예제 #1
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = True
        f = wid.fields

        project = f.project
        package = f.package
        gated_project = f.gated_project

        if not project or not gated_project:
            wid.result = True

        # events for official projects that are gated get diverted to a side project
        prjobj = get_or_none(Project, name=gated_project, obs__apiurl=self.obs.apiurl)
        if prjobj and prjobj.gated:
            webhook = get_or_none(WebHookMapping, pk=f.pk)
            actions = [{"action" : "submit", "src_project" : project, "src_package" : package,
                        "tgt_project" : gated_project, "tgt_package" : package}]
            description = "%s @ %s" % (webhook.tag or webhook.rev_or_head, str(webhook))
            comment = ""
            result = self.obs.createRequest(options_list=actions, description=description, comment=comment, supersede=True, opt_sourceupdate="cleanup")

            if not result:
                raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong while creating project %s" % project)

        wid.result = True
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields

        project = f.project
        package = f.package
        gated_project = f.gated_project

        if not project or not gated_project:
            print "Nothing to do, no project or gated_project in the fields"
            wid.result = True

        # events for official projects that are gated get diverted to a side
        # project
        prjobj = Project.get_matching(gated_project, self.obs.apiurl)
        if prjobj and prjobj.gated:
            webhook = get_or_none(WebHookMapping, pk=f.pk)
            actions = [{
                "action": "submit",
                "src_project": project,
                "src_package": package,
                "tgt_project": gated_project,
                "tgt_package": package
            description = "%s @ %s" % (webhook.tag
                                       or webhook.rev_or_head, str(webhook))
            comment = ""
            print "Requesting actions: %s\ndesc: %s" % (actions, description)
            result = self.obs.createRequest(options_list=actions,

            if not result:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Something went wrong while creating project %s" % project)

            print "Created submit request from %s/%s to %s/%s : %s" % (
                project, package, gated_project, package, description)
            print "No gated Project matching gated_project: %s" % (
        wid.result = True
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = False
        f = wid.fields

        project = f.project
        package = f.package
        gated_project = f.gated_project

        if not project or not gated_project:
            print "Nothing to do, no project or gated_project in the fields"
            wid.result = True

        # events for official projects that are gated get diverted to a side
        # project
        prjobj = Project.get_matching(gated_project, self.obs.apiurl)
        if prjobj and prjobj.gated:
            webhook = get_or_none(WebHookMapping, pk=f.pk)
            actions = [
                {"action": "submit", "src_project": project, "src_package": package,
                 "tgt_project": gated_project, "tgt_package": package}]
            description = "%s @ %s" % (
                webhook.tag or webhook.rev_or_head, str(webhook))
            comment = ""
            print "Requesting actions: %s\ndesc: %s" % (actions, description)
                result = self.obs.createRequest(
                    options_list=actions, description=description,
                    comment=comment, supersede=True,
            except HTTPError as e:
                print "%s\n%s" % (e, e.read())
                result = None

            if not result:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Something went wrong while creating project %s" % project)

            print "Created submit request from %s/%s to %s/%s : %s" % (project, package, gated_project, package, description)
            print "No gated Project matching gated_project: %s" % (gated_project)
        wid.result = True
class ParticipantHandler(BuildServiceParticipant):
    """ Participant class as defined by the SkyNET API """
    def handle_wi_control(self, ctrl):
        """ job control thread """

    def handle_lifecycle_control(self, ctrl):
        """ participant control thread """
        if ctrl.message == "start":

    def setup_config(self, config):
        :param config: ConfigParser instance with the bugzilla configuration
        self.bzs = parse_bz_config(config)
        # If there are any auth errors in the config, find out now.
        for bzconfig in self.bzs.values():

    def get_repolinks(self, wid, project):
        """Get a description of the repositories to link to.
           Returns a dictionary where the repository names are keys
           and the values are lists of architectures."""
        exclude_repos = wid.fields.exclude_repos or []
        exclude_archs = wid.fields.exclude_archs or []

        repolinks = {}
        prjmeta = etree.fromstring(self.obs.getProjectMeta(project))

        for repoelem in prjmeta.findall('repository'):
            repo = repoelem.get('name')
            if repo in exclude_repos:
            repolinks[repo] = []
            for archelem in repoelem.findall('arch'):
                arch = archelem.text
                if arch in exclude_archs:
                if arch == "armv8el" and not "armv7hl" in repo:
                if arch == "i586" and not "i486" in repo:
            if not repolinks[repo]:
                del repolinks[repo]
        return repolinks

    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = True
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = p.project or f.project
        package = p.package or f.package
        # Prime the maintainer list with the current obs user
        maintainers = [self.obs.getUserName()]
        linked_projects = []
        repos = []
        paths = []
        repolinks = {}
        build = True
        create = False
        mechanism = "localdep"
        block = "all"
        linked_project = None
        summary = ""
        desc = ""
        if not project:
            # TODO: deduce project name from "official" mappings of the same repo
            # for now just short circuit here
            wid.result = True
            print "No project given. Continuing"

        # events for official projects that are gated get diverted to a side
        # project
        prjobj = Project.get_matching(project, self.obs.apiurl)
        if prjobj and prjobj.gated:
            print "%s is gated" % prjobj
            linked_project = project
            f.gated_project = project
            project += ":gate:%s" % package
            f.project = project
            summary = "Gate entry for %s" % package
            desc = summary
            mechanism = "off"
            block = "local"
            create = True

        project_list = self.obs.getProjectList()
        # if project in project_list:
        # project already exists, don't do anything
        #    return

        prj_parts = project.split(":")
        if prj_parts[0] == "home" and len(prj_parts) > 1:
            if project not in project_list:
                create = True
            # TODO: construct repos and build paths for a devel build

        if len(prj_parts) >= 3 and prj_parts[-3] == "feature":
            linked_project = ":".join(prj_parts[0:-3])
            fea = "%s#%s" % (prj_parts[-2], prj_parts[-1])
            # Go through each bugzilla we support
            for (bugzillaname, bugzilla) in self.bzs.iteritems():
                for match in bugzilla['compiled_re'].finditer(fea):
                        summary = bugzilla['interface'].bug_get(
                            match.group('key'), 0)['summary']
                        desc = bugzilla['interface'].comment_get(
                            match.group('key'), 0)['text']
                    except BugzillaError, error:
                        if error.code == 101:
                            print "Bug %s not found" % bugnum
            if project not in project_list:
                create = True

        if linked_project and linked_project in project_list:
            repolinks.update(self.get_repolinks(wid, linked_project))

        if create:
            if not repolinks:
                # Creating a project with no repos makes no sense
                # as we are only doing this to perform a test build
                # It is debatable that we could want to create
                # projects that have no repos to build against but
                # there have been real-world issues where such
                # projects are not properly detected and reported by
                # the workflow.
                # If this participant is developed to be a general
                # purpose create_project then existing usage should be
                # audited.
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "No suitable repos found in %s (must contain an arch in the name)"
                    % project)

            result = self.obs.createProject(project,

            if not result:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Something went wrong while creating project %s" % project)
            print "Created project %s" % project
            print "Didn't need to create project %s" % project

        wid.result = True

                project, package, get_or_none(LastSeenRevision,
        except Exception, exc:
            print "Ignoring exception: %s" % exc
예제 #5
    def handle_wi(self, wid):
        """ Workitem handling function """
        wid.result = True
        f = wid.fields
        p = wid.params

        project = p.project or f.project
        package = p.package or f.package
        maintainers = []
        links = []
        repos = []
        paths = []
        repolinks = {}
        build = True
        create = False
        mechanism = "localdep"
        block = "all"
        link = None
        summary = ""
        desc = ""
        if not project:
            #TODO: deduce project name from "official" mappings of the same repo
            # for now just short circuit here
            wid.result = True

        # events for official projects that are gated get diverted to a side project
        prjobj = get_or_none(Project, name=project, obs__apiurl=self.obs.apiurl)
        if prjobj and prjobj.gated:
            print(prjobj, "is gated")
            link = project
            f.gated_project = project
            project += ":gate:%s" % package
            f.project = project
            summary = "Gate entry for %s" % package
            desc = summary
            mechanism = "off"
            block = "local"
            create = True

        project_list = self.obs.getProjectList()
        #if project in project_list:
            # project already exists, don't do anything
        #    return

        prj_parts = project.split(":")
        if prj_parts[0] == "home" and len(prj_parts) > 1:
            if project not in project_list: create = True
            #TODO: construct repos and build paths for a devel build

        if len(prj_parts) >= 3 and prj_parts[-3] == "feature":
            link = ":".join(prj_parts[0:-3])
            fea = "%s#%s" % (prj_parts[-2], prj_parts[-1])
            # Go through each bugzilla we support
            for (bugzillaname, bugzilla) in self.bzs.iteritems():
                for match in bugzilla['compiled_re'].finditer(fea):
                        summary = bugzilla['interface'].bug_get(match.group('key'), 0)['summary']
                        desc = bugzilla['interface'].comment_get(match.group('key'), 0)['text']
                    except BugzillaError, error:
                        if error.code == 101:
                            print "Bug %s not found" % bugnum
            if project not in project_list: create = True