예제 #1
def createRecruiter(username, password, name, email, designation, company=None):
    if (models.Account.objects.filter(username=username).count() > 0):
        return None
    account = models.Account()
    account.username = username
    account.password = dataplus.hash(password)
    account.account_type = 'R'
    account.account_state = 'A'
    account.name = name
    account.email = email
    rec = models.Recruiter()
    rec.account = account
    rec.username = username
    rec.name = name
    rec.email = email
    rec.designation = designation
    rec.company = company

    mru_data = models.RecruiterMRUData()
    mru_data.last_accessed_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    mru_data.location = 'Bangalore'
    mru_data.last_used_industry_category = models.IndustryCategory.objects.get(name='Software/IT') #Bad.. Need industry category to be created first
    mru_data.recruiter = rec
    return rec
예제 #2
def validatePassword(account_id, password):
        if account_id > 0:
            account = models.Account.objects.get(id=account_id)
            if (account.password == dataplus.hash(password)):
                return True
        return False
        return False
예제 #3
def doAjaxLogin(username, password):
        account = models.Account.objects.get(username=username.lower(), password=dataplus.hash(password))
        return False, None, None, 'Error: Invalid username or password.'
    session_id = sessions_client.query('addNewSession', [account.username])
    if session_id:
        updateLivewireData(session_id, account)
        if account.account_type == 'U':
            if account.account_state == 'A':
                return True, session_id,'/me/', None
            elif account.account_state == 'I':
                return True, session_id,'/me/createresume.htm?action=revisit', None
        if account.account_type == 'R':
            return True, session_id,'/recruiters/', None
    return False, None, None, 'System error - unable to login. We have logged the error, and should be able to resolve it soon.'
예제 #4
def handle(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_to_response('recruiters/signup.htm')
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        result, response = validateRequest(request)
        if not result:
            return response
        existing_users = models.Account.objects.filter(username=dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'username'))
        if existing_users.count() > 0:
            return render_to_response('recruiters/signup.htm', 
                {'error_html': '<p class="error-note">Username already exists. Please choose another.</p>'})
            #add some transactions here.
            account = models.Account()
            account.username = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'username')
            account.name = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'name')
            account.password = dataplus.hash(dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'password1'))
            account.account_type = 'R'
            account.account_state = 'A'
            account.email = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'email',escapeHtml=True)
            rec = models.Recruiter()
            rec.account = account
            rec.username = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'username')
            rec.name = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'name')
            rec.email = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'email',escapeHtml=True)
            rec.designation = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'designation',escapeHtml=True)
            rec.company = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'company',escapeHtml=True)
            rec.company_website = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'companyWebsite',escapeHtml=True)
            mru_data = models.RecruiterMRUData()
            mru_data.last_accessed_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            mru_data.recruiter = rec
            new_account = models.Account.objects.get(username=dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'username'))
            request.session['account_id'] = new_account.id
            return HttpResponseRedirect('accountcreated.htm')
예제 #5
def handle(request):
    myself = siteaction.getLoggedInAccount(request)
    if not myself:
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login.htm')

    #TODO: notify user about success, success_page will change
    logged_in_type = siteaction.getLoggedInAccountType(request)
    if logged_in_type == 'U':
        pwd_page = 'me/changepassword.htm'
        success_page = '/me/editsettings.htm?flashId=pwd_chnged'
    elif logged_in_type == 'R':
        pwd_page = 'recruiters/changepassword.htm'    
        success_page = '/recruiters/'
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return siteaction.render_to_response(pwd_page, {'myself':myself})

    elif request.method == 'POST':

        #Password length >= 6 and <=12
        valid, invalid_msg = dataplus.isLengthValid(dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'password1'), 6, 12, 'Password')
        if not valid:
            return siteaction.render_to_response(pwd_page, 
                {'error_html': '<p class="error-note">' + invalid_msg + '</p>'})   
        #Passwords should match
        if dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'password1') != dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'password2'):
            return siteaction.render_to_response(pwd_page, 
                {'error_html': '<p class="error-note">Passwords do not match.</p>'})
        #Is the Old Password Check
        if (siteaction.validatePassword(myself.id, dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'oldpassword'))):
            myself.password = dataplus.hash(dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'password1'))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(success_page)
            return siteaction.render_to_response(pwd_page, 
                {'error_html': '<p class="error-note">Old password was incorrect. Try again.</p>'})
예제 #6
def handle(request):
    #TODO: Check 24 hour validity period
    passkey = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'passwordChangeKey', '')
    change_req = dataplus.returnIfExists(models.PasswordChangeRequest.objects.filter(req_random_key=passkey,created_at__gte=(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(1))))
    if not change_req:
        return siteaction.render_to_response('showmessage.htm', 
            {'msg_heading': 'Password Reset',
             'msg_html': 'Invalid link. The password reset link that you clicked is either invalid or expired. ' + \
                'You can try to <a href="forgotpassword.htm">Reset the Password</a> again.'})
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return siteaction.render_to_response('resetpassword.htm',
        {'passwordChangeKey': dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'passwordChangeKey')})

    elif request.method == 'POST':
        #Password length >= 6 and <=12
        valid, invalid_msg = dataplus.isLengthValid(dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'password1'), 6, 12, 'Password')
        if not valid:
            return siteaction.render_to_response('resetpassword.htm', 
                {'error_html': '<p class="error-note">' + invalid_msg + '</p>',
                 'passwordChangeKey': dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'passwordChangeKey')})   
        #Passwords should match
        if dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'password1') != dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'password2'):
            return siteaction.render_to_response('resetpassword.htm', 
                {'error_html': '<p class="error-note">Passwords do not match.</p>',
                 'passwordChangeKey': dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'passwordChangeKey')})

        account = change_req.account
        account.password = dataplus.hash(dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'password1'))
        return siteaction.render_to_response('showmessage.htm', 
            {'msg_heading': 'Password Reset',
             'msg_html': 'Your password was reset. You can now login with your new password. ' + \
                '<a href="/login.htm">Login</a>'})
예제 #7
def doLogin(request, referer=None):
        account = models.Account.objects.get(username=dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'username').lower(), password=dataplus.hash(dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'password')))
        return render_to_response('login.htm', 
            {'error_message': '<p style="color:#FF0000">Error: Invalid username or password.</p>'})

    session_id = sessions_client.query('addNewSession', [account.username])
    if session_id:
        updateLivewireData(session_id, account)
        if (not referer) or (referer == ''):
            if account.account_type == 'U':
                if account.account_state == 'A':
                    return redirectWithCookie('/me/', 'session_id', session_id)
                elif account.account_state == 'I':
                    return redirectWithCookie('/me/createresume.htm?action=revisit', 'session_id', session_id)
            if account.account_type == 'R':
                return redirectWithCookie('/recruiters/', 'session_id', session_id)
            return redirectWithCookie(referer, 'session_id', session_id)
    return render_to_response('login.htm', 
        {'error_html': '<p>System error - unable to login. We have logged the error, and should be able to resolve it soon.</p>',
         'show_back_btn': True})
예제 #8
def createUser(username, name, password, email, country, industry_category='Software/IT', experience=0, invitation=None):
    username = username.lower()
    #add some transactions here?
    account = models.Account()
    account.username = username
    account.name = name
    account.password = dataplus.hash(password)
    account.email = email
    account.account_type = 'U'
    account.account_state = 'A'
    user = models.User()
    user.account = account
    user.username = username
    user.name = name
    user.email = email
    user.last_access_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    user.last_update_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    user.resume_update_time = config.min_date
    #some defaults for the images
    user.image_file_path = config.noimg
    user.image_size1_file_path = config.noimg_50
    user.image_size2_file_path = config.noimg_72
    user.image_size3_file_path = config.noimg_128    

    resume_contents = models.ResumeContents()
    resume_contents.text = 'Resume not uploaded yet.'
    resume_contents.masked_text = 'Resume not uploaded yet.'
    resume_contents.html_style = ''
    resume_contents.html_formatter = ''
    user.resume_contents = resume_contents            
    #Empty vessels make more noise
    user.phone = ''
    user.personal_desc = ''
    user.small_desc = ''
    user.blog_url = ''
    user.hilite = ''
    user.resume_dir = ''
    user.salary_range_lower = 0
    user.salary_range_upper = 0
    user.working_since = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(experience * 365)
    user.industry_category = models.IndustryCategory.objects.get(name=industry_category)
    #save maadi!

    user_settings = models.UserSettings()
    user_settings.email_fwd_messages = False
    user_settings.email_fwd_jobrefs = True
    user_settings.email_fwd_alerts = True
    user_settings.phone_num_visibility = 'friends'
    user_settings.resume_visibility = 'everyone'
    user_settings.interest_in_new_job = 'active'
    user_settings.preferred_location = 'Anywhere'
    user_settings.original_resume_format = ''
    user_settings.available_resume_download_formats = ''
    user_settings.preferred_resume_download_format = 'pdf'
    user_settings.resume_download_format_set = False
    user_settings.enable_voip_dial = True
    user_settings.country = country
    user_settings.currency = statix.country_currency_map[user_settings.country]
    user_settings.user = user
    chat_settings = models.ChatSettings()
    chat_settings.account = account
    chat_settings.online_status = 'everyone'
    chat_settings.custom_message = ''
    chat_settings.invite_preference = 'friends'
    chat_settings.ignore_list = ''
    chat_settings.image_size1_file_path = config.noimg_50
    chat_settings.image_size2_file_path = config.noimg_72
    chat_settings.image_size3_file_path = config.noimg_128

    matching_jobs = models.MatchingJobs()
    matching_jobs.user = user
    matching_jobs.jobs = ''
    mru_data = models.UserMRUData()
    mru_data.last_accessed_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    mru_data.user = user
    mail1_subject = 'Let\'s get started with Socialray'
    mail1_body_html = '<p>Welcome to Socialray.</p><p>Some of the things you can try out on Socialray:<br />' + \
                    ' - Making your Resume searchable through Google<br />' + \
                    ' - <a href="/me/searchpeople.htm">Find friends</a> and other connections<br />' + \
                    ' - Join <a href="/me/searchcommunities.htm">Interesting Communities</a><br />' + \
                    ' - Add credibility to your resume with <a href="/profiles/' + user.username + '/">Testimonials</a><br />' + \
                    ' - Refer jobs to your Friends and Communities<br />' + \
                    ' - Chat with your friends using Socialray Web Chat<br />' + \
                    ' - You can even <a href="/me/editmedia.htm">attach videos</a> to your resume</p>' + \
                    '<p>Socialray is learning. And we are evolving with new features. So keep checking.</p>' + \
                    '<p>Regards,<br />Socialray Team</p>'            
    mail1_body_text = 'Welcome to Socialray. \r\n\r\n Some of the things you can try out on Socialray:\r\n' + \
                    ' - Making your Resume searchable through Google\r\n' + \
                    ' - Find friends and other connections\r\n' + \
                    ' - Join Interesting Communities\r\n' + \
                    ' - Add credibility to your resume with Testimonials\r\n' + \
                    ' - Refer jobs to your Friends and Communities\r\n' + \
                    ' - Chat with your friends using Socialray Web Chat\r\n' + \
                    ' - You can even attach videos to your resume\r\n\r\n' + \
                    'Socialray is learning. And we are evolving with new features. So keep checking.\r\n\r\n' + \
                    'Regards,\r\nSocialray Team\r\n\r\n'

    mail1_body_html_external = '<p>Welcome to Socialray.</p><p>Some of the things you can try out on Socialray:<br />' + \
                    ' - Making your Resume searchable through Google<br />' + \
                    ' - <a href="http://www.socialray.org/me/searchpeople.htm">Find friends</a> and other connections<br />' + \
                    ' - Join <a href="http://www.socialray.org/me/searchcommunities.htm">Interesting Communities</a><br />' + \
                    ' - Add credibility to your resume with <a href="http://www.socialray.org/profiles/' + user.username + '/">Testimonials</a><br />' + \
                    ' - Refer Jobs to your Friends and Communities<br />' + \
                    ' - Chat with your friends using Socialray Web Chat<br />' + \
                    ' - You can even <a href="http://www.socialray.org/me/editmedia.htm">Attach Videos</a> to your resume</p>' + \
                    '<p>Socialray is learning. And we are evolving with new features. So keep checking.</p>' + \
                    '<p>Regards,<br />Socialray Team</p>'                             
    mailman.sendToInbox(None, user.username, mail1_subject, mail1_body_html, 'SA')
    mailman.sendOneWayMail('Socialray ' + config.system_email, ['"' + user.name + '" <' + user.email + '>'], mail1_subject, mail1_body_html_external, 
        None, None, mail1_body_text)
    mail2_subject = 'Take a tour'
    mail2_body_html = '<p>Socialray has added some really exciting features,  like the new chat system, yahoo and skype integration and better communities.</p>' + \
                    '<p>We have created the <a href="/tour.html">socialray tour</a>, to show you all that.</p>' + \
                    '<p>Regards,<br />Socialray Team</p>'
    mail2_body_text = 'Socialray has added some really exciting features,  like the new chat system, yahoo and skype integration and better communities.\r\n\r\n' + \
                    'We have created the socialray tour at http://www.socialray.org/tour.html, to show you all that.\r\n\r\n' + \
                    'Regards,\r\nSocialray Team\r\n\r\n'
    mailman.sendToInbox(None, user.username, mail2_subject, mail2_body_html, 'SA')
    mailman.sendOneWayMail('Socialray ' + config.system_email, ['"' + user.name + '" <' + user.email + '>'], mail2_subject, mail2_body_html, 
        None, None, mail2_body_text)

    if invitation:
        post_signup_actions = models.PostSignupActions(user=user)
        post_signup_actions.actions = invitation
    return user
예제 #9
def createUser(username, password, name, email, industry_category):
    if (models.Account.objects.filter(username=username).count() > 0):
        return None
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    account = models.Account()
    account.username = username
    account.password = dataplus.hash(password)
    account.account_type = 'U'
    account.account_state = 'A'
    account.name = name
    account.email = email
    user = models.User()
    user.account = account
    user.username = username
    user.name = name
    user.email = email
    user.resume_update_time = now
    user.image_size1_file_path = '/apps/socialray/website/bigfoot/ui/files/images/' + username + '-p1.jpg'
    user.image_size2_file_path = '/apps/socialray/website/bigfoot/ui/files/images/' + username + '-p2.jpg'
    user.image_size3_file_path = '/apps/socialray/website/bigfoot/ui/files/images/' + username + '-p3.jpg'
    user.image_file_path = '/apps/socialray/website/bigfoot/ui/files/images/' + username + '.jpg'
    user.last_access_time = now
    user.last_update_time = now
    resume_contents = models.ResumeContents()
    resume_contents.text = ''
    user.resume_contents = resume_contents
    user.personal_desc = ''
    user.small_desc = ''
    user.blog_url = ''
    user.hilite = ''
    user.resume_dir = ''
    user.industry_category = industry_category
    resume_text = '"After all the fuss over the AACS trying to censor a certain 128-bit number ' + \
        'that now has something over two million hits on Google, the folks at Freedom to Tinker ' + \
        'would like to point out that you too can own your own integer. They\'ve set up a script' + \
        ' that will generate a random number, encrypt a copyrighted haiku with it, and then deed' + \
        ' the number back to you. You won\'t get a copyright on the number or the haiku, but your' + \
        ' number has become an illegal circumvention device under the DMCA, such that anyone subject' + \
        ' to US law caught distributing it can be punished under the DMCA\'s anti-trafficking section,' + \
        ' for which the DMCA\'s Safe Harbor provisions do not apply. So F9090211749D5BE341D8C5565663C088 ' + \
        'is truly mine now, and you can pry it out of my cold, dead fingers!"'
    codejar_resume.saveResume(user, resume_text, '')
    settings = models.UserSettings()
    settings.email_fwd_messages = False
    settings.email_fwd_jobrefs = True
    settings.email_fwd_alerts = True
    settings.phone_num_visibility = 'all'
    settings.user = user
    matching_jobs = models.MatchingJobs()
    matching_jobs.user = user

    mru_data = models.UserMRUData()
    mru_data.last_accessed_time = now
    mru_data.user = user
    return user