예제 #1
    def do_details(self, id):
        details [ID]

        Get details of subscriptions.
        If no ID given, display all details of all backends.
        l = []
        id, backend_name = self.parse_id(id)

        if not id:
            for subscrib in self.get_object_list('iter_subscription'):
                l.append((subscrib.id, subscrib.backend))
            l.append((id, backend_name))

        for id, backend in l:
            names = (backend, ) if backend is not None else None
            # XXX: should be generated by backend? -Flo
            # XXX: no, but you should do it in a specific formatter -romain
            # TODO: do it, and use exec_method here. Code is obsolete
            mysum = Detail()
            mysum.label = u"Sum"
            mysum.infos = u"Generated by boobill"
            mysum.price = Decimal("0.")

            for detail in self.do('get_details', id, backends=names):
                mysum.price = detail.price + mysum.price

예제 #2
 def get_details(self, sub):
     det = Detail()
     det.id = sub.id
     det.label = sub.label
     det.infos = ''
     det.price = Decimal('0.0')
     return det
예제 #3
    def get_details(self):
        txt = self._parse_pdf()
        page = txt.split('CONSOMMATION')[2].split('ACTIVITE DETAILLEE')[0]
        lines = page.split('\n')
        lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]  # Remove empty lines
        numitems = (
            (len(lines) + 1) / 3
        ) - 1  # Each line has three columns, remove one element (pictures)
        lines.insert(len(lines) - 1,
                     '')  # Add an empty column for "Prélèvement mensuel
        details = []
        for i in range(numitems):
            nature = i * 3
            conso = nature + 1
            price = conso + 1

            detail = Detail()
            detail.label = unicode(lines[nature], encoding='utf-8')
            detail.infos = unicode(lines[conso], encoding='utf-8')
                detail.price = Decimal(lines[price].replace('€', ''))
                detail.price = Decimal(0)
        return details
예제 #4
파일: browser.py 프로젝트: hugues/weboob
 def iter_details(self, sub):
     det = Detail()
     det.id = sub.id
     det.label = sub.label
     det.infos = ''
     det.price = Decimal('0.0')
     yield det
예제 #5
 def get_balance(self):
     for calls in self.get_calls():
         if "Votre solde" in calls.label:
             detail = Detail()
             detail.price = calls.price
             detail.label = u"Balance"
             return detail
예제 #6
파일: pages.py 프로젝트: hugues/weboob
    def get_calls(self):
        table = self.document.xpath('//table/tbody')[0]
        for tr in table.xpath('tr'):
            tds = tr.xpath('td')

            rawdate = tds[0].text_content()
            splitdate = rawdate.split('-')
            month_no = self.months.index(splitdate[1]) + 1
            mydate = date(int(splitdate[2]), month_no, int(splitdate[0]))

            rawtime = tds[1].text_content()
            mytime = time(*[int(x) for x in rawtime.split(":")])

            price = re.sub(u'[^\d\-\.]', '', tds[6].text)
            detail = Detail()
            detail.datetime = datetime.combine(mydate, mytime)
            detail.label = u"%s from %s to %s - %s" % (
                tds[2].text, tds[3].text, tds[4].text, tds[5].text)
                detail.price = Decimal(price)
            except InvalidOperation:
                detail.price = Decimal(0)  # free calls
            detail.currency = Currency.CUR_EUR

            yield detail
예제 #7
파일: pages.py 프로젝트: guix77/weboob
 def iter_history(self):
     tables = self.doc.xpath(
         '//table[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " cTableauTriable ")]')
     if len(tables) > 0:
         lines = tables[0].xpath('.//tr')
         sno = 0
         for tr in lines:
             list_a = tr.xpath('.//a')
             if len(list_a) == 0:
             date = tr.xpath('.//td')[0].text.strip()
             lot = list_a[0].text.replace('(*)', '').strip()
             if lot == 'SNL':
                 sno = sno + 1
                 lot = lot + str(sno)
             factures = tr.xpath('.//div[@class="cAlignGauche"]/a')
             factures_lbl = ''
             for a in factures:
                 factures_lbl = factures_lbl + a.text.replace(
                     '(**)', '').strip() + ' '
             montant = tr.xpath(
             det = Detail()
             det.id = u'' + lot
             det.label = u'' + lot
             det.infos = u'' + factures_lbl
             det.datetime = datetime.strptime(date, "%d/%m/%Y").date()
             det.price = Decimal(montant.replace(',', '.'))
             yield det
예제 #8
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.calls = []
        for tr in self.document.xpath('//tr'):
                attrib = tr.attrib["class"]
            if attrib == "even" or attrib == "odd":
                label = u''
                tddate = tr.find('td[@class="middle nowrap"]')
                for td in tr.xpath('td[@class="long"]'):
                    label += unicode(td.text.strip()) + u' '
                tdprice = tr.xpath('td[@class="price"]')
                label += u'(' + unicode(tdprice[0].text.strip()) + u')'
                price = Decimal(tdprice[1].text.strip().replace(',', '.'))
                detail = Detail()
                mydate = date(*reversed([
                    for x in tddate.text.strip().split(' ')[0].split(".")
                mytime = time(*[
                    for x in tddate.text.strip().split(' ')[1].split(":")
                detail.datetime = datetime.combine(mydate, mytime)
                detail.label = label
                detail.price = price

예제 #9
 def get_balance(self, subscription):
     if not isinstance(subscription, Subscription):
         subscription = self.get_subscription(subscription)
     balance = Detail()
     balance.price = subscription._balance
     balance.label = u"Balance"
     balance.currency = Currency.CUR_EUR
     return balance
예제 #10
    def get_calls(self):
        txt = self._parse_pdf()
        pages = txt.split("DEBIT")
        pages.pop(0)  # remove headers
        details = []
        for page in pages:
            page = page.split('RÉGLO MOBILE')[0].split('N.B. Prévoir')[0]  # remove footers
            lines = page.split('\n')
            lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]  # Remove empty lines
            numitems = (len(lines) + 1) / 4  # Each line has five columns
            lines.pop(0)  # remove the extra € symbol
            modif = 0
            i = 0
            while i < numitems:
                if modif != 0:
                    numitems = ((len(lines) + 1 + modif) / 4)
                base = i * 4 - modif
                dateop = base
                corres = base + 1
                duree = base + 2
                price = base + 3
                if "Changement vers le Forfait" in lines[base]:
                    modif += 1
                    i += 1
                # Special case with 5 columns, the operation date is not in the first one
                if len(re.split("(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)", lines[dateop])) < 2:
                    lines[base + 1] = lines[base] + " " + lines[base + 1]
                    dateop = base + 1
                    corres = base + 2
                    duree = base + 3
                    price = base + 4
                    modif -= 1
                detail = Detail()
                splits = re.split("(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)", lines[dateop])
                mydate = date(*reversed([int(x) for x in splits[1].split("/")]))
                mytime = time(*[int(x) for x in splits[2].split(":")])
                detail.datetime = datetime.combine(mydate, mytime)
                if lines[corres] == '-':
                    lines[corres] = ""
                if lines[duree] == '-':
                    lines[duree] = ''
                detail.label = unicode(splits[0], encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') + u" " + lines[corres] + u" " + lines[duree]
                # Special case with only 3 columns, we insert a price
                if "Activation de votre ligne" in detail.label or u"Résiliation" in detail.label:
                    lines.insert(price, '0')
                    detail.price = Decimal(lines[price].replace(',', '.'))
                    # In some special cases, there are no price column. Try to detect it
                    if "Inclus" not in lines[price]:
                        modif += 1
                    detail.price = Decimal(0)

                i += 1
        return sorted(details, key=_get_date, reverse=True)
예제 #11
파일: module.py 프로젝트: linura/weboob
 def get_balance(self, subscription):
     if not isinstance(subscription, Subscription):
         subscription = self.get_subscription(subscription)
     balance = Detail()
     balance.id = "%s-balance" % subscription.id
     balance.price = subscription._balance
     balance.label = u"Balance %s" % subscription.id
     balance.currency = u'EUR'
     return balance
예제 #12
    def get_calls(self):
        txt = self._parse_pdf()
        pages = txt.split("DEBIT")
        pages.pop(0)  # remove headers
        details = []
        for page in pages:
            page = page.split('RÉGLO MOBILE')[0].split('N.B. Prévoir')[0]  # remove footers
            lines = page.split('\n')
            lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]  # Remove empty lines
            numitems = (len(lines) + 1) / 4  # Each line has five columns
            modif = 0
            i = 0
            while i < numitems:
                if modif != 0:
                    numitems = ((len(lines) + 1 + modif) / 4)
                nature = i * 4 - modif
                dateop = nature
                corres = nature + 1
                duree = corres + 1
                price = duree + 1
                if "Changement vers le Forfait" in lines[nature]:
                    modif += 1
                    i += 1
                if len(re.split("(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)", lines[dateop])) < 2:
                    lines[nature + 1] = lines[nature] + " " + lines[nature + 1]
                    dateop = nature + 1
                    corres = dateop + 1
                    duree = corres + 1
                    price = duree + 1
                    modif -= 1
                if not lines[corres][0:3].isdigit() and not lines[corres][0:3] == "-":
                    modif += 1
                detail = Detail()
                splits = re.split("(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)", lines[dateop])
                mydate = date(*reversed([int(x) for x in splits[1].split("/")]))
                mytime = time(*[int(x) for x in splits[2].split(":")])
                detail.datetime = datetime.combine(mydate, mytime)
                if lines[corres] == '-':
                    lines[corres] = ""
                if lines[duree] == '-':
                    lines[duree] = ''
                detail.label = unicode(splits[0], encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') + u" " + lines[corres] + u" " + lines[duree]
                # Special case with only 3 columns, we insert a price
                if "Activation de votre ligne" in detail.label:
                    lines.insert(price, '0')
                    detail.price = Decimal(lines[price].replace(',', '.'))
                    detail.price = Decimal(0)

                i += 1
        return sorted(details, key=_get_date, reverse=True)
예제 #13
 def get_balance(self):
     if not self.is_on_page(HistoryPage):
     detail = Detail()
     detail.label = u"Balance"
     for calls in self.get_history():
         if "Votre solde" in calls.label:
             detail.price = calls.price
             return detail
     detail.price = NotAvailable
     return detail
예제 #14
    def _iter_divs(self, divs, num, inter=False):
        for div in divs:
            detail = Detail()
            detail.label = CleanText('div[@class="titre"]/p')(div)
            detail.id = "-" + detail.label.split(' ')[1].lower()
            if inter:
                detail.label = detail.label + u" (international)"
                detail.id = detail.id + "-inter"
            detail.infos = CleanText('div[@class="conso"]/p')(div)
            detail.price = CleanDecimal('div[@class="horsForfait"]/p/span', default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)(div)

예제 #15
    def parse_voice(self, div, string, num, inter=False):
        voice = Detail()
        voice.id = "-voice"
        voice.label = unicode(div.find('div[@class="titre"]/p').text_content())
        if inter:
            voice.label = voice.label + " (international)"
            voice.id = voice.id + "-inter"
        voice.price = convert_price(div)
        voice1 = div.xpath('div[@class="conso"]/p/span')[0].text
        voice2 = div.xpath('div[@class="conso"]/p/span')[1].text
        voice.infos = unicode(string) % (voice1, voice2)

        return voice
예제 #16
    def _parse_voice(self, div, string, num, inter=False):
        voicediv = div.xpath('div[@class="conso"]')[0]
        voice = Detail()
        voice.id = "-voice"
        voice.label = CleanText('div[@class="titre"]/p')(div)
        if inter:
            voice.label = voice.label + " (international)"
            voice.id = voice.id + "-inter"
        voice.price = CleanDecimal('div[@class="horsForfait"]/p/span', default=Decimal(0), replace_dots=True)(div)
        voice1 = CleanText('.//span[@class="actif"][1]')(voicediv)
        voice2 = CleanText('.//span[@class="actif"][2]')(voicediv)
        voice.infos = unicode(string) % (voice1, voice2)

        return voice
예제 #17
    def iter_divs(self, divs, num, inter=False):
        for div in divs:
            detail = Detail()

            detail.label = unicode(
            detail.id = "-" + detail.label.split(' ')[1].lower()
            if inter:
                detail.label = detail.label + u" (international)"
                detail.id = detail.id + "-inter"
            detail.infos = unicode(
            detail.price = convert_price(div)

예제 #18
    def iter_payments(self, sub):

        table = self.browser.page.document.xpath('//table[contains(@summary, "Informations sur mon")]')[0]
        for tr in table.xpath('.//tr'):
            list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
            if len(list_tds) == 0:
            date = datetime.strptime(self.parser.tocleanstring(list_tds[0]), "%d/%m/%Y").date()
            amount = self.parser.tocleanstring(list_tds[1])
            if amount is None:
            det = Detail()
            det.id = sub._id + "." + date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
            det.price = Decimal(re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', amount).replace(',', '.'))
            det.datetime = date
            det.label = unicode(self.parser.tocleanstring(list_tds[2]))
            yield det
예제 #19
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.details = []
        table = self.document.xpath('//table[@id="reportTable"]')[0]

        for tr in table.xpath('tbody/tr'):
            detail = Detail()
            # Skip global category
            if tr.find('td/a') is not None:
            if tr.attrib["class"] == "totalAmount":
            tds = tr.xpath('td')
            detail.label = unicode(tds[0].text.strip())
            detail.infos = unicode(tds[1].text.strip())
            detail.price = Decimal(tds[2].text.split(' ')[0].replace(',', '.'))

예제 #20
 def iter_payment_details(self, sub):
     if sub._id.isdigit():
         idx = 0
         idx = sub._id.replace('AFFILIE', '')
     if len(
     ) > idx or self.document.xpath('//table[@id="DetailPaiement3"]') > idx:
         id_str = self.document.xpath(
         m = re.match('.*le (.*) pour un montant de.*', id_str)
         if m:
             id_str = m.group(1)
             id_date = datetime.strptime(id_str, '%d/%m/%Y').date()
             id = sub._id + "." + datetime.strftime(id_date, "%Y%m%d")
             table = self.document.xpath(
             line = 1
             last_date = None
             for tr in table:
                 tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
                 if len(tds) == 0:
                 date_str = tds[0].text
                 det = Detail()
                 det.id = id + "." + str(line)
                 det.label = unicode(tds[1].text.strip())
                 if date_str is None or date_str == '':
                     det.infos = u''
                     det.datetime = last_date
                     det.infos = u'Payé ' + unicode(
                         re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                tds[2].text)) + u'€ / Base ' + unicode(
                                    re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', tds[3].text)
                                ) + u'€ / Taux ' + unicode(
                                    re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                           tds[4].text)) + '%'
                     det.datetime = datetime.strptime(date_str,
                     last_date = det.datetime
                 det.price = Decimal(
                     re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', tds[5].text).replace(',', '.'))
                 line = line + 1
                 yield det
예제 #21
 def iter_history(self):
     table = self.document.xpath('//table[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " cTableauTriable ")]')[0].xpath('.//tr')
     for tr in table:
         list_a = tr.xpath('.//a')
         if len(list_a) == 0:
         date = tr.xpath('.//td')[0].text.strip()
         lot = list_a[0].text
         factures = tr.xpath('.//div[@class="cAlignGauche"]/a')
         factures_lbl = ''
         for a in factures:
             factures_lbl = factures_lbl + a.text + ' '
         montant = tr.xpath('.//div[@class="cAlignDroite"]')[0].text.strip()
         det = Detail()
         det.id = lot
         det.label = lot
         det.infos = factures_lbl
         det.datetime = datetime.strptime(date, "%d/%m/%Y").date()
         det.price = Decimal(montant.replace(',', '.'))
         yield det
예제 #22
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.calls = []
        for tr in self.document.xpath('//tr'):
            tds = tr.xpath('td')
            if tds[0].text is None or tds[0].text == "Date":
                detail = Detail()
                mydate = date(*reversed(
                    [int(x) for x in tds[0].text.split(' ')[0].split("/")]))
                mytime = time(
                    *[int(x) for x in tds[0].text.split(' ')[2].split(":")])
                detail.datetime = datetime.combine(mydate, mytime)
                detail.label = u' '.join([
                    unicode(td.text.strip()) for td in tds[1:4]
                    if td.text is not None
                    detail.price = Decimal(tds[4].text[0:4].replace(',', '.'))
                    detail.price = Decimal(0)

예제 #23
 def get_details(self):
     txt = self._parse_pdf()
     page = txt.split('CONSOMMATION')[2].split('ACTIVITE DETAILLEE')[0]
     lines = page.split('\n')
     lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]  # Remove empty lines
     details = []
     detail = None
     lines.pop(-1)  # Line to describes pictures
     twolines = False
     for line in lines:
         if "Votre consommation" in line:
             line = line.split(": ", 1)[1]
         if twolines:
             twolines = False
             detail.infos = unicode(line, encoding='utf-8')
         elif re.match('[A-Za-z]', line[0]):
             # We have a new element, return the other one
             if detail is not None:
             detail = Detail()
             split = re.split("(\d)", line, maxsplit=1)
             detail.price = Decimal(0)
             if len(split) > 2:
                 detail.infos = unicode(split[1] + split[2],
                 twolines = True
             if '€' in line:
                 specialprice = split[1] + split[2]
                 detail.price = Decimal(specialprice.replace('€', ''))
             detail.label = unicode(split[0], encoding='utf-8')
         elif '€' in line:
             detail.price = Decimal(line.replace('€', ''))
             detail.infos = unicode(line, encoding='utf-8')
     return details
예제 #24
파일: pages.py 프로젝트: yang2lalang/weboob
    def iter_payment_details(self, sub):
        if CleanText('//div[@class="infoPrestationsAssure"]/span')(
                self.doc).startswith('Pour %s' % sub.subscriber):
            id_str = self.doc.xpath(
            m = re.match('.*le (.*) pour un montant de.*', id_str)
            if m:
                id_str = m.group(1)
                id_date = datetime.strptime(id_str, '%d/%m/%Y').date()
                id = sub._id + "." + datetime.strftime(id_date, "%Y%m%d")
                table = self.doc.xpath(
                line = 1
                last_date = None
                for tr in table:
                    tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
                    if len(tds) == 0:

                    det = Detail()

                    if len(tds) == 5:
                        date_str = tds[0].text
                        det.id = id + "." + str(line)
                        det.label = unicode(tds[1].text.strip())

                        jours = tds[2].text
                        if jours is None:
                            jours = '0'

                        montant = tds[3].text
                        if montant is None:
                            montant = '0'

                        price = tds[4].text
                        if price is None:
                            price = '0'

                        if date_str is None or date_str == '':
                            det.infos = u''
                            det.datetime = last_date
                            det.infos = date_str + u' (' + unicode(
                                re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                       jours)) + u'j) * ' + unicode(
                                           re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                                  montant)) + u'€'
                            det.datetime = datetime.strptime(
                                date_str.split(' ')[3], '%d/%m/%Y').date()
                            last_date = det.datetime
                        det.price = Decimal(
                            re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', price).replace(',', '.'))

                    if len(tds) == 6:
                        date_str = tds[0].text
                        det.id = id + "." + str(line)
                        det.label = unicode(tds[1].text.strip())

                        paye = tds[2].text
                        if paye is None:
                            paye = '0'

                        base = tds[3].text
                        if base is None:
                            base = '0'

                        taux = tds[4].text
                        if taux is None:
                            taux = '0'

                        price = tds[5].text
                        if price is None:
                            price = '0'

                        if date_str is None or date_str == '':
                            det.infos = u''
                            det.datetime = last_date
                            det.infos = u'Payé ' + unicode(
                                re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                       paye)) + u'€ / Base ' + unicode(
                                           re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', base)
                                       ) + u'€ / Taux ' + unicode(
                                           re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', taux)) + '%'
                            det.datetime = datetime.strptime(
                                date_str, '%d/%m/%Y').date()
                            last_date = det.datetime
                        det.price = Decimal(
                            re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', price).replace(',', '.'))
                    line = line + 1
                    yield det
예제 #25
    def _parse_page(self, page):

        # Regexp
        footnote = re.compile(r'\([0-9]\) ')                # (f)
        ht = re.compile('HT par mois')
        base = re.compile('la base de')
        enddate = re.compile('\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d')            # YY/MM/DD
        endwithdigit = re.compile('\d+$')                   # blah blah 42
        textwithcoma = re.compile('([a-z]|\d{4})\,')        # blah 2012, blah blah

        # Parsing
        details = []
        for title in ['Abonnement',
                      'Contributions et taxes liées à l\'énergie']:
            section = page.split(title, 1)[1].split('Total ')[0]

            # When a line holds '(0)', a newline is missing.
            section = re.sub(footnote, '\n', section)

            lines = section.split('\n')
            lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]  # Remove empty lines
            detail = None

            for line in lines:
                if re.match('[A-Za-z]', line[0]):

                    # Things we want to merge with the one just before
                    if 'facturées' in line:
                        # Long lines are sometimes split, so we try to join them
                        # That is the case for:
                        # 'Déduction du montant des consommations
                        # estimées facturées du 00/00/00 au 00/00/00'
                        detail.label = detail.label + u' ' + unicode(line, encoding='utf-8')

                    # Things for which we want a new detail
                        # Entering here, we will instantiate a new detail.
                        # We hadn't so before because of fragmented lines.
                        if detail is not None and detail.label is not NotAvailable:
                            # We have a new element, return the other one
                        detail = Detail()
                        detail.price = Decimal(0)

                        # If the coma is not a decimal separator, then
                        # this is is probably a loooong sentence.
                        # When it comes to jokes, keep it short and sweet.
                        line = re.split(textwithcoma, line)[0]

                        # Things we want for sure
                        if re.findall(enddate, line):
                            # When a line has been badly split after a date,
                            # We want the label to end after the date, and maybe
                            # the second part to be the info
                            mydate = re.search(enddate, line).group(0)
                            mylist = line.rpartition(mydate)
                            label = mylist[0] + mylist[1]
                            detail.label = unicode(label, encoding='utf-8')
                        elif re.findall(endwithdigit, line):
                            # What is this stupid number at the end of the line?
                            # Line should have been split before the number
                            detail.label = unicode(re.split(endwithdigit, line)[0], encoding='utf-8')
                        # Things we don't want for sure
                        elif ')' in line and '(' not in line:
                            # First part of the parenthesis should have been drop before
                            # Avoid to create a new empty detail
                            detail.label = NotAvailable
                        elif re.match(base, line):
                            # This string should come always after a date,
                            # usually, it will match one of the cases above.
                            # Sometimes, it appears on a new line we don't need.
                            detail.label = NotAvailable
                        elif re.match(ht, line):
                            # '00,00 € HT par mois' may have been split after HT
                            # We don't need of the second line
                            detail.label = NotAvailable
                        # Things we probably want to keep
                            # Well, maybe our line is correct, after all.
                            # Not much to do.
                            detail.label = unicode(line, encoding='utf-8')
                        detail.infos = NotAvailable
                elif ' %' in line:
                    if isinstance(detail, Detail):
                        # Sometimes the vat is not on a new line:
                        # '00,00 00,0 %' instead of '00,0 %'
                        vat = line.split()[line.count(' ')-1].replace(',', '.')
                        detail.infos = unicode('TVA: ' + vat)
                elif ' €' in line:
                    price = line.replace(',', '.')
                    if isinstance(detail, Detail):
                        detail.price = Decimal(price.strip(' €'))
                elif re.match(enddate, line):
                    # Line holding dates may have been mixed up
                    label = detail.label.split(' au ')[0] + u' au ' + unicode(line, encoding='utf-8')
                    detail.label = label
            if detail.label is not NotAvailable:
                # Do not append empty details to the list
                # It seemed easier to create details anyway than dealing
                # with None objects
        return details
예제 #26
파일: pages.py 프로젝트: dermorz/weboob
    def iter_payment_details(self, sub):
        id_str = self.doc.xpath(
            '//div[@class="entete container"]/h2')[0].text.strip()
        m = re.match('.*le (.*) pour un montant de.*', id_str)
        if m:
            blocs_benes = self.doc.xpath(
            blocs_prestas = self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tableauPrestation"]')
            i = 0
            last_bloc = len(blocs_benes)
            for i in range(0, last_bloc):
                bene = blocs_benes[i].text
                id_str = m.group(1)
                id_date = datetime.strptime(id_str, '%d/%m/%Y').date()
                id = sub._id + "." + datetime.strftime(id_date, "%Y%m%d")
                table = blocs_prestas[i].xpath('.//tr')
                line = 1
                last_date = None
                for tr in table:
                    tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
                    if len(tds) == 0:

                    det = Detail()

                    # TO TEST : Indemnités journalières : Pas pu tester de cas de figure similaire dans la nouvelle mouture du site
                    if len(tds) == 4:
                        date_str = Regexp(r'.*<br/>(\d+/\d+/\d+)\).*',
                        det.id = id + "." + str(line)
                        det.label = unicode(

                        jours = tds[1].text
                        if jours is None:
                            jours = '0'

                        montant = tds[2].text
                        if montant is None:
                            montant = '0'

                        price = tds[3].text
                        if price is None:
                            price = '0'

                        if date_str is None or date_str == '':
                            det.infos = u''
                            det.datetime = last_date
                            det.infos = date_str + u' (' + unicode(
                                re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                       jours)) + u'j) * ' + unicode(
                                           re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                                  montant)) + u'€'
                            det.datetime = datetime.strptime(
                                date_str.split(' ')[3], '%d/%m/%Y').date()
                            last_date = det.datetime
                        det.price = Decimal(
                            re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', price).replace(',', '.'))

                    if len(tds) == 5:
                        date_str = Regexp(
                        det.id = id + "." + str(line)
                        det.label = bene + u' - ' + unicode(

                        paye = tds[1].text
                        if paye is None:
                            paye = '0'

                        base = tds[2].text
                        if base is None:
                            base = '0'

                        tdtaux = tds[3].xpath('.//span')[0].text
                        if tdtaux is None:
                            taux = '0'
                            taux = tdtaux.strip()

                        tdprice = tds[4].xpath('.//span')[0].text
                        if tdprice is None:
                            price = '0'
                            price = tdprice.strip()

                        if date_str is None or date_str == '':
                            det.infos = u''
                            det.datetime = last_date
                            det.infos = u' Payé ' + unicode(
                                re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '',
                                       paye)) + u'€ / Base ' + unicode(
                                           re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', base)
                                       ) + u'€ / Taux ' + unicode(
                                           re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', taux)) + '%'
                            det.datetime = datetime.strptime(
                                date_str, '%d/%m/%Y').date()
                            last_date = det.datetime
                        det.price = Decimal(
                            re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', price).replace(',', '.'))
                    line = line + 1
                    yield det