예제 #1
파일: test_daily.py 프로젝트: timtsm/weewx
    def testScalarTally(self):
        with weewx.manager.open_manager_with_config(self.config_dict, 'wx_binding') as manager:
            # Pick a random day, say 15 March:
            start_ts = int(time.mktime((2010, 3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)))
            stop_ts = int(time.mktime((2010, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)))
            # Sanity check that this is truly the start of day:
            self.assertEqual(start_ts, weeutil.weeutil.startOfDay(start_ts))

            # Get a day's stats from the daily summaries:
            allStats = manager._get_day_summary(start_ts)

            # Now calculate the same summaries from the raw data in the archive.
            # Here are some random observation types:
            for stats_type in ['barometer', 'outTemp', 'rain']:

                # Now test all the aggregates:
                for aggregate in ['min', 'max', 'sum', 'count', 'avg']:
                    # Compare to the main archive:
                    res = manager.getSql(
                        "SELECT %s(%s) FROM archive WHERE dateTime>? AND dateTime <=?;" % (aggregate, stats_type),
                        (start_ts, stop_ts))
                    # The results from the daily summaries for this aggregation 
                    allStats_res = getattr(allStats[stats_type], aggregate)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(allStats_res, res[0],
                                           msg="Value check. Failing type %s, aggregate: %s" % (stats_type, aggregate))

                    # Check the times of min and max as well:
                    if aggregate in ['min', 'max']:
                        res2 = manager.getSql(
                            "SELECT dateTime FROM archive WHERE %s = ? AND dateTime>? AND dateTime <=?" % (stats_type,),
                            (res[0], start_ts, stop_ts))
                        stats_time = getattr(allStats[stats_type], aggregate + 'time')
                        self.assertEqual(stats_time, res2[0],
                                         "Time check. Failing type %s, aggregate: %s" % (stats_type, aggregate))
예제 #2
파일: test_daily.py 프로젝트: timtsm/weewx
    def testRebuild(self):
        with weewx.manager.open_manager_with_config(self.config_dict, 'wx_binding') as manager:
            # Pick a random day, say 15 March:
            start_d = datetime.date(2010, 3, 15)
            stop_d = datetime.date(2010, 3, 15)
            start_ts = int(time.mktime(start_d.timetuple()))

            # Get the day's statistics:
            origStats = manager._get_day_summary(start_ts)

            # Rebuild that day:
            manager.backfill_day_summary(start_d=start_d, stop_d=stop_d)

            # Get the new statistics
            newStats = manager._get_day_summary(start_ts)

            # Check for equality
            for obstype in ('outTemp', 'barometer', 'windSpeed'):
                self.assertTrue(all([getattr(origStats[obstype], prop) == \
                                     getattr(newStats[obstype], prop) \
                                     for prop in ('min', 'mintime', 'max', 'maxtime',
                                                  'sum', 'count', 'wsum', 'sumtime',
                                                  'last', 'lasttime')]))
예제 #3
파일: test_daily.py 프로젝트: g-eddy/weewx
    def testWindTally(self):
        with weewx.manager.open_manager_with_config(self.config_dict,
                                                    'wx_binding') as manager:
            # Pick a random day, say 15 March:
            start_ts = int(time.mktime((2010, 3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)))
            stop_ts = int(time.mktime((2010, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)))
            # Sanity check that this is truly the start of day:
            self.assertEqual(start_ts, weeutil.weeutil.startOfDay(start_ts))

            allStats = manager._get_day_summary(start_ts)

            # Test all the aggregates:
            for aggregate in ['min', 'max', 'sum', 'count', 'avg']:
                if aggregate == 'max':
                    res = manager.getSql(
                        "SELECT MAX(windGust) FROM archive WHERE dateTime>? AND dateTime <=?;",
                        (start_ts, stop_ts))
                    res = manager.getSql(
                        "SELECT %s(windSpeed) FROM archive WHERE dateTime>? AND dateTime <=?;"
                        % (aggregate, ), (start_ts, stop_ts))

                # From StatsDb:
                allStats_res = getattr(allStats['wind'], aggregate)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(allStats_res, res[0])

                # Check the times of min and max as well:
                if aggregate == 'min':
                    resmin = manager.getSql(
                        "SELECT dateTime FROM archive WHERE windSpeed = ? AND dateTime>? AND dateTime <=?",
                        (res[0], start_ts, stop_ts))
                    self.assertEqual(allStats['wind'].mintime, resmin[0])
                elif aggregate == 'max':
                    resmax = manager.getSql(
                        "SELECT dateTime FROM archive WHERE windGust = ?  AND dateTime>? AND dateTime <=?",
                        (res[0], start_ts, stop_ts))
                    self.assertEqual(allStats['wind'].maxtime, resmax[0])

            # Check RMS:
            (squaresum, count) = manager.getSql(
                "SELECT SUM(windSpeed*windSpeed), COUNT(windSpeed) from archive where dateTime>? AND dateTime<=?;",
                (start_ts, stop_ts))
            rms = math.sqrt(squaresum / count) if count else None
            self.assertAlmostEqual(allStats['wind'].rms, rms)