def test_is_json_request(self): with'application/json'): assert_true(is_json_request()) with assert_false(is_json_request()) with'application/json;charset=UTF-8'): assert_true(is_json_request())
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect( web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) user = User.load(uid) # The unregistered user # user ID is invalid. Unregistered user is not in database if not user: raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST) # If claim token not valid, redirect to registration page if not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): return redirect(web_url_for('auth_login')) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get( 'claimer_email') or unclaimed_record.get('email') form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): username, password = claimer_email, user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = security.random_string(20) # Authenticate user and redirect to project page node = Node.load(pid) status.push_status_message( language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR.format(node=node), kind='success', trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. return redirect( cas.get_login_url(web_url_for('user_profile', _absolute=True), auto=True, username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key)) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': claimer_email if claimer_email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }
def claim_user_registered(auth, node, **kwargs): """View that prompts user to enter their password in order to claim contributorship on a project. A user must be logged in. """ current_user = auth.user sign_out_url = web_url_for('auth_login', logout=True, next=request.url) if not current_user: return redirect(sign_out_url) # Logged in user should not be a contributor the project if node.is_contributor(current_user): logout_url = web_url_for('auth_logout', redirect_url=request.url) data = { 'message_short': 'Already a contributor', 'message_long': ('The logged-in user is already a contributor to this ' 'project. Would you like to <a href="{}">log out</a>?').format(logout_url) } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=data) uid, pid, token = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'], kwargs['token'] unreg_user = User.load(uid) if not verify_claim_token(unreg_user, token, pid=node._primary_key): raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST) # Store the unreg_user data on the session in case the user registers # a new account['unreg_user'] = { 'uid': uid, 'pid': pid, 'token': token } form = PasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): if current_user.check_password( node.replace_contributor(old=unreg_user, new=current_user) status.push_status_message( 'You are now a contributor to this project.', kind='success', trust=False ) return redirect(node.url) else: status.push_status_message(language.LOGIN_FAILED, kind='warning', trust=False) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) if is_json_request(): form_ret = forms.utils.jsonify(form) user_ret = profile_utils.serialize_user(current_user, full=False) else: form_ret = form user_ret = current_user return { 'form': form_ret, 'user': user_ret, 'signOutUrl': sign_out_url }
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """ View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. HTTP Method: GET, POST """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') user = User.load(uid) # If unregistered user is not in database, or url bears an invalid token raise HTTP 400 error if not user or not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): error_data = { 'message_short': 'Invalid url.', 'message_long': 'Claim user does not exists, the token in the URL is invalid or has expired.' } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect(web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get('claimer_email') or unclaimed_record.get('email') form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if not form.validate(): forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) elif settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and not validate_recaptcha(request.form.get('g-recaptcha-response'), remote_ip=request.remote_addr): status.push_status_message('Invalid captcha supplied.', kind='error') else: username, password = claimer_email, user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = generate_verification_key() # Authenticate user and redirect to project page status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR, kind='success', trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. return redirect(cas.get_login_url( web_url_for('view_project', pid=pid, _absolute=True), username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key )) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': claimer_email if claimer_email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """ View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. HTTP Method: GET, POST """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') user = User.load(uid) # If unregistered user is not in database, or url bears an invalid token raise HTTP 400 error if not user or not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): error_data = { 'message_short': 'Invalid url.', 'message_long': 'Claim user does not exists, the token in the URL is invalid or has expired.' } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect(web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get('claimer_email') or unclaimed_record.get('email') form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): username, password = claimer_email, user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = generate_verification_key() # Authenticate user and redirect to project page status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR, kind='success', trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. return redirect(cas.get_login_url( web_url_for('view_project', pid=pid, _absolute=True), username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key )) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': claimer_email if claimer_email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect(web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) user = User.load(uid) # The unregistered user # user ID is invalid. Unregistered user is not in database if not user: raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST) # If claim token not valid, redirect to registration page if not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): return redirect(web_url_for('auth_login')) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get('claimer_email') or unclaimed_record.get('email') form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): username, password = claimer_email, user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = security.random_string(20) # Authenticate user and redirect to project page node = Node.load(pid) status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR.format(node=node), kind='success', trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. return redirect(cas.get_login_url( web_url_for('user_profile', _absolute=True), auto=True, username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key )) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': claimer_email if claimer_email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }
def claim_user_registered(auth, node, **kwargs): """ View that prompts user to enter their password in order to claim being a contributor on a project. A user must be logged in. """ current_user = auth.user sign_out_url = web_url_for("auth_register", logout=True, next=request.url) if not current_user: return redirect(sign_out_url) # Logged in user should not be a contributor the project if node.is_contributor(current_user): logout_url = web_url_for("auth_logout", redirect_url=request.url) data = { "message_short": "Already a contributor", "message_long": ( "The logged-in user is already a contributor to this " 'project. Would you like to <a href="{}">log out</a>?' ).format(logout_url), } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=data) uid, pid, token = kwargs["uid"], kwargs["pid"], kwargs["token"] unreg_user = User.load(uid) if not verify_claim_token(unreg_user, token, pid=node._primary_key): error_data = { "message_short": "Invalid url.", "message_long": "The token in the URL is invalid or has expired.", } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # Store the unreg_user data on the session in case the user registers # a new account["unreg_user"] = {"uid": uid, "pid": pid, "token": token} form = PasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == "POST": if form.validate(): if current_user.check_password( node.replace_contributor(old=unreg_user, new=current_user) status.push_status_message("You are now a contributor to this project.", kind="success", trust=False) return redirect(node.url) else: status.push_status_message(language.LOGIN_FAILED, kind="warning", trust=False) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) if is_json_request(): form_ret = forms.utils.jsonify(form) user_ret = profile_utils.serialize_user(current_user, full=False) else: form_ret = form user_ret = current_user return {"form": form_ret, "user": user_ret, "signOutUrl": sign_out_url}
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect( web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) user = User.load(uid) # The unregistered user # user ID is invalid. Unregistered user is not in database if not user: raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST) # If claim token not valid, redirect to registration page if not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): return redirect('/account/') unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() email = unclaimed_record['email'] form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): username, password =, user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} # Authenticate user and redirect to project page response = redirect('/settings/') node = Node.load(pid) status.push_status_message( language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR.format(node=node), 'success') return authenticate(user, response) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': email if email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }
def handle_error(code): """Display an error thrown outside a routed view function. :param int code: Error status code :return: Flask `Response` object """ # TODO: Remove circular import from website.routes import OsfWebRenderer json_renderer = JSONRenderer() web_renderer = OsfWebRenderer('', render_mako_string) error = HTTPError(code) renderer = json_renderer if is_json_request() else web_renderer return make_response(renderer.handle_error(error))
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect(web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) user = User.load(uid) # The unregistered user # user ID is invalid. Unregistered user is not in database if not user: raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST) # If claim token not valid, redirect to registration page if not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): return redirect('/account/') unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() email = unclaimed_record['email'] form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): username, password = email, user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} # Authenticate user and redirect to project page response = redirect('/settings/') node = Node.load(pid) status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR.format(node=node), 'success') return authenticate(user, response) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': email if email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """ View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. HTTP Method: GET, POST """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') user = OSFUser.load(uid) # If unregistered user is not in database, or url bears an invalid token raise HTTP 400 error if not user or not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): error_data = { 'message_short': 'Invalid url.', 'message_long': 'Claim user does not exists, the token in the URL is invalid or has expired.' } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect(web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get('claimer_email') or unclaimed_record.get('email') # If there is a registered user with this email, redirect to 're-enter password' page try: user_from_email = OSFUser.objects.get(emails__address=claimer_email.lower().strip()) if claimer_email else None except OSFUser.DoesNotExist: user_from_email = None if user_from_email and user_from_email.is_registered: return redirect(web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if not form.validate(): forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) elif settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and not validate_recaptcha(request.form.get('g-recaptcha-response'), remote_ip=request.remote_addr): status.push_status_message('Invalid captcha supplied.', kind='error') else: username, password = claimer_email, if not username: raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=dict( message_long='No email associated with this account. Please claim this ' 'account on the project to which you were invited.' )) user.register(username=username, password=password, # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = generate_verification_key() # Authenticate user and redirect to project page status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR, kind='success', trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. provider = PreprintProvider.load(pid) redirect_url = None if provider: redirect_url = web_url_for('auth_login', next=provider.landing_url, _absolute=True) else: redirect_url = web_url_for('resolve_guid', guid=pid, _absolute=True) return redirect(cas.get_login_url( redirect_url, username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key )) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': claimer_email if claimer_email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, 'osf_contact_email': settings.OSF_CONTACT_EMAIL, }
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """ View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. HTTP Method: GET, POST """ uid, pid = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'] token = request.form.get('token') or request.args.get('token') user = OSFUser.load(uid) # If unregistered user is not in database, or url bears an invalid token raise HTTP 400 error if not user or not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): error_data = { 'message_short': 'Invalid url.', 'message_long': 'Claim user does not exists, the token in the URL is invalid or has expired.' } raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect( web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record['name'] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get( 'claimer_email') or unclaimed_record.get('email') # If there is a registered user with this email, redirect to 're-enter password' page try: user_from_email = OSFUser.objects.get( emails__address=claimer_email.lower().strip( )) if claimer_email else None except OSFUser.DoesNotExist: user_from_email = None if user_from_email and user_from_email.is_registered: return redirect( web_url_for('claim_user_registered', uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == 'POST': if not form.validate(): forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) elif settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and not validate_recaptcha( request.form.get('g-recaptcha-response'), remote_ip=request.remote_addr): status.push_status_message('Invalid captcha supplied.', kind='error') else: username, password = claimer_email, if not username: raise HTTPError( http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, data=dict( message_long= 'No email associated with this account. Please claim this ' 'account on the project to which you were invited.')) user.register( username=username, password=password, # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = generate_verification_key() # Authenticate user and redirect to project page status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR, kind='success', trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. provider = PreprintProvider.load(pid) redirect_url = None if provider: redirect_url = web_url_for('auth_login', next=provider.landing_url, _absolute=True) else: redirect_url = web_url_for('resolve_guid', guid=pid, _absolute=True) return redirect( cas.get_login_url(redirect_url, username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key)) return { 'firstname': user.given_name, 'email': claimer_email if claimer_email else '', 'fullname': user.fullname, 'form': forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, 'osf_contact_email': settings.OSF_CONTACT_EMAIL, }
def claim_user_registered(auth, node, **kwargs): """ View that prompts user to enter their password in order to claim being a contributor on a project. A user must be logged in. """ current_user = auth.user sign_out_url = cas.get_logout_url(service_url=cas.get_login_url( service_url=request.url)) if not current_user: return redirect(sign_out_url) # Logged in user should not be a contributor the project if hasattr(node, 'is_contributor') and node.is_contributor(current_user): data = { 'message_short': 'Already a contributor', 'message_long': ('The logged-in user is already a contributor to this ' 'project. Would you like to <a href="{}">log out</a>?' ).format(sign_out_url) } raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, data=data) # Logged in user is already a member of the OSF Group if hasattr(node, 'is_member') and node.is_member(current_user): data = { 'message_short': 'Already a member', 'message_long': ('The logged-in user is already a member of this OSF Group. ' 'Would you like to <a href="{}">log out</a>?' ).format(sign_out_url) } raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, data=data) uid, pid, token = kwargs['uid'], kwargs['pid'], kwargs['token'] unreg_user = OSFUser.load(uid) if not verify_claim_token(unreg_user, token, pid=node._primary_key): error_data = { 'message_short': 'Invalid url.', 'message_long': 'The token in the URL is invalid or has expired.' } raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # Store the unreg_user data on the session in case the user registers # a new account['unreg_user'] = {'uid': uid, 'pid': pid, 'token': token} # If a user is already validated though external auth, it is OK to claim should_claim = check_external_auth(auth.user) form = PasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate(): if current_user.check_password( should_claim = True else: status.push_status_message(language.LOGIN_FAILED, kind='warning', trust=False) else: forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) if should_claim: node.replace_contributor(old=unreg_user, new=current_user) if isinstance(node, OSFGroup): status.push_status_message( 'You are now a member of this OSFGroup.', kind='success', trust=False) else: status.push_status_message( 'You are now a contributor to this project.', kind='success', trust=False) return redirect(node.url) if is_json_request(): form_ret = forms.utils.jsonify(form) user_ret = profile_utils.serialize_user(current_user, full=False) else: form_ret = form user_ret = current_user return {'form': form_ret, 'user': user_ret, 'signOutUrl': sign_out_url}
def claim_user_form(auth, **kwargs): """ View for rendering the set password page for a claimed user. Must have ``token`` as a querystring argument. Renders the set password form, validates it, and sets the user's password. HTTP Method: GET, POST """ uid, pid = kwargs["uid"], kwargs["pid"] token = request.form.get("token") or request.args.get("token") user = User.load(uid) # If unregistered user is not in database, or url bears an invalid token raise HTTP 400 error if not user or not verify_claim_token(user, token, pid): error_data = { "message_short": "Invalid url.", "message_long": "Claim user does not exists, the token in the URL is invalid or has expired.", } raise HTTPError(http.BAD_REQUEST, data=error_data) # If user is logged in, redirect to 're-enter password' page if auth.logged_in: return redirect(web_url_for("claim_user_registered", uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) unclaimed_record = user.unclaimed_records[pid] user.fullname = unclaimed_record["name"] user.update_guessed_names() # The email can be the original referrer email if no claimer email has been specified. claimer_email = unclaimed_record.get("claimer_email") or unclaimed_record.get("email") # If there is a registered user with this email, redirect to 're-enter password' page found_by_email = User.find_by_email(claimer_email) user_from_email = found_by_email[0] if found_by_email else None if user_from_email and user_from_email.is_registered: return redirect(web_url_for("claim_user_registered", uid=uid, pid=pid, token=token)) form = SetEmailAndPasswordForm(request.form, token=token) if request.method == "POST": if not form.validate(): forms.push_errors_to_status(form.errors) elif settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and not validate_recaptcha( request.form.get("g-recaptcha-response"), remote_ip=request.remote_addr ): status.push_status_message("Invalid captcha supplied.", kind="error") else: username, password = claimer_email, if not username: raise HTTPError( http.BAD_REQUEST, data=dict( message_long="No email associated with this account. Please claim this " "account on the project to which you were invited." ), ) user.register(username=username, password=password) # Clear unclaimed records user.unclaimed_records = {} user.verification_key = generate_verification_key() # Authenticate user and redirect to project page status.push_status_message(language.CLAIMED_CONTRIBUTOR, kind="success", trust=True) # Redirect to CAS and authenticate the user with a verification key. return redirect( cas.get_login_url( web_url_for("view_project", pid=pid, _absolute=True), username=user.username, verification_key=user.verification_key, ) ) return { "firstname": user.given_name, "email": claimer_email if claimer_email else "", "fullname": user.fullname, "form": forms.utils.jsonify(form) if is_json_request() else form, }