예제 #1
def get_page_content(page):
		Gets the HTML content from `static_content` or `content` property of a `Page`
		and loads it in global `page_properties`
	from webnotes.model.code import get_code
	from webnotes.model.doc import Document
	global page_properties
	if not page: return
	if '/' in page: page = page.split('/')[0]
	if page=='Form': return
		doc = Document('Page', page)
		template = '%(content)s'
		# content
		if doc.template:
			template = get_code(webnotes.conn.get_value('Page Template', doc.template, 'module'), 'Page Template', doc.template, 'html', fieldname='template')
		page_properties['content'] = get_code(doc.module, 'page', doc.name, 'html', fieldname='content')
		# dynamic (scripted) content
		if page_properties['content'] and page_properties['content'].startswith('#!python'):
		page_properties['content'] = scrub_ids(template % {'content':page_properties['content']})
예제 #2
파일: doc.py 프로젝트: beliezer/wnframework
def get_report_builder_code(doc):
	if doc.doctype=='Search Criteria':
		from webnotes.model.code import get_code
		if doc.standard != 'No':
			doc.report_script = get_code(doc.module, 'Search Criteria', doc.name, 'js')
			doc.custom_query = get_code(doc.module, 'Search Criteria', doc.name, 'sql')
예제 #3
파일: doc.py 프로젝트: cmrajan/wnframework
def get_report_builder_code(doc):
    if doc.doctype == "Search Criteria":
        from webnotes.model.code import get_code

        if doc.standard != "No":
            doc.report_script = get_code(doc.module, "Search Criteria", doc.name, "js")
            doc.custom_query = get_code(doc.module, "Search Criteria", doc.name, "sql")
예제 #4
파일: page.py 프로젝트: cmrajan/wnframework
	def load(self):	
		Returns :term:`doclist` of the `Page`
		from webnotes.modules import compress
		from webnotes.model.code import get_code
		doclist = webnotes.model.doc.get('Page', self.name)
		doc = doclist[0]

		doc.fields['__script'] = compress.get_page_js(doc)
		doc.script = None

		template = '%(content)s'
		# load code from template
		if doc.template:
			template = get_code(webnotes.conn.get_value('Page Template', doc.template, 'module'), 'Page Template', doc.template, 'html', fieldname='template')

		doc.content = get_code(doc.module, 'page', doc.name, 'html') or doc.content
		# execute content
		if doc.content and doc.content.startswith('#!python'):
			doc.__content = template % {'content': webnotes.model.code.execute(doc.content).get('content')}
			doc.__content = template % {'content': doc.content or ''}

		# local stylesheet
		css = get_code(doc.module, 'page', doc.name, 'css')
		if css: doc.style = css
		# add stylesheet
		if doc.stylesheet:
			doclist += self.load_stylesheet(doc.stylesheet)
		return doclist
예제 #5
def get_report_builder_code(doc):
    if doc.doctype == 'Search Criteria':
        from webnotes.model.code import get_code

        if doc.standard != 'No':
            doc.report_script = get_code(doc.module, 'Search Criteria',
                                         doc.name, 'js')
            doc.custom_query = get_code(doc.module, 'Search Criteria',
                                        doc.name, 'sql')
예제 #6
파일: index.py 프로젝트: wellart/archives
	def get_page_content(self, doc):
			Get HTML page content, from template if set
		# content
		from webnotes.model.code import get_code, execute

		template = '%(content)s'
		if doc.template:
			template = get_code(webnotes.conn.get_value('Page Template', doc.template, 'module'), 'Page Template', doc.template, 'html', fieldname='template')

		self.content = get_code(doc.module, 'page', doc.name, 'html', fieldname='content') or ''

		# dynamic (scripted) content
		if self.content.startswith('#!python'):

		self.content = scrub_ids(template % {'content': self.content})
예제 #7
def make_html_body(content, template = None):
		Generate html content from a Page Template object
	template_html = '<div class="margin: 12px">%(content)s</div>'

	if template:
		from webnotes.model.code import get_code
		template_html = get_code(webnotes.conn.get_value('Page Template', template, 'module'), 'Page Template', template, 'html', fieldname='template')

	return template_html % {'content': content}
예제 #8
def make_html_body(content, template = ''):
	from webnotes.model.code import get_code

	template_html = '%(content)s'
	if template:
		template_html = get_code(webnotes.conn.get_value('Page Template', template, 'module'), 'Page Template', template, 'html', fieldname='template')
	footer = get_footer()
	if footer: content += footer
	return template_html % {'content': content}
예제 #9
def make_html_body(content, template=None):
		Generate html content from a Page Template object
    template_html = '%(content)s'

    if template:
        from webnotes.model.code import get_code
        template_html = get_code(webnotes.conn.get_value(
            'Page Template', template, 'module'),
                                 'Page Template',

    return template_html % {'content': content}
예제 #10
def make_html_body(content, template=None):
		Generate html content from a Page Template object
    template_html = "%(content)s"

    if template:
        from webnotes.model.code import get_code

        template_html = get_code(
            webnotes.conn.get_value("Page Template", template, "module"),
            "Page Template",

    return template_html % {"content": content}
예제 #11
파일: page.py 프로젝트: cmrajan/wnframework
	def load_stylesheet(self, stylesheet):
		import webnotes
		# load stylesheet
		loaded = eval(webnotes.form_dict.get('stylesheets') or '[]')
		if not stylesheet in loaded:
			import webnotes.model.doc
			from webnotes.model.code import get_code
			# doclist
			sslist = webnotes.model.doc.get('Stylesheet', stylesheet)
			# stylesheet from file
			css = get_code(sslist[0].module, 'Stylesheet', stylesheet, 'css')
			if css: sslist[0].stylesheet = css
			return sslist
			return []
예제 #12
def runquery(q='', ret=0, from_export=0):
	import webnotes.utils

	formatted = cint(form.getvalue('formatted'))

	# CASE A: Simple Query
	# --------------------
	if form.getvalue('simple_query') or form.getvalue('is_simple'):
		if not q: q = form.getvalue('simple_query') or form.getvalue('query')
		if q.split()[0].lower() != 'select':
			raise Exception, 'Query must be a SELECT'

		as_dict = cint(form.getvalue('as_dict'))
		res = sql(q, as_dict = as_dict, as_list = not as_dict, formatted=formatted)

		# build colnames etc from metadata
		colnames, coltypes, coloptions, colwidths = [], [], [], []

	# CASE B: Standard Query
	# -----------------------
		if not q: q = form.getvalue('query')

		tl = get_sql_tables(q)
		meta = get_sql_meta(tl)

		q = add_match_conditions(q, tl, webnotes.user.roles, webnotes.user.get_defaults())
		# replace special variables
		q = q.replace('__user', session['user'].encode('utf-8'))
		q = q.replace('__today', webnotes.utils.nowdate())

		res = sql(q, as_list=1, formatted=formatted)

		colnames, coltypes, coloptions, colwidths = build_description_standard(meta, tl)

	# run server script
	# -----------------
	style, header_html, footer_html, page_template = '', '', '', ''
	if form.has_key('sc_id') and form.getvalue('sc_id'):
		sc_id = form.getvalue('sc_id')
		from webnotes.model.code import get_code
		sc_details = webnotes.conn.sql("select module, standard, server_script from `tabSearch Criteria` where name=%s", sc_id)[0]
		if sc_details[1]!='No':
			code = get_code(sc_details[0], 'Search Criteria', sc_id, 'py')
			code = sc_details[2]

		if code:
			filter_values = form.has_key('filter_values') and eval(form.getvalue('filter_values','')) or {}
			res, style, header_html, footer_html, page_template = exec_report(code, res, colnames, colwidths, coltypes, coloptions, filter_values, q, from_export)

	out['colnames'] = colnames
	out['coltypes'] = coltypes
	out['coloptions'] = coloptions
	out['colwidths'] = colwidths
	out['header_html'] = header_html
	out['footer_html'] = footer_html
	out['page_template'] = page_template

	if style:
		out['style'] = style

	# just the data - return
	if ret==1:
		return res

	out['values'] = res

	# return num of entries
	qm = form.has_key('query_max') and form.getvalue('query_max') or ''
	if qm and qm.strip():
		if qm.split()[0].lower() != 'select':
			raise Exception, 'Query (Max) must be a SELECT'
		if not form.has_key('simple_query'):
			qm = add_match_conditions(qm, tl, webnotes.user.roles, webnotes.user.defaults)

		out['n_values'] = webnotes.utils.cint(sql(qm)[0][0])
예제 #13
def runquery(q='', ret=0, from_export=0):
	import webnotes.utils

	formatted = cint(webnotes.form_dict.get('formatted'))

	# CASE A: Simple Query
	# --------------------
	if webnotes.form_dict.get('simple_query') or webnotes.form_dict.get('is_simple'):
		if not q: q = webnotes.form_dict.get('simple_query') or webnotes.form_dict.get('query')
		if q.split()[0].lower() != 'select':
			raise Exception, 'Query must be a SELECT'

		as_dict = cint(webnotes.form_dict.get('as_dict'))
		res = sql(q, as_dict = as_dict, as_list = not as_dict, formatted=formatted)

		# build colnames etc from metadata
		colnames, coltypes, coloptions, colwidths = [], [], [], []

	# CASE B: Standard Query
	# -----------------------
		if not q: q = webnotes.form_dict.get('query')

		tl = get_sql_tables(q)
		meta = get_sql_meta(tl)

		q = add_match_conditions(q, tl)
		# replace special variables
		q = q.replace('__user', session['user'])
		q = q.replace('__today', webnotes.utils.nowdate())

		res = sql(q, as_list=1, formatted=formatted)

		colnames, coltypes, coloptions, colwidths = build_description_standard(meta, tl)

	# run server script
	# -----------------
	style, header_html, footer_html, page_template = '', '', '', ''
	if webnotes.form_dict.get('sc_id'):
		sc_id = webnotes.form_dict.get('sc_id')
		from webnotes.model.code import get_code
		sc_details = webnotes.conn.sql("select module, standard, server_script from `tabSearch Criteria` where name=%s", sc_id)[0]
		if sc_details[1]!='No':
			code = get_code(sc_details[0], 'Search Criteria', sc_id, 'py')
			code = sc_details[2]

		if code:
			filter_values = eval(webnotes.form_dict.get('filter_values','')) or {}
			res, style, header_html, footer_html, page_template = exec_report(code, res, colnames, colwidths, coltypes, coloptions, filter_values, q, from_export)

	out['colnames'] = colnames
	out['coltypes'] = coltypes
	out['coloptions'] = coloptions
	out['colwidths'] = colwidths
	out['header_html'] = header_html
	out['footer_html'] = footer_html
	out['page_template'] = page_template

	if style:
		out['style'] = style

	# just the data - return
	if ret==1:
		return res

	out['values'] = res

	# return num of entries
	qm = webnotes.form_dict.get('query_max') or ''
	if qm and qm.strip():
		if qm.split()[0].lower() != 'select':
			raise Exception, 'Query (Max) must be a SELECT'
		if not webnotes.form_dict.get('simple_query'):
			qm = add_match_conditions(qm, tl)

		out['n_values'] = webnotes.utils.cint(sql(qm)[0][0])