 'vlc media player', 'vlc player'], query): SR.speak("Opening VLC media player") os.startfile(r"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe") break #password generator elif there_exists([ 'suggest me a password', 'password suggestion', 'i want a password' ], query): m3 = Annex.PasswordGenerator() m3.givePSWD(scrollable_text) del m3 #screeshot elif there_exists([ 'take screenshot', 'take a screenshot', 'screenshot please', 'capture my screen' ], query): SR.speak("Taking screenshot") SS = Annex.screenshot() SS.takeSS() SR.speak('Captured screenshot is saved in Screenshots folder.') del SS #voice recorder elif there_exists( ['record my voice', 'start voice recorder', 'voice recorder'], query): VR = Annex.VoiceRecorer() VR.Record(scrollable_text) del VR #text to speech conversion elif there_exists(['text to speech', 'convert my notes to voice'], query): SR.speak("Opening Text to Speech mode") TS = Annex.TextSpeech() del TS #weather report elif there_exists(['weather report', 'temperature'], query): Weather = Annex.Weather() #shutting down system elif there_exists([ 'exit', 'quit', 'shutdown', 'shut up', 'goodbye', 'shut down' ], query): SR.speak("shutting down") sys.exit() elif there_exists(['none'], query): pass elif there_exists([ 'stop the flow', 'stop the execution', 'halt', 'halt the process', 'stop the process', 'stop listening', 'stop the listening' ], query): SR.speak("Listening halted.") break #it will give online results for the query elif there_exists([ 'search something for me', 'to do a little search', 'search mode', 'i want to search something' ], query): SR.speak('What you want me to search for?') query = SR.takeCommand() SR.speak(f"Showing results for {query}") try: res = app.query(query) SR.speak(next(res.results).text) except: print( "Sorry, but there is a little problem while fetching the result." ) #what is the capital elif there_exists( ['what is the capital of', 'capital of', 'capital city of'], query): try: res = app.query(query) SR.speak(next(res.results).text) except: print( "Sorry, but there is a little problem while fetching the result." ) elif there_exists(['temperature'], query): try: res = app.query(query) SR.speak(next(res.results).text) except: print("Internet Connection Error") elif there_exists([ '+', '-', '*', 'x', '/', 'plus', 'add', 'minus', 'subtract', 'divide', 'multiply', 'divided', 'multiplied' ], query): try: res = app.query(query) SR.speak(next(res.results).text) except: print("Internet Connection Error") else: SR.speak( "Sorry it did not match with any commands that i'm registered with. Please say it again." ) except Exception as e: pass
def youtube(): webbrowser.get(using=None).open_new_tab('')
def youtube(textToSearch): query = urllib.parse.quote(textToSearch) url = "" + query webbrowser.get('chrome').open_new_tab(url)
def _open_browser(): webbrowser.get().open('http://%s:%s/%s' % (ip, port, file_path))
elif 'send email' in query: try: speak("What is the message ?") content = takeCommand() speak(content) to = '*****@*****.**' # Email to which mail has to be sent send_Email(to, content) speak("Email has been sent successfully! ") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("There was an error sending the email !") elif 'open website in chrome' in query: speak("Which website should i open ? ") search = takeCommand().lower() wb.get(chrome_path).open_new_tab(search + ".com") elif 'open youtube in chrome' in query: wb.get(chrome_path).open_new_tab('') elif 'open google in chrome' in query: wb.get(chrome_path).open_new_tab('') elif 'open stack overflow in chrome' in query: wb.get(chrome_path).open_new_tab('') elif 'search in chrome' in query: speak('What do you want to search for?') search = takeCommand() url = '' + search wb.get(chrome_path).open_new_tab(url)
import webbrowser import time text = clipboard.get_selection() time.sleep(0.01) site = "" + text + ".php" webbrowser.get('google-chrome').open_new_tab(site)
def mymain(): wishme() while True: query = takeCommand().lower() if "time" in query: time() elif "date" in query: date() elif 'wikipedia' in query: speak("Searching.....") query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") result = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) print(result) speak(result) elif 'send email' in query: try: speak('what should I say?') content = takeCommand() to = '' sendEmail(to, content) speak("Email Has been sent!") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("Unable To Send Your Email Try again") elif "search in web" in query: speak("what should I search ?") path = 'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe' search = takeCommand().lower() wb.register('firefox', None, wb.BackgroundBrowser(path)) wb.get('firefox').open_new_tab('https://www.' + search + '.com') speak("opening Firefox") elif "how are you" in query: speak("I'm Fine My Friend Thank You..") elif "your name" in query: speak("My Name is Ninja...") elif "your job" in query: speak( "I'm personal assistance....assists you with their daily personal tasks" ) elif "my name" in query: speak("Your name is omar... the developer who create me..") elif "human" in query: speak("No I'm Nothing.... I'm AI System") elif "log out" in query: os.system("shutdown -l") speak("Signing Out") quit() elif "shut down" in query: os.system("shutdown /s /t 1") speak("Shutdown Computer") quit() elif "restart" in query: os.system("shutdown /r /t 1") speak("restart Computer") quit() elif "play songs" in query: songs_dir = "F:\\Audio" songs = os.listdir(songs_dir) os.startfile(os.path.join(songs_dir, songs[0])) speak("Opening musics") elif "remember" in query: speak("What should i remember?") data = takeCommand().strip().upper() speak("you said me to remember" + data) r = open('gui\\data.txt', 'w') r.write(str(data)) r.close() elif "reminder" in query: r = open('gui\\data.txt', 'r') speak("you said me to remind you about.." + elif "screenshot" in query: screenShoot() speak("Screenshot Saved..") elif ("cpu") in query: cpu() elif ("battery") in query: cpu() elif ("joke") in query: jokes() elif "go to hell" in query: speak("Goodbye My Friend... see you again soon...") quit()
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import webbrowser import time print("start" + time.ctime()) count = 0 firefoxPath = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe' webbrowser.register('Firefox', None, webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(firefoxPath)) webbrowser.get('Firefox').open('', new=1, autoraise=True) while (count < 3): time.sleep(5)"")"") webbrowser.get('Firefox').open_new_tab( '') count = count + 1 # chromePath = r'你的浏览器目录' # 例如我的:C:\***\***\***\***\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe # webbrowser.register('chrome', None, webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(chromePath)) #这里的'chrome'可以用其它任意名字,如chrome111,这里将想打开的浏览器保存到'chrome' # webbrowser.get('chrome').open('',new=1,autoraise=True)
# USEFUL JARVIS ============================================================================================================= BRAIN 2 if ('wi-fi') in message: REMOTE_SERVER = "" speekmodule.wifi() rand = ['We are connected'] speekmodule.speek(rand, n, mixer) if ('.com') in message: rand = ['Opening' + message] Chrome = ( "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s" ) speekmodule.speek(rand, n, mixer) webbrowser.get(Chrome).open('http://www.' + message) print('') if ('google maps') in message: query = message stopwords = ['google', 'maps'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) Chrome = ( "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s" ) webbrowser.get(Chrome).open("" + result + "/")
def action_go3(): wb.get().open_new("")
def can_open_url(self): try: webbrowser.get() return True except webbrowser.Error: return False
def Habr(): webbrowser.get(using=None).open_new_tab('')
#opens several google search requests import requests, sys, webbrowser, bs4 print('Googling...') # display text while downloading the Google page res = requests.get('' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) res.raise_for_status() # TODO: Retrieve top search result links. soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text) # TODO: Open a browser tab for each result. linkElems ='.r a') numOpen = min(5, len(linkElems)) for i in range(numOpen): webbrowser.get('chrome').open('' + linkElems[i].get('href'))
if word is None: break in_text += ' ' + word if word == 'end': break return in_text #path = 'Flicker8k_Dataset/111537222_07e56d5a30.jpg' max_length = 32 tokenizer = load(open("tokenizer.p", "rb")) model = load_model('models/model_9.h5') xception_model = Xception(include_top=False, pooling="avg") photo = extract_features(img_path, xception_model) img = description = generate_desc(model, tokenizer, photo, max_length) print("\n\n") print(description) plt.imshow(img) description += '.' find = RemoveBannedWords(description, bannedWord) print(find) chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' url = "{}".format(find) webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url)
def __call__(self, a): print("Opening URl: " + self.url) webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(self.url)
with sr.Microphone() as source: print('[search edureka:search youtube]') print('speak now') audio = r3.listen(source) if 'edureka' in r2.recognize_google(audio): r2 = sr.Recognizer() url = '' with sr.Microphone() as source: print('search your query') audio = r2.listen(source) try: get = r2.recognize_google(audio) print(get) wb.get().open_new(url + get) except sr.UnknownValueError: print('error') except sr.RequestError as e: print('failed'.format(e)) if 'video' in r1.recognize_google(audio): r1 = sr.Recognizer() url = '' with sr.Microphone() as source: print('search your query') audio = r1.listen(source) try: get = r1.recognize_google(audio) print(get)
import mlfinlab.filters.filters as filters import mlfinlab.labeling.labeling as labeling import mlfinlab.features.fracdiff as fracdiff import mlfinlab.sample_weights as sample_weights import mlfinlab.sampling as sampling import mlfinlab.bet_sizing as bet_sizing import mlfinlab.util as util import mlfinlab.structural_breaks as structural_breaks import mlfinlab.feature_importance as feature_importance import mlfinlab.ensemble as ensemble import mlfinlab.portfolio_optimization as portfolio_optimization import mlfinlab.clustering as clustering # Sponsorship notification try: webbrowser.get('google-chrome').open_new( '') except webbrowser.Error as error: try: webbrowser.get('firefox').open_new( '') except webbrowser.Error as error: try: webbrowser.get('windows-default').open_new( '') except webbrowser.Error as error: print( 'Support us on Patreon:') print() print() print(
def submit(args: 'argparse.Namespace') -> None: # guess url history = onlinejudge._implementation.download_history.DownloadHistory() if args.file.parent.resolve() == pathlib.Path.cwd(): guessed_urls = history.get() else: log.warning( 'cannot guess URL since the given file is not in the current directory' ) guessed_urls = [] if args.url is None: if len(guessed_urls) == 1: args.url = guessed_urls[0]'guessed problem: %s', args.url) else: log.error('failed to guess the URL to submit')'please manually specify URL as: $ oj submit URL FILE') sys.exit(1) # parse url problem = onlinejudge.dispatch.problem_from_url(args.url) if problem is None: sys.exit(1) # read code with'rb') as fh: code = # type: bytes format_config = { 'dos2unix': args.format_dos2unix or, 'rstrip': args.format_dos2unix or, } code = format_code(code, **format_config) # report code'code (%d byte):', len(code)) log.emit( utils.make_pretty_large_file_content(code, limit=30, head=10, tail=10, bold=True)) with utils.with_cookiejar(utils.new_session_with_our_user_agent(), path=args.cookie) as sess: # guess or select language ids language_dict = { for language in problem.get_available_languages(session=sess) } # type: Dict[LanguageId, str] matched_lang_ids = None # type: Optional[List[str]] if args.language in language_dict: matched_lang_ids = [args.language] else: if args.guess: kwargs = { 'language_dict': language_dict, 'cxx_latest': args.guess_cxx_latest, 'cxx_compiler': args.guess_cxx_compiler, 'python_version': args.guess_python_version, 'python_interpreter': args.guess_python_interpreter, } matched_lang_ids = guess_lang_ids_of_file( args.file, code, **kwargs) if not matched_lang_ids:'failed to guess languages from the file name') matched_lang_ids = list(language_dict.keys()) if args.language is not None: 'you can use `--no-guess` option if you want to do an unusual submission' ) matched_lang_ids = select_ids_of_matched_languages( args.language.split(), matched_lang_ids, language_dict=language_dict) else: if args.language is None: matched_lang_ids = None else: matched_lang_ids = select_ids_of_matched_languages( args.language.split(), list(language_dict.keys()), language_dict=language_dict) # report selected language ids if matched_lang_ids is not None and len(matched_lang_ids) == 1: args.language = matched_lang_ids[0]'chosen language: %s (%s)', args.language, language_dict[LanguageId(args.language)]) else: if matched_lang_ids is None: log.error('language is unknown')'supported languages are:') elif len(matched_lang_ids) == 0: log.error('no languages are matched')'supported languages are:') else: log.error('Matched languages were not narrowed down to one.')'You have to choose:') for lang_id in sorted(matched_lang_ids or language_dict.keys()): log.emit('%s (%s)', lang_id, language_dict[LanguageId(lang_id)]) sys.exit(1) # confirm guessed_unmatch = ([problem.get_url()] != guessed_urls) if guessed_unmatch: samples_text = ('samples of "{}'.format('", "'.join(guessed_urls)) if guessed_urls else 'no samples') log.warning( 'the problem "%s" is specified to submit, but %s were downloaded in this directory. this may be mis-operation', problem.get_url(), samples_text) if args.wait: log.status('sleep(%.2f)', args.wait) time.sleep(args.wait) if not args.yes: if guessed_unmatch: problem_id = problem.get_url().rstrip('/').split( '/')[-1].split('?')[-1] # this is too ad-hoc key = problem_id[:3] + (problem_id[-1] if len(problem_id) >= 4 else '') sys.stdout.write('Are you sure? Please type "{}" '.format(key)) sys.stdout.flush() c = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() if c != key:'terminated.') return else: sys.stdout.write('Are you sure? [y/N] ') sys.stdout.flush() c = if c.lower() != 'y':'terminated.') return # submit try: submission = problem.submit_code(code, language_id=LanguageId( args.language), session=sess) except NotLoggedInError: log.failure('login required') sys.exit(1) except SubmissionError: log.failure('submission failed') sys.exit(1) # show result if browser = webbrowser.get() log.status('open the submission page with browser') opened = browser.open_new_tab(submission.get_url()) if not opened: log.failure( 'failed to open the url. please set the $BROWSER envvar')
def mpt(): webbrowser.get(using=None).open_new_tab("")
speak("According to Wikipedia") print(results) speak(results) except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError as e: s = random.choice(e.options) print(s) speak(s) except wikipedia.exceptions.WikipediaException as e: print('Search not include, try again wikipedia and your search') else: continue if 'search' in query: search = takeCommand('what do you want to search {}?') url = '' + search webbrowser.get().open(url) print('here is what i found for/t' + search) if 'find location for' in query: location = takeCommand('what is the location') url = ''+ location + '/&' webbrowser.get().open(url) print(f"here is the location of/t" + location) elif "open facebook" in query: webbrowser.open_new_tab("") print("Facebook is open now") speak("Facebook is open now") elif 'news' in query: