예제 #1
  def get_salmon(self):
    """Returns a list of Salmon template var dicts for posts and their comments."""
    resp = json.loads(util.urlfetch(
        API_LINKS_URL % {'id': self.key().name(), 'access_token': self.access_token}))

    return list(itertools.chain(*[self.post_and_comments_to_salmon_vars(post)
                                  for post in resp['data']]))
예제 #2
  def get_salmon(self):
    """Returns a list of Salmon template var dicts for tweets and replies."""
    # find tweets with links that include our base url. response is JSON tweets:
    # https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/search
    resp = util.urlfetch(API_SEARCH_URL % self.key().name())
    tweets = json.loads(resp)['results']

    # twitter usernames of people who wrote tweets with links to our domain
    author_usernames = set()

    # maps tweet id to the link (to our domain) that it contains
    tweets_to_links = {}

    # get tweets that link to our domain
    salmons = []
    for tweet in tweets:
      id = tweet.get('id')
      username = tweet.get('from_user')
      tweet_url = self.tweet_url(username, id)
      salmon = self.tweet_to_salmon_vars(tweet)
      if salmon['in_reply_to']:
        logging.debug('Found link %s in tweet %s', salmon['in_reply_to'], tweet_url)
        tweets_to_links[id] = salmon['in_reply_to']
        logging.info("Tweet %s should have %s link but doesn't. Maybe shortened?",
                     tweet_url, self.key().name())

    # find replies to those tweets by searching for tweets that mention the
    # authors.
    for username in author_usernames:
      resp = util.urlfetch(API_SEARCH_URL % ('@' + username))
      mentions = json.loads(resp)['results']
      for mention in mentions:
        logging.debug('Looking at mention: %s', mention)
        link = tweets_to_links.get(mention.get('in_reply_to_status_id'))
        if link:
          salmon = self.tweet_to_salmon_vars(mention)
          salmon['in_reply_to'] = link
          logging.debug('Found reply %s',
                        self.tweet_url(mention['from_user'], mention['id']))

    return salmons
예제 #3
    def discover_salmon_endpoint(self):
        """Discovers and returns the Salmon endpoint URL for this salmon.
    It'd be nice to use an XRD/LRDD library here, but I haven't found much.
    github.com/jcarbaugh/python-xrd is only for generating, not reading.
    pydataportability.net looks powerful but also crazy heavyweight; it
    requires Zope and strongly recommends running inside virtualenv. No thanks.
    Returns: string URL or None
        url = json.loads(self.vars)["in_reply_to"]
        logging.debug("Discovering salmon endpoint for %r", url)
        body = util.urlfetch(url)

        # first look in the document itself
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(body)
        if endpoint:
            logging.debug("Found in original document: %r", endpoint)
            return endpoint

        # next, look in its feed, if any
        # background on feed autodiscovery:
        # http://blog.whatwg.org/feed-autodiscovery
        parsed = feedparser.parse(body)
        for link in parsed.feed.get("links", []):
            rels = link.get("rel").split()
            href = link.get("href")
            if href and ("feed" in rels or "alternate" in rels):
                endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(util.urlfetch(href))
                if endpoint:
                    logging.debug("Found in feed: %r", endpoint)
                    return endpoint

        # next, look in /.well-known/host-meta
        host_meta_url = "http://%s/.well-known/host-meta" % util.domain_from_link(url)
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(util.urlfetch(host_meta_url))
        if endpoint:
            logging.debug("Found in host-meta: %r", endpoint)
            return endpoint

        logging.debug("No salmon endpoint found!")
        return None
예제 #4
    def get_posts(self, migration, scan_url=None):
        """Fetches a page of posts.

      migration: Migration
      scan_url: string, the API URL to fetch the current page of posts. If None,
        starts at the beginning.

      (posts, next_scan_url). posts is a sequence of FacebookPosts.
      next_scan_url is a string, the API URL to use for the next scan, or None
      if there is nothing more to scan.
        # TODO: expose these as options
        # Publish these post types.
        POST_TYPES = ('link', 'checkin', 'video')  # , 'photo', 'status', ...

        # Publish these status types.
        STATUS_TYPES = ('shared_story', 'added_photos', 'mobile_status_update')
        # 'wall_post', 'approved_friend', 'created_note', 'tagged_in_photo', ...

        # Don't publish posts from these applications
        APPLICATION_BLACKLIST = ('Likes', 'Links', 'twitterfeed')

        if not scan_url:
            scan_url = API_POSTS_URL % {
                'id': self.key().name(),
                'access_token': self.access_token
        resp = json.loads(util.urlfetch(scan_url))

        posts = []
        for post in resp['data']:
            app = post.get('application', {}).get('name')
            if ((post.get('type') not in POST_TYPES
                 and post.get('status_type') not in STATUS_TYPES)
                    or (app and app in APPLICATION_BLACKLIST) or
                    # posts with 'story' aren't explicit posts. they're friend approvals or
                    # likes or photo tags or comments on other people's posts.
                    'story' in post):
                logging.info('Skipping post %s', post.get('id'))


        next_scan_url = resp.get('paging', {}).get('next')
        # XXX remove
        if posts and posts[-1].data()['created_time'] < '2013-09-01':
            next_scan_url = None
        # XXX
        return posts, next_scan_url
예제 #5
파일: facebook.py 프로젝트: snarfed/freedom
  def get_posts(self, migration, scan_url=None):
    """Fetches a page of posts.

      migration: Migration
      scan_url: string, the API URL to fetch the current page of posts. If None,
        starts at the beginning.

      (posts, next_scan_url). posts is a sequence of FacebookPosts.
      next_scan_url is a string, the API URL to use for the next scan, or None
      if there is nothing more to scan.
    # TODO: expose these as options
    # Publish these post types.
    POST_TYPES = ('link', 'checkin', 'video')  # , 'photo', 'status', ...

    # Publish these status types.
    STATUS_TYPES = ('shared_story', 'added_photos', 'mobile_status_update')
      # 'wall_post', 'approved_friend', 'created_note', 'tagged_in_photo', ...

    # Don't publish posts from these applications
    APPLICATION_BLACKLIST = ('Likes', 'Links', 'twitterfeed')

    if not scan_url:
      scan_url = API_POSTS_URL % {'id': self.key().name(),
                                  'access_token': self.access_token}
    resp = json.loads(util.urlfetch(scan_url))

    posts = []
    for post in resp['data']:
      app = post.get('application', {}).get('name')
      if ((post.get('type') not in POST_TYPES and
           post.get('status_type') not in STATUS_TYPES) or
          (app and app in APPLICATION_BLACKLIST) or
          # posts with 'story' aren't explicit posts. they're friend approvals or
          # likes or photo tags or comments on other people's posts.
          'story' in post):
        logging.info('Skipping post %s', post.get('id'))

      posts.append(FacebookPost(key_name_parts=(post['id'], migration.key().name()),

    next_scan_url = resp.get('paging', {}).get('next')
    # XXX remove
    if posts and posts[-1].data()['created_time'] < '2013-09-01':
      next_scan_url = None
    # XXX
    return posts, next_scan_url
예제 #6
파일: facebook.py 프로젝트: snarfed/freedom
  def new(handler, access_token=None):
    """Creates and returns a Facebook instance for the logged in user.

      handler: the current webapp2.RequestHandler
    assert access_token
    resp = util.urlfetch(API_USER_URL % {'id': 'me', 'access_token': access_token})
    me = json.loads(resp)

    id = me['id']
    return Facebook.get_or_insert(
      picture='https://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=small' % id,
      url='http://facebook.com/%s' % id)
예제 #7
  def new(handler):
    """Creates and returns a Facebook for the logged in user.

      handler: the current webapp2.RequestHandler
    access_token = handler.request.get('access_token')
    resp = util.urlfetch(API_USER_URL % {'id': 'me', 'access_token': access_token})
    me = json.loads(resp)

    id = me['id']
    return Facebook(
      picture='https://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=small' % id,
      url='http://facebook.com/%s' % id)
예제 #8
    def new(handler, access_token=None):
        """Creates and returns a Facebook instance for the logged in user.

      handler: the current webapp2.RequestHandler
        assert access_token
        resp = util.urlfetch(API_USER_URL % {
            'id': 'me',
            'access_token': access_token
        me = json.loads(resp)

        id = me['id']
        return Facebook.get_or_insert(
            picture='https://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=small' % id,
            url='http://facebook.com/%s' % id)
예제 #9
    def envelope(self):
        """Signs and encloses this salmon in a Magic Signature envelope.

    Fetches the author's Magic Signatures public key via LRDD in order to create
    the signature.

    Returns: JSON dict following Magic Signatures spec section 3.5:

        class UserKey(object):
            def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        salmon_vars = json.loads(self.vars)
        key_url = USER_KEY_HANDLER % (salmon_vars["author_uri"], appengine_config.USER_KEY_HANDLER_SECRET)
        key = UserKey(**json.loads(util.urlfetch(key_url)))
        return XML_DOCTYPE_LINE + magicsigs.magic_envelope(
            ATOM_SALMON_TEMPLATE % salmon_vars, "application/atom+xml", key