예제 #1
 def check_value(self, ref_dt, ref_dn, ref_item_dn, val, item_code):
     ref_val = webnotes.conn.get_value(ref_dt + " Item", ref_item_dn, "export_rate")
     if flt(ref_val, 2) != flt(val, 2):
             _("Rate is not matching with ") + ref_dt + ": " + ref_dn + _(" for item: ") + item_code,
def get_tax_accounts(item_list, columns):
	import json
	item_tax = {}
	tax_accounts = []
	tax_details = webnotes.conn.sql("""select parent, account_head, item_wise_tax_detail
		from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` where parenttype = 'Purchase Invoice' 
		and docstatus = 1 and ifnull(account_head, '') != '' and category in ('Total', 'Valuation and Total') 
		and parent in (%s)""" % ', '.join(['%s']*len(item_list)), tuple([item.parent for item in item_list]))
	for parent, account_head, item_wise_tax_detail in tax_details:
		if account_head not in tax_accounts:
		if item_wise_tax_detail:
				item_wise_tax_detail = json.loads(item_wise_tax_detail)
				for item, tax_amount in item_wise_tax_detail.items():
					item_tax.setdefault(parent, {}).setdefault(item, {})[account_head] = \
						flt(tax_amount[1]) if isinstance(tax_amount, list) else flt(tax_amount)
			except ValueError:
	columns += [account_head + ":Currency:80" for account_head in tax_accounts]
	columns += ["Total Tax:Currency:80", "Total:Currency:80"]

	return item_tax, tax_accounts
예제 #3
	def create_remarks(self):
		r = []
		if self.doc.cheque_no :
			if self.doc.cheque_date:
				r.append('Via Reference #%s dated %s' % 
					(self.doc.cheque_no, formatdate(self.doc.cheque_date)))
			else :
				msgprint("Please enter Reference date", raise_exception=1)
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'entries'):
			if d.against_invoice and d.credit:
				currency = webnotes.conn.get_value("Sales Invoice", d.against_invoice, "currency")
				r.append('%s %s against Invoice: %s' % 
					(cstr(currency), fmt_money(flt(d.credit)), d.against_invoice))
			if d.against_voucher and d.debit:
				bill_no = webnotes.conn.sql("""select bill_no, bill_date, currency 
					from `tabPurchase Invoice` where name=%s""", d.against_voucher)
				if bill_no and bill_no[0][0] and bill_no[0][0].lower().strip() \
						not in ['na', 'not applicable', 'none']:
					r.append('%s %s against Bill %s dated %s' % 
						(cstr(bill_no[0][2]), fmt_money(flt(d.debit)), bill_no[0][0], 
						bill_no[0][1] and formatdate(bill_no[0][1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) or ''))
		if self.doc.user_remark:
			r.append("User Remark : %s"%self.doc.user_remark)

		if r:
			self.doc.remark = ("\n").join(r)
			webnotes.msgprint("User Remarks is mandatory", raise_exception=1)
예제 #4
	def get_requested_items(self):
		item_projected_qty = self.get_projected_qty()
		items_to_be_requested = webnotes._dict()

		for item, so_item_qty in self.item_dict.items():
			requested_qty = 0
			total_qty = sum([flt(d[0]) for d in so_item_qty])
			if total_qty > item_projected_qty.get(item, 0):
				# shortage
				requested_qty = total_qty - item_projected_qty.get(item, 0)
				# consider minimum order qty
				requested_qty = requested_qty > flt(so_item_qty[0][3]) and \
					requested_qty or flt(so_item_qty[0][3])

			# distribute requested qty SO wise
			for item_details in so_item_qty:
				if requested_qty:
					sales_order = item_details[4] or "No Sales Order"
					if requested_qty <= item_details[0]:
						adjusted_qty = requested_qty
						adjusted_qty = item_details[0]

					items_to_be_requested.setdefault(item, {}).setdefault(sales_order, 0)
					items_to_be_requested[item][sales_order] += adjusted_qty
					requested_qty -= adjusted_qty

			# requested qty >= total so qty, due to minimum order qty
			if requested_qty:
				items_to_be_requested.setdefault(item, {}).setdefault("No Sales Order", 0)
				items_to_be_requested[item]["No Sales Order"] += requested_qty

		return items_to_be_requested
예제 #5
	def get_balance(self):
		if not getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
			msgprint("Please enter atleast 1 entry in 'GL Entries' table")
			flag, self.doc.total_debit, self.doc.total_credit = 0, 0, 0
			diff = flt(self.doc.difference, 2)
			# If any row without amount, set the diff on that row
			for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
				if not d.credit and not d.debit and diff != 0:
					if diff>0:
						d.credit = diff
					elif diff<0:
						d.debit = diff
					flag = 1
			# Set the diff in a new row
			if flag == 0 and diff != 0:
				jd = addchild(self.doc, 'entries', 'Journal Voucher Detail', self.doclist)
				if diff>0:
					jd.credit = abs(diff)
				elif diff<0:
					jd.debit = abs(diff)
			# Set the total debit, total credit and difference
			for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
				self.doc.total_debit += flt(d.debit, 2)
				self.doc.total_credit += flt(d.credit, 2)

			self.doc.difference = flt(self.doc.total_debit, 2) - flt(self.doc.total_credit, 2)
예제 #6
	def validate_pos(self):
		if not self.doc.cash_bank_account and flt(self.doc.paid_amount):
			msgprint("Cash/Bank Account is mandatory for POS, for making payment entry")
			raise Exception
		if (flt(self.doc.paid_amount) + flt(self.doc.write_off_amount) - round(flt(self.doc.grand_total), 2))>0.001:
			msgprint("(Paid amount + Write Off Amount) can not be greater than Grand Total")
			raise Exception
예제 #7
	def get_leave_balance(self):
		leave_all = sql("select total_leaves_allocated from `tabLeave Allocation` where employee = '%s' and leave_type = '%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and docstatus = 1" % (self.doc.employee, self.doc.leave_type, self.doc.fiscal_year))
		leave_all = leave_all and flt(leave_all[0][0]) or 0
		leave_app = sql("select SUM(total_leave_days) from `tabLeave Application` where employee = '%s' and leave_type = '%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and docstatus = 1" % (self.doc.employee, self.doc.leave_type, self.doc.fiscal_year))
		leave_app = leave_app and flt(leave_app[0][0]) or 0
		ret = {'leave_balance':leave_all - leave_app}
		return ret
예제 #8
def validate_currency(args, item, meta=None):
	from webnotes.model.meta import get_field_precision
	if not meta:
		meta = webnotes.get_doctype(args.doctype)
	# validate conversion rate
	if meta.get_field("currency"):
		validate_conversion_rate(args.currency, args.conversion_rate, 
			meta.get_label("conversion_rate"), args.company)
		# round it
		args.conversion_rate = flt(args.conversion_rate, 
				webnotes._dict({"fields": args})))
	# validate price list conversion rate
	if meta.get_field("price_list_currency") and (args.selling_price_list or args.buying_price_list) \
		and args.price_list_currency:
		validate_conversion_rate(args.price_list_currency, args.plc_conversion_rate, 
			meta.get_label("plc_conversion_rate"), args.company)
		# round it
		args.plc_conversion_rate = flt(args.plc_conversion_rate, 
				webnotes._dict({"fields": args})))
예제 #9
	def update_against_document_in_jv(self):
			Links invoice and advance voucher:
				1. cancel advance voucher
				2. split into multiple rows if partially adjusted, assign against voucher
				3. submit advance voucher
		lst = []
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'advance_adjustment_details'):
			if flt(d.allocated_amount) > 0:
				args = {
					'voucher_no' : d.journal_voucher, 
					'voucher_detail_no' : d.jv_detail_no, 
					'against_voucher_type' : 'Sales Invoice', 
					'against_voucher'  : self.doc.name,
					'account' : self.doc.debit_to, 
					'is_advance' : 'Yes', 
					'dr_or_cr' : 'credit', 
					'unadjusted_amt' : flt(d.advance_amount),
					'allocated_amt' : flt(d.allocated_amount)
		if lst:
			get_obj('GL Control').reconcile_against_document(lst)
예제 #10
	def cal_charges_and_item_tax_amt(self):
		""" Re-calculates other charges values and itemwise tax amount for getting valuation rate"""
		import json
		for pr in self.selected_pr:
			obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', pr, with_children = 1)
			total = 0

			for prd in getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
				prev_total, item_tax = flt(prd.amount), 0
				total += flt(prd.qty) * flt(prd.purchase_rate)
					item_tax_rate = prd.item_tax_rate and json.loads(prd.item_tax_rate) or {}
				except ValueError:
					item_tax_rate = prd.item_tax_rate and eval(prd.item_tax_rate) or {}

				ocd = getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_tax_details')
				# calculate tax for other charges
				for oc in range(len(ocd)):
					# Get rate : consider if diff for this item
					if item_tax_rate.get(ocd[oc].account_head) and ocd[oc].charge_type != 'Actual':
						rate = item_tax_rate[ocd[oc].account_head]
						rate = flt(ocd[oc].rate)
					tax_amount = self.cal_tax(ocd, prd, rate, obj.doc.net_total, oc)					
					total, prev_total, item_tax = self.add_deduct_taxes(ocd, oc, tax_amount, total, prev_total, item_tax)

				prd.item_tax_amount = flt(item_tax)
예제 #11
	def add_charges_in_pr(self):
		""" Add additional charges in selected pr proportionately"""
		total_amt = self.get_total_amt()
		for pr in self.selected_pr:
			pr_obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', pr, with_children = 1)
			cumulative_grand_total = flt(pr_obj.doc.grand_total)
			for lc in getlist(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details'):
				amt = flt(lc.amount) * flt(pr_obj.doc.net_total)/ flt(total_amt)
				self.prwise_cost[pr] = self.prwise_cost.get(pr, 0) + amt
				cumulative_grand_total += amt
				pr_oc_row = sql("select name from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` where parent = %s and category = 'Valuation' and add_deduct_tax = 'Add' and charge_type = 'Actual' and account_head = %s",(pr, lc.account_head))
				if not pr_oc_row:	# add if not exists
					ch = addchild(pr_obj.doc, 'purchase_tax_details', 'Purchase Taxes and Charges', 1)
					ch.category = 'Valuation'
					ch.add_deduct_tax = 'Add'
					ch.charge_type = 'Actual'
					ch.description = lc.description
					ch.account_head = lc.account_head
					ch.rate = amt
					ch.tax_amount = amt
					ch.total = cumulative_grand_total
					ch.docstatus = 1
					ch.idx = 500 # add at the end
				else:	# overwrite if exists
					sql("update `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` set rate = %s, tax_amount = %s where name = %s and parent = %s ", (amt, amt, pr_oc_row[0][0], pr))
예제 #12
	def determine_exclusive_rate(self):
		if not any((cint(tax.included_in_print_rate) for tax in self.tax_doclist)):
			# no inclusive tax
		for item in self.item_doclist:
			item_tax_map = self._load_item_tax_rate(item.item_tax_rate)
			cumulated_tax_fraction = 0
			for i, tax in enumerate(self.tax_doclist):
				tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item = self.get_current_tax_fraction(tax, item_tax_map)
				if i==0:
					tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = 1 + tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
					tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = \
						self.tax_doclist[i-1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item \
						+ tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
				cumulated_tax_fraction += tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
			if cumulated_tax_fraction:
				item.amount = flt((item.export_amount * self.doc.conversion_rate) /
					(1 + cumulated_tax_fraction), self.precision("amount", item))
				item.basic_rate = flt(item.amount / item.qty, self.precision("basic_rate", item))
				if item.adj_rate == 100:
					item.base_ref_rate = item.basic_rate
					item.basic_rate = 0.0
					item.base_ref_rate = flt(item.basic_rate / (1 - (item.adj_rate / 100.0)),
						self.precision("base_ref_rate", item))
예제 #13
	def validate_max_discount(self):
		for d in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": self.fname}):
			discount = flt(webnotes.conn.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "max_discount"))
			if discount and flt(d.adj_rate) > discount:
				webnotes.throw(_("You cannot give more than ") + cstr(discount) + "% " + 
					_("discount on Item Code") + ": " + cstr(d.item_code))
예제 #14
	def get_outstanding_amount(self, gle, report_date):
		payment_received = 0.0
		for e in self.get_gl_entries_for(gle.account, gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no):
			if getdate(e.posting_date) <= report_date and e.name!=gle.name:
				payment_received += (flt(e.credit) - flt(e.debit))
		return flt(gle.debit) - flt(gle.credit) - payment_received
예제 #15
	def on_update(self):
		if cint(self.doc.update_stock) == 1:
			# Set default warehouse from pos setting
			if cint(self.doc.is_pos) == 1:
				w = self.get_warehouse()
				if w:
					for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'entries'):
						if not d.warehouse:
							d.warehouse = cstr(w)

			self.doclist = self.doc.clear_table(self.doclist, 'packing_details')
		if cint(self.doc.is_pos) == 1:
			if flt(self.doc.paid_amount) == 0:
				if self.doc.cash_bank_account: 
					webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'paid_amount', 
						(flt(self.doc.grand_total) - flt(self.doc.write_off_amount)))
					# show message that the amount is not paid
					webnotes.msgprint("Note: Payment Entry will not be created since 'Cash/Bank Account' was not specified.")
	def reconcile(self):
			Links booking and payment voucher
			1. cancel payment voucher
			2. split into multiple rows if partially adjusted, assign against voucher
			3. submit payment voucher
		if not self.doc.voucher_no or not sql("select name from `tab%s` where name = %s" %(self.dt[self.doc.voucher_type], '%s'),  self.doc.voucher_no):
			msgprint("Please select valid Voucher No to proceed", raise_exception=1)
		lst = []
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'ir_payment_details'):
			if flt(d.amt_to_be_reconciled) > 0:
				args = {
					'voucher_no' : d.voucher_no,
					'voucher_detail_no' : d.voucher_detail_no, 
					'against_voucher_type' : self.dt[self.doc.voucher_type], 
					'against_voucher'  : self.doc.voucher_no,
					'account' : self.doc.account, 
					'is_advance' : 'No', 
					'dr_or_cr' :  self.acc_type=='debit' and 'credit' or 'debit', 
					'unadjusted_amt' : flt(d.amt_due),
					'allocated_amt' : flt(d.amt_to_be_reconciled)

		if lst:
			get_obj('GL Control').reconcile_against_document(lst)
			msgprint("Successfully allocated.")
			msgprint("No amount allocated.", raise_exception=1)
예제 #17
	def do_stock_reco(self, is_submit = 1):
			Make stock entry of qty diff, calculate incoming rate to maintain valuation rate.
			If no qty diff, but diff in valuation rate, make (+1,-1) entry to update valuation
		for row in self.data:
			# Get qty as per system
			sys_stock = self.get_system_stock(row[0],row[1])
			# Diff between file and system
			qty_diff = row[2] != '~' and flt(row[2]) - flt(sys_stock['actual_qty']) or 0
			rate_diff = row[3] != '~' and flt(row[3]) - flt(sys_stock['val_rate']) or 0

			# Make sl entry
			if qty_diff:
				self.make_sl_entry(is_submit, row, qty_diff, sys_stock)
			elif rate_diff:
				self.make_sl_entry(is_submit, row, 1, sys_stock)
				sys_stock['val_rate'] = row[3]
				sys_stock['actual_qty'] += 1
				self.make_sl_entry(is_submit, row, -1, sys_stock)

			if is_submit == 1:
				self.add_data_in_CSV(qty_diff, rate_diff)
			msgprint("Stock Reconciliation Completed Successfully...")
예제 #18
	def get_as_on_balance(self, account_name, fiscal_year, as_on, credit_or_debit, lft, rgt):
		# initialization
		det = webnotes.conn.sql("select start_date, opening from `tabAccount Balance` where period = %s and account = %s", (fiscal_year, account_name))
		from_date, opening, debit_bal, credit_bal, closing_bal = det and det[0][0] or getdate(nowdate()), det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0, 0, 0, det and flt(det[0][1]) or 0

		# prev month closing
		prev_month_det = webnotes.conn.sql("select end_date, debit, credit, balance from `tabAccount Balance` where account = %s and end_date <= %s and fiscal_year = %s order by end_date desc limit 1", (account_name, as_on, fiscal_year))
		if prev_month_det:
			from_date = getdate(add_days(prev_month_det[0][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 1))
			opening = 0
			debit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][1])
			credit_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][2])
			closing_bal = flt(prev_month_det[0][3])

		# curr month transaction
		if getdate(as_on) >= from_date:
			curr_month_bal = webnotes.conn.sql("select SUM(t1.debit), SUM(t1.credit) from `tabGL Entry` t1, `tabAccount` t2 WHERE t1.posting_date >= %s AND t1.posting_date <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_opening, 'No') = 'No' AND t1.account = t2.name AND t2.lft >= %s AND t2.rgt <= %s and ifnull(t1.is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'", (from_date, as_on, lft, rgt))
			curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
			debit_bal = curr_month_bal and debit_bal + curr_debit_amt or debit_bal
			credit_bal = curr_month_bal and credit_bal + curr_credit_amt or credit_bal

			if credit_or_debit == 'Credit':
				curr_debit_amt, curr_credit_amt = -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][0]), -1*flt(curr_month_bal[0][1])
			closing_bal = closing_bal + curr_debit_amt - curr_credit_amt

		return flt(debit_bal), flt(credit_bal), flt(closing_bal)
예제 #19
	def update_against_document_in_jv(self, obj, table_field_name, against_document_no, against_document_doctype, account_head, dr_or_cr,doctype):
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, table_field_name):
			self.validate_jv_entry(d, account_head, dr_or_cr)
			if flt(d.advance_amount) == flt(d.allocated_amount):
				# cancel JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj =1)

				# update ref in JV Detail
				webnotes.conn.sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (doctype=='Purchase Invoice' and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice', cstr(against_document_no), d.jv_detail_no))

				# re-submit JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj =1)

			elif flt(d.advance_amount) > flt(d.allocated_amount):
				# cancel JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj = 1)

				# add extra entries
				self.add_extra_entry(jv_obj, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, flt(d.allocated_amount), account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no)

				# re-submit JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj = 1)
				msgprint("Allocation amount cannot be greater than advance amount")
				raise Exception
예제 #20
	def get_purchase_tax_details(self,obj, default = 0):
		obj.doclist = self.doc.clear_table(obj.doclist,'purchase_tax_details')
		if default: add_cond = " and ifnull(t2.is_default,0) = 1"
		else: add_cond = " and t1.parent = '"+cstr(obj.doc.purchase_other_charges)+"'"

		other_charge = sql("""
			select t1.*
			from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` t1, `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges Master` t2
			where t1.parent = t2.name %s
			order by t1.idx
		"""% add_cond, as_dict = 1)
		idx = 0
		for other in other_charge:
			d =	addchild(obj.doc, 'purchase_tax_details', 'Purchase Taxes and Charges', 1, obj.doclist)
			d.category = other['category']
			d.add_deduct_tax = other['add_deduct_tax']
			d.charge_type = other['charge_type']
			d.row_id = other['row_id']
			d.description = other['description']
			d.account_head = other['account_head']
			d.rate = flt(other['rate'])
			d.tax_amount = flt(other['tax_amount'])
			d.idx = idx
			idx += 1
		return obj.doclist
예제 #21
파일: bin.py 프로젝트: NorrWing/erpnext
	def create_auto_indent(self, i , doc_type, doc_name, cur_qty):
		"""	Create indent on reaching reorder level	"""

		indent = Document('Purchase Request')
		indent.transaction_date = nowdate()
		indent.naming_series = 'IDT'
		indent.company = get_defaults()['company']
		indent.fiscal_year = get_defaults()['fiscal_year']
		indent.remark = "This is an auto generated Purchase Request. It was raised because the (actual + ordered + indented - reserved) quantity reaches re-order level when %s %s was created"%(doc_type,doc_name)
		indent_obj = get_obj('Purchase Request',indent.name,with_children=1)
		indent_details_child = addchild(indent_obj.doc,'indent_details','Purchase Request Item',0)
		indent_details_child.item_code = self.doc.item_code
		indent_details_child.uom = self.doc.stock_uom
		indent_details_child.warehouse = self.doc.warehouse
		indent_details_child.schedule_date= add_days(nowdate(),cint(i['lead_time_days']))
		indent_details_child.item_name = i['item_name']
		indent_details_child.description = i['description']
		indent_details_child.item_group = i['item_group']
		indent_details_child.qty = i['re_order_qty'] or (flt(i['re_order_level']) - flt(cur_qty))
		indent_details_child.brand = i['brand']
		indent_obj = get_obj('Purchase Request',indent.name,with_children=1)
		msgprint("Item: " + self.doc.item_code + " is to be re-ordered. Purchase Request %s raised. It was generated from %s %s"%(indent.name,doc_type, doc_name ))
  def check_budget(self,le_list,cancel):
    # get value from record
    acct, cost_center, debit, credit, post_dt, cfy, company  = le_list

    # get allocated budget
    bgt = sql("select t1.budget_allocated, t1.actual, t2.distribution_id from `tabBudget Detail` t1, `tabCost Center` t2 where t1.account='%s' and t1.parent=t2.name and t2.name = '%s' and t1.fiscal_year='%s'" % (acct,cost_center,cfy), as_dict =1)
    curr_amt = ((cancel and -1  or 1) * flt(debit)) + ((cancel and 1  or -1) *  flt(credit))
    if bgt and bgt[0]['budget_allocated']:
      # check budget flag in Company
      bgt_flag = sql("select yearly_bgt_flag, monthly_bgt_flag from `tabCompany` where name = '%s'" % company, as_dict =1)
      if bgt_flag and bgt_flag[0]['monthly_bgt_flag'] in ['Stop', 'Warn']:
        # get start date and last date
        st_date = get_value('Fiscal Year', cfy, 'year_start_date').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        lt_date = sql("select LAST_DAY('%s')" % post_dt)
        # get Actual
        actual = get_obj('GL Control').get_period_difference(acct + '~~~' + cstr(st_date) + '~~~' + cstr(lt_date[0][0]), cost_center)
        # Get Monthly  budget
        budget = self.get_monthly_budget(bgt and bgt[0]['distribution_id'] or '' , cfy, st_date, post_dt, bgt[0]['budget_allocated'])
        # validate monthly budget
        self.validate_budget(acct, cost_center, flt(actual) + flt(curr_amt), budget, 'monthly_bgt_flag')

      # update actual against budget allocated in cost center
      sql("update `tabBudget Detail` set actual = ifnull(actual,0) + %s where account = '%s' and fiscal_year = '%s' and parent = '%s'" % (curr_amt,cstr(acct),cstr(cfy),cstr(cost_center)))
예제 #23
	def get_other_charges(self,obj, default=0):
		obj.doclist = obj.doc.clear_table(obj.doclist, 'other_charges')
		if not getlist(obj.doclist, 'other_charges'):
			if default: add_cond = 'ifnull(t2.is_default,0) = 1'
			else: add_cond = 't1.parent = "'+cstr(obj.doc.charge)+'"'
			idx = 0
			other_charge = webnotes.conn.sql("""\
				select t1.*
					`tabSales Taxes and Charges` t1,
					`tabSales Taxes and Charges Master` t2
					t1.parent = t2.name and
					t2.company = '%s' and
				order by t1.idx""" % (obj.doc.company, add_cond), as_dict=1)
			from webnotes.model import default_fields
			for other in other_charge:
				# remove default fields like parent, parenttype etc.
				# from query results
				for field in default_fields:
					if field in other: del other[field]

				d = addchild(obj.doc, 'other_charges', 'Sales Taxes and Charges',
				d.rate = flt(d.rate)
				d.tax_amount = flt(d.tax_rate)
				d.included_in_print_rate = cint(d.included_in_print_rate)
				d.idx = idx
				idx += 1
		return obj.doclist
예제 #24
 def validate_net_pay(self):
   if flt(self.doc.net_pay) < 0:
     msgprint("Net pay can not be negative")
     raise Exception
   elif flt(self.doc.net_pay) > flt(self.doc.ctc):
     msgprint("Net pay can not be greater than CTC")
     raise Exception      
예제 #25
	def get_available_qty(self,args):
		tot_avail_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select projected_qty, actual_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'" % (args['item_code'], args['warehouse']), as_dict=1)
		ret = {
			 'projected_qty' : tot_avail_qty and flt(tot_avail_qty[0]['projected_qty']) or 0,
			 'actual_qty' : tot_avail_qty and flt(tot_avail_qty[0]['actual_qty']) or 0
		return ret
예제 #26
	def validate_po_pr(self, d):
		# check po / pr for qty and rates and currency and conversion rate

		# currency, import_rate must be equal to currency, import_rate of purchase order
		if d.purchase_order and not d.purchase_order in self.po_list:
			# currency
			currency = cstr(sql("select currency from `tabPurchase Order` where name = '%s'" % d.purchase_order)[0][0])
			if not cstr(currency) == cstr(self.doc.currency):
				msgprint("Purchase Order: " + cstr(d.purchase_order) + " currency : " + cstr(currency) + " does not match with currency of current document.")
				raise Exception
			# import_rate
			rate = flt(sql('select import_rate from `tabPurchase Order Item` where item_code=%s and parent=%s and name = %s', (d.item_code, d.purchase_order, d.po_detail))[0][0])
			if abs(rate - flt(d.import_rate)) > 1 and cint(get_defaults('maintain_same_rate')):
				msgprint("Import Rate for %s in the Purchase Order is %s. Rate must be same as Purchase Order Rate" % (d.item_code,rate))
				raise Exception
		if d.purchase_receipt and not d.purchase_receipt in self.pr_list:
			# currency , conversion_rate
			data = sql("select currency, conversion_rate from `tabPurchase Receipt` where name = '%s'" % d.purchase_receipt, as_dict = 1)
			if not cstr(data[0]['currency']) == cstr(self.doc.currency):
				msgprint("Purchase Receipt: " + cstr(d.purchase_receipt) + " currency : " + cstr(data[0]['currency']) + " does not match with currency of current document.")
				raise Exception
			if not flt(data[0]['conversion_rate']) == flt(self.doc.conversion_rate):
				msgprint("Purchase Receipt: " + cstr(d.purchase_receipt) + " conversion_rate : " + cstr(data[0]['conversion_rate']) + " does not match with conversion_rate of current document.")
				raise Exception
 def get_workstation_details(self,workstation):
   ws = sql("select hour_rate, capacity from `tabWorkstation` where name = %s",workstation , as_dict = 1)
   ret = {
     'hour_rate'            : ws and flt(ws[0]['hour_rate']) or '',
     'workstation_capacity' : ws and flt(ws[0]['capacity']) or ''
   return ret
예제 #28
	def update_packing_list_item(self,obj, packing_item_code, qty, warehouse, line):
		bin = self.get_bin_qty(packing_item_code, warehouse)
		item = self.get_packing_item_details(packing_item_code)

		# check if exists
		exists = 0
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, 'packing_details'):
			if d.parent_item == line.item_code and d.item_code == packing_item_code and d.parent_detail_docname == line.name:
				pi, exists = d, 1

		if not exists:
			pi = addchild(obj.doc, 'packing_details', 'Delivery Note Packing Item', 

		pi.parent_item = line.item_code
		pi.item_code = packing_item_code
		pi.item_name = item['item_name']
		pi.parent_detail_docname = line.name
		pi.description = item['description']
		pi.uom = item['stock_uom']
		pi.qty = flt(qty)
		pi.actual_qty = bin and flt(bin['actual_qty']) or 0
		pi.projected_qty = bin and flt(bin['projected_qty']) or 0
		pi.prevdoc_doctype = line.prevdoc_doctype
		if not pi.warehouse:
			pi.warehouse = warehouse
		if not pi.batch_no:
			pi.batch_no = cstr(line.batch_no)
		pi.idx = self.packing_list_idx
		# saved, since this function is called on_update of delivery note
		self.packing_list_idx += 1
예제 #29
	def get_outstanding(self, args):
		args = eval(args)
		o_s = sql("select outstanding_amount from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (args['doctype'],args['docname']))
		if args['doctype'] == 'Purchase Invoice':
			return {'debit': o_s and flt(o_s[0][0]) or 0}
		if args['doctype'] == 'Sales Invoice':
			return {'credit': o_s and flt(o_s[0][0]) or 0}
예제 #30
	def get_uom_details(self, arg = ''):
		"""fetches details on change of UOM"""
		import json
		arg, ret = json.loads(arg), {}
		uom = webnotes.conn.sql("""\
			select conversion_factor
			from `tabUOM Conversion Detail`
			where parent = %s and uom = %s""", (arg['item_code'],arg['uom']), as_dict = 1)
		if not uom: return ret
		last_purchase_details, last_purchase_date = self.get_last_purchase_details(arg['item_code'], arg['doc_name'])

		conversion_factor = flt(uom[0]['conversion_factor'])
		conversion_rate = flt(arg['conversion_rate'])
		purchase_ref_rate = last_purchase_details and \
							(last_purchase_details['purchase_ref_rate'] * conversion_factor) or 0
		purchase_rate = last_purchase_details and \
						(last_purchase_details['purchase_rate'] * conversion_factor) or 0

		ret = {
			'conversion_factor': conversion_factor,
			'qty': flt(arg['stock_qty']) / conversion_factor,
			'purchase_ref_rate': purchase_ref_rate,
			'purchase_rate': purchase_rate,
			'import_ref_rate': purchase_ref_rate / conversion_rate,
			'import_rate': purchase_rate / conversion_rate,
		return ret
예제 #31
파일: bin.py 프로젝트: eric20201688/erpnext
	def update_stock(self, actual_qty=0, reserved_qty=0, ordered_qty=0, indented_qty=0, planned_qty=0, dt=None, sle_id='', posting_time='', serial_no = '', is_cancelled = 'No',doc_type='',doc_name='',is_amended='No'):
		if not dt: 
			dt = nowdate()
		# update the stock values (for current quantities)
		self.doc.actual_qty = flt(self.doc.actual_qty) + flt(actual_qty)
		self.doc.ordered_qty = flt(self.doc.ordered_qty) + flt(ordered_qty)
		self.doc.reserved_qty = flt(self.doc.reserved_qty) + flt(reserved_qty)
		self.doc.indented_qty = flt(self.doc.indented_qty) + flt(indented_qty)
		self.doc.planned_qty = flt(self.doc.planned_qty) + flt(planned_qty)
		self.doc.projected_qty = flt(self.doc.actual_qty) + flt(self.doc.ordered_qty) + flt(self.doc.indented_qty) + flt(self.doc.planned_qty) - flt(self.doc.reserved_qty)
		if(( flt(actual_qty)<0 or flt(reserved_qty)>0 ) and is_cancelled == 'No' and is_amended=='No'):
		if actual_qty:
			# check actual qty with total number of serial no
			if serial_no:
			# update valuation and qty after transaction for post dated entry
			self.update_entries_after(dt, posting_time)
예제 #32
    def make_gl_entries(self):
        auto_accounting_for_stock = \

        gl_entries = []

        # parent's gl entry
        if self.doc.grand_total:
                    "account": self.doc.credit_to,
                    "against": self.doc.against_expense_account,
                    "credit": self.doc.total_amount_to_pay,
                    "remarks": self.doc.remarks,
                    "against_voucher": self.doc.name,
                    "against_voucher_type": self.doc.doctype,

        # tax table gl entries
        valuation_tax = {}
        for tax in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "purchase_tax_details"}):
            if tax.category in ("Total", "Valuation and Total") and flt(
                        tax.add_deduct_tax == "Add" and tax.tax_amount or 0,
                        tax.add_deduct_tax == "Deduct" and tax.tax_amount or 0,

            # accumulate valuation tax
            if tax.category in ("Valuation", "Valuation and Total") and flt(
                if auto_accounting_for_stock and not tax.cost_center:
                        _("Row %(row)s: Cost Center is mandatory \
						if tax/charges category is Valuation or Valuation and Total" %
                          {"row": tax.idx}))
                valuation_tax.setdefault(tax.cost_center, 0)
                valuation_tax[tax.cost_center] += \
                 (tax.add_deduct_tax == "Add" and 1 or -1) * flt(tax.tax_amount)

        # item gl entries
        stock_item_and_auto_accounting_for_stock = False
        stock_items = self.get_stock_items()
        for item in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "entries"}):
            if auto_accounting_for_stock and item.item_code in stock_items:
                if flt(item.valuation_rate):
                    # if auto inventory accounting enabled and stock item,
                    # then do stock related gl entries
                    # expense will be booked in sales invoice
                    stock_item_and_auto_accounting_for_stock = True

                    valuation_amt = flt(item.amount + item.item_tax_amount,
                                        self.precision("amount", item))

                            self.doc.remarks or "Accounting Entry for Stock"

            elif flt(item.amount):
                # if not a stock item or auto inventory accounting disabled, book the expense
                        "account": item.expense_head,
                        "against": self.doc.credit_to,
                        "debit": item.amount,
                        "remarks": self.doc.remarks,
                        "cost_center": item.cost_center

        if stock_item_and_auto_accounting_for_stock and valuation_tax:
            # credit valuation tax amount in "Expenses Included In Valuation"
            # this will balance out valuation amount included in cost of goods sold
            expenses_included_in_valuation = \

            for cost_center, amount in valuation_tax.items():
                        self.doc.remarks or "Accounting Entry for Stock"

        # writeoff account includes petty difference in the invoice amount
        # and the amount that is paid
        if self.doc.write_off_account and flt(self.doc.write_off_amount):
                    "account": self.doc.write_off_account,
                    "against": self.doc.credit_to,
                    "credit": flt(self.doc.write_off_amount),
                    "remarks": self.doc.remarks,
                    "cost_center": self.doc.write_off_cost_center

        if gl_entries:
            from accounts.general_ledger import make_gl_entries
            make_gl_entries(gl_entries, cancel=(self.doc.docstatus == 2))
예제 #33
 def calculate_total_tds(self):
     total = 0
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'tds_payment_details'):
         total = flt(total) + flt(d.total_tax_amount)
     self.doc.total_tds = total
예제 #34
    def validate_data(self):
        if not self.doc.reconciliation_json:

        data = json.loads(self.doc.reconciliation_json)

        # strip out extra columns (if any)
        data = [row[:4] for row in data]

        if self.head_row not in data:
            msgprint(_("""Wrong Template: Unable to find head row."""),

        # remove the help part and save the json
        if data.index(self.head_row) != 0:
            data = data[data.index(self.head_row):]
            self.doc.reconciliation_json = json.dumps(data)

        def _get_msg(row_num, msg):
            return _("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row_num + 2)) + _(msg)

        self.validation_messages = []
        item_warehouse_combinations = []

        # validate no of rows
        rows = data[data.index(self.head_row) + 1:]
        if len(rows) > 100:
                """Sorry! We can only allow upto 100 rows for Stock Reconciliation."""
        for row_num, row in enumerate(rows):
            # find duplicates
            if [row[0], row[1]] in item_warehouse_combinations:
                    _get_msg(row_num, "Duplicate entry"))
                item_warehouse_combinations.append([row[0], row[1]])

            self.validate_item(row[0], row_num)
            # note: warehouse will be validated through link validation

            # if both not specified
            if row[2] == "" and row[3] == "":
                        "Please specify either Quantity or Valuation Rate or both"

            # do not allow negative quantity
            if flt(row[2]) < 0:
                    _get_msg(row_num, "Negative Quantity is not allowed"))

            # do not allow negative valuation
            if flt(row[3]) < 0:
                             "Negative Valuation Rate is not allowed"))

        # throw all validation messages
        if self.validation_messages:
            for msg in self.validation_messages:

            raise webnotes.ValidationError
예제 #35
파일: bin.py 프로젝트: niliquan/erpnext
    def update_qty(self, args):
        # update the stock values (for current quantities)
        self.doc.actual_qty = flt(self.doc.actual_qty) + flt(
            args.get("actual_qty", 0))
        self.doc.ordered_qty = flt(self.doc.ordered_qty) + flt(
            args.get("ordered_qty", 0))
        self.doc.reserved_qty = flt(self.doc.reserved_qty) + flt(
        self.doc.indented_qty = flt(self.doc.indented_qty) + flt(
        self.doc.planned_qty = flt(self.doc.planned_qty) + flt(

        self.doc.projected_qty = flt(self.doc.actual_qty) + flt(self.doc.ordered_qty) + \
          flt(self.doc.indented_qty) + flt(self.doc.planned_qty) - flt(self.doc.reserved_qty)

예제 #36
파일: bin.py 프로젝트: niliquan/erpnext
    def update_entries_after(self, posting_date, posting_time, verbose=1):
			update valution rate and qty after transaction 
			from the current time-bucket onwards

        # Get prev sle
        prev_sle = self.get_sle_prev_timebucket(posting_date, posting_time)

        # if no prev sle, start from the first one (for repost)
        if not prev_sle:
            cqty, cval, val_rate, stock_val, self.fcfs_bal = 0, 0, 0, 0, []

        # normal
            cqty = flt(prev_sle.get('bin_aqat', 0))
            cval = flt(prev_sle.get('stock_value', 0))
            val_rate = flt(prev_sle.get('valuation_rate', 0))
            self.fcfs_bal = eval(prev_sle.get('fcfs_stack', '[]') or '[]')

        # get valuation method
        val_method = get_obj('Valuation Control').get_valuation_method(

        # allow negative stock (only for moving average method)
        from webnotes.utils import get_defaults
        allow_negative_stock = get_defaults().get('allow_negative_stock', 0)

        # recalculate the balances for all stock ledger entries
        # after the prev sle
        sll = sql("""
			select *
			from `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
			where item_code = %s 
			and warehouse = %s 
			and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'
			and timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) > timestamp(%s, %s)
			order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) asc, name asc""", \
          (self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse, \
           prev_sle.get('posting_date','1900-01-01'), \
           prev_sle.get('posting_time', '12:00')), as_dict = 1)

        self.exc_list = []
        for sle in sll:
            # block if stock level goes negative on any date
            if (val_method != 'Moving Average') or (cint(allow_negative_stock)
                                                    == 0):
                if self.validate_negative_stock(cqty, sle):
                    cqty += sle['actual_qty']

            stock_val, in_rate = 0, sle['incoming_rate']  # IN
            serial_nos = sle["serial_no"] and ("'"+"', '".join(cstr(sle["serial_no"]).split('\n')) \
             + "'") or ''
            # Get valuation rate
            val_rate, in_rate = self.get_valuation_rate(val_method, serial_nos, \
             val_rate, in_rate, stock_val, cqty, sle)
            # Qty upto the sle
            cqty += sle['actual_qty']
            # Stock Value upto the sle
            stock_val = self.get_stock_value(val_method, cqty, val_rate,
            # update current sle
            sql("""update `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
				set bin_aqat=%s, valuation_rate=%s, fcfs_stack=%s, stock_value=%s, 
				incoming_rate = %s where name=%s""", \
             (cqty, flt(val_rate), cstr(self.fcfs_bal), stock_val, in_rate, sle['name']))

        if self.exc_list:
            deficiency = min(e["diff"] for e in self.exc_list)
            msg = """Negative stock error: 
				Cannot complete this transaction because stock will start
				becoming negative (%s) for Item <b>%s</b> in Warehouse 
				<b>%s</b> on <b>%s %s</b> in Transaction %s %s.
				Total Quantity Deficiency: <b>%s</b>""" % \
             (self.exc_list[0]["diff"], self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse,
             self.exc_list[0]["posting_date"], self.exc_list[0]["posting_time"],
             self.exc_list[0]["voucher_type"], self.exc_list[0]["voucher_no"],
            if verbose:
                msgprint(msg, raise_exception=1)
                raise webnotes.ValidationError, msg

        # update the bin
        if sll or not prev_sle:
                """update `tabBin` set valuation_rate=%s, actual_qty=%s, stock_value = %s,
				projected_qty = (actual_qty + indented_qty + ordered_qty + planned_qty -
				reserved_qty) where name=%s
			""", (flt(val_rate), cqty, flt(stock_val), self.doc.name))
예제 #37
파일: bin.py 프로젝트: niliquan/erpnext
    def get_fifo_inventory_values(self, in_rate, actual_qty):
        # add batch to fcfs balance
        if actual_qty > 0:
            self.fcfs_bal.append([flt(actual_qty), flt(in_rate)])

        # remove from fcfs balance
            incoming_cost = 0
            withdraw = flt(abs(actual_qty))
            while withdraw:
                if not self.fcfs_bal:
                    break  # nothing in store

                batch = self.fcfs_bal[0]

                if batch[0] <= withdraw:
                    # not enough or exactly same qty in current batch, clear batch
                    incoming_cost += flt(batch[1]) * flt(batch[0])
                    withdraw -= batch[0]

                    # all from current batch
                    incoming_cost += flt(batch[1]) * flt(withdraw)
                    batch[0] -= withdraw
                    withdraw = 0

            in_rate = incoming_cost / flt(abs(actual_qty))

        fcfs_val = sum([flt(d[0]) * flt(d[1]) for d in self.fcfs_bal])
        fcfs_qty = sum([flt(d[0]) for d in self.fcfs_bal])
        val_rate = fcfs_qty and fcfs_val / fcfs_qty or 0

        return val_rate, in_rate
예제 #38
    def validate_accepted_rejected_qty(self):
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, "purchase_receipt_details"):
            if not flt(d.received_qty) and flt(d.qty):
                d.received_qty = flt(d.qty) - flt(d.rejected_qty)

            elif not flt(d.qty) and flt(d.rejected_qty):
                d.qty = flt(d.received_qty) - flt(d.rejected_qty)

            elif not flt(d.rejected_qty):
                d.rejected_qty = flt(d.received_qty) - flt(d.qty)

            # Check Received Qty = Accepted Qty + Rejected Qty
            if ((flt(d.qty) + flt(d.rejected_qty)) != flt(d.received_qty)):

                    "Sum of Accepted Qty and Rejected Qty must be equal to Received quantity. Error for Item: "
                    + cstr(d.item_code))
                raise Exception
예제 #39
    def get_item_list(self, obj, is_stopped=0):
        """get item list"""
        il = []
        for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
            reserved_wh, reserved_qty = '', 0  # used for delivery note
            qty = flt(d.qty)
            if is_stopped:
                qty = flt(d.qty) > flt(d.delivered_qty) and flt(
                    flt(d.qty) - flt(d.delivered_qty)) or 0

            if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':
                # used in delivery note to reduce reserved_qty
                # Eg.: if SO qty is 10 and there is tolerance of 20%, then it will allow DN of 12.
                # But in this case reserved qty should only be reduced by 10 and not 12.

                tot_qty, max_qty, tot_amt, max_amt, reserved_wh = self.get_curr_and_ref_doc_details(
                    d.doctype, 'prevdoc_detail_docname',
                    d.prevdoc_detail_docname, obj.doc.name, obj.doc.doctype)
                if ((flt(tot_qty) + flt(qty) > flt(max_qty))):
                    reserved_qty = -(flt(max_qty) - flt(tot_qty))
                    reserved_qty = -flt(qty)

            if obj.doc.doctype == 'Sales Order':
                reserved_wh = d.reserved_warehouse

            if self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code):
                for p in getlist(obj.doclist, 'packing_details'):
                    if p.parent_detail_docname == d.name and p.parent_item == d.item_code:
                        # the packing details table's qty is already multiplied with parent's qty
                            (flt(p.qty) / qty) * (reserved_qty),
                    'warehouse': d.warehouse,
                    'reserved_warehouse': reserved_wh,
                    'item_code': d.item_code,
                    'qty': qty,
                    'reserved_qty': reserved_qty,
                    'uom': d.stock_uom,
                    'batch_no': d.batch_no,
                    'serial_no': d.serial_no,
                    'name': d.name
        return il
예제 #40
파일: bin.py 프로젝트: eric20201688/erpnext
	def update_entries_after(self, posting_date, posting_time):
			update valution rate and qty after transaction 
			from the current time-bucket onwards
		# Get prev sle
		prev_sle = self.get_sle_prev_timebucket(posting_date, posting_time)
		# if no prev sle, start from the first one (for repost)
		if not prev_sle:
			cqty, cval, val_rate, stock_val, self.fcfs_bal = 0, 0, 0, 0, []
		# normal
			cqty = flt(prev_sle.get('bin_aqat', 0))
			cval =flt(prev_sle.get('stock_value', 0))
			val_rate = flt(prev_sle.get('valuation_rate', 0))
			self.fcfs_bal = eval(prev_sle.get('fcfs_stack', '[]') or '[]')

		# get valuation method
		val_method = get_obj('Valuation Control').get_valuation_method(self.doc.item_code)

		# allow negative stock (only for moving average method)
		from webnotes.utils import get_defaults
		allow_negative_stock = get_defaults().get('allow_negative_stock', 0)

		# recalculate the balances for all stock ledger entries
		# after the prev sle
		sll = sql("""
			select *
			from `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
			where item_code = %s 
			and warehouse = %s 
			and ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') = 'No'
			and timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) > timestamp(%s, %s)
			order by timestamp(posting_date, posting_time) asc, name asc""", \
				(self.doc.item_code, self.doc.warehouse, \
					prev_sle.get('posting_date','1900-01-01'), prev_sle.get('posting_time', '12:00')), as_dict = 1)
		for sle in sll:		
			# block if stock level goes negative on any date
			if val_method != 'Moving Average' or flt(allow_negative_stock) == 0:
				self.validate_negative_stock(cqty, sle)

			stock_val, in_rate = 0, sle['incoming_rate'] # IN
			serial_nos = sle["serial_no"] and ("'"+"', '".join(cstr(sle["serial_no"]).split('\n')) \
				+ "'") or ''

			# Get valuation rate
			val_rate, stock_val = self.get_valuation_rate(val_method, serial_nos, \
				val_rate, in_rate, stock_val, cqty, sle) 
			# Qty upto the sle
			cqty += sle['actual_qty'] 

			# Stock Value upto the sle
			stock_val = self.get_stock_value(val_method, cqty, stock_val, serial_nos) 
			# update current sle --> will it be good to update incoming rate in sle 
			# for outgoing stock entry?????
			sql("""update `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
			set bin_aqat=%s, valuation_rate=%s, fcfs_stack=%s, stock_value=%s 
			where name=%s""", (cqty, flt(val_rate), cstr(self.fcfs_bal), stock_val, sle['name']))
		# update the bin
		if sll or not prev_sle:
			sql("update `tabBin` set valuation_rate=%s, actual_qty=%s, stock_value = %s, projected_qty = (actual_qty + indented_qty + ordered_qty + planned_qty - reserved_qty) where name=%s", \
				(flt(val_rate), cqty, flt(stock_val), self.doc.name))
예제 #41
    def get_item_details(self, args, obj):
        import json
        if not obj.doc.price_list_name:
            msgprint("Please Select Price List before selecting Items")
            raise Exception
        item = webnotes.conn.sql(
            "select description, item_name, brand, item_group, stock_uom, default_warehouse, default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center, description_html, barcode from `tabItem` where name = '%s' and (ifnull(end_of_life,'')='' or end_of_life >	now() or end_of_life = '0000-00-00') and (is_sales_item = 'Yes' or is_service_item = 'Yes')"
            % (args['item_code']),
        tax = webnotes.conn.sql(
            "select tax_type, tax_rate from `tabItem Tax` where parent = %s",
        t = {}
        for x in tax:
            t[x[0]] = flt(x[1])
        ret = {
            item and item[0]['description_html'] or item[0]['description'],
            item and item[0]['barcode'] or '',
            item and item[0]['item_group'] or '',
            item and item[0]['item_name'] or '',
            item and item[0]['brand'] or '',
            item and item[0]['stock_uom'] or '',
            item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or '',
            item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or args.get('warehouse'),
            item and item[0]['default_income_account']
            or args.get('income_account'),
            item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center']
            or args.get('cost_center'),
            1.00,  # this is done coz if item once fetched is fetched again thn its qty shld be reset to 1
        if (
                obj.doc.price_list_name and item
        ):  #this is done to fetch the changed BASIC RATE and REF RATE based on PRICE LIST
            base_ref_rate = self.get_ref_rate(args['item_code'],
            ret['ref_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate) / flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
            ret['export_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate) / flt(
            ret['base_ref_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate)
            ret['basic_rate'] = flt(base_ref_rate)

        if ret['warehouse'] or ret['reserved_warehouse']:
            av_qty = self.get_available_qty({
                ret['warehouse'] or ret['reserved_warehouse']

        # get customer code for given item from Item Customer Detail
        customer_item_code_row = webnotes.conn.sql(
			select ref_code from `tabItem Customer Detail`
			where parent = %s and customer_name = %s""",
            (args['item_code'], obj.doc.customer))
        if customer_item_code_row and customer_item_code_row[0][0]:
            ret['customer_item_code'] = customer_item_code_row[0][0]

        return ret
예제 #42
	def _get_actual_qty(self):
		return flt(webnotes.conn.get_value("Bin", {"item_code": "_Test Item", 
			"warehouse": "_Test Warehouse - _TC"}, "actual_qty"))
예제 #43
    def update_bin(self, is_submit, is_stopped=0):
        pc_obj = get_obj('Purchase Common')
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'po_details'):
            #1. Check if is_stock_item == 'Yes'
            if sql("select is_stock_item from tabItem where name=%s",
                   d.item_code)[0][0] == 'Yes':

                ind_qty, po_qty = 0, flt(d.qty) * flt(d.conversion_factor)
                if is_stopped:
                    po_qty = flt(d.qty) > flt(d.received_qty) and flt(
                        flt(flt(d.qty) - flt(d.received_qty)) *
                        flt(d.conversion_factor)) or 0

                # No updates in Indent on Stop / Unstop
                if cstr(d.prevdoc_doctype) == 'Indent' and not is_stopped:
                    # get qty and pending_qty of prevdoc
                    curr_ref_qty = pc_obj.get_qty(d.doctype,
                                                  'Indent Detail',
                                                  'Indent - Purchase Order',
                    max_qty, qty, curr_qty = flt(
                        curr_ref_qty.split('~~~')[1]), flt(
                            curr_ref_qty.split('~~~')[0]), 0

                    if flt(qty) + flt(po_qty) > flt(max_qty):
                        curr_qty = flt(max_qty) - flt(qty)
                        # special case as there is no restriction for Indent - Purchase Order
                        curr_qty = (curr_qty > 0) and curr_qty or 0
                        curr_qty = flt(po_qty)

                    ind_qty = -flt(curr_qty)

                #==> Update Bin's Indent Qty by +- ind_qty and Ordered Qty by +- qty
                get_obj('Warehouse', d.warehouse).update_bin(
                    0, 0, (is_submit and 1 or -1) * flt(po_qty),
                    (is_submit and 1 or -1) * flt(ind_qty), 0, d.item_code,
예제 #44
 def get_adj_percent(self, obj):
     for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
         base_ref_rate = self.get_ref_rate(d.item_code,
         d.adj_rate = 0
         d.ref_rate = flt(base_ref_rate) / flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
         d.basic_rate = flt(base_ref_rate)
         d.base_ref_rate = flt(base_ref_rate)
         d.export_rate = flt(base_ref_rate) / flt(obj.doc.conversion_rate)
         d.amount = flt(d.qty) * flt(base_ref_rate)
         d.export_amount = flt(d.qty) * flt(base_ref_rate) / flt(
예제 #45
 def validate(self):
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'target_details'):
         if not flt(d.target_qty) and not flt(d.target_amount):
                 "Either target qty or target amount is mandatory.")
             raise Exception
예제 #46
    def add_bom(self, d):
        #----- fetching default bom from Bill of Materials instead of Item Master --
        bom_det = sql(
            "select t1.item, t2.item_code, t2.qty_consumed_per_unit, t2.moving_avg_rate, t2.value_as_per_mar, t2.stock_uom, t2.name, t2.parent from `tabBill Of Materials` t1, `tabBOM Material` t2 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.item = '%s' and ifnull(t1.is_default,0) = 1 and t1.docstatus = 1"
            % d.item_code)

        if not bom_det:
            msgprint("No default BOM exists for item: %s" % d.item_code)
            raise Exception
            #-------------- add child function--------------------
            chgd_rqd_qty = []
            for i in bom_det:
                if i and not sql(
                        "select name from `tabPO Raw Material Detail` where reference_name = '%s' and bom_detail_no = '%s' and parent = '%s' "
                        % (d.name, i[6], self.doc.name)):

                    rm_child = addchild(self.doc, 'po_raw_material_details',
                                        'PO Raw Material Detail', 1,

                    rm_child.reference_name = d.name
                    rm_child.bom_detail_no = i and i[6] or ''
                    rm_child.main_item_code = i and i[0] or ''
                    rm_child.rm_item_code = i and i[1] or ''
                    rm_child.stock_uom = i and i[5] or ''
                    rm_child.rate = i and flt(i[3]) or flt(i[4])
                    rm_child.conversion_factor = d.conversion_factor
                    rm_child.required_qty = flt(i and flt(i[2]) or 0) * flt(
                        d.qty) * flt(d.conversion_factor)
                    rm_child.amount = flt(
                        flt(rm_child.consumed_qty) * flt(rm_child.rate))
                    act_qty = flt(i and flt(i[2]) or 0) * flt(d.qty) * flt(
                    for po_rmd in getlist(self.doclist,
                        if i and i[6] == po_rmd.bom_detail_no and (
                                flt(act_qty) != flt(po_rmd.required_qty)
                                or i[1] != po_rmd.rm_item_code):
                            po_rmd.main_item_code = i[0]
                            po_rmd.rm_item_code = i[1]
                            po_rmd.stock_uom = i[5]
                            po_rmd.required_qty = flt(act_qty)
                            po_rmd.rate = i and flt(i[3]) or flt(i[4])
                            po_rmd.amount = flt(
                                flt(po_rmd.consumed_qty) * flt(po_rmd.rate))
예제 #47
파일: sales_bom.py 프로젝트: ant0nk/erpnext
 def get_rates(self):
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, "sales_bom_items"):
         r = sql(
             "select ref_rate from `tabRef Rate Detail` where price_list_name=%s and parent=%s and ref_currency = %s",
             (self.doc.price_list, d.item_code, self.doc.currency))
         d.rate = r and flt(r[0][0]) or 0.00
예제 #48
    def get_tds_amount(self, obj):
        # Validate if posting date b4 first tds entry for this category

        # get current amount and supplier head
        if obj.doc.doctype == 'Purchase Invoice':
            supplier_account = obj.doc.credit_to
            total_amount = flt(obj.doc.grand_total)
            for d in getlist(obj.doclist, 'advance_allocation_details'):
                if flt(d.tds_amount) != 0:
                    total_amount -= flt(d.allocated_amount)
        elif obj.doc.doctype == 'Journal Voucher':
            supplier_account = obj.doc.supplier_account
            total_amount = obj.doc.total_debit

        if obj.doc.tds_category:
            # get total billed
            total_billed = 0
            pv = sql(
                "select sum(ifnull(grand_total,0)), sum(ifnull(ded_amount,0)) from `tabPurchase Invoice` where tds_category = %s and credit_to = %s and fiscal_year = %s and docstatus = 1 and name != %s and is_opening != 'Yes'",
                (obj.doc.tds_category, supplier_account, obj.doc.fiscal_year,
            jv = sql(
                "select sum(ifnull(total_debit,0)), sum(ifnull(ded_amount,0)) from `tabJournal Voucher` where tds_category = %s and supplier_account = %s and fiscal_year = %s and docstatus = 1 and name != %s and is_opening != 'Yes'",
                (obj.doc.tds_category, supplier_account, obj.doc.fiscal_year,
            tds_in_pv = pv and pv[0][1] or 0
            tds_in_jv = jv and jv[0][1] or 0
            total_billed += flt(pv and pv[0][0] or 0) + flt(
                jv and jv[0][0] or 0) + flt(total_amount)

            # get slab
            slab = sql(
                "SELECT * FROM `tabTDS Rate Detail` t1, `tabTDS Rate Chart` t2 WHERE t1.category = '%s' AND t1.parent=t2.name and t2.applicable_from <= '%s' ORDER BY t2.applicable_from DESC LIMIT 1"
                % (obj.doc.tds_category, obj.doc.posting_date),

            if slab and flt(slab[0]['slab_from']) <= total_billed:

                if flt(tds_in_pv) <= 0 and flt(tds_in_jv) <= 0:
                    total_amount = total_billed
                slab = slab[0]
                # special tds rate
                special_tds = sql(
                    "select special_tds_rate, special_tds_limit, special_tds_rate_applicable from `tabTDS Detail` where parent = '%s' and tds_category = '%s'"
                    % (supplier_account, obj.doc.tds_category))

                # get_pan_number
                pan_no = sql(
                    "select pan_number from `tabAccount` where name = '%s'" %
                pan_no = pan_no and cstr(pan_no[0][0]) or ''
                if not pan_no and flt(slab.get('rate_without_pan')):
                        "As there is no PAN number mentioned in the account head: %s, TDS amount will be calculated at rate %s%%"
                        % (supplier_account, cstr(slab['rate_without_pan'])))
                    tds_rate = flt(slab.get('rate_without_pan'))
                elif special_tds and special_tds[0][2] == 'Yes' and (
                        flt(special_tds[0][1]) == 0
                        or flt(special_tds[0][1]) >= flt(total_amount)):
                    tds_rate = flt(special_tds[0][0])
                    tds_rate = flt(slab['rate'])
                # calculate tds amount
                if flt(slab['rate']):
                    ac = sql(
                        "SELECT account_head FROM `tabTDS Category Account` where parent=%s and company=%s",
                        (obj.doc.tds_category, obj.doc.company))

                    if ac:
                        obj.doc.tax_code = ac[0][0]
                        obj.doc.rate = tds_rate
                        obj.doc.ded_amount = round(
                            flt(tds_rate) * flt(total_amount) / 100)
                            "TDS Account not selected in TDS Category %s" %
                        raise Exception
 def make_items_dict(self, item_list):
     for i in item_list:
         self.item_dict[i[0]] = [
             (flt(self.item_dict.get(i[0], [0])[0]) + flt(i[1])), i[2],
             i[3], i[4]
예제 #50
class DocType:
	def __init__(self, doc, doclist=[]):
		self.doc = doc
		self.doclist = doclist
		self.validated = 1
		self.data = []
		self.val_method = get_defaults()['valuation_method']

	def get_template(self):
		if self.val_method == 'Moving Average':
			return [['Item Code', 'Warehouse', 'Quantity', 'Valuation Rate']]
			return [['Item Code', 'Warehouse', 'Quantity', 'Incoming Rate']]

	def read_csv_content(self, submit = 1):
		"""Get csv data"""
		if submit:
			from webnotes.utils.datautils import read_csv_content_from_attached_file
			data = read_csv_content_from_attached_file(self.doc)
			from webnotes.utils.datautils import read_csv_content
			data = read_csv_content(self.doc.diff_info)

		return data

	def convert_into_list(self, data, submit=1):
		"""Convert csv data into list"""
		count = 1
		for s in data:
			count += 1
			if count == 2 and submit:
				if cstr(s[0]).strip() != 'Item Code' or cstr(s[1]).strip() != 'Warehouse':
					msgprint("First row of the attachment always should be same as \
						template(Item Code, Warehouse, Quantity \
						and Valuation Rate/Incoming Rate)", raise_exception=1)
			# validate
			if (submit and len(s) != 4) or (not submit and len(s) != 6):
				msgprint("Data entered at Row No " + cstr(count) + " in Attachment File is not in correct format.", raise_exception=1)
				self.validated = 0
			self.validate_item(s[0], count)
			self.validate_warehouse(s[1], count)
		if not self.validated:
			raise Exception

	def get_reconciliation_data(self, submit = 1):
		"""Read and validate csv data"""
		data = self.read_csv_content(submit)
		self.convert_into_list(data, submit)
	def validate_item(self, item, count):
		""" Validate item exists and non-serialized"""
		det = sql("select item_code, has_serial_no from `tabItem` where name = %s", cstr(item), as_dict = 1)
		if not det:
			msgprint("Item: " + cstr(item) + " mentioned at Row No. " + cstr(count) + "does not exist in the system")
			self.validated = 0
		elif det and det[0]['has_serial_no'] == 'Yes':
			msgprint("""You cannot make Stock Reconciliation of items having serial no. \n
			You can directly upload serial no to update their inventory. \n
			Please remove Item Code : %s at Row No. %s""" %(cstr(item), cstr(count)))
			self.validated = 0

	def validate_warehouse(self, wh, count,):
		"""Validate warehouse exists"""
		if not sql("select name from `tabWarehouse` where name = %s", cstr(wh)):
			msgprint("Warehouse: " + cstr(wh) + " mentioned at Row No. " + cstr(count) + " does not exist in the system")
			self.validated = 0

	def validate(self):
		"""Validate attachment data"""
		if self.doc.file_list:

	def get_system_stock(self, it, wh):
		"""get actual qty on reconciliation date and time as per system"""
		bin = sql("select name from tabBin where item_code=%s and warehouse=%s", (it, wh))
		prev_sle = bin and get_obj('Bin', bin[0][0]).get_prev_sle(self.doc.reconciliation_date, self.doc.reconciliation_time) or {}
		return {
			'actual_qty': prev_sle.get('bin_aqat', 0), 
			'stock_uom' : sql("select stock_uom from tabItem where name = %s", it)[0][0], 
			'val_rate'  : prev_sle.get('valuation_rate', 0)

	def get_incoming_rate(self, row, qty_diff, sys_stock):
		"""Calculate incoming rate to maintain valuation rate"""
		if qty_diff:
			if self.val_method == 'Moving Average':
				in_rate = flt(row[3]) + (flt(sys_stock['actual_qty'])*(flt(row[3]) - flt(sys_stock['val_rate'])))/ flt(qty_diff)
			elif not sys_stock and not row[3]:
				msgprint("Incoming Rate is mandatory for item: %s and warehouse: %s" % (rpw[0], row[1]), raise_exception=1)
				in_rate = qty_diff > 0 and row[3] or 0
			in_rate = 0

		return in_rate

	def make_sl_entry(self, row, qty_diff, sys_stock):
		"""Make stock ledger entry"""
		in_rate = self.get_incoming_rate(row, qty_diff, sys_stock)
		values = [{
				'item_code'					: row[0],
				'warehouse'					: row[1],
				'transaction_date'	 		: nowdate(),
				'posting_date'				: self.doc.reconciliation_date,
				'posting_time'			 	: self.doc.reconciliation_time,
				'voucher_type'			 	: self.doc.doctype,
				'voucher_no'				: self.doc.name,
				'voucher_detail_no'			: self.doc.name,
				'actual_qty'				: flt(qty_diff),
				'stock_uom'					: sys_stock['stock_uom'],
				'incoming_rate'				: in_rate,
				'company'					: get_defaults()['company'],
				'fiscal_year'				: get_defaults()['fiscal_year'],
				'is_cancelled'			 	: 'No',
				'batch_no'					: '',
				'serial_no'					: ''
		get_obj('Stock Ledger', 'Stock Ledger').update_stock(values)
	def make_entry_for_valuation(self, row, sys_stock):
		self.make_sl_entry(row, 1, sys_stock)
		sys_stock['val_rate'] = row[3]
		sys_stock['actual_qty'] += 1
		self.make_sl_entry(row, -1, sys_stock)

	def do_stock_reco(self):
			Make stock entry of qty diff, calculate incoming rate to maintain valuation rate.
			If no qty diff, but diff in valuation rate, make (+1,-1) entry to update valuation
		self.diff_info = ''
		for row in self.data:
			# Get qty as per system
			sys_stock = self.get_system_stock(row[0],row[1])
			# Diff between file and system
			qty_diff = row[2] != '~' and flt(row[2]) - flt(sys_stock['actual_qty']) or 0
			rate_diff = row[3] != '~' and flt(row[3]) - flt(sys_stock['val_rate']) or 0
			# Make sl entry
			if qty_diff:
				self.make_sl_entry(row, qty_diff, sys_stock)
				sys_stock['actual_qty'] += qty_diff

			if (not qty_diff and rate_diff) or qty_diff < 0 and self.val_method == 'Moving Average':
				self.make_entry_for_valuation(row, sys_stock)

			r = [cstr(i) for i in row] + [cstr(qty_diff), cstr(rate_diff)]
		msgprint("Stock Reconciliation Completed Successfully...")

	def store_diff_info(self, r):
		"""Add diffs column in attached file"""
		# add header
		if not self.diff_info:
			if self.val_method == 'Moving Average':
				self.diff_info += "Item Code, Warehouse, Qty, Valuation Rate, Qty Diff, Rate Diff"
				self.diff_info += "Item Code, Warehouse, Qty, Incoming Rate, Qty Diff, Rate Diff"

		# add data
		self.diff_info += "\n" + ','.join(r)
		webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'diff_info', self.diff_info)

	def on_submit(self):
		if not self.doc.file_list:
			msgprint("Please attach file before submitting.", raise_exception=1)

	def on_cancel(self):
	def cancel_stock_ledger_entries(self):
			update `tabStock Ledger Entry` 
			set is_cancelled = 'Yes'
			where voucher_type = 'Stock Reconciliation' and voucher_no = %s
		""", self.doc.name)

	def update_entries_after(self):
		# get distinct combination of item_code and warehouse to update bin
		item_warehouse = webnotes.conn.sql("""select distinct item_code, warehouse
			from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where voucher_no = %s and is_cancelled = 'Yes'
			and voucher_type = 'Stock Reconciliation'""", self.doc.name)
		from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
		errors = []
		for d in item_warehouse:
			bin = webnotes.conn.sql("select name from `tabBin` where item_code = %s and \
				warehouse = %s", (d[0], d[1]))
					self.doc.reconciliation_time, verbose=0)
			except webnotes.ValidationError, e:
				errors.append([d[0], d[1], e])
		if errors:
			import re
			error_msg = [["Item Code", "Warehouse", "Qty"]]
			qty_regex = re.compile(": <b>(.*)</b>")
			for e in errors:
				qty = qty_regex.findall(unicode(e[2]))
				qty = qty and abs(flt(qty[0])) or None
				error_msg.append([e[0], e[1], flt(qty)])
			webnotes.msgprint("""Your stock is going into negative value \
				in a future transaction.
				To cancel, you need to create a stock entry with the \
				following values on %s %s""" % \
				(formatdate(self.doc.reconciliation_date), self.doc.reconciliation_time))
			webnotes.msgprint(error_msg, as_table=1, raise_exception=1)
예제 #51
	def validate_write_off_account(self):
		if flt(self.doc.write_off_amount) and not self.doc.write_off_account:
			msgprint("Please enter Write Off Account", raise_exception=1)
    def validate_approving_authority(self,
        av_dis = 0
        if doc_obj:
            ref_rate, basic_rate = 0, 0
            for d in getlist(doc_obj.doclist, doc_obj.fname):
                if d.base_ref_rate and d.basic_rate:
                    ref_rate += flt(d.base_ref_rate)
                    basic_rate += flt(d.basic_rate)
            if ref_rate: av_dis = 100 - flt(basic_rate * 100 / ref_rate)

        final_based_on = [
            'Grand Total', 'Average Discount', 'Customerwise Discount',
            'Itemwise Discount'
        # Individual User
        # ================
        # Check for authorization set for individual user

        based_on = [
            x[0] for x in webnotes.conn.sql(
                "select distinct based_on from `tabAuthorization Rule` where transaction = %s and system_user = %s and (company = %s or ifnull(company,'')='') and docstatus != 2",
                (doctype_name, session['user'], company))

        for d in based_on:
            self.bifurcate_based_on_type(doctype_name, total, av_dis, d,
                                         doc_obj, 1, company)

        # Remove user specific rules from global authorization rules
        for r in based_on:
            if r in final_based_on and r != 'Itemwise Discount':

        # Specific Role
        # ===============
        # Check for authorization set on particular roles
        based_on = [
            x[0] for x in webnotes.conn.sql(
                """select based_on 
			from `tabAuthorization Rule` 
			where transaction = %s and system_role IN (%s) and based_on IN (%s) 
			and (company = %s or ifnull(company,'')='') 
			and docstatus != 2
		""" % ('%s', "'" + "','".join(webnotes.user.get_roles()) + "'", "'" +
         "','".join(final_based_on) + "'", '%s'), (doctype_name, company))

        for d in based_on:
            self.bifurcate_based_on_type(doctype_name, total, av_dis, d,
                                         doc_obj, 2, company)

        # Remove role specific rules from global authorization rules
        for r in based_on:
            if r in final_based_on and r != 'Itemwise Discount':

        # Global Rule
        # =============
        # Check for global authorization
        for g in final_based_on:
            self.bifurcate_based_on_type(doctype_name, total, av_dis, g,
                                         doc_obj, 0, company)
예제 #53
 def calculate_total_invoiced_amount(self):
     total = 0
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'invoice_details'):
         total += flt(d.grand_total)
     webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'total_invoiced_amount', total)
예제 #54
	def check_value(self, ref_dt, ref_dn, ref_item_dn, val, item_code):
		ref_val = webnotes.conn.get_value(ref_dt + " Item", ref_item_dn, "export_rate")
		if flt(ref_val, 2) != flt(val, 2):
			msgprint(_("Rate is not matching with ") + ref_dt + ": " + ref_dn + 
				_(" for item: ") + item_code, raise_exception=True)
예제 #55
def execute(filters=None):
    if not filters: filters = {}

    invoice_list = get_invoices(filters)
    columns, expense_accounts, tax_accounts = get_columns(invoice_list)

    if not invoice_list:
        msgprint(_("No record found"))
        return columns, invoice_list

    invoice_expense_map = get_invoice_expense_map(invoice_list)
    invoice_expense_map, invoice_tax_map = get_invoice_tax_map(
        invoice_list, invoice_expense_map, expense_accounts)
    invoice_po_pr_map = get_invoice_po_pr_map(invoice_list)
    account_map = get_account_details(invoice_list)

    data = []
    for inv in invoice_list:
        # invoice details
        purchase_order = list(
            set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(inv.name, {}).get("purchase_order", [])))
        purchase_receipt = list(
                                      {}).get("purchase_receipt", [])))
        project_name = list(
            set(invoice_po_pr_map.get(inv.name, {}).get("project_name", [])))

        row = [
            inv.name, inv.posting_date, inv.supplier, inv.supplier_name,
            account_map.get(inv.credit_to), ", ".join(project_name),
            inv.bill_no, inv.bill_date, inv.remarks, ", ".join(purchase_order),
            ", ".join(purchase_receipt)

        # map expense values
        net_total = 0
        for expense_acc in expense_accounts:
            expense_amount = flt(
                invoice_expense_map.get(inv.name, {}).get(expense_acc))
            net_total += expense_amount

        # net total
        row.append(net_total or inv.net_total)

        # tax account
        total_tax = 0
        for tax_acc in tax_accounts:
            if tax_acc not in expense_accounts:
                tax_amount = flt(
                    invoice_tax_map.get(inv.name, {}).get(tax_acc))
                total_tax += tax_amount

        # total tax, grand total, outstanding amount & rounded total
        row += [
            total_tax, inv.grand_total,
            flt(inv.grand_total, 2), inv.outstanding_amount
        # raise Exception

    return columns, data
예제 #56
 def get_total_allocated_leaves(self):
     leave_det = self.get_carry_forwarded_leaves()
     webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'carry_forwarded_leaves',
     webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'total_leaves_allocated',
예제 #57
    def send_mail_funct(self):
        from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail
        emailid_ret = sql(
            "select company_email from `tabEmployee` where name = '%s'" %
        if emailid_ret:
            receiver = cstr(emailid_ret[0][0])
            subj = 'Salary Slip - ' + cstr(self.doc.month) + '/' + cstr(
            earn_ret = sql(
                "select e_type,e_modified_amount from `tabSalary Slip Earning` where parent = '%s'"
                % self.doc.name)
            ded_ret = sql(
                "select d_type,d_modified_amount from `tabSalary Slip Deduction` where parent = '%s'"
                % self.doc.name)

            earn_table = ''
            ded_table = ''
            if earn_ret:
                earn_table += "<table cellspacing=5px cellpadding=5px width='100%%'>"

                for e in earn_ret:
                    if not e[1]:
                        earn_table += '<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">0.00</td></tr>' % (
                        earn_table += '<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">%s</td></tr>' % (
                            cstr(e[0]), cstr(e[1]))
                earn_table += '</table>'

            if ded_ret:

                ded_table += "<table cellspacing=5px cellpadding=5px width='100%%'>"

                for d in ded_ret:
                    if not d[1]:
                        ded_table += '<tr><td">%s</td><td align="right">0.00</td></tr>' % (
                        ded_table += '<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">%s</td></tr>' % (
                            cstr(d[0]), cstr(d[1]))
                ded_table += '</table>'

            letter_head = sql(
                "select value from `tabSingles` where field = 'letter_head' and doctype = 'Control Panel'"

            if not letter_head:
                letter_head = ''

            msg = '''<div> %s <br>
			<table cellspacing= "5" cellpadding="5"  width = "100%%">
					<td width = "100%%" colspan = "2"><h4>Salary Slip</h4></td>
					<td width = "50%%"><b>Employee Code : %s</b></td>
					<td width = "50%%"><b>Employee Name : %s</b></td>
					<td width = "50%%">Month : %s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Fiscal Year : %s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Department : %s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Branch : %s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Designation : %s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Grade : %s</td>
					<td width = "50%%">Bank Account No. : %s</td>
					<td  width = "50%%">Bank Name : %s</td>
					<td  width = "50%%">Arrear Amount : <b>%s</b></td>
					<td  width = "50%%">Payment days : %s</td>
			<table border="1px solid #CCC" width="100%%" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
					<td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"><b>Earnings</b></td>
					<td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"><b>Deductions</b></td>
					<td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" valign= "top">%s</td>
					<td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" valign= "top">%s</td>
			<table cellspacing= "5" cellpadding="5" width = '100%%'>
					<td width = '25%%'><b>Gross Pay :</b> </td><td width = '25%%' align='right'>%s</td>
					<td width = '25%%'><b>Total Deduction :</b></td><td width = '25%%' align='right'> %s</td>
					<tdwidth='25%%'><b>Net Pay : </b></td><td width = '25%%' align='right'><b>%s</b></td>
					<td colspan = '2' width = '50%%'></td>
					<td width='25%%'><b>Net Pay(in words) : </td><td colspan = '3' width = '50%%'>%s</b></td>
			</table></div>''' % (cstr(letter_head[0][0]), cstr(self.doc.employee),
                        cstr(self.doc.employee_name), cstr(self.doc.month),
                        cstr(self.doc.fiscal_year), cstr(self.doc.department),
                        cstr(self.doc.branch), cstr(self.doc.designation),
                        cstr(self.doc.grade), cstr(self.doc.bank_account_no),
                        cstr(self.doc.bank_name), cstr(self.doc.arrear_amount),
                        cstr(self.doc.payment_days), earn_table, ded_table,
                            self.doc.net_pay)), cstr(self.doc.total_in_words))
            sendmail([receiver], subject=subj, msg=msg)
            msgprint("Company Email ID not found, hence mail not sent")
예제 #58
 def update_item(obj, target, source_parent):
     target.qty = flt(obj.qty) - flt(obj.installed_qty)
     target.serial_no = obj.serial_no
예제 #59
 def set_total_invoiced_amount(self):
     total = sum([
         for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'invoice_details')
     webnotes.conn.set(self.doc, 'total_invoiced_amount', total)
예제 #60
    def validate_for_items(self, obj):
        check_list, chk_dupl_itm = [], []
        for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
            # validation for valid qty
            if flt(d.qty) < 0 or (d.parenttype != 'Purchase Receipt'
                                  and not flt(d.qty)):
                msgprint("Please enter valid qty for item %s" %
                raise Exception

            # udpate with latest quantities
            bin = sql(
                "select projected_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s",
                (d.item_code, d.warehouse),

            f_lst = {
                'projected_qty': bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0,
                'ordered_qty': 0,
                'received_qty': 0
            if d.doctype == 'Purchase Receipt Item':
            for x in f_lst:
                if d.fields.has_key(x):
                    d.fields[x] = f_lst[x]

            item = sql(
                "select is_stock_item, is_purchase_item, is_sub_contracted_item, end_of_life from tabItem where name=%s",
            if not item:
                msgprint("Item %s does not exist in Item Master." %

            from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life
            validate_end_of_life(d.item_code, item[0][3])

            # validate stock item
            if item[0][0] == 'Yes' and d.qty and not d.warehouse:
                    "Warehouse is mandatory for %s, since it is a stock item" %

            # validate purchase item
            if item[0][1] != 'Yes' and item[0][2] != 'Yes':
                    "Item %s is not a purchase item or sub-contracted item. Please check"
                    % (d.item_code),

            # list criteria that should not repeat if item is stock item
            e = [
                d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description, d.warehouse,
                d.fields.has_key('prevdoc_docname') and d.prevdoc_docname
                or '',
                and d.prevdoc_detail_docname or '',
                d.fields.has_key('batch_no') and d.batch_no or ''

            # if is not stock item
            f = [d.schedule_date, d.item_code, d.description]

            ch = sql("select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'" %

            if ch and ch[0][0] == 'Yes':
                # check for same items
                if e in check_list:
                        """Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date, warehouse and uom.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice""" %

            elif ch and ch[0][0] == 'No':
                # check for same items
                if f in chk_dupl_itm:
                        """Item %s has been entered more than once with same description, schedule date.\n 
						Please change any of the field value to enter the item twice.""" %