def execute(): from webnotes.country_info import get_all data = get_all() webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "country") webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "currency") for c in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabCountry"""): if c[0] in data: info = webnotes._dict(data[c[0]]) doc = webnotes.doc("Country", c[0]) doc.date_format = info.date_format or "dd-mm-yyyy" doc.time_zones = "\n".join(info.timezones or []) if webnotes.conn.exists("Currency", info.currency): doc = webnotes.doc("Currency", info.currency) doc.fields.update({ "fraction": info.currency_fraction, "symbol": info.currency_symbol, "fraction_units": info.currency_fraction_units })
def save_perms_if_none_exist(doclist): if not webnotes.conn.sql( """select count(*) from tabDocPerm where parent=%s""", doclist[0].name)[0][0]: for d in doclist: if d.get('doctype') != 'DocPerm': continue webnotes.doc(fielddata=d).save(1, check_links=0, ignore_fields=1)
def update_patch_log(patchmodule): """update patch_file in patch log""" if webnotes.conn.table_exists("__PatchLog"): webnotes.conn.sql("""INSERT INTO `__PatchLog` VALUES (%s, now())""", \ patchmodule) else: webnotes.doc({"doctype": "Patch Log", "patch": patchmodule}).insert()
def import_country_and_currency(): from webnotes.country_info import get_all data = get_all() for name in data: country = webnotes._dict(data[name]) webnotes.doc( { "doctype": "Country", "country_name": name, "date_format": country.date_format or "dd-mm-yyyy", "time_zones": "\n".join(country.timezones or []), } ).insert() if country.currency and not webnotes.conn.exists("Currency", country.currency): webnotes.doc( { "doctype": "Currency", "currency_name": country.currency, "fraction": country.currency_fraction, "symbol": country.currency_symbol, "fraction_units": country.currency_fraction_units, "number_format": country.number_format, } ).insert()
def build_sitemap_options(page_name): sitemap_options = webnotes.doc("Website Sitemap", page_name).fields # only non default fields for fieldname in default_fields: if fieldname in sitemap_options: del sitemap_options[fieldname] sitemap_config = webnotes.doc("Website Sitemap Config", sitemap_options.get("website_sitemap_config")).fields # get sitemap config fields too for fieldname in ("base_template_path", "template_path", "controller", "no_cache", "no_sitemap", "page_name_field", "condition_field"): sitemap_options[fieldname] = sitemap_config.get(fieldname) # establish hierarchy sitemap_options.parents = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, page_title from `tabWebsite Sitemap` where lft < %s and rgt > %s order by lft asc""", (sitemap_options.lft, sitemap_options.rgt), as_dict=True) sitemap_options.children = webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from `tabWebsite Sitemap` where parent_website_sitemap=%s""", (sitemap_options.page_name,), as_dict=True) # determine templates to be used if not sitemap_options.base_template_path: sitemap_options.base_template_path = "templates/base.html" return sitemap_options
def get_lead_or_customer(): customer = webnotes.conn.get_value("Contact", {"email_id": webnotes.session.user}, "customer") if customer: return webnotes.doc("Customer", customer) lead = webnotes.conn.get_value("Lead", {"email_id": webnotes.session.user}) if lead: return webnotes.doc("Lead", lead) else: lead_bean = webnotes.bean({ "doctype": "Lead", "email_id": webnotes.session.user, "lead_name": get_fullname(webnotes.session.user), "territory": guess_territory(), "status": "Open" # TODO: set something better??? }) if webnotes.session.user != "Guest": lead_bean.ignore_permissions = True lead_bean.insert() return lead_bean.doc
def execute(): webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "patch_log") if webnotes.conn.table_exists("__PatchLog"): for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select patch from __PatchLog"""): webnotes.doc({"doctype": "Patch Log", "patch": d[0]}).insert() webnotes.conn.commit() webnotes.conn.sql("drop table __PatchLog")
def save_perms_if_none_exist(doclist): if not webnotes.conn.sql( """select count(*) from tabDocPerm where parent=%s""", doclist[0].name, )[0][0]: for d in doclist: if d.get("doctype") != "DocPerm": continue webnotes.doc(fielddata=d).save(1, check_links=0, ignore_fields=1)
def build_page(page_name): if not webnotes.conn: webnotes.connect() sitemap_options = webnotes.doc("Website Sitemap", page_name).fields page_options = webnotes.doc( "Website Sitemap Config", sitemap_options.get("website_sitemap_config")).fields.update({ "page_name": sitemap_options.page_name, "docname": sitemap_options.docname }) if not page_options: raise PageNotFoundError else: page_options["page_name"] = page_name basepath = webnotes.utils.get_base_path() no_cache = page_options.get("no_cache") # if generator, then load bean, pass arguments if page_options.get("page_or_generator") == "Generator": doctype = page_options.get("ref_doctype") obj = webnotes.get_obj(doctype, page_options["docname"], with_children=True) if hasattr(obj, 'get_context'): obj.get_context() context = webnotes._dict(obj.doc.fields) context["obj"] = obj else: # page context = webnotes._dict({'name': page_name}) if page_options.get("controller"): module = webnotes.get_module(page_options.get("controller")) if module and hasattr(module, "get_context"): context.update(module.get_context()) context.update(get_website_settings()) jenv = webnotes.get_jenv() context["base_template"] = jenv.get_template( webnotes.get_config().get("base_template")) template_name = page_options['template_path'] html = jenv.get_template(template_name).render(context) if not no_cache: webnotes.cache().set_value("page:" + page_name, html) return html
def execute(): webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "patch_log") if webnotes.conn.table_exists("__PatchLog"): for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select patch from __PatchLog"""): webnotes.doc({ "doctype": "Patch Log", "patch": d[0] }).insert() webnotes.conn.commit() webnotes.conn.sql("drop table __PatchLog")
def add(parent, role, permlevel): webnotes.doc(fielddata={ "doctype":"DocPerm", "__islocal": 1, "parent": parent, "parenttype": "DocType", "parentfield": "permissions", "role": role, "permlevel": permlevel, "read": 1 }).save() validate_and_reset(parent)
def add(parent, role, permlevel): webnotes.only_for(("System Manager", "Administrator")) webnotes.doc(fielddata={ "doctype":"DocPerm", "__islocal": 1, "parent": parent, "parenttype": "DocType", "parentfield": "permissions", "role": role, "permlevel": permlevel, "read": 1 }).save() validate_and_reset(parent)
def build_page(page_name): if not webnotes.conn: webnotes.connect() sitemap_options = webnotes.doc("Website Sitemap", page_name).fields page_options = webnotes.doc("Website Sitemap Config", sitemap_options.get("website_sitemap_config")).fields.update({ "page_name":sitemap_options.page_name, "docname":sitemap_options.docname }) if not page_options: raise PageNotFoundError else: page_options["page_name"] = page_name basepath = webnotes.utils.get_base_path() no_cache = page_options.get("no_cache") # if generator, then load bean, pass arguments if page_options.get("page_or_generator")=="Generator": doctype = page_options.get("ref_doctype") obj = webnotes.get_obj(doctype, page_options["docname"], with_children=True) if hasattr(obj, 'get_context'): obj.get_context() context = webnotes._dict(obj.doc.fields) context["obj"] = obj else: # page context = webnotes._dict({ 'name': page_name }) if page_options.get("controller"): module = webnotes.get_module(page_options.get("controller")) if module and hasattr(module, "get_context"): context.update(module.get_context()) context.update(get_website_settings()) jenv = webnotes.get_jenv() context["base_template"] = jenv.get_template(webnotes.get_config().get("base_template")) template_name = page_options['template_path'] html = jenv.get_template(template_name).render(context) if not no_cache: webnotes.cache().set_value("page:" + page_name, html) return html
def add(parent, role, permlevel): webnotes.only_for(("System Manager", "Administrator")) webnotes.doc( fielddata={ "doctype": "DocPerm", "__islocal": 1, "parent": parent, "parenttype": "DocType", "parentfield": "permissions", "role": role, "permlevel": permlevel, "read": 1 }).save() validate_and_reset(parent)
def make_lead(d, real_name, email_id): lead = webnotes.doc("Lead") lead.lead_name = real_name or email_id lead.email_id = email_id lead.source = "Email" return
def make_lead(d, real_name): lead = webnotes.doc("Lead") lead.lead_name = real_name or d.sender lead.email_id = d.sender lead.source = "Email" return
def get_pages(m): import importlib pages = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from tabPage where module=%s""", m) prefix = "" + m + ".page." docs = { "_icon": "file-alt", "_label": "Pages", "_toc": [prefix + d for d in pages] } for p in pages: page = webnotes.doc("Page", p) mydocs = docs[p] = { "_label": page.title or p, "_type": "page", } update_readme(mydocs, m, "page", p) mydocs["_modified"] = page.modified # controller page_name = scrub(p) try: page_controller = importlib.import_module(scrub(m) + ".page." + page_name + "." + page_name) inspect_object_and_update_docs(mydocs, page_controller) except ImportError, e: pass
def has_permission(doctype, ptype="read", refdoc=None, verbose=True): """check if user has permission""" if webnotes.conn.get_value("DocType", doctype, "istable")==1: return True meta = webnotes.get_doctype(doctype) if ptype=="submit" and not cint(meta[0].is_submittable): return False if ptype=="import" and not cint(meta[0].allow_import): return False if webnotes.session.user=="Administrator": return True # get user permissions if not get_user_perms(meta).get(ptype): return False if refdoc: if isinstance(refdoc, basestring): refdoc = webnotes.doc(meta[0].name, refdoc) if not has_unrestricted_access(meta, refdoc, verbose=verbose): return False if not has_additional_permission(refdoc): return False return True
def execute(): webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "for_territory") webnotes.reload_doc("setup", "doctype", "price_list") webnotes.reload_doc("accounts", "doctype", "sales_taxes_and_charges_master") webnotes.reload_doc("accounts", "doctype", "shipping_rule") from setup.utils import get_root_of root_territory = get_root_of("Territory") for parenttype in [ "Sales Taxes and Charges Master", "Price List", "Shipping Rule" ]: for name in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from `tab%s` main where not exists (select parent from `tabFor Territory` territory where territory.parenttype=%s and""" % \ (parenttype, "%s"), (parenttype,)): doc = webnotes.doc({ "doctype": "For Territory", "__islocal": 1, "parenttype": parenttype, "parentfield": "valid_for_territories", "parent": name, "territory": root_territory })
def set_defaults(args): # enable default currency webnotes.conn.set_value("Currency", args.get("currency"), "enabled", 1) global_defaults = webnotes.bean("Global Defaults", "Global Defaults") global_defaults.doc.fields.update({ 'current_fiscal_year': args.curr_fiscal_year, 'default_currency': args.get('currency'), 'default_company':args.get('company_name'), 'date_format': webnotes.conn.get_value("Country", args.get("country"), "date_format"), "float_precision": 3, "is_active":1, "max_users":5, "country": args.get("country"), "time_zone": args.get("time_zone") }) accounts_settings = webnotes.bean("Accounts Settings") accounts_settings.doc.auto_accounting_for_stock = 1 stock_settings = webnotes.bean("Stock Settings") stock_settings.doc.item_naming_by = "Item Code" stock_settings.doc.valuation_method = "FIFO" stock_settings.doc.stock_uom = "Nos" stock_settings.doc.auto_indent = 1 selling_settings = webnotes.bean("Selling Settings") selling_settings.doc.cust_master_name = "Customer Name" selling_settings.doc.so_required = "No" selling_settings.doc.dn_required = "No" buying_settings = webnotes.bean("Buying Settings") buying_settings.doc.supp_master_name = "Supplier Name" buying_settings.doc.po_required = "No" buying_settings.doc.pr_required = "No" buying_settings.doc.maintain_same_rate = 1 notification_control = webnotes.bean("Notification Control") notification_control.doc.quotation = 1 notification_control.doc.sales_invoice = 1 notification_control.doc.purchase_order = 1 hr_settings = webnotes.bean("HR Settings") hr_settings.doc.emp_created_by = "Naming Series" email_settings = webnotes.bean("Email Settings") email_settings.doc.send_print_in_body_and_attachment = 1 # control panel cp = webnotes.doc("Control Panel", "Control Panel") cp.company_name = args["company_name"]
def boot_session(bootinfo): """boot session - send website info if guest""" import webnotes import webnotes.model.doc bootinfo['custom_css'] = webnotes.conn.get_value('Style Settings', None, 'custom_css') or '' bootinfo['website_settings'] = webnotes.model.doc.getsingle('Website Settings') if webnotes.session['user']!='Guest': bootinfo['letter_heads'] = get_letter_heads() load_country_and_currency(bootinfo) import webnotes.model.doctype bootinfo['notification_settings'] = webnotes.doc("Notification Control", "Notification Control").get_values() # if no company, show a dialog box to create a new company bootinfo["customer_count"] = webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from tabCustomer""")[0][0] if not bootinfo["customer_count"]: bootinfo['setup_complete'] = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabCompany limit 1""") and 'Yes' or 'No' # load subscription info from webnotes import conf for key in ['max_users', 'expires_on', 'max_space', 'status', 'commercial_support']: if key in conf: bootinfo[key] = conf.get(key) bootinfo['docs'] += webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, default_currency, cost_center from `tabCompany`""", as_dict=1, update={"doctype":":Company"})
def import_core_docs(self): install_docs = [ {'doctype':'Module Def', 'name': 'Core', 'module_name':'Core'}, # roles {'doctype':'Role', 'role_name': 'Administrator', 'name': 'Administrator'}, {'doctype':'Role', 'role_name': 'All', 'name': 'All'}, {'doctype':'Role', 'role_name': 'System Manager', 'name': 'System Manager'}, {'doctype':'Role', 'role_name': 'Report Manager', 'name': 'Report Manager'}, {'doctype':'Role', 'role_name': 'Guest', 'name': 'Guest'}, # profiles {'doctype':'Profile', 'name':'Administrator', 'first_name':'Administrator', 'email':'admin@localhost', 'enabled':1}, {'doctype':'Profile', 'name':'Guest', 'first_name':'Guest', 'email':'guest@localhost', 'enabled':1}, # userroles {'doctype':'UserRole', 'parent': 'Administrator', 'role': 'Administrator', 'parenttype':'Profile', 'parentfield':'user_roles'}, {'doctype':'UserRole', 'parent': 'Guest', 'role': 'Guest', 'parenttype':'Profile', 'parentfield':'user_roles'} ] webnotes.conn.begin() for d in install_docs: doc = webnotes.doc(fielddata=d) doc.insert() webnotes.conn.commit()
def import_core_docs(self): install_docs = [ # profiles { "doctype": "Profile", "name": "Administrator", "first_name": "Administrator", "email": "admin@localhost", "enabled": 1, }, {"doctype": "Profile", "name": "Guest", "first_name": "Guest", "email": "guest@localhost", "enabled": 1}, # userroles { "doctype": "UserRole", "parent": "Administrator", "role": "Administrator", "parenttype": "Profile", "parentfield": "user_roles", }, { "doctype": "UserRole", "parent": "Guest", "role": "Guest", "parenttype": "Profile", "parentfield": "user_roles", }, {"doctype": "Role", "role_name": "Report Manager"}, ] webnotes.conn.begin() for d in install_docs: doc = webnotes.doc(fielddata=d) doc.insert() webnotes.conn.commit()
def load_country_and_currency(bootinfo): if and \ webnotes.conn.exists("Country", bootinfo["docs"] += [webnotes.doc("Country",] bootinfo["docs"] += webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabCurrency where ifnull(enabled,0)=1""", as_dict=1, update={"doctype":":Currency"})
def prepare_template_args(self): import webnotes.utils # this is for double precaution. usually it wont reach this code if not published if not webnotes.utils.cint(self.doc.published): raise Exception, "This blog has not been published yet!" # temp fields from webnotes.utils import global_date_format, get_fullname self.doc.full_name = get_fullname(self.doc.owner) self.doc.updated = global_date_format(self.doc.published_on) self.doc.content_html = self.doc.content if self.doc.blogger: self.doc.blogger_info = webnotes.doc("Blogger", self.doc.blogger).fields self.doc.description = self.doc.blog_intro or self.doc.content[:140] self.doc.categories = webnotes.conn.sql_list("select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name") self.doc.texts = { "comments": _("Comments"), "first_comment": _("Be the first one to comment"), "add_comment": _("Add Comment"), "submit": _("Submit"), "all_posts_by": _("All posts by"), } comment_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ select comment, comment_by_fullname, creation from `tabComment` where comment_doctype="Blog Post" and comment_docname=%s order by creation""",, as_dict=1) self.doc.comment_list = comment_list or [] for comment in self.doc.comment_list: comment['comment_date'] = webnotes.utils.global_date_format(comment['creation'])
def get_pages(m): import importlib pages = webnotes.conn.sql_list( """select name from tabPage where module=%s""", m) prefix = "" + m + ".page." docs = { "_icon": "file-alt", "_label": "Pages", "_toc": [prefix + d for d in pages] } for p in pages: page = webnotes.doc("Page", p) mydocs = docs[p] = { "_label": page.title or p, "_type": "page", } update_readme(mydocs, m, "page", p) mydocs["_modified"] = page.modified # controller page_name = scrub(p) try: page_controller = importlib.import_module( scrub(m) + ".page." + page_name + "." + page_name) inspect_object_and_update_docs(mydocs, page_controller) except ImportError, e: pass
def import_doclist(doclist): doctype = doclist[0]["doctype"] name = doclist[0]["name"] old_doc = None doctypes = set([d["doctype"] for d in doclist]) ignore = list(doctypes.intersection(set(ignore_doctypes))) if doctype in ignore_values: if webnotes.conn.exists(doctype, name): old_doc = webnotes.doc(doctype, name) # delete old webnotes.delete_doc(doctype, name, force=1, ignore_doctypes=ignore, for_reload=True) # don't overwrite ignored docs doclist1 = remove_ignored_docs_if_they_already_exist(doclist, ignore, name) # update old values (if not to be overwritten) if doctype in ignore_values and old_doc: update_original_values(doclist1, doctype, old_doc) # reload_new new_bean = webnotes.bean(doclist1) new_bean.ignore_children_type = ignore new_bean.ignore_links = True new_bean.ignore_validate = True new_bean.ignore_permissions = True new_bean.ignore_mandatory = True if doctype=="DocType" and name in ["DocField", "DocType"]: new_bean.ignore_fields = True new_bean.insert()
def boot_session(bootinfo): """boot session - send website info if guest""" import webnotes import webnotes.model.doc bootinfo['custom_css'] = webnotes.conn.get_value('Style Settings', None, 'custom_css') or '' bootinfo['website_settings'] = webnotes.model.doc.getsingle('Website Settings') if webnotes.session['user']=='Guest': bootinfo['website_menus'] = webnotes.conn.sql("""select label, url, custom_page, parent_label, parentfield from `tabTop Bar Item` where parent='Website Settings' order by idx asc""", as_dict=1) bootinfo['startup_code'] = \ webnotes.conn.get_value('Website Settings', None, 'startup_code') else: bootinfo['letter_heads'] = get_letter_heads() import webnotes.model.doctype bootinfo['notification_settings'] = webnotes.doc("Notification Control", "Notification Control").get_values() bootinfo['modules_list'] = webnotes.conn.get_global('modules_list') # if no company, show a dialog box to create a new company bootinfo['setup_complete'] = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabCompany limit 1""") and 'Yes' or 'No' # load subscription info import conf for key in ['max_users', 'expires_on', 'max_space', 'status', 'developer_mode']: if hasattr(conf, key): bootinfo[key] = getattr(conf, key) bootinfo['docs'] += webnotes.conn.sql("select name, default_currency from `tabCompany`", as_dict=1, update={"doctype":":Company"})
def validate_item(self, item_code, row_num): from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life, validate_is_stock_item, \ validate_cancelled_item # using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together try: item = webnotes.doc("Item", item_code) if not item: raise webnotes.ValidationError, (_("Item: {0} not found in the system").format(item_code)) # end of life and stock item validate_end_of_life(item_code, item.end_of_life, verbose=0) validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0) # item should not be serialized if item.has_serial_no == "Yes": raise webnotes.ValidationError, (_("Serialized item: {0} can not be managed \ using Stock Reconciliation, use Stock Entry instead").format(item_code)) # item managed batch-wise not allowed if item.has_batch_no == "Yes": raise webnotes.ValidationError, (_("Item: {0} managed batch-wise, can not be \ reconciled using Stock Reconciliation, instead use Stock Entry").format(item_code)) # docstatus should be < 2 validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0) except Exception, e: self.validation_messages.append(_("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row_num)) + cstr(e))
def add_all_roles_to(name): profile = webnotes.doc("Profile", name) for role in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabRole"""): if role[0] not in ["Administrator", "Guest", "All", "Customer", "Supplier", "Partner"]: d = profile.addchild("user_roles", "UserRole") d.role = role[0] d.insert()
def validate_item(self, item_code, row_num): from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life, validate_is_stock_item, \ validate_cancelled_item # using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together try: item = webnotes.doc("Item", item_code) # end of life and stock item validate_end_of_life(item_code, item.end_of_life, verbose=0) validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0) # item should not be serialized if item.has_serial_no == "Yes": raise webnotes.ValidationError, (_("Serialized Item: '") + item_code + _("""' can not be managed using Stock Reconciliation.\ You can add/delete Serial No directly, \ to modify stock of this item.""")) # docstatus should be < 2 validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0) except Exception, e: self.validation_messages.append(_("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row_num+2)) + cstr(e))
def __init__(self, login=None, password=None, server=None, port=None, use_ssl=None): # get defaults from control panel try: es = webnotes.doc('Email Settings','Email Settings') except webnotes.DoesNotExistError: es = None self._sess = None if server: self.server = server self.port = port self.use_ssl = cint(use_ssl) self.login = login self.password = password elif es and es.outgoing_mail_server: self.server = es.outgoing_mail_server self.port = es.mail_port self.use_ssl = cint(es.use_ssl) self.login = es.mail_login self.password = es.mail_password self.always_use_login_id_as_sender = es.always_use_login_id_as_sender else: self.server = webnotes.conf.get("mail_server") or "" self.port = webnotes.conf.get("mail_port") or None self.use_ssl = cint(webnotes.conf.get("use_ssl") or 0) self.login = webnotes.conf.get("mail_login") or "" self.password = webnotes.conf.get("mail_password") or ""
def execute(): webnotes.reload_doc("core", "doctype", "communication") webnotes.conn.commit() for d in webnotes.conn.sql( """select owner, creation, modified, modified_by, parent, from_email, mail from `tabSupport Ticket Response`""", as_dict=1): c = webnotes.doc("Communication") c.creation = d.creation c.owner = d.owner c.modified = d.modified c.modified_by = d.modified_by c.naming_series = "COMM-" c.subject = "response to Support Ticket: " + d.parent c.content = d.mail c.email_address = d.from_email c.support_ticket = d.parent email_addr = email.utils.parseaddr(c.email_address)[1] = webnotes.conn.get_value( "Contact", {"email_id": email_addr}, "name") or None c.lead = webnotes.conn.get_value("Lead", {"email_id": email_addr}, "name") or None c.communication_medium = "Email" webnotes.conn.begin(), keep_timestamps=True) webnotes.conn.commit() webnotes.delete_doc("DocType", "Support Ticket Response")
def boot_session(bootinfo): """boot session - send website info if guest""" import webnotes import webnotes.model.doc bootinfo['custom_css'] = webnotes.conn.get_value('Style Settings', None, 'custom_css') or '' bootinfo['website_settings'] = webnotes.model.doc.getsingle('Website Settings') if webnotes.session['user']!='Guest': bootinfo['letter_heads'] = get_letter_heads() load_country_and_currency(bootinfo) import webnotes.model.doctype bootinfo['notification_settings'] = webnotes.doc("Notification Control", "Notification Control").get_values() # if no company, show a dialog box to create a new company bootinfo["customer_count"] = webnotes.conn.sql("""select count(*) from tabCustomer""")[0][0] if not bootinfo["customer_count"]: bootinfo['setup_complete'] = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabCompany limit 1""") and 'Yes' or 'No' # load subscription info import conf for key in ['max_users', 'expires_on', 'max_space', 'status', 'developer_mode']: if hasattr(conf, key): bootinfo[key] = getattr(conf, key) bootinfo['docs'] += webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, default_currency, cost_center from `tabCompany`""", as_dict=1, update={"doctype":":Company"})
def make(doctype=None, name=None, content=None, subject=None, sender=None, recipients=None, contact=None, lead=None, company=None, communication_medium="Email", send_email=False, print_html=None, attachments='[]', send_me_a_copy=False, set_lead=True, date=None): # add to Communication sent_via = None d = webnotes.doc('Communication') d.subject = subject d.content = content d.sender = sender or webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.session.user, "email") d.recipients = recipients d.lead = lead = contact = company if date: d.creation = date if doctype: sent_via = webnotes.get_obj(doctype, name) d.fields[doctype.replace(" ", "_").lower()] = name if set_lead: set_lead_and_contact(d) d.communication_medium = communication_medium if send_email: send_comm_email(d, name, sent_via, print_html, attachments, send_me_a_copy), ignore_fields=True)
def get_parent_item_groups(item_group_name): item_group = webnotes.doc("Item Group", item_group_name) return webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, page_name from `tabItem Group` where lft <= %s and rgt >= %s and ifnull(show_in_website,0)=1 order by lft asc""", (item_group.lft, item_group.rgt), as_dict=True)
def run(report_name, filters=None): report = webnotes.doc("Report", report_name) if filters and isinstance(filters, basestring): filters = json.loads(filters) if not webnotes.has_permission(report.ref_doctype, "report"): webnotes.msgprint(_("Must have report permission to access this report."), raise_exception=True) if report.report_type=="Query Report": if not report.query: webnotes.msgprint(_("Must specify a Query to run"), raise_exception=True) if not report.query.lower().startswith("select"): webnotes.msgprint(_("Query must be a SELECT"), raise_exception=True) result = [list(t) for t in webnotes.conn.sql(report.query, filters)] columns = [c[0] for c in webnotes.conn.get_description()] else: method_name = scrub(webnotes.conn.get_value("DocType", report.ref_doctype, "module")) \ + ".report." + scrub( + "." + scrub( + ".execute" columns, result = webnotes.get_method(method_name)(filters or {}) result = get_filtered_data(report.ref_doctype, columns, result) if cint(report.add_total_row) and result: result = add_total_row(result, columns) return { "result": result, "columns": columns }
def validate_item(self, item_code, row_num): from stock.utils import validate_end_of_life, validate_is_stock_item, \ validate_cancelled_item # using try except to catch all validation msgs and display together try: item = webnotes.doc("Item", item_code) if not item: raise webnotes.ValidationError, ( _("Item: {0} not found in the system").format(item_code)) # end of life and stock item validate_end_of_life(item_code, item.end_of_life, verbose=0) validate_is_stock_item(item_code, item.is_stock_item, verbose=0) # item should not be serialized if item.has_serial_no == "Yes": raise webnotes.ValidationError, ( _("Serialized item: {0} can not be managed \ using Stock Reconciliation, use Stock Entry instead").format(item_code)) # item managed batch-wise not allowed if item.has_batch_no == "Yes": raise webnotes.ValidationError, ( _("Item: {0} managed batch-wise, can not be \ reconciled using Stock Reconciliation, instead use Stock Entry").format( item_code)) # docstatus should be < 2 validate_cancelled_item(item_code, item.docstatus, verbose=0) except Exception, e: self.validation_messages.append( _("Row # ") + ("%d: " % (row_num)) + cstr(e))
def run(report_name): report = webnotes.doc("Report", report_name) if not webnotes.has_permission(report.ref_doctype, "report"): webnotes.msgprint(_("Must have report permission to access this report."), raise_exception=True) if report.report_type=="Query Report": if not report.query: webnotes.msgprint(_("Must specify a Query to run"), raise_exception=True) if not report.query.lower().startswith("select"): webnotes.msgprint(_("Query must be a SELECT"), raise_exception=True) result = [list(t) for t in webnotes.conn.sql(report.query)] columns = [c[0] for c in webnotes.conn.get_description()] else: from webnotes.modules import scrub method_name = scrub(webnotes.conn.get_value("DocType", report.ref_doctype, "module")) \ + ".report." + scrub( + "." + scrub( + ".execute" columns, result = webnotes.get_method(method_name)() return { "result": result, "columns": columns }
def load_country_and_currency(bootinfo, doclist): if and \ webnotes.conn.exists("Country", doclist += [webnotes.doc("Country",] doclist += webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabCurrency where ifnull(enabled,0)=1""", as_dict=1, update={"doctype":":Currency"})
def get_context(self): import webnotes.utils import markdown2 # this is for double precaution. usually it wont reach this code if not published if not webnotes.utils.cint(self.doc.published): raise Exception, "This blog has not been published yet!" # temp fields from webnotes.utils import global_date_format, get_fullname self.doc.full_name = get_fullname(self.doc.owner) self.doc.updated = global_date_format(self.doc.published_on) if self.doc.blogger: self.doc.blogger_info = webnotes.doc("Blogger", self.doc.blogger).fields self.doc.description = self.doc.blog_intro or self.doc.content[:140] self.doc.meta_description = self.doc.description self.doc.categories = webnotes.conn.sql_list( "select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name") self.doc.comment_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ select comment, comment_by_fullname, creation from `tabComment` where comment_doctype="Blog Post" and comment_docname=%s order by creation""",, as_dict=1) or []
def get_context(self): import webnotes.utils import markdown2 # this is for double precaution. usually it wont reach this code if not published if not webnotes.utils.cint(self.doc.published): raise Exception, "This blog has not been published yet!" # temp fields from webnotes.utils import global_date_format, get_fullname self.doc.full_name = get_fullname(self.doc.owner) self.doc.updated = global_date_format(self.doc.published_on) if self.doc.blogger: self.doc.blogger_info = webnotes.doc("Blogger", self.doc.blogger).fields self.doc.description = self.doc.blog_intro or self.doc.content[:140] self.doc.meta_description = self.doc.description self.doc.categories = webnotes.conn.sql_list("select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name") self.doc.comment_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ select comment, comment_by_fullname, creation from `tabComment` where comment_doctype="Blog Post" and comment_docname=%s order by creation""",, as_dict=1) or []
def get_context(): """generate rss feed""" host = get_request_site_address() blog_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ select page_name as name, published_on, modified, title, content from `tabBlog Post` where ifnull(published,0)=1 order by published_on desc limit 20""", as_dict=1) for blog in blog_list: = urllib.quote(host + '/' + + '.html') blog.content = escape_html(blog.content or "") if blog_list: modified = max((blog['modified'] for blog in blog_list)) else: modified = now() ws = webnotes.doc('Website Settings', 'Website Settings') context = { 'title': ws.title_prefix, 'description': ws.description or ((ws.title_prefix or "") + ' Blog'), 'modified': modified, 'items': blog_list, 'link': host + '/blog' } webnotes.response.content_type = "text/xml" # print context return context
def make_word_map(): webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from tabWord""") webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from `tabWord Data Set`""") webnotes.conn.commit() webnotes.conn.auto_commit_on_many_writes = True for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, ifnull(title, "") as title, ifnull(description, "") as description from `tabData Set`""", as_dict=True): sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() # cleanup all_text = d.title + d.description all_text = all_text.replace("%", "percent").replace('"', "") for t in replace_with_space: all_text = all_text.replace(t, " ") for t in eliminate_list: all_text = all_text.replace(t, "") for word in all_text.split(): name = word.title() if len(name) > 5 and (name not in common_list): if not webnotes.conn.exists("Word", name): webnotes.doc({ "doctype": "Word", "name": name, "count": 1 }).insert() else: webnotes.conn.sql( """update tabWord set `count`=`count` + 1 where name=%s""", name) if not webnotes.conn.sql( """select name from `tabWord Data Set` where word=%s and data_set=%s""", (name, webnotes.doc({ "doctype": "Word Data Set", "data_set":, "word": name }).insert() for d in webnotes.conn.sql("select name from tabWord where `count`< 100"): webnotes.delete_doc('Word', d[0]) webnotes.conn.commit()
def get_website_settings(): from webnotes.utils import get_request_site_address, encode, cint from urllib import quote all_top_items = webnotes.conn.sql("""\ select * from `tabTop Bar Item` where parent='Website Settings' and parentfield='top_bar_items' order by idx asc""", as_dict=1) top_items = [d for d in all_top_items if not d['parent_label']] # attach child items to top bar for d in all_top_items: if d['parent_label']: for t in top_items: if t['label']==d['parent_label']: if not 'child_items' in t: t['child_items'] = [] t['child_items'].append(d) break context = webnotes._dict({ 'top_bar_items': top_items, 'footer_items': webnotes.conn.sql("""\ select * from `tabTop Bar Item` where parent='Website Settings' and parentfield='footer_items' order by idx asc""", as_dict=1), "webnotes": webnotes, "utils": webnotes.utils, "post_login": [ {"label": "Reset Password", "url": "update-password", "icon": "icon-key"}, {"label": "Logout", "url": "/?cmd=web_logout", "icon": "icon-signout"} ] }) settings = webnotes.doc("Website Settings", "Website Settings") for k in ["banner_html", "brand_html", "copyright", "twitter_share_via", "favicon", "facebook_share", "google_plus_one", "twitter_share", "linked_in_share", "disable_signup"]: if k in settings.fields: context[k] = settings.fields.get(k) if settings.address: context["footer_address"] = settings.address for k in ["facebook_share", "google_plus_one", "twitter_share", "linked_in_share", "disable_signup"]: context[k] = cint(context.get(k) or 0) context.url = quote(str(get_request_site_address(full_address=True)), str("")) context.encoded_title = quote(encode(context.title or ""), str("")) try: import startup.webutils if hasattr(startup.webutils, "get_website_settings"): startup.webutils.get_website_settings(context) except: pass return context
def set_defaults(args): # enable default currency webnotes.conn.set_value("Currency", args.get("currency"), "enabled", 1) global_defaults = webnotes.bean("Global Defaults", "Global Defaults") global_defaults.doc.fields.update({ 'current_fiscal_year': args.curr_fiscal_year, 'default_currency': args.get('currency'), 'default_company': args.get('company_name'), 'date_format': webnotes.conn.get_value("Country", args.get("country"), "date_format"), "float_precision": 4 }) accounts_settings = webnotes.bean("Accounts Settings") accounts_settings.doc.auto_accounting_for_stock = 1 stock_settings = webnotes.bean("Stock Settings") stock_settings.doc.item_naming_by = "Item Code" stock_settings.doc.valuation_method = "FIFO" stock_settings.doc.stock_uom = "Nos" stock_settings.doc.auto_indent = 1 selling_settings = webnotes.bean("Selling Settings") selling_settings.doc.cust_master_name = "Customer Name" selling_settings.doc.so_required = "No" selling_settings.doc.dn_required = "No" buying_settings = webnotes.bean("Buying Settings") buying_settings.doc.supp_master_name = "Supplier Name" buying_settings.doc.po_required = "No" buying_settings.doc.pr_required = "No" buying_settings.doc.maintain_same_rate = 1 notification_control = webnotes.bean("Notification Control") notification_control.doc.quotation = 1 notification_control.doc.sales_invoice = 1 notification_control.doc.purchase_order = 1 hr_settings = webnotes.bean("HR Settings") hr_settings.doc.emp_created_by = "Naming Series" # control panel cp = webnotes.doc("Control Panel", "Control Panel") for k in ['country', 'timezone', 'company_name']: cp.fields[k] = args[k]
def get_blog_template_args(): args = { "categories": webnotes.conn.sql_list( "select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name") } args.update(webnotes.doc("Blog Settings", "Blog Settings").fields) return args
def validate(self): self.set_status() self.doc.total_hours = 0.0 for d in self.doclist.get({"doctype": "Time Log Batch Detail"}): tl = webnotes.doc("Time Log", d.time_log) self.update_time_log_values(d, tl) self.validate_time_log_is_submitted(tl) self.doc.total_hours += float(tl.hours or 0.0)
def get_context(): """returns web style""" from webnotes.webutils import get_hex_shade doc = webnotes.doc("Style Settings", "Style Settings") prepare(doc) return {"doc": doc, "get_hex_shade": get_hex_shade}
def onload(self): """load employee""" emp_list = [] for d in self.doclist.get({"doctype": "About Us Team Member"}): emp = webnotes.doc("Employee", d.employee) emp.image = url_for_website(emp.image) emp_list.append(emp) self.doclist += emp_list